President Trump Warns Biden and the Deep State

Have you even read the indictment? You think it's okay for a former political officeholder to retain classified documents and show them to...God only knows whom?

He's on tape admitting he knows the documents are classified and that he's not allowed to possess them.


GET REAL. That crap don't mean SHIT. The indictment is nothing but another baseless accusation by the Left trying to keep Trump out of office because they can't buy, scare or control him for the Chicoms, fucker. That recording means about as much as that tape Trump made years ago of him bragging about contestants letting you grab their pussies, it is nothing but a guy bragging to impress others and carries absolutely no legal weight.

Mark my words that Trump is a guy who doesn't fuck around and he will be on the ballot next year, and if he can overcome the slimy, crooked leftwing media and election cheating, he will take a blowtorch to DC and all the RINOS and Bidenistas when he gets back in and route all of the dirty bought and paid for weasels with a scorched earth policy come DAY FUCKING ONE. Trump is out for blood now and I wouldn't want to be in his sights. The Left have kicked a wolverine on steroids. You have been warned.

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Look at Trump's expression. He's a loser.
"the seal is broken.". Now retribution is coming

Trump isn’t President. He’s just Dotard Trump. Private citizen. And he isn’t in any position to be warning anybody, about anything. And will soon be told where he can sit, where he can eat , and when he can sleep.

Presidents are no obligation in how they store "secrets" they bring home declassified. But if Trump was haphazard storing stuff in locked rooms under guard then that really lays the bat to Biden's feet having had no authority whatsoever to take anything at all in the first place going all the way back to 1974 as a senator or VP, then stacking it IN HIS FUCKING GARAGE, in a CHINESE OFFICE and other places where untold numbers of people had access!!!
Look at Trump's expression. He's a loser.

Look at Biden's expression. He doesn't even know where he is.
He probably puts his pants on backwards half the time and in a few years will be sitting at a window in a wheelchair covered in a shaw talking to no one.
Maybe he is already there.

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You gotta know, there is no quit in Trump, there is no defeat, no backing down. The left have drawn first blood, second blood, third blood and now forth, now they have gone for his jugular trying to keep him out of office, literally turned the rule of law upside down trampling the constitution like some fascist state, and all that has done is make Trump more determined than ever and there is no quit in him. He hits back 4X harder when punched, and you better believe that Trump is coming with an axe and will be hell on earth with a mini gun and a flamethrower taking no prisoners.

Ahem. Isn't he a Democrat?

He is NOT! And I'm glad! :D

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Have you even read the indictment? You think it's okay for a former political officeholder to retain classified documents and show them to...God only knows whom?

He's on tape admitting he knows the documents are classified and that he's not allowed to possess them.
His aide that's helping him try to sort through things in his home that has 24/7 SS and private protection? :cuckoo:
Pot meet kettle.
It’s cute when a useless rancid twat rash, like you, feels the need to rush to the defense of a lowlife simpleton bitch like boredtoseeya.

Get the note out of your own eye, Goonblow. Then get back to us. Or better yet; don’t.
Help him to make America Great Again.... if you like us to be mediocre and just another nation with failing infrastructure and crime out of control and prices through the roof than knock yourself out and vote for Biden....
I highly doubt they can drag Biden around for 2 more years. Reagans symptoms were nowhere near as advanced as Biden's

are right now and it was during the last 2 years of his 2nd term.
Don't have the same with Trump as you do, with the pedophile you support.
The Pedo that used to be Speaker of the House?
The Pedo who ran for Senator in Alabama?
The Pedo trafficking underaged girls in Florida?
The Pedo enabler who was a coach at Ohio State?
The Pedo who bought the Miss Teenage USA pageant so he could walk in on the girls dressing room?

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