Proof that the media and education are lying !!!


Gold Member
Dec 4, 2018
The proof that the media and education are outright liars to the American people is the data in every approval poll

The data shows a clear direction in every poll that the young votes more liberal and when gaining more life experience then votes more conservative. Which proves the wise are the conservatives

When they explain polls they leave this out to try to deceive the people

They also work their lying by making it seem that degrees proves who is wise but is not even close to the truth

Net worth is what proves wisdom not worthless degrees with big student debt

The power is all on trumps side with the balanced lifestyle high logjc people and the men
The proof that the media and education are outright liars to the American people is the data in every approval poll

The data shows a clear direction in every poll that the young votes more liberal and when gaining more life experience then votes more conservative. Which proves the wise are the conservatives

When they explain polls they leave this out to try to deceive the people

They also work their lying by making it seem that degrees proves who is wise but is not even close to the truth

Net worth is what proves wisdom not worthless degrees with big student debt

The power is all on trumps side with the balanced lifestyle high logjc people and the men

Net worth proves wisdom? That is about the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Donald Trump inherited his money and is dumber than a box of rocks. Have you not listened to him talk, maybe a fourth grade vocabulary. Of course, I guess that means George Soros is wiser than Donald Trump and Jeff Bezos is the wisest man on the planet.
The proof that the media and education are outright liars to the American people is the data in every approval poll

The data shows a clear direction in every poll that the young votes more liberal and when gaining more life experience then votes more conservative. Which proves the wise are the conservatives

When they explain polls they leave this out to try to deceive the people

They also work their lying by making it seem that degrees proves who is wise but is not even close to the truth

Net worth is what proves wisdom not worthless degrees with big student debt

The power is all on trumps side with the balanced lifestyle high logjc people and the men

The proof that the media and education are outright liars to the American people is the data in every approval poll

Some educator certainly lied to you.
The proof that the media and education are outright liars to the American people is the data in every approval poll

The data shows a clear direction in every poll that the young votes more liberal and when gaining more life experience then votes more conservative. Which proves the wise are the conservatives

When they explain polls they leave this out to try to deceive the people

They also work their lying by making it seem that degrees proves who is wise but is not even close to the truth

Net worth is what proves wisdom not worthless degrees with big student debt

The power is all on trumps side with the balanced lifestyle high logjc people and the men
The only proof I needed the media lies I learned on November 8th,2016.
The proof that the media and education are outright liars to the American people is the data in every approval poll

The data shows a clear direction in every poll that the young votes more liberal and when gaining more life experience then votes more conservative. Which proves the wise are the conservatives

When they explain polls they leave this out to try to deceive the people

They also work their lying by making it seem that degrees proves who is wise but is not even close to the truth

Net worth is what proves wisdom not worthless degrees with big student debt

The power is all on trumps side with the balanced lifestyle high logjc people and the men

The proof that the media and education are outright liars to the American people is the data in every approval poll

Some educator certainly lied to you.

Do you have eyeballs to see the direction of the change from low experience to high experience
This type direction is foolproof in proving if liberals or conservatives are the most wise

But this same type of direction works in many other consistent ways

Gender logic difference

The male higher logic and the male more conservative

Works the same with race.

The best wisdom race will be more conservative

Universally Consistant

Liberals are indeed the unwise
This then proves the media and education as totally crooked by not explaining what the polls are really showing
This then proves the democrat leaders as traitors for wanting the unwise to vote. Weakening the nation
The proof that the media and education are outright liars to the American people is the data in every approval poll

The data shows a clear direction in every poll that the young votes more liberal and when gaining more life experience then votes more conservative. Which proves the wise are the conservatives

When they explain polls they leave this out to try to deceive the people

They also work their lying by making it seem that degrees proves who is wise but is not even close to the truth

Net worth is what proves wisdom not worthless degrees with big student debt

The power is all on trumps side with the balanced lifestyle high logjc people and the men

I don't think that's how it works. To some extent people might become or appear to at least become more conservative. However what I think is actually happening is that each younger generation being raised in a more socially liberal environment move further left of the previous generation. People don't really get more conservative, they are just more conservative than the generation that comes after them.

Gay rights, social security, medicare, alternative energy, interracial marriage...these things are here to stay, you're not going to find millennials griping about the colored kid on their lawn like one might imagine the silent generation would maybe be more prone to do.

Also, your thread title is weird.

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