President Trump: The Hero Of Hurricane Harvey

Oh, and btw, let's not miss the best irony EVER here:

These rightwingers who are now going to heap praise on Trump for taking action with this storm are the very same people who think federal involvement in natural disasters is...what?...


No one said this... they can obviously step in, when invited by the state.

Jesus Christ I was arguing with a poster this morning who claimed federal disaster aid was unconstitutional.

Wake up, Noddy.

Well, that's just dumb. Federal disaster aid is not unconstitutional. My only point was that the feds just can't march in and take over. THAT is unconstitutional...
Face it libs, president Trump is your daddy.
Their SPANK DADDY, He spanks their ass every time and makes their little boy loser oshitass look like the scum he was!!! This was by far the fastest response EVER, and the best prep for one of these events. leftist just can't lose their stupidity and hate for the country, so they try to bring down the best president since IKE and fail to do anything but put their complete idiocy on display for all the voters and the comedy central cast to copy. HAHAHAHAHAAAAHAHAHA>

The left hate Trump more than they hated Bush. Some lib starts spewing fake news and Trump bitch slaps them its hilarious.
Due to his actions prior to Hurricane Harvey making landfall, it looks like President Trump will emerge as the hero of Hurricane Harvey. His swift action declaring Texas a disaster area and putting emergency protocols in place and coordinating with local officials and the Governor made it possible for people to survive the category 4 hurricane as it ripped onto the shores of South Texas last night. His keen intellect and instincts will go down in history as the first president that presided over a major hurricane that resulting so far in zero deaths, a truly remarkable feat. As I've said before, God truly blessed our nation with Donald Trump as our president.

Hurricane Harvey Downgraded To Category 1 Storm – No Deaths, But Tornadoes, Flooding and Power Outages
Trump stood before the storm like Moses and promised to discriminate against all faggots and the storm turned and hit Mexico instead because they wouldn't pay for the wall. Go Trump!

I am still ready to trade Texas back to Mexico for Baja
I think it's great that Trumps babysitters/handlers seem to have him reigned in from time to time and that they, not Trump, have learned from mistakes made in the past during disasters. {Cough} George Bush.

Oh BS... nothing got better until the Feds stepped in. Katrina was a failure of Blanco, Nagin & Broussard. Don't go there, I lived through it.

Yeah I lost some of my family and they were never found thanks to the shit dimscum who didn't let the feds move. They put the equipment they needed right in the path of the damage in a low lying area, AND then waited too late to set up protection and backup power for the pumps, and a myriad of other stupid shallow mistakes because they would not relinquish control to the FEDS to act on the Corps of Engineers projections and like all leftist shit they are too damn dumb to do anything but bitch throw rocks and riot.
Face it libs, president Trump is your daddy.
Unlike you, Princess, we no longer need a daddy. We can handle life as adults.

And parts of Texas being declared a disaster area just makes official what was already true.

Excellent, pay off your own student loans, get a job and pay your own bills.
Did that kind of thing decades ago. Your turn, Princess.

Then you have nothing to bitch and cry about. :itsok:
Jesus is jealous of the way you rubes worship Trump
We all realize Trump spent all of 10 seconds on it, right? Authorizing FEMA and whomever to get to work. He said yesterday he plans on visiting early in the week. When is this guy gonna learn that his visit to a recent disaster area is about as welcome as fleas on a dog? Hopefully, if he stays out of their hair until the emergency is over, he will have done his job well.

So you're saying if he waits a week before going, liberals will say he was being Presidential, I for some reason don't believe that.
Either way liberals are going to have a problem with it
1- if he goes Monday, they will say he went to soon.
2- if he goes Tuesday, they will say he didn't care about those people.

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Due to his actions prior to Hurricane Harvey making landfall, it looks like President Trump will emerge as the hero of Hurricane Harvey. His swift action declaring Texas a disaster area and putting emergency protocols in place and coordinating with local officials and the Governor made it possible for people to survive the category 4 hurricane as it ripped onto the shores of South Texas last night. His keen intellect and instincts will go down in history as the first president that presided over a major hurricane that resulting so far in zero deaths, a truly remarkable feat. As I've said before, God truly blessed our nation with Donald Trump as our president.

Hurricane Harvey Downgraded To Category 1 Storm – No Deaths, But Tornadoes, Flooding and Power Outages
Trump stood before the storm like Moses and promised to discriminate against all faggots and the storm turned and hit Mexico instead because they wouldn't pay for the wall. Go Trump!

I am still ready to trade Texas back to Mexico for Baja
How cruel you are, to Mexico.
Face it libs, president Trump is your daddy.
Unlike you, Princess, we no longer need a daddy. We can handle life as adults.

And parts of Texas being declared a disaster area just makes official what was already true.

Excellent, pay off your own student loans, get a job and pay your own bills.
Did that kind of thing decades ago. Your turn, Princess.

Then you have nothing to bitch and cry about. :itsok:
I don't. But there are still little fascists like you around to be bitch slapped back into next week. You aren't able to learn but we can put you in your place and leave you there.
Face it libs, president Trump is your daddy.
Unlike you, Princess, we no longer need a daddy. We can handle life as adults.

And parts of Texas being declared a disaster area just makes official what was already true.

Excellent, pay off your own student loans, get a job and pay your own bills.
Did that kind of thing decades ago. Your turn, Princess.

Then you have nothing to bitch and cry about. :itsok:
I don't. But there are still little fascists like you around to be bitch slapped back into next week. You aren't able to learn but we can put you in your place and leave you there.

LOL okay internet tough guy :laugh:
Yes GOP state, what do you expect. A state that refuses Fed aid for Sandy and Flint.
Face it libs, president Trump is your daddy.
Unlike you, Princess, we no longer need a daddy. We can handle life as adults.

And parts of Texas being declared a disaster area just makes official what was already true.

You sure about that?
Y'all cried like little bitches when your daddy was elected.

All the liberal media boo boo faces on election night was hysterical, some looked shell shocked.
Due to his actions prior to Hurricane Harvey making landfall, it looks like President Trump will emerge as the hero of Hurricane Harvey. His swift action declaring Texas a disaster area and putting emergency protocols in place and coordinating with local officials and the Governor made it possible for people to survive the category 4 hurricane as it ripped onto the shores of South Texas last night. His keen intellect and instincts will go down in history as the first president that presided over a major hurricane that resulting so far in zero deaths, a truly remarkable feat. As I've said before, God truly blessed our nation with Donald Trump as our president.

Hurricane Harvey Downgraded To Category 1 Storm – No Deaths, But Tornadoes, Flooding and Power Outages
Trump stood before the storm like Moses and promised to discriminate against all faggots and the storm turned and hit Mexico instead because they wouldn't pay for the wall. Go Trump!

I am still ready to trade Texas back to Mexico for Baja

The beaners already tried to take didnt work out too well for em the first time but they're welcome to try again.
Be sure and volunteer for the beaner brigade......
Face it libs, president Trump is your daddy.
Unlike you, Princess, we no longer need a daddy. We can handle life as adults.

And parts of Texas being declared a disaster area just makes official what was already true.

You sure about that?
Y'all cried like little bitches when your daddy was elected.

You call him Daddy because you still need one. We call him an asshole because we didn't.
Jesus is jealous of the way you rubes worship Trump
We all realize Trump spent all of 10 seconds on it, right? Authorizing FEMA and whomever to get to work. He said yesterday he plans on visiting early in the week. When is this guy gonna learn that his visit to a recent disaster area is about as welcome as fleas on a dog? Hopefully, if he stays out of their hair until the emergency is over, he will have done his job well.

The last time a Republican did that, he was called a racist that hates black people. Booosh wanted the Chocolate City and its chocolate citizens to drown.
Due to his actions prior to Hurricane Harvey making landfall, it looks like President Trump will emerge as the hero of Hurricane Harvey. His swift action declaring Texas a disaster area and putting emergency protocols in place and coordinating with local officials and the Governor made it possible for people to survive the category 4 hurricane as it ripped onto the shores of South Texas last night. His keen intellect and instincts will go down in history as the first president that presided over a major hurricane that resulting so far in zero deaths, a truly remarkable feat. As I've said before, God truly blessed our nation with Donald Trump as our president.

Hurricane Harvey Downgraded To Category 1 Storm – No Deaths, But Tornadoes, Flooding and Power Outages
Trump stood before the storm like Moses and promised to discriminate against all faggots and the storm turned and hit Mexico instead because they wouldn't pay for the wall. Go Trump!

I am still ready to trade Texas back to Mexico for Baja

The beaners already tried to take didnt work out too well for em the first time but they're welcome to try again.
Be sure and volunteer for the beaner brigade......
Texas is soon to be Blue and Brown, Whitey. And there isn't a thing you can do to stop it.

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