President Trump selects Jeff Sessions for Attorney step: Lock Her Up!

President-elect Donald Trump has made the offer to Deep South Republican Senator Jeff Sessions to be attorney general.

Sen. Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump at Trump Tower

The Alabama senator is known to be a racist who opposes any path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants in the U.S. In 1986, Sessions became only the second nominee in 50 years to be denied confirmation as a federal judge after allegations that he had made racist remarks. Like most racists, Sessions claimed he was not one but said at his hearing that groups such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and the American Civil Liberties Union could be considered "un-American." One African-American lawyer testified that Sessions had joked that he thought the Ku Klux Klan was "OK until I found out they smoked pot".
I reckon this extremist will be fired before Christmas.
Good. What say you about the satan worshiper Ellison as DNC chair?
President-elect Donald Trump has made the offer to Deep South Republican Senator Jeff Sessions to be attorney general.

Sen. Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump at Trump Tower

The Alabama senator is known to be a racist who opposes any path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants in the U.S. In 1986, Sessions became only the second nominee in 50 years to be denied confirmation as a federal judge after allegations that he had made racist remarks. Like most racists, Sessions claimed he was not one but said at his hearing that groups such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and the American Civil Liberties Union could be considered "un-American." One African-American lawyer testified that Sessions had joked that he thought the Ku Klux Klan was "OK until I found out they smoked pot".
I reckon this extremist will be fired before Christmas.
I fucking called it!

This morning I predicted the dumbasses would call him these kinds of names.
Maybe..but the Democrats never formed a racist suffocating police state like the GrOPers are planning to do.

Sending people home for breaking the law is hardly a "racist suffocation police state", you race baiting POS.

But putting a racist like YOU or Jeff Sessions in charge of the DOJ affects far more than illegal immigration. I am far more concerned about the ramifications this will have on US citizens who love freedom: life and liberty.

Fuck you, you lying piece of shit.
Heh heh heh…GOTCHA!

What are you talking about?

You insulted me, so I insulted you back.

Nothing in that indicates that you "got" me in any way.

Try to be less stupid and dishonest.
Thanks to me, you exhibited the low class upbringing shared by many other blood thirsty RW White males. I have no time for empty hate filled rhetoric… get lost.
President-elect Donald Trump has made the offer to Deep South Republican Senator Jeff Sessions to be attorney general.

Sen. Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump at Trump Tower

The Alabama senator is known to be a racist who opposes any path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants in the U.S. In 1986, Sessions became only the second nominee in 50 years to be denied confirmation as a federal judge after allegations that he had made racist remarks. Like most racists, Sessions claimed he was not one but said at his hearing that groups such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and the American Civil Liberties Union could be considered "un-American." One African-American lawyer testified that Sessions had joked that he thought the Ku Klux Klan was "OK until I found out they smoked pot".
I reckon this extremist will be fired before Christmas.
I fucking called it!

This morning I predicted the dumbasses would call him these kinds of names.

Well of course... a Republican Senate ruled he was too racist to be a federal judge all the way back in 1986 long before the PC era. And now the response by Trump supporters when people call him racist? They mock people with memes, insults, and defend him by saying people call all Conservatives racist. Not a single person has been able to defend his remarks.
President-elect Donald Trump has made the offer to Deep South Republican Senator Jeff Sessions to be attorney general.

Sen. Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump at Trump Tower

The Alabama senator is known to be a racist who opposes any path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants in the U.S. In 1986, Sessions became only the second nominee in 50 years to be denied confirmation as a federal judge after allegations that he had made racist remarks. Like most racists, Sessions claimed he was not one but said at his hearing that groups such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and the American Civil Liberties Union could be considered "un-American." One African-American lawyer testified that Sessions had joked that he thought the Ku Klux Klan was "OK until I found out they smoked pot".
I reckon this extremist will be fired before Christmas.
I fucking called it!

This morning I predicted the dumbasses would call him these kinds of names.

Well of course... a Republican Senate ruled he was too racist to be a federal judge all the way back in 1986 long before the PC era. And now the response by Trump supporters when people call him racist? They mock people with memes, insults, and defend him by saying people call all Conservatives racist. Not a single person has been able to defend his remarks.
Join us in 2016 idiot. If people cared about the past the "pussy grabber" wouldn't be president.
You're welcome to join us on the bus but as Obama said, "Elections have consequences so sit down and shut up, I won"

President-elect Donald Trump has made the offer to Deep South Republican Senator Jeff Sessions to be attorney general.

Sen. Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump at Trump Tower

The Alabama senator is known to be a racist who opposes any path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants in the U.S. In 1986, Sessions became only the second nominee in 50 years to be denied confirmation as a federal judge after allegations that he had made racist remarks. Like most racists, Sessions claimed he was not one but said at his hearing that groups such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and the American Civil Liberties Union could be considered "un-American." One African-American lawyer testified that Sessions had joked that he thought the Ku Klux Klan was "OK until I found out they smoked pot".
I reckon this extremist will be fired before Christmas.
I fucking called it!

This morning I predicted the dumbasses would call him these kinds of names.

Well of course... a Republican Senate ruled he was too racist to be a federal judge all the way back in 1986 long before the PC era. And now the response by Trump supporters when people call him racist? They mock people with memes, insults, and defend him by saying people call all Conservatives racist. Not a single person has been able to defend his remarks.
Impossible to get rid of a fed judge if he does racist stuff. Gop judges are okaying voting laws that are in effect racist, but that's a bit different because states may so things that have racist effects if they have facially valid reasons that further legit state interests.

Sessions has a history of wanting to move right on immigration, and he's fine with immigration bans. I think he also thinks the BLM and Ferguson stuff is by and large bs, and with that I agree. Trump won. He should get his guy.

And yeah Garland should have been confirmed.
President-elect Donald Trump has made the offer to Deep South Republican Senator Jeff Sessions to be attorney general.

Sen. Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump at Trump Tower

The Alabama senator is known to be a racist who opposes any path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants in the U.S. In 1986, Sessions became only the second nominee in 50 years to be denied confirmation as a federal judge after allegations that he had made racist remarks. Like most racists, Sessions claimed he was not one but said at his hearing that groups such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and the American Civil Liberties Union could be considered "un-American." One African-American lawyer testified that Sessions had joked that he thought the Ku Klux Klan was "OK until I found out they smoked pot".
I reckon this extremist will be fired before Christmas.
I fucking called it!

This morning I predicted the dumbasses would call him these kinds of names.

Well of course... a Republican Senate ruled he was too racist to be a federal judge all the way back in 1986 long before the PC era. And now the response by Trump supporters when people call him racist? They mock people with memes, insults, and defend him by saying people call all Conservatives racist. Not a single person has been able to defend his remarks.
Join us in 2016 idiot. If people cared about the past the "pussy grabber" wouldn't be president.
You're welcome to join us on the bus but as Obama said, "Elections have consequences so sit down and shut up, I won"


You mean the same 2016 where the new AG just said grabbing a woman by the pussy isn't sexual assault? Go out to your local grocery store and grab a woman by the pussy and see if you go to jail.
President-elect Donald Trump has made the offer to Deep South Republican Senator Jeff Sessions to be attorney general.

Sen. Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump at Trump Tower

The Alabama senator is known to be a racist who opposes any path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants in the U.S. In 1986, Sessions became only the second nominee in 50 years to be denied confirmation as a federal judge after allegations that he had made racist remarks. Like most racists, Sessions claimed he was not one but said at his hearing that groups such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and the American Civil Liberties Union could be considered "un-American." One African-American lawyer testified that Sessions had joked that he thought the Ku Klux Klan was "OK until I found out they smoked pot".
I reckon this extremist will be fired before Christmas.
I fucking called it!

This morning I predicted the dumbasses would call him these kinds of names.

Well of course... a Republican Senate ruled he was too racist to be a federal judge all the way back in 1986 long before the PC era. And now the response by Trump supporters when people call him racist? They mock people with memes, insults, and defend him by saying people call all Conservatives racist. Not a single person has been able to defend his remarks.
Impossible to get rid of a fed judge if he does racist stuff. Gop judges are okaying voting laws that are in effect racist, but that's a bit different because states may so things that have racist effects if they have facially valid reasons that further legit state interests.

Sessions has a history of wanting to move right on immigration, and he's fine with immigration bans. I think he also thinks the BLM and Ferguson stuff is by and large bs, and with that I agree. Trump won. He should get his guy.

And yeah Garland should have been confirmed.

What are you talking about? He was denied a job as a federal job in 1986 by a Senate confirmation committee because he was deemed too racist.
President-elect Donald Trump has made the offer to Deep South Republican Senator Jeff Sessions to be attorney general.

Sen. Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump at Trump Tower

The Alabama senator is known to be a racist who opposes any path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants in the U.S. In 1986, Sessions became only the second nominee in 50 years to be denied confirmation as a federal judge after allegations that he had made racist remarks. Like most racists, Sessions claimed he was not one but said at his hearing that groups such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and the American Civil Liberties Union could be considered "un-American." One African-American lawyer testified that Sessions had joked that he thought the Ku Klux Klan was "OK until I found out they smoked pot".
I reckon this extremist will be fired before Christmas.
I fucking called it!

This morning I predicted the dumbasses would call him these kinds of names.

Well of course... a Republican Senate ruled he was too racist to be a federal judge all the way back in 1986 long before the PC era. And now the response by Trump supporters when people call him racist? They mock people with memes, insults, and defend him by saying people call all Conservatives racist. Not a single person has been able to defend his remarks.
Join us in 2016 idiot. If people cared about the past the "pussy grabber" wouldn't be president.
You're welcome to join us on the bus but as Obama said, "Elections have consequences so sit down and shut up, I won"


You mean the same 2016 where the new AG just said grabbing a woman by the pussy isn't sexual assault? Go out to your local grocery store and grab a woman by the pussy and see if you go to jail.
Spin some more twisted yarns. That about all the left is good for these days.
President-elect Donald Trump has made the offer to Deep South Republican Senator Jeff Sessions to be attorney general.

Sen. Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump at Trump Tower

The Alabama senator is known to be a racist who opposes any path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants in the U.S. In 1986, Sessions became only the second nominee in 50 years to be denied confirmation as a federal judge after allegations that he had made racist remarks. Like most racists, Sessions claimed he was not one but said at his hearing that groups such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and the American Civil Liberties Union could be considered "un-American." One African-American lawyer testified that Sessions had joked that he thought the Ku Klux Klan was "OK until I found out they smoked pot".
I reckon this extremist will be fired before Christmas.
I fucking called it!

This morning I predicted the dumbasses would call him these kinds of names.

Well of course... a Republican Senate ruled he was too racist to be a federal judge all the way back in 1986 long before the PC era. And now the response by Trump supporters when people call him racist? They mock people with memes, insults, and defend him by saying people call all Conservatives racist. Not a single person has been able to defend his remarks.
Impossible to get rid of a fed judge if he does racist stuff. Gop judges are okaying voting laws that are in effect racist, but that's a bit different because states may so things that have racist effects if they have facially valid reasons that further legit state interests.

Sessions has a history of wanting to move right on immigration, and he's fine with immigration bans. I think he also thinks the BLM and Ferguson stuff is by and large bs, and with that I agree. Trump won. He should get his guy.

And yeah Garland should have been confirmed.

What are you talking about? He was denied a job as a federal job in 1986 by a Senate confirmation committee because he was deemed too racist.

President-elect Donald Trump has made the offer to Deep South Republican Senator Jeff Sessions to be attorney general.

Sen. Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump at Trump Tower

The Alabama senator is known to be a racist who opposes any path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants in the U.S. In 1986, Sessions became only the second nominee in 50 years to be denied confirmation as a federal judge after allegations that he had made racist remarks. Like most racists, Sessions claimed he was not one but said at his hearing that groups such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and the American Civil Liberties Union could be considered "un-American." One African-American lawyer testified that Sessions had joked that he thought the Ku Klux Klan was "OK until I found out they smoked pot".
I reckon this extremist will be fired before Christmas.
I fucking called it!

This morning I predicted the dumbasses would call him these kinds of names.

Well of course... a Republican Senate ruled he was too racist to be a federal judge all the way back in 1986 long before the PC era. And now the response by Trump supporters when people call him racist? They mock people with memes, insults, and defend him by saying people call all Conservatives racist. Not a single person has been able to defend his remarks.
Join us in 2016 idiot. If people cared about the past the "pussy grabber" wouldn't be president.
You're welcome to join us on the bus but as Obama said, "Elections have consequences so sit down and shut up, I won"


You mean the same 2016 where the new AG just said grabbing a woman by the pussy isn't sexual assault? Go out to your local grocery store and grab a woman by the pussy and see if you go to jail.
Spin some more twisted yarns. That about all the left is good for these days.

It's already been quoted directly from him. I dare you... go to a local grocery store and grab a woman by the pussy... see if you get arrested. Then when you do, just say, "Well the new AG said it wasn't sexual assault!"
President-elect Donald Trump has made the offer to Deep South Republican Senator Jeff Sessions to be attorney general.

Sen. Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump at Trump Tower

The Alabama senator is known to be a racist who opposes any path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants in the U.S. In 1986, Sessions became only the second nominee in 50 years to be denied confirmation as a federal judge after allegations that he had made racist remarks. Like most racists, Sessions claimed he was not one but said at his hearing that groups such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and the American Civil Liberties Union could be considered "un-American." One African-American lawyer testified that Sessions had joked that he thought the Ku Klux Klan was "OK until I found out they smoked pot".
I reckon this extremist will be fired before Christmas.
I fucking called it!

This morning I predicted the dumbasses would call him these kinds of names.

Well of course... a Republican Senate ruled he was too racist to be a federal judge all the way back in 1986 long before the PC era. And now the response by Trump supporters when people call him racist? They mock people with memes, insults, and defend him by saying people call all Conservatives racist. Not a single person has been able to defend his remarks.
Impossible to get rid of a fed judge if he does racist stuff. Gop judges are okaying voting laws that are in effect racist, but that's a bit different because states may so things that have racist effects if they have facially valid reasons that further legit state interests.

Sessions has a history of wanting to move right on immigration, and he's fine with immigration bans. I think he also thinks the BLM and Ferguson stuff is by and large bs, and with that I agree. Trump won. He should get his guy.

And yeah Garland should have been confirmed.

What are you talking about? He was denied a job as a federal job in 1986 by a Senate confirmation committee because he was deemed too racist.


Yeah, that is exactly the quote from the story, "Deemed."

Jeff Sessions Was Deemed Too Racist To Be A Federal Judge. He’ll Now Be Trump’s Attorney General.

Jeff Sessions Was Deemed Too Racist To Be A Federal Judge. He'll Now Be Trump's Attorney General. | The Huffington Post
President-elect Donald Trump has made the offer to Deep South Republican Senator Jeff Sessions to be attorney general.

Sen. Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump at Trump Tower

The Alabama senator is known to be a racist who opposes any path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants in the U.S. In 1986, Sessions became only the second nominee in 50 years to be denied confirmation as a federal judge after allegations that he had made racist remarks. Like most racists, Sessions claimed he was not one but said at his hearing that groups such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and the American Civil Liberties Union could be considered "un-American." One African-American lawyer testified that Sessions had joked that he thought the Ku Klux Klan was "OK until I found out they smoked pot".
I reckon this extremist will be fired before Christmas.
I fucking called it!

This morning I predicted the dumbasses would call him these kinds of names.

Well of course... a Republican Senate ruled he was too racist to be a federal judge all the way back in 1986 long before the PC era. And now the response by Trump supporters when people call him racist? They mock people with memes, insults, and defend him by saying people call all Conservatives racist. Not a single person has been able to defend his remarks.
Impossible to get rid of a fed judge if he does racist stuff. Gop judges are okaying voting laws that are in effect racist, but that's a bit different because states may so things that have racist effects if they have facially valid reasons that further legit state interests.

Sessions has a history of wanting to move right on immigration, and he's fine with immigration bans. I think he also thinks the BLM and Ferguson stuff is by and large bs, and with that I agree. Trump won. He should get his guy.

And yeah Garland should have been confirmed.

What are you talking about? He was denied a job as a federal job in 1986 by a Senate confirmation committee because he was deemed too racist.

Yeah a gop Senate wouldn't confirm him as a Judge. But he's not up for a Judge now.
In 1986 I was a true menace to society. Today I am trusted with the keys to people's homes when they're gone.

People change & times change. You lefties need to stop crying like little bitches and find something constructive to do.
Sending people home for breaking the law is hardly a "racist suffocation police state", you race baiting POS.

But putting a racist like YOU or Jeff Sessions in charge of the DOJ affects far more than illegal immigration. I am far more concerned about the ramifications this will have on US citizens who love freedom: life and liberty.

Fuck you, you lying piece of shit.
Heh heh heh…GOTCHA!

What are you talking about?

You insulted me, so I insulted you back.

Nothing in that indicates that you "got" me in any way.

Try to be less stupid and dishonest.
Thanks to me, you exhibited the low class upbringing shared by many other blood thirsty RW White males. I have no time for empty hate filled rhetoric… get lost.

My goal is to always treat people the way they treat me.

You insulted me, so I insulted you back.

THat you interpreted that as "proof" of anything is just you being a dishonest dick.

You fuckers loved the Old School republicans that were "above that shit" and let you constantly smear them without response.

I don't play that game.

This stands, asshole.

In 1986 I was a true menace to society. Today I am trusted with the keys to people's homes when they're gone.

People change & times change. You lefties need to stop crying like little bitches and find something constructive to do.

Sorry, but being racist is about like being a sexual offender. You rarely if ever see one change their ways. EVER.
President-elect Donald Trump has made the offer to Deep South Republican Senator Jeff Sessions to be attorney general.

Sen. Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump at Trump Tower

The Alabama senator is known to be a racist who opposes any path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants in the U.S. In 1986, Sessions became only the second nominee in 50 years to be denied confirmation as a federal judge after allegations that he had made racist remarks. Like most racists, Sessions claimed he was not one but said at his hearing that groups such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and the American Civil Liberties Union could be considered "un-American." One African-American lawyer testified that Sessions had joked that he thought the Ku Klux Klan was "OK until I found out they smoked pot".
I reckon this extremist will be fired before Christmas.
I fucking called it!

This morning I predicted the dumbasses would call him these kinds of names.

Well of course... a Republican Senate ruled he was too racist to be a federal judge all the way back in 1986 long before the PC era. And now the response by Trump supporters when people call him racist? They mock people with memes, insults, and defend him by saying people call all Conservatives racist. Not a single person has been able to defend his remarks.

THe word "racist" is broken. YOu lefties broke it though over use.

It has no meaning anymore, other than a sign of life for the lefty in question.
I fucking called it!

This morning I predicted the dumbasses would call him these kinds of names.

Well of course... a Republican Senate ruled he was too racist to be a federal judge all the way back in 1986 long before the PC era. And now the response by Trump supporters when people call him racist? They mock people with memes, insults, and defend him by saying people call all Conservatives racist. Not a single person has been able to defend his remarks.
Impossible to get rid of a fed judge if he does racist stuff. Gop judges are okaying voting laws that are in effect racist, but that's a bit different because states may so things that have racist effects if they have facially valid reasons that further legit state interests.

Sessions has a history of wanting to move right on immigration, and he's fine with immigration bans. I think he also thinks the BLM and Ferguson stuff is by and large bs, and with that I agree. Trump won. He should get his guy.

And yeah Garland should have been confirmed.

What are you talking about? He was denied a job as a federal job in 1986 by a Senate confirmation committee because he was deemed too racist.


Yeah, that is exactly the quote from the story, "Deemed."

Jeff Sessions Was Deemed Too Racist To Be A Federal Judge. He’ll Now Be Trump’s Attorney General.

Jeff Sessions Was Deemed Too Racist To Be A Federal Judge. He'll Now Be Trump's Attorney General. | The Huffington Post
So fucking what? I deem you too stupid to live.....

Means nothing. Actions matter

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