protests spreading from memphis all over us

That’s exactly opposite of what I typed. You shouldn’t have to choose. In our wealthy country you shouldn’t be terrorized by criminals nor the police.
I like it when the police terrorize criminals. It should be a legal requirement.
More ignorant, racist babble.

Here's something else you'll probably think is "racist." NiIchols' death could have conceivably been attributed to the culture of single mothers who have risen to leadership positions in many Democrat-ran cities. It was typical of what young black men do when they’re supervised by a single black woman, and that’s exactly what they have in the Memphis Police Department.

White liberals have put some black woman in charge of the police force, and now you're getting the same kind of chaos, disunity, and violence that you see in a lot of these cities that are ran by single mothers. If you want to discuss the breakdown of family that leads to disrespect for authority, that causes you to resist the police, run from the police, and not comply with the police because you resist authority at all time because there was no male authority in your home, let’s have that discussion.

Or you can just write it off to white "ignorance and babble" and continue making yourself feel like the poor little victim, personally, I don't give a flying fuck. It's not my red state's and cities' neighborhoods that are crime, drug, and violence-ridden shitholes.

its getting nasty! and no wants to admit is blacks cops that beat a black man. proofing all stuff blacks say about whites is bs just like blm.


you're clueless

metzgers father son b and w.jpg
Here's something else you'll probably think is "racist." NiIchols' death could have conceivably been attributed to the culture of single mothers who have risen to leadership positions in many Democrat-ran cities. It was typical of what young black men do when they’re supervised by a single black woman, and that’s exactly what they have in the Memphis Police Department.

White liberals have put some black woman in charge of the police force, and now you're getting the same kind of chaos, disunity, and violence that you see in a lot of these cities that are ran by single mothers. If you want to discuss the breakdown of family that leads to disrespect for authority, that causes you to resist the police, run from the police, and not comply with the police because you resist authority at all time because there was no male authority in your home, let’s have that discussion.

Or you can just write it off to white "ignorance and babble" and continue making yourself feel like the poor little victim, personally, I don't give a flying fuck. It's not my red state's and cities' neighborhoods that are crime, drug, and violence-ridden shitholes.
This has been the truth for at least a half century. empowering the same in leading public power positions has turned it into a joke. A dangerous one. The costs keep going up to the taxpayer. This will end or services will decrease in a huge way due to unaffordability at some point. It is amazing that a Chinese worker in a near slave shop is smarter than many of our leaders who live off of political legislation destroying anyone who questions it and are not that good.
First they complained because there wasn't enough "diversity" in the police departments. Then they got all-black police officers who beat the snot out of some poor black guy. Now they'll probably want to defund and shut down more police departments, after which, the criminals will beat the snot out of the black folks and steal their shit.

The whole thing is one big comedy of errors.

Leftism is one big comedy of errors.
Oh! There was a huge protest in Tampa yesterday. Wow! A pirate invasion with black pirates! (some)

The hell if white america didn't create many of the problems happening in some black communities.
One white American did. Too bad he had a lot of power and was a Democrat.


That was a coup that installed him. He destroyed black families in America, and created an entirely new poverty class that grew.
White America created the problem. This is another circumstance in which the truth requires identifying skin colour.

If all people were treated as equals after the south were denied their slaves when they lost the civil war, the problem wouldn't exist to the excess in America.

I hope this doesn't become as big an issue as the Rodney King murder!
Better yet if America never had slavery and there were few if any black africans in America today what a calm and happier place this would be
Well. If nothing else, it's a great preview of things to come when sht really goes to hell in a hand basket actoss the board. And that day is coming sooner than many might contend.

Stay outta the cities is all I'll say about it...
The sooner the better if you ask me. These rich liberal pukes that keep stuffing campaign cash in the thongs of democrook whores in government created these monsters, and it's going to be so gratifying when police refuse to stop the carnage once it begins.

All these democrook shit holes need to burn to the ground, and the pathetic bed wetters will deserve to be savagely murdered by the hordes of ghetto rats, homeless, and trailer trash that are only kept at bay by the police the bed wetters themselves demonize and abuse. I know for damn sure I won't exert a calorie of energy until the hordes run out of shit to eat and begin attempting to leave the city ruins for food.

After that process runs it's course we can finally live in a normal world.

Better yet if America never had slavery and there were few if any black africans in America today what a calm and happier place this would be
The problems presented by the black community, as bad as they are, should not be the thing that defines or illustrates it.

I prefer to focus on the positives that having black people in our society gives us. Things like music, art, philosophy, food and culture. Individuals that have created and innovated things that have enriched our nation more than can be quantified.

The problem is that while bed wetting leftists pretend they exalt these things, what they're actually determined to do is marginalize them. Only the shitty aspects of the culture is highlighted, like the thug genre. Prosperous and intellectual black people are ignored and ostracized in favor of vacuous bigots.

It's easy enough to think "shoulda picked our own fuckin crops", but where would we be without BBQ, Jazz, and Redd Fox? Clarence Thomas has done more to keep us free from globalist tyranny than half the country.

I like it when the police terrorize criminals. It should be a legal requirement.
Depends on who is calling who the criminal. Can you imagine a world where bed wetters leftists define that?

Oh wait, you don't have to "imagine" anything. Just read the history of marxist governments from the last 100 years.

That's what we would get if moonbats had the power.
The Police kill about twice as many White suspects annually and there are never any protests or riots.
The Media never makes it a racial or political issue.
Left Wingers do not practice equality.
Because cuck whites lay down and take it. It's one of the reasons why you soft little bitches are losing your country. 😄
Better yet if America never had slavery and there were few if any black africans in America today what a calm and happier place this would be
But America 'did' have slavery and hasn't adjusted to the changing times. I think the south relied on their bibles to justify their refusal to change. Their bibles made slavery right to them and they couldn't turn to not believing in the word of their god.
Yes .. government continues to enslave black people to this day with an over-dependence on government benefits with nearly no incentives to better themselves ..
You've got it exactly wrong and now your country is paying a price.
But America 'did' have slavery and hasn't adjusted to the changing times. I think the south relied on their bibles to justify their refusal to change. Their bibles made slavery right to them and they couldn't turn to not believing in the word of their god.

It's more like they twisted around the words in the Bible to justify their actions.

Same thing happens with homosexuality and lesbianism btw. NOWHERE in the Bible does it specifically state that homosexuality is a sin. It does call it an abomination, but not a sin. And, I can't really find anything in there about lesbianism. There is a small section where women being with women is talked about, but it's in reference to people turning away from God, and depraved conduct is the result, but it doesn't call lesbianism a sin either.

Funny how Christians like to tell us all how the Bible is God's Word and it's absolutely true, yet they twist those words into saying something that it never did.
One white American did. Too bad he had a lot of power and was a Democrat.


That was a coup that installed him. He destroyed black families in America, and created an entirely new poverty class that grew.
Yea because it was lovely for black folks in America before LBJ signed the CRA and VRA.

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