President's handling of Harvey

How would you rate Trump's handling of Harvey thus far?

  • Strongly Approve

    Votes: 22 62.9%
  • Somewhat Approve

    Votes: 4 11.4%
  • Neutral

    Votes: 6 17.1%
  • Somewhat Disapprove

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Strongly Disapprove

    Votes: 3 8.6%

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Right...I'm the only one disgusted by his use of the hurricane for political cover.

Apparently you weren't too upset when Obama used Sandy as a reelection tool. You know, that crappy photo op with Chris Christie?

What a fake show of unity.

What evidence do you have that it was "fake"? How do you perceive that President Obama "used" Sandy?

Uh the signing of a disaster declaration while the storm was making landfall, putting the full breadth of government resources at Governor Greg Abbott's disposal. Hence the pen is mightier than politically biased talking points.

So, basically the same things his predecessors did. Good for his handlers. Too bad they couldn't keep him from tweeting about things unrelated to the Hurricane and from using it as cover to pardon Arpio.
President Trump is doing as much as any president could possibly do. So far he gets a "A+".
And neither are you. Millions of people are being displaced by this storm and all you can think about is politics. Yes, I'm talking to you. You are incorrigible.

Hmmmm, perhaps that's because Cheetolini used the hurricane as political cover. My pointing out what Drumph did doesn't make me the bad guy.

Hmm... no

Still not helping. It seems to me this was a convenient opportunity for you to use this disaster as a political weapon. Using your argument, that makes you no better than he.

Right...I'm the only one disgusted by his use of the hurricane for political cover.

Trump Says Pardon Came During Hurricane Because He Thought Ratings Would Be ‘Far Higher’

The storm Trump unleashed as a hurricane barreled toward Texas

You also haven't answered the question...what response?

It isn't even over yet.. Jesus Christ. What's he supposed to do, get a bilge pump and head to Texas?

Then why did the OP ask "what do you think of Trump's response"? Seems like your condemnation is poorly placed.

Not really....
Deserting While Nature Makes War on Mankind

The flood damage is unnecessary; the cheapskate oilionaires are too Scroogey to fund reservoirs and an adequate drainage system. So it is a Third World situation, with the plute-licking captive public passively putting up with everything. Driftwood is not democratic.

Same with the blackouts. Put the whole electrical grid underground. if the rich are too sacred to be told their civic duty, at least take the funds out of Hollwood-science NA$A.
I don't know what Trump has done other than tweet. Short of instructing everyone to do what is humanly possible to help, I don't think he's really involved. The real work is yet to come with the financial relief.

What do you want.. for him to get in a flatboat and go rescue people? Personally, i think his presence could be a distraction.
To show non-partisanship, P.T. should send in Mike Pence, Tim Kaine, Bernie Sanders, Dan Rather, Jesse Jackson, and Alex Jones.
Donald Trump doesn't care about black people.

Nor midgets and elves.
For a long time Bush didn't have a response to Katrina, remember?

The Undoing of George W. Bush
Hurricane Katrina badly damaged the former president's reputation. And it still hasn't recovered.

I remember it well - and the author of your article is incorrect. President Bush declared a state of emergency prior to Katrina's landfall precisely so that federal aid could be prepositioned. Prepositioning does not mean driving into the storm. Katrina did not make landfall in NO, btw. The superdome in NO was designated as a shelter of last resort and provisioned with food and water (mre's) to serve many thousands for several days. A lot went wrong but it wasn't from a lack of response by President Bush. Mr SeaGal was part of the federal recovery response heading to NO the day following landfall.

As always hindsight is 20/20 - and second guessing is easier when the best guess has already been
For a long time Bush didn't have a response to Katrina, remember?

The Undoing of George W. Bush
Hurricane Katrina badly damaged the former president's reputation. And it still hasn't recovered.

I remember it well - and the author of your article is incorrect. President Bush declared a state of emergency prior to Katrina's landfall precisely so that federal aid could be prepositioned. Prepositioning does not mean driving into the storm. Katrina did not make landfall in NO, btw. The superdome in NO was designated as a shelter of last resort and provisioned with food and water (mre's) to serve many thousands for several days. A lot went wrong but it wasn't from a lack of response by President Bush. Mr SeaGal was part of the federal recovery response heading to NO the day following landfall.

As always hindsight is 20/20 - and second guessing is easier when the best guess has already been acted upon.
Diploma Dumbo Grammar

FEMA shouldn't have been "prepositioned," it should have been adjectived.
Word is he's leading help for primarily white wealthy neighborhoods. Judging by early results, the policy appears to favor families with Russian heritage. An anonymous source reports to CNN he said "I'd gladly grab the pussies of all Texan' cheerleaders, and these ladies need my help. Especially that blonde.". He tweeted tweaking many of his adversaries, and gave a Texan white supremacist leader the thumb's up.
"We Are Commies, Not Nazis"
Diploma Dumbo Grammar

FEMA shouldn't have been "prepositioned," it should have been adjectived.

Yep...that too. ;)

pre·po·si·tion 2
also pre-po·si·tion (prē′pə-zĭsh′ən)
tr.v. pre·po·si·tioned, pre·po·si·tion·ing, pre·po·si·tions also pre-po·si·tioned or pre-po·si·tion·ing or pre-po·si·tions
To position or place in position in advance: artillery that was prepositioned at strategic points in the desert.
Diploma Dumbo Grammar

FEMA shouldn't have been "prepositioned," it should have been adjectived.

Yep...that too. ;)

pre·po·si·tion 2
also pre-po·si·tion (prē′pə-zĭsh′ən)
tr.v. pre·po·si·tioned, pre·po·si·tion·ing, pre·po·si·tions also pre-po·si·tioned or pre-po·si·tion·ing or pre-po·si·tions
To position or place in position in advance: artillery that was prepositioned at strategic points in the desert.
Successes in a Failed System

That's like saying that representation and re-presentation should be spelled the same way, too. Bootlickers are always ready to defend the inferior grammar of people in superior position or of the dupes who look up to them as role models for English Usage.
Given how poorly the Bush administration handled its response to Hurricane Katrina, it is interesting to me what you the readers think of Trump's response to one of the biggest natural disasters American history. Rate and comment below.

First, bosh got blamed for Katrina being handled poorly. Ray Nagen was responsible for every bad thing that happened there. Now, Trump has kept his hands off. So he has done perfect so far.
Successes in a Failed System

That's like saying that representation and re-presentation should be spelled the same way, too. Bootlickers are always ready to defend the inferior grammar of people in superior position or of the dupes who look up to them as role models for English Usage.

Not at all. It's like saying that relief supplies were prepositioned. Many words spelled the same differ in meaning, some are pronounced the same, others are not. Lemme think of an example - hmmmm - got it! Sage - spelled the same, pronounced the same, both nouns, though one can be an adjective too. When used as a noun it can mean a wise person, or an aromatic herb with grayish green, rough leaves.

Which sage are you...wise person or leafy herb? Unfortunately the former doesn't the latter it is. Don't be sad, sage is a wonderful seasoning for meats...even humble herbs serve a purpose. :2up:

Now, adjectived - there's a word.
So far, Trump and FEMA seem to be doing pretty well

Trump actually acted Presidential and FEMA assistance seems to be working

Now, can Congress provide funding without turning into a political football?

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