President Trump Warns Biden and the Deep State


You gotta know, there is no quit in Trump, there is no defeat, no backing down. The left have drawn first blood, second blood, third blood and now forth, now they have gone for his jugular trying to keep him out of office, literally turned the rule of law upside down trampling the constitution like some fascist state, and all that has done is make Trump more determined than ever and there is no quit in him. He hits back 4X harder when punched, and you better believe that Trump is coming with an axe and will be hell on earth with a mini gun and a flamethrower taking no prisoners.

That's the main reason I finally decided to vote for him in the primary. We've never had a president or candidate like him.

From an old Earl Nightingale quote:

NOTHING can stop a will that's willing to sacrifice even its own existence on its fullfillment
GET REAL. That crap don't mean SHIT. The indictment is nothing but another baseless accusation by the Left trying to keep Trump out of office because they can't buy, scare or control him for the Chicoms, fucker.

I actually agree with you: for now, it's basically a legal accusation. But so far, a grand jury consisting of ordinary people felt that the accusation has legal merit. He will get a chance to argue his innocence in a court of law, and one way or the other he will be judged by his fellow citizens. But there's a lot of strong evidence, which you fail to acknowledge. Your objection doesn't appear to be based on a complaint about the evidence; rather, it's the fact that he's being prosecuted at all. You apparently think that it's okay for DJT to knowingly retain highly classified documents, a crime that anyone else would do serious prison time for.

That recording means about as much as that tape Trump made years ago of him bragging about contestants letting you grab their pussies, it is nothing but a guy bragging to impress others and carries absolutely no legal weight.

I have no way to know what his motives were - you could be completely right in that he was just bragging to people that he had classified info. But that's not a valid legal defense in a case like this, so actually, it does carry legal weight. I make no predictions about the outcome, as we are in uncharted territory and it's going to be hard to find 12 people who can assess his guilt without bias - and I'd agree that probably goes both ways.

Mark my words that Trump is a guy who doesn't fuck around and he will be on the ballot next year, and if he can overcome the slimy, crooked leftwing media and election cheating, he will take a blowtorch to DC and all the RINOS and Bidenistas when he gets back in and route all of the dirty bought and paid for weasels with a scorched earth policy come DAY FUCKING ONE. Trump is out for blood now and I wouldn't want to be in his sights. The Left have kicked a wolverine on steroids. You have been warned.

Other than some sort of satisfaction in watching libs cry, what benefit do you get if he goes on some sort of revenge tour? How do you think that would help you or the country?

As a student of history, I take that possibility quite seriously. I've warned my liberal friends he could get re-elected. A number of politicians have been elected and re-elected after getting into legal trouble. Trump absolutely could get re-elected and he probably would weaponize his power to go after his political enemies. I don't discount that possibility for a moment. He'd probably face a lot more resistance than he and others might think, in congress, in the civil service, and among ordinary people. What we'd end up with is a total political shit show that would basically make China and our adversaries rather happy. We'd become a joke of a former power pretty quickly. So how do you and how does the MAGA movement benefit from this?
You gotta know, there is no quit in Trump, there is no defeat, no backing down. The left have drawn first blood, second blood, third blood and now forth, now they have gone for his jugular trying to keep him out of office, literally turned the rule of law upside down trampling the constitution like some fascist state, and all that has done is make Trump more determined than ever and there is no quit in him. He hits back 4X harder when punched, and you better believe that Trump is coming with an axe and will be hell on earth with a mini gun and a flamethrower taking no prisoners.

Exactly right. There is only whining. He will never quit that. Damn straight.
I don't know what's more fun. To see the orange loser getting arrested or his mouth-breathing retards going all hysterical on the national stage.

"We're gonna win so much you're gonna get tired of winning."
~ Donald "Loser" Trump
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Help him to make America Great Again.... if you like us to be mediocre and just another nation with failing infrastructure

MAGA had 4 years, including 2 years of total control of the Executive and Legislative branches, and the Dems were definitely interested in infrastructure spending. You all didn't accomplish shit on that front. It was BIDEN who got the most significant infrastructure bill in a generation across the finish line. No thanks to MAGAs

and crime out of control and prices through the roof than knock yourself out and vote for Biden....

I agree that crime is an issue and has been since 2020 and I think Dems are not taking this nearly seriously enough. We agree there. Inflation is coming down for now, though it's probably going to come roaring back next year due to global commodities shocks. There is only so much any president can do about that.
MAGA had 4 years, including 2 years of total control of the Executive and Legislative branches, and the Dems were definitely interested in infrastructure spending. You all didn't accomplish shit on that front. It was BIDEN who got the most significant infrastructure bill in a generation across the finish line. No thanks to MAGAs

I agree that crime is an issue and has been since 2020 and I think Dems are not taking this nearly seriously enough. We agree there. Inflation is coming down for now, though it's probably going to come roaring back next year due to global commodities shocks. There is only so much any president can do about that.
To deny that the country was better off under Trump pre covid than it is today is so foolish and no one believes that...
I don't what's more fun. To see the orange loser getting arrested or his mouth-breathing retards going all hysterical on the national stage.

"We're gonna win so much you're gonna get tired of winning."
~ Donald "Loser" Trump

There's really nothing fun about any of this. It has to be done, but it's not a good sign. This is what dying democratic republics look like. They descend into lawlessness.
There's really nothing fun about any of this. It has to be done, but it's not a good sign. This is what dying democratic republics look like. They descend into lawlessness.
Holding people accountable for their crimes is how the republic, dies?

Sure, sweetheart. Thanks for that piece of insight. Now, go take a nap. You deserve it.

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