President Trump Warns Biden and the Deep State

You can't even tell it's photoshop? That certainly explains a lot.

Then prove it is photo shopped! Prove it or STFU.

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When did you become such a troll... you used to put up good arguments... now all you do is troll everyone....
Really? ever sense i have known him that is all he has EVER done is troll and never given any good arguments,never even attempted to refute facts same as now.:auiqs.jpg:
Lol, all allegations. But Biden's own daughter said he took inappropriate showers with her.
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and these paid trollboys for the DNC like him,bodecaa,Care4all idiot4all. sealybobo err smellybozo,,Dragonlady dragonidiot rightwinger WRONGwinger Unkotare Penelope Billo_Really and so many others live in a fantasyland and try to tell us the FBI themselves have not said the handwriting is legit and from her and has not been forged,they like to tell pretend the FBI has not said that,anything to own up to admitting they have been wrong on biden that he,obama and clinton are traiterous commie loving sellouts to Americans,they will kill themselves first before owning up to that.:auiqs.jpg:

"the seal is broken.". Now retribution is coming

LOL, That's all trump's been about retribution. He's finally going to get what he deserves and he brought it all upon himself. This was all his doing. But of course he'll be anyone he can.
Trump could have settled this case, he WANTED this fight. He knows he may be the last chance to fix our hopelessly broken justice system and FBI.
LOL, trump fix anything, no he's only good at destroying things and breaking the law.
Our law system is what is broken. Just because "your team" owns the DOJ and the FBI that does not mean you are winning. America is losing.
I'm sorry you believe that. Impressionable minds are very vulnerable to manipulators like trump. I'm m not on a side, I'm an American who believes in equality and justice under the law. trumped millions astray with his lies and schemes, neither of which belong in goverment.
Why did 2 people got to jail for stealing her diary. If it wasn't real?
Theft is a crime.
They didn't got to jail for stealing it, it was for trying sell stolen property.


Harris, a 40-year-old from Palm Beach, and Kurlander, 58, of nearby Jupiter, face the possibility of up to five years in prison. They pleaded guilty to conspiracy to transport stolen property across state lines.

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