Problem With the Black Community

Fathers 'Need To Step Up' For Black Daughters

Today, though, we decided to talk about what happens when Mom is the only one around. That is, what happens when fathers aren't around. That's a situation that is becoming more and more common. A report from the nonprofit group Child Trends found that a majority of children born to women under 30 in the U.S. are born to single mothers. This phenomenon is especially pronounced in the black community, where less than a third of black children are now being raised in a two-parent household.
What do you suggest we do about it?

Here is a novel idea. If you're on government help of any kind. Don't spread the legs, because if you're getting government help evidently you can't afford to raise a child.
I'm tired of paying for deadbeat parents kids.
If you bring a child into this world it's your responsibility to take care of it. Not the tax payers!

Just makes me wish all government handouts would go broke, make people take care of there self.

Since I'm on the soap box already, here's what I think about food stamps (sorry EBT card, don't want anyone to be ashamed to use it). If you are 300 pounds maybe you shouldn't receive any, but thats what I think,

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And you should only get the essentials. Butter, milk, rice, spagetti, sauce, ground beef, chicken, fish, etc.


Those are the essentials, huh? Now we know what kind of disgusting fat slob you are, fish.

The people sucking on the government teet , are they disgusting fat slobs too.

Depends on the individual, doesn't it?
What do you suggest we do about it?

Here is a novel idea. If you're on government help of any kind. Don't spread the legs, because if you're getting government help evidently you can't afford to raise a child.
I'm tired of paying for deadbeat parents kids.
If you bring a child into this world it's your responsibility to take care of it. Not the tax payers!

Just makes me wish all government handouts would go broke, make people take care of there self.

Since I'm on the soap box already, here's what I think about food stamps (sorry EBT card, don't want anyone to be ashamed to use it). If you are 300 pounds maybe you shouldn't receive any, but thats what I think,

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
And you should only get the essentials. Butter, milk, rice, spagetti, sauce, ground beef, chicken, fish, etc.


Those are the essentials, huh? Now we know what kind of disgusting fat slob you are, fish.

The people sucking on the government teet , are they disgusting fat slobs too.

Depends on the individual, doesn't it?
It turns out zip code plays a big part in whether or not people become successful. In other words, it isn't that the kids that live in 90210 arent smarter than blacks in detroit. They just have more opportunities.

Better schools, better jobs, more taxes, better connections, better parents, better friends.

Things aren't fair for the black community so they are going to have to fix their own communities themselves. And move to a better zip code
What do you suggest we do about it?

Here is a novel idea. If you're on government help of any kind. Don't spread the legs, because if you're getting government help evidently you can't afford to raise a child.
I'm tired of paying for deadbeat parents kids.
If you bring a child into this world it's your responsibility to take care of it. Not the tax payers!

Just makes me wish all government handouts would go broke, make people take care of there self.

Since I'm on the soap box already, here's what I think about food stamps (sorry EBT card, don't want anyone to be ashamed to use it). If you are 300 pounds maybe you shouldn't receive any, but thats what I think,

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
And you should only get the essentials. Butter, milk, rice, spagetti, sauce, ground beef, chicken, fish, etc.


Those are the essentials, huh? Now we know what kind of disgusting fat slob you are, fish.

The people sucking on the government teet , are they disgusting fat slobs too.

Depends on the individual, doesn't it?
It also depends on where you live. If it just "depended on the individual" then statistically just as many blacks would make a success of themselves as do whites in the white community, but they don't. Why do you think that is? Are poor people lazier and dumber? That's what you think. I don't. I think blacks don't get equal opportunity. Do you disagree?

Now, this thread is about one of the main things blacks are doing to themselves. They are having too many fatherless babies. Stop doing this problem solved
Either raise the wages or be against raising wages and stop complaining about the low wages you defend

I'm for good jobs staffed by Americans. You support low skilled, low wage jobs,.and unlimited immigration which lowers wages for Americans. you leftist are anti american scumbags

You hears me, and you dodged it

You're too simple minded to get it...That's true with most leftist, accept of course those at the top ,who throw little bones to you idiots as they get rich.
What you don't seem to get is that yes, we need more minimum wage jobs in poor areas and we need a higher minimum wage.

Alabama Lawmakers Fight Minimum Wage Increase In Birmingham

Seems like it isn't just blacks in the north who are unhappy or being discriminated against.

So tell me Jroc, what is wrong with black people in Alabama? Are you suggesting all black people are lazy and looking for a handout? I'm trying to figure out how much of a racist you are. Because you clearly think you are better/smarter than black Detroiters. Right? I mean you came from a broken home too and yet you made it.

Could that have anything to do with you being white? That does help you know. Opens a lot of doors.

Because my little Jewish mother kicked our ass, and i just said whites and blacks in my neighborhood turned out the same. Some made it, some didn't. You're the one who's saying blacks are screwed up and shouldn't be allowed to procreate. :slap:
Here is a novel idea. If you're on government help of any kind. Don't spread the legs, because if you're getting government help evidently you can't afford to raise a child.
I'm tired of paying for deadbeat parents kids.
If you bring a child into this world it's your responsibility to take care of it. Not the tax payers!

Just makes me wish all government handouts would go broke, make people take care of there self.

Since I'm on the soap box already, here's what I think about food stamps (sorry EBT card, don't want anyone to be ashamed to use it). If you are 300 pounds maybe you shouldn't receive any, but thats what I think,

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
And you should only get the essentials. Butter, milk, rice, spagetti, sauce, ground beef, chicken, fish, etc.


Those are the essentials, huh? Now we know what kind of disgusting fat slob you are, fish.

The people sucking on the government teet , are they disgusting fat slobs too.

Depends on the individual, doesn't it?
It also depends on where you live. If it just "depended on the individual" then statistically just as many blacks would make a success of themselves as do whites in the white community, but they don't. Why do you think that is? Are poor people lazier and dumber? That's what you think. I don't. I think blacks don't get equal opportunity. Do you disagree?

Now, this thread is about one of the main things blacks are doing to themselves. They are having too many fatherless babies. Stop doing this problem solved
Your post seems to contradict it's self. First you claim it is not their fault, then you claim that it is. Which is it? Or is the standard different depending on the context?
Either raise the wages or be against raising wages and stop complaining about the low wages you defend

I'm for good jobs staffed by Americans. You support low skilled, low wage jobs,.and unlimited immigration which lowers wages for Americans. you leftist are anti american scumbags

You hears me, and you dodged it

You're too simple minded to get it...That's true with most leftist, accept of course those at the top ,who throw little bones to you idiots as they get rich.
What you don't seem to get is that yes, we need more minimum wage jobs in poor areas and we need a higher minimum wage.

Alabama Lawmakers Fight Minimum Wage Increase In Birmingham

Seems like it isn't just blacks in the north who are unhappy or being discriminated against.

So tell me Jroc, what is wrong with black people in Alabama? Are you suggesting all black people are lazy and looking for a handout? I'm trying to figure out how much of a racist you are. Because you clearly think you are better/smarter than black Detroiters. Right? I mean you came from a broken home too and yet you made it.

Could that have anything to do with you being white? That does help you know. Opens a lot of doors.

Because my little Jewish mother kicked our ass, and i just said whites and blacks in my neighborhood turned out the same. Some made it, some didn't. You're the one who's saying blacks are screwed up and shouldn't be allowed to procreate. :slap:
Actually, statistically, people in the burbs make something of themselves at a much higher percentage compared to you hood rats. You may have made it but statistically the people in your area code fail at an alarming rate. Why is that? Are you all dumber than us on average or are you at a disadvantage because of the lack of opportunity.

I'm not saying blacks shouldn't have kids. I'm saying poor people shouldn't have kids until they are no longer poor. And I'm saying poor single black women are having way too many kids. More than whites. It's a fact. That's what started this thread. Blacks say, "whites do it too" but we don't do it as much and we live in area codes where you can succeed even if you make a mistake. Blacks can't. If you are poor and have a kid in detroit, you pretty much made things way harder for yourself.

So you are not hearing what I'm saying. I said people on welfare shouldn't have kids, or more kids.

You seem to be the only Republican who's ok with welfare moms having as many kids as they want. Interesting. Why is that?
And you should only get the essentials. Butter, milk, rice, spagetti, sauce, ground beef, chicken, fish, etc.


Those are the essentials, huh? Now we know what kind of disgusting fat slob you are, fish.

The people sucking on the government teet , are they disgusting fat slobs too.

Depends on the individual, doesn't it?
It also depends on where you live. If it just "depended on the individual" then statistically just as many blacks would make a success of themselves as do whites in the white community, but they don't. Why do you think that is? Are poor people lazier and dumber? That's what you think. I don't. I think blacks don't get equal opportunity. Do you disagree?

Now, this thread is about one of the main things blacks are doing to themselves. They are having too many fatherless babies. Stop doing this problem solved
Your post seems to contradict it's self. First you claim it is not their fault, then you claim that it is. Which is it? Or is the standard different depending on the context?
I am a liberal so I can argue all day why Detroit is not black people's fault. BUT, some of their situation is their fault. If you live in Detroit and you are poor and you have a kid with a thug who doesn't have a real job, that is your fault.

But Detroit and other black communities are shit holes because of white flight. Put more business' in Detroit, not Mexico, and see the crime rate and dead beat dad situation drop.
Either raise the wages or be against raising wages and stop complaining about the low wages you defend

I'm for good jobs staffed by Americans. You support low skilled, low wage jobs,.and unlimited immigration which lowers wages for Americans. you leftist are anti american scumbags

You hears me, and you dodged it

You're too simple minded to get it...That's true with most leftist, accept of course those at the top ,who throw little bones to you idiots as they get rich.
What you don't seem to get is that yes, we need more minimum wage jobs in poor areas and we need a higher minimum wage.

Alabama Lawmakers Fight Minimum Wage Increase In Birmingham

Seems like it isn't just blacks in the north who are unhappy or being discriminated against.

So tell me Jroc, what is wrong with black people in Alabama? Are you suggesting all black people are lazy and looking for a handout? I'm trying to figure out how much of a racist you are. Because you clearly think you are better/smarter than black Detroiters. Right? I mean you came from a broken home too and yet you made it.

Could that have anything to do with you being white? That does help you know. Opens a lot of doors.

Because my little Jewish mother kicked our ass, and i just said whites and blacks in my neighborhood turned out the same. Some made it, some didn't. You're the one who's saying blacks are screwed up and shouldn't be allowed to procreate. :slap:
Are you saying not enough black parents kick their kids asses like our parents did? I would agree. They need to get more serious about parenting. I don't think you disagree.

But it is a lot harder for a single parent to raise a kid let alone multiple kids. Statistically they are the people who fail most and repeat the cycle. Do you have any kids without a wife? Does your brother? Just curious.
And you should only get the essentials. Butter, milk, rice, spagetti, sauce, ground beef, chicken, fish, etc.


Those are the essentials, huh? Now we know what kind of disgusting fat slob you are, fish.

The people sucking on the government teet , are they disgusting fat slobs too.

Depends on the individual, doesn't it?
It also depends on where you live. If it just "depended on the individual" then statistically just as many blacks would make a success of themselves as do whites in the white community, but they don't. Why do you think that is? Are poor people lazier and dumber? That's what you think. I don't. I think blacks don't get equal opportunity. Do you disagree?

Now, this thread is about one of the main things blacks are doing to themselves. They are having too many fatherless babies. Stop doing this problem solved
Your post seems to contradict it's self. First you claim it is not their fault, then you claim that it is. Which is it? Or is the standard different depending on the context?

HIV rates have been on the decline in the U.S. for years now, but stark disparities remain, with some groups of people at high risk of infection.

Here's the good part: The number of people diagnosed annually has dropped by about 20 percent in the last decade.

The drop was driven by plunges in certain groups of people, including heterosexuals, with a 35 percent decline since 2005; black women, with a 42 percent decline; and people who inject drugs, 63 percent.


"MSM" stands for "men who have sex with men." "IDUs" refers to injection drug users. "White" is defined as "white, non-Hispanic" and "black" is defined as "black, non-Hispanic." Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2016.

Rae Ellen Bichell/NPR
But that leaves this bad part: Rates are increasing in African-American and Hispanic men who have sex with men, according to data released Tuesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. At current rates, half of black and one quarter of Latino gay or bisexual men will be diagnosed with HIV in their lifetimes.

In the last 10 years, diagnoses increased about 6 percent among all men who have sex with men, but rose 22 percent in black men and 24 percent in Latino men.
Those are the essentials, huh? Now we know what kind of disgusting fat slob you are, fish.

The people sucking on the government teet , are they disgusting fat slobs too.

Depends on the individual, doesn't it?
It also depends on where you live. If it just "depended on the individual" then statistically just as many blacks would make a success of themselves as do whites in the white community, but they don't. Why do you think that is? Are poor people lazier and dumber? That's what you think. I don't. I think blacks don't get equal opportunity. Do you disagree?

Now, this thread is about one of the main things blacks are doing to themselves. They are having too many fatherless babies. Stop doing this problem solved
Your post seems to contradict it's self. First you claim it is not their fault, then you claim that it is. Which is it? Or is the standard different depending on the context?
I am a liberal so I can argue all day why Detroit is not black people's fault. BUT, some of their situation is their fault. If you live in Detroit and you are poor and you have a kid with a thug who doesn't have a real job, that is your fault.

But Detroit and other black communities are shit holes because of white flight. Put more business' in Detroit, not Mexico, and see the crime rate and dead beat dad situation drop.
Detriot is not black peoples' fault? Who the hell elected the people to run the damn city? All the "white folks" who left for the 'burbs? You make no sense, you say one thing then contradict it in the next thought.
Those are the essentials, huh? Now we know what kind of disgusting fat slob you are, fish.

The people sucking on the government teet , are they disgusting fat slobs too.

Depends on the individual, doesn't it?
It also depends on where you live. If it just "depended on the individual" then statistically just as many blacks would make a success of themselves as do whites in the white community, but they don't. Why do you think that is? Are poor people lazier and dumber? That's what you think. I don't. I think blacks don't get equal opportunity. Do you disagree?

Now, this thread is about one of the main things blacks are doing to themselves. They are having too many fatherless babies. Stop doing this problem solved
Your post seems to contradict it's self. First you claim it is not their fault, then you claim that it is. Which is it? Or is the standard different depending on the context?

HIV rates have been on the decline in the U.S. for years now, but stark disparities remain, with some groups of people at high risk of infection.

Here's the good part: The number of people diagnosed annually has dropped by about 20 percent in the last decade.

The drop was driven by plunges in certain groups of people, including heterosexuals, with a 35 percent decline since 2005; black women, with a 42 percent decline; and people who inject drugs, 63 percent.


"MSM" stands for "men who have sex with men." "IDUs" refers to injection drug users. "White" is defined as "white, non-Hispanic" and "black" is defined as "black, non-Hispanic." Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2016.

Rae Ellen Bichell/NPR
But that leaves this bad part: Rates are increasing in African-American and Hispanic men who have sex with men, according to data released Tuesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. At current rates, half of black and one quarter of Latino gay or bisexual men will be diagnosed with HIV in their lifetimes.

In the last 10 years, diagnoses increased about 6 percent among all men who have sex with men, but rose 22 percent in black men and 24 percent in Latino men.
Thanks for the lesson, but what is the piont? That gay black men are stupid? I mean really, what do the HIV rates have to do with the topic at hand? Seems like typical liberal diversionary tactics to me.
The people sucking on the government teet , are they disgusting fat slobs too.

Depends on the individual, doesn't it?
It also depends on where you live. If it just "depended on the individual" then statistically just as many blacks would make a success of themselves as do whites in the white community, but they don't. Why do you think that is? Are poor people lazier and dumber? That's what you think. I don't. I think blacks don't get equal opportunity. Do you disagree?

Now, this thread is about one of the main things blacks are doing to themselves. They are having too many fatherless babies. Stop doing this problem solved
Your post seems to contradict it's self. First you claim it is not their fault, then you claim that it is. Which is it? Or is the standard different depending on the context?
I am a liberal so I can argue all day why Detroit is not black people's fault. BUT, some of their situation is their fault. If you live in Detroit and you are poor and you have a kid with a thug who doesn't have a real job, that is your fault.

But Detroit and other black communities are shit holes because of white flight. Put more business' in Detroit, not Mexico, and see the crime rate and dead beat dad situation drop.
Detriot is not black peoples' fault? Who the hell elected the people to run the damn city? All the "white folks" who left for the 'burbs? You make no sense, you say one thing then contradict it in the next thought.
That's because we don't live in an all black or all white world. There are shades of gray. Is it all blacks fault? No. Did white people leave the city because they don't like living with black people and did white people take all the jobs with them? Yes.

But are blacks being responsible citizens? Apparently not.

I'm a liberal who gets racism exists but also believes blacks in general need to start doing for themselves. Stop the pants pulled down eubonics one parent homes on welfare bullshit. Am I wrong?

Do you NOT get it that America is racist towards blacks? Because if you deny it, then are you suggesting blacks are completely at fault and responsible for the position they are in?

You'll have to have the ability to go outside your right wing talking points if you want to have an honest discussion about this.
Dont have a baby mama and "take school more serious" whatever that means (wink blacks dont like learning, like it more wink) and all will be fine. How? IDK, but those things sound good

:eusa_hand:It's not racial, white people living in the same society, same neighborhoods turn out the same. This is the leftist utopia, created and fomented by the leftist scum, who make victums out of people, and lower the bar of common decency and must be proud

Are you saying its not racial in a thread with this title?
Plenty of white baby mamas, baby daddys, and white thugs in the hood

Of course there is. Again, are you saying its not racial in a thread with this title?
Dont have a baby mama and "take school more serious" whatever that means (wink blacks dont like learning, like it more wink) and all will be fine. How? IDK, but those things sound good

:eusa_hand:It's not racial, white people living in the same society, same neighborhoods turn out the same. This is the leftist utopia, created and fomented by the leftist scum, who make victums out of people, and lower the bar of common decency and must be proud

Are you saying its not racial in a thread with this title?
Plenty of white baby mamas, baby daddys, and white thugs in the hood

Of course there is. Again, are you saying its not racial in a thread with this title?
Ever notice a thriving middle class white community full of successful smart arrogant conservative middle class voters all of the sudden becomes a shit hole when the coal mine dries up? Why don't those smart white people just re invent themselves?
.....Get the fuck out of this thread you little Asian pussy

Once again proving you are a racist and a fucking MORON, fish.

Here is a great story I heard on NPR why non rich people of all colors should NEVER vote Republican.

The fight to increase the minimum wage in Alabama boiled over last week in the wealthy city of Mountain Brook near Birmingham. 92% of the citizens are white. These protesters are mad that the Republican-controlled Alabama House of Representatives just passed a bill to prevent local governments from setting their own minimum wage. The legislature took up the matter after the Birmingham City Council voted to raise the minimum wage from 7.25 to 10.10 an hour beginning next year.

Republicans say they worry businesses will move to places where they can pay their workers less but they've done studies and it doesn't happen. Companies don't up and leave to another city where the minimum wage is lower. That's NONSENSE! But that won't stop Republicans like you from saying it.

We take care our poor people the worst in Alabama, so what are we going to do, continue to let people starve, live in poverty? And the reason we are sick is because we're not making enough money to take care of ourselves.

I guess the South doesn't treat blacks better than we do up here in the north like some USMB members have suggested. Alabama Lawmakers Fight Minimum Wage Increase In Birmingham

What a surprise to hear leftist BS on NPR.
You hear a lot of interesting stuff on NPR. No surprise you don't listen.

A report from the Massachusetts-based Schott Foundation paints a bleak picture of how young black men fare in school: fewer than half graduate from high school. And in some states, like New York, the graduation rate is as low as one in four. The foundation's John Jackson and David Sciarra of the Education Law Center discuss what's needed to improve educational attainment among African American children.

A Bleak Picture For Young Black Male Students

You don't think this is a problem? You don't think this has to change? Who knows what you think. You haven't said a word that matters or adds to the conversation once. What say you?
The people sucking on the government teet , are they disgusting fat slobs too.

Depends on the individual, doesn't it?
It also depends on where you live. If it just "depended on the individual" then statistically just as many blacks would make a success of themselves as do whites in the white community, but they don't. Why do you think that is? Are poor people lazier and dumber? That's what you think. I don't. I think blacks don't get equal opportunity. Do you disagree?

Now, this thread is about one of the main things blacks are doing to themselves. They are having too many fatherless babies. Stop doing this problem solved
Your post seems to contradict it's self. First you claim it is not their fault, then you claim that it is. Which is it? Or is the standard different depending on the context?

HIV rates have been on the decline in the U.S. for years now, but stark disparities remain, with some groups of people at high risk of infection.

Here's the good part: The number of people diagnosed annually has dropped by about 20 percent in the last decade.

The drop was driven by plunges in certain groups of people, including heterosexuals, with a 35 percent decline since 2005; black women, with a 42 percent decline; and people who inject drugs, 63 percent.


"MSM" stands for "men who have sex with men." "IDUs" refers to injection drug users. "White" is defined as "white, non-Hispanic" and "black" is defined as "black, non-Hispanic." Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2016.

Rae Ellen Bichell/NPR
But that leaves this bad part: Rates are increasing in African-American and Hispanic men who have sex with men, according to data released Tuesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. At current rates, half of black and one quarter of Latino gay or bisexual men will be diagnosed with HIV in their lifetimes.

In the last 10 years, diagnoses increased about 6 percent among all men who have sex with men, but rose 22 percent in black men and 24 percent in Latino men.
Thanks for the lesson, but what is the piont? That gay black men are stupid? I mean really, what do the HIV rates have to do with the topic at hand? Seems like typical liberal diversionary tactics to me.
I just saw it and thought it was interesting. What does this story suggest to you? It tells me that black people aren't being smart when it comes to sex.
Dont have a baby mama and "take school more serious" whatever that means (wink blacks dont like learning, like it more wink) and all will be fine. How? IDK, but those things sound good

:eusa_hand:It's not racial, white people living in the same society, same neighborhoods turn out the same. This is the leftist utopia, created and fomented by the leftist scum, who make victums out of people, and lower the bar of common decency and must be proud

Are you saying its not racial in a thread with this title?
Plenty of white baby mamas, baby daddys, and white thugs in the hood

Of course there is. Again, are you saying its not racial in a thread with this title?
Ever notice a thriving middle class white community full of successful smart arrogant conservative middle class voters all of the sudden becomes a shit hole when the coal mine dries up? Why don't those smart white people just re invent themselves?

Because its not all about being "smart"
:eusa_hand:It's not racial, white people living in the same society, same neighborhoods turn out the same. This is the leftist utopia, created and fomented by the leftist scum, who make victums out of people, and lower the bar of common decency and must be proud

Are you saying its not racial in a thread with this title?
Plenty of white baby mamas, baby daddys, and white thugs in the hood

Of course there is. Again, are you saying its not racial in a thread with this title?
Ever notice a thriving middle class white community full of successful smart arrogant conservative middle class voters all of the sudden becomes a shit hole when the coal mine dries up? Why don't those smart white people just re invent themselves?

Because its not all about being "smart"
White people are always suggesting that black people should just all start opening business' and re invent themselves. Fact is, there are some pretty piss poor white neighborhoods in the south too. Why don't they all start their own business'? Are people in those poor southern cities dumber than the people in the richer zip codes?
:eusa_hand:It's not racial, white people living in the same society, same neighborhoods turn out the same. This is the leftist utopia, created and fomented by the leftist scum, who make victums out of people, and lower the bar of common decency and must be proud

Are you saying its not racial in a thread with this title?
Plenty of white baby mamas, baby daddys, and white thugs in the hood

Of course there is. Again, are you saying its not racial in a thread with this title?
Ever notice a thriving middle class white community full of successful smart arrogant conservative middle class voters all of the sudden becomes a shit hole when the coal mine dries up? Why don't those smart white people just re invent themselves?

Because its not all about being "smart"
Atlantic City used to be where the rich went to show off and vacation. What happened to it?

Going For Broke: Atlantic City Falls On Hard Times

The place was booming now it is not.

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