Preview of Trump's New Plan to Defeat ISIS is released ...

Oh goody, more war. And after the ISIS Boogeyman is gone, there's gonna be another Boogeyman to take its place. 14yrs in Iraq, 16yrs in Afghanistan, and now let's start another war. Sounds awesome. What could possibly go wrong?
wait until he drops his big wall plan in your lap.

huyuk huyuk huyuk ...

Looks like the PENTAGON'S plan.

Obama's plan was to cheer from the sidelines as ISIS stole military assets & marched them in a convoy across an empty desert in Iraq on their way back to Syria
Why not tell us just what trumps plan is? We have been waiting since he told us he had one ready to go
Trump plans to kill them. It's a stark contrast to Obama's enable them policy.

You're stupid. ISIS is almost done for.
oh wow
You were going to tell us what Trumps plan is? Still waiting

No he wasnt
ISIS is spread thinner than Aunt Nellie's drawers after Obama and his military advisers some kicked ass.

Trump won't say what his actions will be against ISIS because the element of surprise is crucial.


the sorry bastard's big plan is to remain status quo, and use Obama's plan.

[[[[[[[ SHOCKING ]]]]]]]]
Trump doesn't have a phyucking clue to what he is doing. I doubt if he could ever find Iraq or Iran on a map
Oh yes he does, and can! The key is changing the rules of engagement giving our troops the authority to kill ISIS women and children because they provide the breeding and next generation of them. Full Irradication without remorse is what is needed to defeat them.
I hope your women and children are included
My woman and children are natural born Citizens born to two US citizen parents of White European heritage. Our genes are not tainted with multicultural blood of third world scum. To wish for their deaths is pure unAmerican.
ISIS is spread thinner than Aunt Nellie's drawers after Obama and his military advisers some kicked ass.

Trump won't say what his actions will be against ISIS because the element of surprise is crucial.


the sorry bastard's big plan is to remain status quo, and use Obama's plan.

[[[[[[[ SHOCKING ]]]]]]]]
Trump doesn't have a phyucking clue to what he is doing. I doubt if he could ever find Iraq or Iran on a map
Oh yes he does, and can! The key is changing the rules of engagement giving our troops the authority to kill ISIS women and children because they provide the breeding and next generation of them. Full Irradication without remorse is what is needed to defeat them.
I hope your women and children are included
My woman and children are natural born Citizens born to two US citizen parents of White European heritage. Our genes are not tainted with multicultural blood of third world scum.
you would have been a bit hit in 1930's Germany
... and, guess what? ...

... it's ...

... wait for it ...

... Obama's plan!

Pentagon prepares to give the White House a stepped-up battle plan against Islamic State

Hahahahahahahahahaha ...

... what a bunch of rubes.

I think that the bigger issue is that Lying Donald gave his zealot Trumpers another lie to chew upon in "having a secret plan to defeat ISIS" during the campaign run...when he wouldn't even be able to accurately identify ISIS's strongholds on a map without help.

The pentagon plan is the Trump plan. Trump told Mattis how to go after ISIS, and Mattis is just repeating what Trump told him.
Yes, yes, it all makes sense now! Trump tells the guy commonly renowned as one of the best and most knowledgeable generals in our time his plan...and Mattis, unaware of the brilliance of Trump, repeats this excellent plan, writes it up, and presents Trump's own brilliance back to him for review and approval...ah yes, the dastardly brilliance of Trump! Gifting his intellect and strategic insight to the Pentagon in order to make them feel better about themselves! Truly a leader we must all follow and emulate.

Or, you could be an idiot.
if this strategy was developed during the Obama administration you have to ask yourself why it wasn't implemented ?

It was ...

... and, it has been so successful, Trump is gonna try to take credit for it.
Really ? They are still chopping off heads, the Battle for Mosul has been going on since last October, and all of this against the "JV" team.
Bush spent billions training the Iraqi Army, what have we gotten out of that?

Wait, aren't you guys claiming that Obama's plan was to let that Iraqi army do the fighting?
How to defeat ISIS:

Tell ISIS that the next Muslim terrorist attack on American soil or against one of our allies will result in nukes being dropped on Mecca.

But can you get them to believe it? They didn't believe Trump when he said he got more votes in the 2016 election, and they didn't believe Trump when he got more people to attend his inauguration than Obama did.
... and, guess what? ...

... it's ...

... wait for it ...

... Obama's plan!

Pentagon prepares to give the White House a stepped-up battle plan against Islamic State

Hahahahahahahahahaha ...

... what a bunch of rubes.

I think that the bigger issue is that Lying Donald gave his zealot Trumpers another lie to chew upon in "having a secret plan to defeat ISIS" during the campaign run...when he wouldn't even be able to accurately identify ISIS's strongholds on a map without help.

The pentagon plan is the Trump plan. Trump told Mattis how to go after ISIS, and Mattis is just repeating what Trump told him.

ISIS is already done. Now the US/West is just fighting Russia and Iran over the spoils in Syria and Iraq. They're looking to divide Syria. Some of it will go to Russia and Iran, and some of it will go to the US/West.

ISIS is a minor player now. Many of them have given up and have fled to Western Europe and the US as 'Refugees.' So now we'll invade yet another country. Permanent War rolls on. Will Americans ever tire of it?
wait until he drops his big wall plan in your lap.

huyuk huyuk huyuk ...


Trump Administration Just Took Its First Step Toward Building the Mexican Border Wall

10-1 ITS NOT wall 30 high as promised.

I'd prefer a smart wall than a super tall one. Place land mines (including deep underground ones for tunnels) and automatic gun turrets all along the border. Flood the air space with armed drones. Etc.
Yes, yes, it all makes sense now! Trump tells the guy commonly renowned as one of the best and most knowledgeable generals in our time his plan...and Mattis, unaware of the brilliance of Trump, repeats this excellent plan, writes it up, and presents Trump's own brilliance back to him for review and approval...ah yes, the dastardly brilliance of Trump! Gifting his intellect and strategic insight to the Pentagon in order to make them feel better about themselves! Truly a leader we must all follow and emulate.

Or, you could be an idiot.

Trump said that he had a plan to defeat ISIS, not that he would ask the pentagon for a plan. But because people complain about Trump being an egomaniac, Trump is willing to share the credit with the pentagon.
Here is a great link that explains everything.
The Islamic State | Mapping Militant Organizations

I'm not sure about why you refer me to that page. It doesn't say anything I didn't, though it does present a much greater degree of detail. I suspect had I presented that much detail, folks wouldn't have read it. Yet here I am responding to you, seemingly because I didn't post that level of detail.....Maybe so; maybe not??? I guess I don't care much. I'm not altering my posting style either way.

I think your linked content explains a lot. It's an excellent reference site. (Stanford has a lot of very good reference sites.) Would that people use it and fully explore it.

You'll note that the same source -- Stanford U.'s Al Qaeda page -- writes:
"The most significant result of the Arab Spring for Al Qaeda has been the expansion of Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), which harnessed the Syrian civil war to grow dramatically in size and power. AQI changed its name to the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), and announced a merger with new AQ-affiliate Jabhat al-Nusra, which operated in the Syrian civil war with the support of AQI/ISIS. When the commander of al-Nusra denied the merger, Zawahiri supported al-Nusra, saying that the organizations should remain separate. [64] ISIS’s leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, publicly rejected Zawahiri’s statement. [65] [66] ISIS continued to operate in Syria, often clashing with other Islamist groups and ignoring calls for mediation. Attempts at reconciliation with Al Qaeda leadership failed, and AQ officially renounced any connection with ISIS in February 2014.

Furthermore, I'm not convinced you've read all of what Stanford has written on the page you linked. From the specific page to which you pointed:
  • Initially, many Sunnis in Iraq were sympathetic to AQI and its goal of driving American and coalition forces from Iraq and preventing a Shiite government takeover. The Shiite majority in Iraq had been oppressed by the Hussein regime, and many Sunnis feared the Shiites gaining power. However, AQI’s extreme and violent tactics began to alienate potential supporters. Many Iraqis, including Sunnis, took issue with AQI’s use of suicide bombings and other violent attacks like assassinations; its willingness to target Iraqis and popular Sunni leaders; its perceived foreign membership and leadership; and its intentional incitement of sectarian violence.
  • ISIS continued to operate in Syria, often clashing with other Islamist groups and ignoring calls for mediation. Attempts at reconciliation with Al Qaeda leadership failed, and AQ officially renounced any connection with ISIS in February 2014.
What's the difference between the two pages? Mostly topical focus. The ISIS page goes into detail about how ISIS and gives coverage of AQ secondary status, which is appropriate given the page is about ISIS. The AQ page presents content with the exact opposite focus, subordinating its nuanced discussion of ISIS to that of AQ. They are conceptually reciprocal pages. The facts relevant to the discussion here on USMB, however, is found on both pages.

Did I inaccurately summarize that? Did I misrepresent the context of what happened? I think the answer to both questions is "no." My earlier post that contradicted you was made to clarify a point of fact. I don't much care who is right or wrong about whether AQ and ISIS are the same things. I care that the full facts of the matter are what guide the nature of the discussion going forward.
I linked that because I assumed you didn't know what was going on...
You posted exactly what I said. You even bolded it. Do you even understand my argument?

Did I misconstrue what you wrote? It seemed to me that you were saying that ISIS = Al Qaeda in all but name. It does not.

Maybe I misinterpreted the following remark:
Dude you are retarded. It is common knowledge that they changed the name after Zarqawi died.
I admit I didn't expand the quote prior to responding to it. Assuming I've misunderstood your intent, not doing that is my fault for it caused me to leap to an inaccurate conclusion re: what you were intending. I didn't think I'd misinterpreted you because the post to which you responded stated:
ISIS is an offshoot of Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), but AQI divested itself of it's ISIS "wing."
Are we quibbling over whether AQI = ISIS vs. whether a subset of AQI = ISIS? I have to ask because that's about the only difference..
That's not what I was saying at all

Okay....Here's what you wrote that I responded to. My response to it is in the first (collapsed) quoted passage above.

Dude you are retarded. It is common knowledge that they changed the name after Zarqawi died.
What were you saying?
That AQI changed their name when zarqawi died

What were you saying?
That AQI changed their name when zarqawi died
Okay. I will take it that you are reiterating/referring to your earlier comment which was:
Because they changed their name to ISIS in 2006.. Lol
That statement was part of this dialogue.

You're ignorant of the facts. You should be quiet when you don't know what you're talking about.

Iraqi Forces Wrestle Back Mosul Airport, Military Base
That one city means nothing. Are you really that stupid or just trolling?
ISIS all over that Continent. They might be getting smaller, but saying "almost done for" is absolutely ridiculous.
Just a few months ago, CIA director said they were still bigger than AQ ever was. Also, if you go by the Kurds estimates, its ALOT bigger than that.
Do you remember just prior to Bush invading Iraq, no one had ever hears of ISIS. Cause and effect?
Because they changed their name to ISIS in 2006.. Lol
What were thy called before that?
Al Qaeda in Iraq

Your Stanford article's narrative seems either (1) ambiguous about that point of history, or (2) clearly indicative that is not what happened, depending on which part of it one cites. Presumably one would read the whole thing.

Why? Because your article doesn't indicate AQI "changed their name to ISIS in 2006." So are you "walking back" your "they changed their name to ISIS in 2006" statement to just a simple name change? You can say "yes" and I'll drop this because (1) that's accurate and (2) I think we are hashing out a point that makes no difference. I "tossed a bone" alluding to that effect a couple (3?) posts back. I thought for sure you'd take it, but here were are....

Ambiguous Option:

On June 7, 2006, Zarqawi was killed by an American airstrike. [40]

Decline: June 2006-December 2011
....many Iraqi Sunnis continued to criticize AQI for the foreign presence in its leadership and fighting forces, its attempts to impose its own radical brand of Islam on Iraqis, and its use of extreme violence. To brand the group as more Iraqi, Masri convinced several other groups to merge into his when he declared the establishment of the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI, although the group also continued to be known as AQI).

Clear Option:

  • 2002: Jama'at Tawhid wal Jihad (JTJ). Zarqawi’s most prominent force in Iraq, which the U.S. State Department used to refer to Zarqawi’s network of militants.
  • October 2004: Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI; Tanzim Qaidat al-Jihad fi Bilad al-Rafidayn in Arabic). Zarqawi formally joined Al Qaeda and remained in command of the group.
  • October 2006: Islamic State in Iraq (ISI). The name change was a rebranding attempt, intended to consolidate existing support, indicate an increase in group’s focus on its governmental infrastructure, and gain a wider base of local followers. In this period, it also commonly continued to be known as AQI.
  • April 2013: Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) or Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). The group’s cooperation with AQ Central and al-Nusra broke down, while its operations expanded into Syria. The variation in the name in translation stems from the word al-Sham, which refers to an area spanning Southern Turkey through Syria to Egypt, which can be translated as “Greater Syria” or “the Levant.”
  • June 29, 2014: Islamic State (IS). The group declared the foundation of a Caliphate, with its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as Caliph. Many media sources continue to refer to the group as ISIS/ISIL.
Grampa Murked U, post: 16677260,
Obama's plan was to cheer from the sidelines as ISIS stole military assets & marched them in a convoy across an empty desert in Iraq on their way back to Syria

Do you have the date and the location of whatever the hell it was you think happened across an empty desert of Iraq?
Grampa Murked U, post: 16677260,
Obama's plan was to cheer from the sidelines as ISIS stole military assets & marched them in a convoy across an empty desert in Iraq on their way back to Syria

Do you have the date and the location of whatever the hell it was you think happened across an empty desert of Iraq?
See folks, this idiot is a perfect representation of just how oblivious the left is & was. If you watched any amount of news in 2014 you would have heard about the huge convoys of us military assets stolen by isis & then marched across the desert to Syria.

ISIS Stole Some Shiny New Weapons From the Iraqi Army - VICE

And that's just one out of dozens of major thefts that Obama sat by and watched via satellite as convoys miles long headed back to Syria.
More recently they stole TWENTY THREE HUNDRED American Humvees from Mosul
Trump plans to kill them. It's a stark contrast to Obama's enable them policy.

When has Obama ever once enabled ISIS. You must be thinking of Trump's besties, Assad and Putin as far as Syria goes.

This from the OP's link that nothing is changing in Iraq, because the US led coalition has enabled the Iraqis to kill and drive out terrorists just fine with a minimal amount of US casualties.

In a two-pronged strategy, coalition-backed Iraqi forces have steadily pushed Islamic State out of the cities, towns and oil fields they seized in 2014, while a separate array of military forces in Syria — including Russian-backed Syrian troops — have squeezed the group there as well.

U.S. analysts said they don’t expect the new plan to differ dramatically from the Obama administration’s approach, at least in Iraq.

“The existing strategy is working slowly but surely,” said Christopher Harmer, an analyst at the Institute for the Study of War, a nonpartisan public policy group.

Islamic State “is losing territory bit by bit so you might see changes around the edges, but it’s hard to imagine the administration will want to completely deviate from the current plan,” he added.

Of course Trump killed through carelessness his first Navy Seal in one week as publicity stunt CinC.

They say Trumpty Dumpty wants to move more US Troops into Syria to set up safe zones to protect the Muslim refugees he cares so much about.

So he settled on Hillary's plan. So Trump's plan is Hillary's plan.

What happened to his campaign plan?

Aren't you deplorables pissed Trump is escalating US troops in Syria after promising to withdraw and let Putin have Syria.

Donald Trump: 'Let Russia fight ISIS' in Syria - Washington Times
Washington Times › news › sep › donald...
Sep 29, 2015 - Let them fight, take over the remnants. But more importantly, let Russia fight ISIS, if they want to fight 'em … in Syria,”

You are such buffoons. It takes a buffoon to live a buffoon I guess.

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