Problem With the Black Community

A. Vote more. They faught for the right now don't exercise it.

Thats correct, they need to make voting a holiday or extend voting hours so that people who dont have leave or work 2 jobs etc will be able to vote. But when its a choice between voting or missing money. People are going to go for that money first.

B. Blacks need to start taking the Republicans advice. Yes the Republicans are wrong about why crime is high. They don't understand its poverty that's the cause. But even still, being that they are in poverty, if they want out they can't wait for whitey. They got to do it themselves. And they are doing a horrible job.
There isnt one person sitting in a corner "waiting for whitey". That whole made up scenario is the highest level of bs because not only does it portray blacks as lazy do nothings but it also suggests that blacks cant save themselves and are looking for a savior...white people.

Black society has always been fucked up, thats what happens when you make rules and laws that are different for blacks and whites. One group gets affected more than the other.
I know soooo many citizens who don't care or don't think it matters.

Unkotard thinks I'm racist but that's not true if I want what's best for them.

I'm convinced the solution is a bipartisan one. Help from us liberals but they then got to take Ben carsons advice.

Again, Ben Carson is repeating that old uncle Tom bullshit that pretends someone somewhere is sitting in a corner waiting for white people to save them. No one does it's easy to stop doing it.
Im talking about advice like not having baby mamas and taking school more seriously.

Bill Cosby may be a dick but that doesn't mean he's all wrong. Focusing on Cosby instead of the problem blacks have with rearing their children is just a distraction.

Ben carson is fucked up yes but know who's more fucked up? Poor blacks.

When Americans go abroad and brag we're the greatest foreigner always brings up our ghettos

None of those things will change systematic racism. People bring up the ghettos...ok, blacks didnt create the ghettos and they arent at fault for their existence unless I've missed something.
Dont have a baby mama and "take school more serious" whatever that means (wink blacks dont like learning, like it more wink) and all will be fine. How? IDK, but those things sound good
.....Get the fuck out of this thread you little Asian pussy

Once again proving you are a racist and a fucking MORON, fish.

Here is a great story I heard on NPR why non rich people of all colors should NEVER vote Republican.

The fight to increase the minimum wage in Alabama boiled over last week in the wealthy city of Mountain Brook near Birmingham. 92% of the citizens are white. These protesters are mad that the Republican-controlled Alabama House of Representatives just passed a bill to prevent local governments from setting their own minimum wage. The legislature took up the matter after the Birmingham City Council voted to raise the minimum wage from 7.25 to 10.10 an hour beginning next year.

Republicans say they worry businesses will move to places where they can pay their workers less but they've done studies and it doesn't happen. Companies don't up and leave to another city where the minimum wage is lower. That's NONSENSE! But that won't stop Republicans like you from saying it.

We take care our poor people the worst in Alabama, so what are we going to do, continue to let people starve, live in poverty? And the reason we are sick is because we're not making enough money to take care of ourselves.

I guess the South doesn't treat blacks better than we do up here in the north like some USMB members have suggested. Alabama Lawmakers Fight Minimum Wage Increase In Birmingham

Minimum wage increases do nothing but shrink the job market for young, inexperienced, workers who may never get a chance. If left up to you fools, they may end up in jail instead of working their first job:slap:
Dont have a baby mama and "take school more serious" whatever that means (wink blacks dont like learning, like it more wink) and all will be fine. How? IDK, but those things sound good

:eusa_hand:It's not racial, white people living in the same society, same neighborhoods turn out the same. This is the leftist utopia, created and fomented by the leftist scum, who make victums out of people, and lower the bar of common decency and must be proud
Dont have a baby mama and "take school more serious" whatever that means (wink blacks dont like learning, like it more wink) and all will be fine. How? IDK, but those things sound good

:eusa_hand:It's not racial, white people living in the same society, same neighborhoods turn out the same. This is the leftist utopia, created and fomented by the leftist scum, who make victums out of people, and lower the bar of common decency and must be proud

Are you saying its not racial in a thread with this title?
Dont have a baby mama and "take school more serious" whatever that means (wink blacks dont like learning, like it more wink) and all will be fine. How? IDK, but those things sound good

:eusa_hand:It's not racial, white people living in the same society, same neighborhoods turn out the same. This is the leftist utopia, created and fomented by the leftist scum, who make victums out of people, and lower the bar of common decency and must be proud

Are you saying its not racial in a thread with this title?
Plenty of white baby mamas, baby daddys, and white thugs in the hood
I agree. No police unions.

Police and fire unions are fine the rest should be eliminated.. Why do you hate police? Is that a requirement to be a leftist?
No, I just knew you would be OK with police unions because your brother is a cop. You are a typical Republican. Your union and your welfare is ok, but not everyone elses. Sickening.

Federal government unions should be outlawed genius...that's what I meant, even FDR was against them...what states and cities do is their own business, as long as we don't bail them out like Obama did with the so-called stimulus get it straight Bobo :slap:

I'm gonna go a different route on this one, roc....

I have no beef with unions....any unions.
I feel that the Constitution covers them, as 'freedom of assembly."

It is the corrupt pols who sign off on their unjust demands that I object to.

I'm gonna suggest that we treat the situation like sports leagues.....if a union contract breaks the bank, the public fisc, or is harmful to the public, then penalize the party that signed off on it.... draft, no members of that party on the next election ballot.

These big, federal government unions, helped give us a second term of Obama They organize and take money from these federal workers, which fund get out the vote efforts for the leftist. They shouldn't be financed by tax payers. These unions are anti American, they side with illegal immigrants, over american citizens, and against the American worker. Those who are in private unions, I have no problem with really, as long as it's voluntary. Nobody should be strong-armed and forced to join a union.

They known who will keep taking care of them....
...that's what a union is supposed to do.

Too bad there's no way to keep the politicians honest.
Fathers 'Need To Step Up' For Black Daughters

Today, though, we decided to talk about what happens when Mom is the only one around. That is, what happens when fathers aren't around. That's a situation that is becoming more and more common. A report from the nonprofit group Child Trends found that a majority of children born to women under 30 in the U.S. are born to single mothers. This phenomenon is especially pronounced in the black community, where less than a third of black children are now being raised in a two-parent household.

The Great Society eliminated the need for a black male head of household. It worked exactly as planned
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Fathers 'Need To Step Up' For Black Daughters

Today, though, we decided to talk about what happens when Mom is the only one around. That is, what happens when fathers aren't around. That's a situation that is becoming more and more common. A report from the nonprofit group Child Trends found that a majority of children born to women under 30 in the U.S. are born to single mothers. This phenomenon is especially pronounced in the black community, where less than a third of black children are now being raised in a two-parent household.
What do you suggest we do about it?

Here is a novel idea. If you're on government help of any kind. Don't spread the legs, because if you're getting government help evidently you can't afford to raise a child.
I'm tired of paying for deadbeat parents kids.
If you bring a child into this world it's your responsibility to take care of it. Not the tax payers!

Just makes me wish all government handouts would go broke, make people take care of there self.

Since I'm on the soap box already, here's what I think about food stamps (sorry EBT card, don't want anyone to be ashamed to use it). If you are 300 pounds maybe you shouldn't receive any, but thats what I think,

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.....Get the fuck out of this thread you little Asian pussy

Once again proving you are a racist and a fucking MORON, fish.
Whatever. .....

Spoken like a dimwitted teenager. You're a pathetic, racist idiot, fish.
Asshole who contributes nothing but to call me racist when it's probably you who's the racist but who would know?

Just go away loser

If hearing the truth hurts your little feelings, stop being a fucking racist.

But I'm not being a racist. And maybe if you could argue the points I'm making instead of just attacking me, maybe would could come to a conclusion but you never offer one ounce of constructive replies of any shape. It's almost maddening.

So on NPR I was listening to a guy who wrote about the Board Walk Atlanta City. He talked about how when blacks moved in whites moved out. Whites never want to live with black people. That's half the problem. White flight. I don't completely blame blacks for their woes. In fact I get it that it isn't all their fault.

What I'm pointing out are the things that are their fault. No one in America has to stay in poverty. No one. If you stay single and without kids you can save and go to school or just get a modest job and save until you have enough money to get out of poverty or get a better job. No reason you have to remain working part time or under the table but that may be how you start. But you got to save and get out, or just save and keep working. My grandmother never made much more than minimum wage yet she saved hundreds of thousands of dollars and paid off her home. And she had kids. So imagine some poor person of any color graduating highschool in America and you have the world at your fingertips. Any foreigner would be happy to have that opportunity. So what do too many poor blacks do? They have kids before they are ready.

If the truth makes me racist then I'm a racist.

But I also completely see how white America has created a buffer between them and blacks and that is keeping black people down.

My point is it is time for black people to stop having babies before they are ready.
.....Get the fuck out of this thread you little Asian pussy

Once again proving you are a racist and a fucking MORON, fish.

Here is a great story I heard on NPR why non rich people of all colors should NEVER vote Republican.

The fight to increase the minimum wage in Alabama boiled over last week in the wealthy city of Mountain Brook near Birmingham. 92% of the citizens are white. These protesters are mad that the Republican-controlled Alabama House of Representatives just passed a bill to prevent local governments from setting their own minimum wage. The legislature took up the matter after the Birmingham City Council voted to raise the minimum wage from 7.25 to 10.10 an hour beginning next year.

Republicans say they worry businesses will move to places where they can pay their workers less but they've done studies and it doesn't happen. Companies don't up and leave to another city where the minimum wage is lower. That's NONSENSE! But that won't stop Republicans like you from saying it.

We take care our poor people the worst in Alabama, so what are we going to do, continue to let people starve, live in poverty? And the reason we are sick is because we're not making enough money to take care of ourselves.

I guess the South doesn't treat blacks better than we do up here in the north like some USMB members have suggested. Alabama Lawmakers Fight Minimum Wage Increase In Birmingham

What a surprise to hear leftist BS on NPR.
You don't agree with the left or the right it seems. You are gray on everything fuck face.
Fathers 'Need To Step Up' For Black Daughters

Today, though, we decided to talk about what happens when Mom is the only one around. That is, what happens when fathers aren't around. That's a situation that is becoming more and more common. A report from the nonprofit group Child Trends found that a majority of children born to women under 30 in the U.S. are born to single mothers. This phenomenon is especially pronounced in the black community, where less than a third of black children are now being raised in a two-parent household.
What do you suggest we do about it?

Here is a novel idea. If you're on government help of any kind. Don't spread the legs, because if you're getting government help evidently you can't afford to raise a child.
I'm tired of paying for deadbeat parents kids.
If you bring a child into this world it's your responsibility to take care of it. Not the tax payers!

Just makes me wish all government handouts would go broke, make people take care of there self.

Since I'm on the soap box already, here's what I think about food stamps (sorry EBT card, don't want anyone to be ashamed to use it). If you are 300 pounds maybe you shouldn't receive any, but thats what I think,

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And you should only get the essentials. Butter, milk, rice, spagetti, sauce, ground beef, chicken, fish, etc.

No YooHoo's, potato chips, twizlers, mountain dew, lobster,
Fathers 'Need To Step Up' For Black Daughters

Today, though, we decided to talk about what happens when Mom is the only one around. That is, what happens when fathers aren't around. That's a situation that is becoming more and more common. A report from the nonprofit group Child Trends found that a majority of children born to women under 30 in the U.S. are born to single mothers. This phenomenon is especially pronounced in the black community, where less than a third of black children are now being raised in a two-parent household.

The Great Society eliminated the need for a black male head of household. It worked exactly as planned
It's not just happening to black men. I don't know about the Great Society but I know since women's lib a lot more women are going it alone. They don't need a bad husband anymore. Better to just get a dumb guy to pay child support and babysit on weekends so mom can go be a whore and find another baby daddy to subsodize her for 18 more years.
Either raise the wages or be against raising wages and stop complaining about the low wages you defend

I'm for good jobs staffed by Americans. You support low skilled, low wage jobs,.and unlimited immigration which lowers wages for Americans. you leftist are anti american scumbags

You hears me, and you dodged it

You're too simple minded to get it...That's true with most leftist, accept of course those at the top ,who throw little bones to you idiots as they get rich.
What you don't seem to get is that yes, we need more minimum wage jobs in poor areas and we need a higher minimum wage.

Alabama Lawmakers Fight Minimum Wage Increase In Birmingham

Seems like it isn't just blacks in the north who are unhappy or being discriminated against.

So tell me Jroc, what is wrong with black people in Alabama? Are you suggesting all black people are lazy and looking for a handout? I'm trying to figure out how much of a racist you are. Because you clearly think you are better/smarter than black Detroiters. Right? I mean you came from a broken home too and yet you made it.

Could that have anything to do with you being white? That does help you know. Opens a lot of doors.
The problem with the black community?

Too many nignags.
Not sure what that means, but it doesn't sound like a wonderful pet name.
To answer the OP, too many people paying race politics with their lives, too many gangs, too many young people who have lost hope, too many people who do not see a way out of poverty, too many people calling folks like Ben Carson, Russell Wilson, and the like "sell-outs" and "Uncle Toms". It is not their fault YOU didn't get out, it is not their fault that you have not changed your attitude. It's about time we had a "black leader" that told it like it is, if you want to get out, YOU need to do what it takes.
Once again proving you are a racist and a fucking MORON, fish.
Whatever. .....

Spoken like a dimwitted teenager. You're a pathetic, racist idiot, fish.
Asshole who contributes nothing but to call me racist when it's probably you who's the racist but who would know?

Just go away loser

If hearing the truth hurts your little feelings, stop being a fucking racist.

But I'm not being a racist. And maybe if you could argue the points I'm making instead of just attacking me, maybe would could come to a conclusion but you never offer one ounce of constructive replies of any shape. It's almost maddening.

So on NPR I was listening to a guy who wrote about the Board Walk Atlanta City. He talked about how when blacks moved in whites moved out. Whites never want to live with black people. That's half the problem. White flight. I don't completely blame blacks for their woes. In fact I get it that it isn't all their fault.

What I'm pointing out are the things that are their fault. No one in America has to stay in poverty. No one. If you stay single and without kids you can save and go to school or just get a modest job and save until you have enough money to get out of poverty or get a better job. No reason you have to remain working part time or under the table but that may be how you start. But you got to save and get out, or just save and keep working. My grandmother never made much more than minimum wage yet she saved hundreds of thousands of dollars and paid off her home. And she had kids. So imagine some poor person of any color graduating highschool in America and you have the world at your fingertips. Any foreigner would be happy to have that opportunity. So what do too many poor blacks do? They have kids before they are ready.

If the truth makes me racist then I'm a racist.

But I also completely see how white America has created a buffer between them and blacks and that is keeping black people down.

My point is it is time for black people to stop having babies before they are ready.

Every racist like you thinks he's 'right,' and thinks that makes his racism justified. All of you are wrong, fish.
Fathers 'Need To Step Up' For Black Daughters

Today, though, we decided to talk about what happens when Mom is the only one around. That is, what happens when fathers aren't around. That's a situation that is becoming more and more common. A report from the nonprofit group Child Trends found that a majority of children born to women under 30 in the U.S. are born to single mothers. This phenomenon is especially pronounced in the black community, where less than a third of black children are now being raised in a two-parent household.
What do you suggest we do about it?

Here is a novel idea. If you're on government help of any kind. Don't spread the legs, because if you're getting government help evidently you can't afford to raise a child.
I'm tired of paying for deadbeat parents kids.
If you bring a child into this world it's your responsibility to take care of it. Not the tax payers!

Just makes me wish all government handouts would go broke, make people take care of there self.

Since I'm on the soap box already, here's what I think about food stamps (sorry EBT card, don't want anyone to be ashamed to use it). If you are 300 pounds maybe you shouldn't receive any, but thats what I think,

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
And you should only get the essentials. Butter, milk, rice, spagetti, sauce, ground beef, chicken, fish, etc.


Those are the essentials, huh? Now we know what kind of disgusting fat slob you are, fish.
Fathers 'Need To Step Up' For Black Daughters

Today, though, we decided to talk about what happens when Mom is the only one around. That is, what happens when fathers aren't around. That's a situation that is becoming more and more common. A report from the nonprofit group Child Trends found that a majority of children born to women under 30 in the U.S. are born to single mothers. This phenomenon is especially pronounced in the black community, where less than a third of black children are now being raised in a two-parent household.
What do you suggest we do about it?

Here is a novel idea. If you're on government help of any kind. Don't spread the legs, because if you're getting government help evidently you can't afford to raise a child.
I'm tired of paying for deadbeat parents kids.
If you bring a child into this world it's your responsibility to take care of it. Not the tax payers!

Just makes me wish all government handouts would go broke, make people take care of there self.

Since I'm on the soap box already, here's what I think about food stamps (sorry EBT card, don't want anyone to be ashamed to use it). If you are 300 pounds maybe you shouldn't receive any, but thats what I think,

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
And you should only get the essentials. Butter, milk, rice, spagetti, sauce, ground beef, chicken, fish, etc.


Those are the essentials, huh? Now we know what kind of disgusting fat slob you are, fish.

The people sucking on the government teet , are they disgusting fat slobs too.
Or have they just been held down by the man?

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