President Trump: The Hero Of Hurricane Harvey

Due to his actions prior to Hurricane Harvey making landfall, it looks like President Trump will emerge as the hero of Hurricane Harvey. His swift action declaring Texas a disaster area and putting emergency protocols in place and coordinating with local officials and the Governor made it possible for people to survive the category 4 hurricane as it ripped onto the shores of South Texas last night. His keen intellect and instincts will go down in history as the first president that presided over a major hurricane that resulting so far in zero deaths, a truly remarkable feat. As I've said before, God truly blessed our nation with Donald Trump as our president.

Hurricane Harvey Downgraded To Category 1 Storm – No Deaths, But Tornadoes, Flooding and Power Outages

I predicted this. If Trump managed to somehow show an iota of competence with this event,

the Trumptard cult would praise him as if he was the Second Coming.

lol, you people are way too easy.
Press Briefing by Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, et al., 8/25/2017, #7

"Now is not the time to lose faith in your government institutions."

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, et al., 8/25/2017, #7

Public Service Announcement ~ Attention Deplorables

The war on the Deep State has been cancelled until further notice

Thank You
Due to his actions prior to Hurricane Harvey making landfall, it looks like President Trump will emerge as the hero of Hurricane Harvey. His swift action declaring Texas a disaster area and putting emergency protocols in place and coordinating with local officials and the Governor made it possible for people to survive the category 4 hurricane as it ripped onto the shores of South Texas last night. His keen intellect and instincts will go down in history as the first president that presided over a major hurricane that resulting so far in zero deaths, a truly remarkable feat. As I've said before, God truly blessed our nation with Donald Trump as our president.

Hurricane Harvey Downgraded To Category 1 Storm – No Deaths, But Tornadoes, Flooding and Power Outages
Trump stood before the storm like Moses and promised to discriminate against all faggots and the storm turned and hit Mexico instead because they wouldn't pay for the wall. Go Trump!

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Oh just wait, he'll be blamed for things just like Bush was vilified even though Blanco, Nagin & Broussard totally failed. Nothing got better until the feds stepped in.
Oh, and btw, let's not miss the best irony EVER here:

These rightwingers who are now going to heap praise on Trump for taking action with this storm are the very same people who think federal involvement in natural disasters is...what?...

Oh, and btw, let's not miss the best irony EVER here:

These rightwingers who are now going to heap praise on Trump for taking action with this storm are the very same people who think federal involvement in natural disasters is...what?...


No one said this... they can obviously step in, when invited by the state.
I think it's great that Trumps babysitters/handlers seem to have him reigned in from time to time and that they, not Trump, have learned from mistakes made in the past during disasters. {Cough} George Bush.
I think it's great that Trumps babysitters/handlers seem to have him reigned in from time to time and that they, not Trump, have learned from mistakes made in the past during disasters. {Cough} George Bush.

Oh BS... nothing got better until the Feds stepped in. Katrina was a failure of Blanco, Nagin & Broussard. Don't go there, I lived through it.
Oh, and btw, let's not miss the best irony EVER here:

These rightwingers who are now going to heap praise on Trump for taking action with this storm are the very same people who think federal involvement in natural disasters is...what?...


No one said this... they can obviously step in, when invited by the state.

Jesus Christ I was arguing with a poster this morning who claimed federal disaster aid was unconstitutional.

Wake up, Noddy.
Face it libs, president Trump is your daddy.
Their SPANK DADDY, He spanks their ass every time and makes their little boy loser oshitass look like the scum he was!!! This was by far the fastest response EVER, and the best prep for one of these events. leftist just can't lose their stupidity and hate for the country, so they try to bring down the best president since IKE and fail to do anything but put their complete idiocy on display for all the voters and the comedy central cast to copy. HAHAHAHAHAAAAHAHAHA>

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