Proof - 12 indictments - tax return time Big Boy !

12 - is that proof enough ?

What Mueller's Indictments Mean For Trump Now

and its just starting for Don Cheeto.

You lefties are such terrible hypocrites. Hillary does all kinds of shady shit, but you still back her.

No, many don't, including myself. But since they have a track record of being in the White House, and leaving the country with budget surpluses in 1999, 2000 and 2001, at least we knew that while they may continue to enrich themselves, they weren't going to hurt us, like Trump is doing.
Then why wasn't his name on an indictment?

Because the whole Trump/Russia narrative is bullshit.

we'll find out wont we ...

I think we have... nearly a year and all they came up with was some tax indictments against 2 guys that 2 years ago nobody even heard of.

for now...

Yeah, and Hillary indictments are coming...

Hahahaha....You Trumpanzees have been saying that for a loooonnng time, and all the while calling Mueller's investigation a nothingburger. Wrong on both counts. Need some BUTTHURT cream, honey?
12 - is that proof enough ?

What Mueller's Indictments Mean For Trump Now

and its just starting for Don Cheeto.

You lefties are such terrible hypocrites. Hillary does all kinds of shady shit, but you still back her.

No, many don't, including myself. But since they have a track record of being in the White House, and leaving the country with budget surpluses in 1999, 2000 and 2001, at least we knew that while they may continue to enrich themselves, they weren't going to hurt us, like Trump is doing.

Sure, what type of surplus did Obama leave?
12 - is that proof enough ?

What Mueller's Indictments Mean For Trump Now

and its just starting for Don Cheeto.

You lefties are such terrible hypocrites. Hillary does all kinds of shady shit, but you still back her.

No, many don't, including myself. But since they have a track record of being in the White House, and leaving the country with budget surpluses in 1999, 2000 and 2001, at least we knew that while they may continue to enrich themselves, they weren't going to hurt us, like Trump is doing.

Sure, what type of surplus did Obama leave?

a surplus of NO INDICTMENTS.
Then why wasn't his name on an indictment?

Because the whole Trump/Russia narrative is bullshit.

we'll find out wont we ...

I think we have... nearly a year and all they came up with was some tax indictments against 2 guys that 2 years ago nobody even heard of.

for now...

Yeah, and Hillary indictments are coming...

You're sure? Well then, you must know where the Grand Jury has been impaneled. Please tell us where and who impaneled the GJ, and what was in the Information.

If you don't have this you would seem to be lying. Which would not surprise me a bit.
Hahahaha....You Trumpanzees have been saying that for a loooonnng time, and all the while calling Mueller's investigation a nothingburger. Wrong on both counts. Need some BUTTHURT cream, honey?

Can Sessions be indicted for lying under oath that no associates of the Trump administration colluded with the Russians?
Hahahaha....You Trumpanzees have been saying that for a loooonnng time, and all the while calling Mueller's investigation a nothingburger. Wrong on both counts. Need some BUTTHURT cream, honey?

Can Sessions be indicted for lying under oath that no associates of the Trump administration colluded with the Russians?

If the Justice Department affidavit is true, and Sessions was in the room at the time Papadopoulos explained he wanted to arrange a meeting between Trump and Putin, there could potentially be a perjury case.

Jeff Sessions may be in big trouble after George Papadopoulos' plea
They could have subpoenaed those returns months ago. I would bet they already have his tax returns. They just can't release them, and probably won't because the only thing it shows is that he doesn't make as much as he makes everyone believe, or he pays only an effective tax rate of 10%, both of which are politically embarrassing, but not illegal.
So you know what Trump's tax returns show? Lol
Since Don Jr. Admitted the family makes most of their money fromRussia( the deadbeats can't get loans in America because they're such a bad risk) it's an even better guess his returns would show money laundering thru Russia. Possibly via the same bank Putin launders his money. The Bank in Cyprus. Guess who ran that bank for quite a while. Trump's Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross.
Nooo nothing shady looking there, right?
Barry Hussein had Trump's tax returns just like every other crooked democrat administration used the IRS to punish political enemies. It's more likely that Mueller softened the blow to democrats by holding off on indictments related to the Hillary campaign to prevent the violence we saw when crazy incoherent lefties smashed windows and torched cars over the election.
I'm sure that's exactly it. In your Clinton Derangement Syndrome mind.
its not Obama or Hillary - its damn near the entire Trump Cartel in question. The list of names is growing. Don Cheeto will be damn lucky if he didnt have some sort of association with the cast of many. His big fat ass has got to be sweating through his Depends right about now.

its not Obama or Hillary - its damn near the entire Trump Cartel in question. The list of names is growing. Don Cheeto will be damn lucky if he didnt have some sort of association with the cast of many. His big fat ass has got to be sweating through his Depends right about now.


It was reported that Trump has been throwing temper tantrums in the private residence. Sounds like his lawyers are explaining how Papadopoulos translates to "you are screwed"
Papadopoulos (Greek: Παπαδόπουλος), sometimes transliterated as Papadopulos, is the most common Greek surname. It is used in Greece, Cyprus and countries of the Greek diaspora as well, such as the USA, United Kingdom, Australia and Scandinavian countries. It means "son of a priest".

O.K. maybe not.
12 - is that proof enough ?

What Mueller's Indictments Mean For Trump Now

and its just starting for Don Cheeto.

You lefties are such terrible hypocrites. Hillary does all kinds of shady shit, but you still back her.

No, many don't, including myself. But since they have a track record of being in the White House, and leaving the country with budget surpluses in 1999, 2000 and 2001, at least we knew that while they may continue to enrich themselves, they weren't going to hurt us, like Trump is doing.

Sure, what type of surplus did Obama leave?
I don’t suppose they know he doubled the national debt. Their media regularly keeps them in the dark.
12 - is that proof enough ?

What Mueller's Indictments Mean For Trump Now

and its just starting for Don Cheeto.

You lefties are such terrible hypocrites. Hillary does all kinds of shady shit, but you still back her.

No, many don't, including myself. But since they have a track record of being in the White House, and leaving the country with budget surpluses in 1999, 2000 and 2001, at least we knew that while they may continue to enrich themselves, they weren't going to hurt us, like Trump is doing.

Sure, what type of surplus did Obama leave?
I don’t suppose they know he doubled the national debt. Their media regularly keeps them in the dark.

Well sure, after all every $1.00 spent returns $1.72. Pretty sure Obama used the same math.
Tick tock tick tock... and then nothing on Trump doing anything wrong. But how about Podesta trying to hide stepping down from his company?
12 - is that proof enough ?

What Mueller's Indictments Mean For Trump Now

and its just starting for Don Cheeto.

You lefties are such terrible hypocrites. Hillary does all kinds of shady shit, but you still back her.

20 YEARS of investigations of the Clintons and the only thing that's ever come of it is Bill's lying about an affair with an intern.

If you think that the Clinton's have done anything illegal, PROVE IT OR STFU!

Hell, it's only been 10 months and we're well on the way to PROVING TRUMP's COLLUSION!

12 indictments already...AND MORE YET TO COME!

The level of stupidity in your post is stunning. There have been 3 indictments, two not guilty pleas and 1 guilty plea. Twelve indictments? You're dreaming. You should be the one to STFU.
12 - is that proof enough ?

What Mueller's Indictments Mean For Trump Now

and its just starting for Don Cheeto.

You lefties are such terrible hypocrites. Hillary does all kinds of shady shit, but you still back her.

20 YEARS of investigations of the Clintons and the only thing that's ever come of it is Bill's lying about an affair with an intern.

If you think that the Clinton's have done anything illegal, PROVE IT OR STFU!

Hell, it's only been 10 months and we're well on the way to PROVING TRUMP's COLLUSION!

12 indictments already...AND MORE YET TO COME!

The level of stupidity in your post is stunning. There have been 3 indictments, two not guilty pleas and 1 guilty plea. Twelve indictments? You're dreaming. You should be the one to STFU.
Yet these same lefties who can ignore Clinton’s corruption, believe Trump colluded with the Russians to steal the election and should be impeached.
12 - is that proof enough ?

What Mueller's Indictments Mean For Trump Now

and its just starting for Don Cheeto.

You lefties are such terrible hypocrites. Hillary does all kinds of shady shit, but you still back her.

20 YEARS of investigations of the Clintons and the only thing that's ever come of it is Bill's lying about an affair with an intern.

If you think that the Clinton's have done anything illegal, PROVE IT OR STFU!

Hell, it's only been 10 months and we're well on the way to PROVING TRUMP's COLLUSION!

12 indictments already...AND MORE YET TO COME!

The level of stupidity in your post is stunning. There have been 3 indictments, two not guilty pleas and 1 guilty plea. Twelve indictments? You're dreaming. You should be the one to STFU.

12 counts in yesterday's indictments. But Defendant Manafort and co-Defendant Gates (feels good to write) get house arrest, while small time accused offenders can sit in DCs. Sad.

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