Question About LGBT

But seems so many christians are so quick to judge LGBT people,
Really. As a Christian in the midst of Christians I have yet to meet a fellow Christian who has or is judging LGBT people. It could be the part of the country where I live. Or, could it be it is the Christians who are being judged unfairly based on words/action of a few not "so many"?
Really. As a Christian in the midst of Christians I have yet to meet a fellow Christian who has or is judging LGBT people. It could be the part of the country where I live. Or, could it be it is the Christians who are being judged unfairly based on words/action of a few not "so many"?

Really. As a Christian in the midst of Christians I have yet to meet a fellow Christian who has or is judging LGBT people. It could be the part of the country where I live. Or, could it be it is the Christians who are being judged unfairly based on words/action of a few not "so many"?

I feel telling LGBT people that they are going to hell is judging.

True, but if they haven't repented and accepted Christ as their Savior then they will.

That is what i mean about judging.

I'm sure Christians have committed some sins like divorcing and remarrying.

I think this is one of the reasons young people are leaving the church, cause they see through the hypocrisy of christians judging those who are LGBT, but not those who have divorced and remarried or such.

It's just a no-win situation about LGBT people and Christianity,

I feel that God loves gays and lesbians as much as He loves everyone else. I know that homosexuals need God as much as everyone else.

Old Testament says homosexuality is an abomination - according to it - crawfish etouffe is an abomination also.

I am an admitted heterosexual eater of crawdads.

I prefer crawdads to shrimp - which also are an abomination.

There are plenty of churches that accept gay people, though many do not.

Back to the Jogger Murder trial.

It's just a no-win situation about LGBT people and Christianity,

I feel that God loves gays and lesbians as much as He loves everyone else. I know that homosexuals need God as much as everyone else.

Old Testament says homosexuality is an abomination - according to it - crawfish etouffe is an abomination also.

I am an admitted heterosexual eater of crawdads.

I prefer crawdads to shrimp - which also are an abomination.

There are plenty of churches that accept gay people, though many do not.

Back to the Jogger Murder trial.


Yup. And according to the OT, eating pork,not working on the sabbath is also a abomination.

And seems according to the OT, that slavery an evil that no one approves of today is a-ok and you can make some slaves for life according to it.

In the OT, some were made slaves for life and were never allowed to leave their life of slavery.

Leviticus 25:44-46

You can bequeath them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life.

Which is pretty much same as the African American slavery that was practiced in the south.

We read from the bible at weddings and such and give it as a self help guide for people in distress.

I think it's time for people to open their bibles and to start reading every part in the bible and not what just their pastor tells them to.

Like there is actually a part in the bible in the OT which is a test which causes a miscarriage that supposed to test if a woman has been cheating, which can be viewed as a forced abortion.

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That is what i mean about judging.

I'm sure Christians have committed some sins like divorcing and remarrying.

I think this is one of the reasons young people are leaving the church, cause they see through the hypocrisy of christians judging those who are LGBT, but not those who have divorced and remarried or such.

You're missing my point. ANYBODY who hasn't repented for sins is damned to Hell.
You're missing my point. ANYBODY who hasn't repented for sins is damned to Hell.

This is what i mean by christians being bigoted and judgemental.

They are quick to judge and point the finger towards LGBT people and call them sinners.

And people claim i'm being judgemental and bigoted towards christians when christians are the ones who are being bigoted and judgemental?
Take it up with God not me. I'm just the messenger. :dunno:
Like there is actually a part in the bible in the OT which is a test which causes a miscarriage that supposed to test if a woman has been cheating, which can be viewed as a forced abortion.

I vaguely remember something similar to this - do you have an actual Bible reference for it, metalwolf?

The Doctor's Wife is a friend of mine from a handful of boards in the past.
I vaguely remember something similar to this - do you have an actual Bible reference for it, metalwolf?

The Doctor's Wife is a friend of mine from a handful of boards in the past.

Take it up with God not me. I'm just the messenger. :dunno:

According to God, the same bible says that i can't eat shrimp, that i can't eat pork, that i can't eat anything mixing meat and dairy, that tattoos are a abomination.

That people could be sold into slavery and the bible is the word of God and the word of God never changes.

Also says people can beat slaves

Exodus 21:20–21 says, “Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property.

In the OT, some were made slaves for life and were never allowed to leave their life of slavery.

Leviticus 25:44-46

You can bequeath them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life.

Which is pretty much same as the African American slavery that was practiced in the south.

I feel telling LGBT people that they are going to hell is judging.
As do I. But the question is how many Christians actually tell LGBT they are going to hell? Catholic are taught no one--except God--knows who is in hell. My point is do 90% of Christians tell LBGT they are going to hell, or is it five percent of vocal Christians?

Genesis warns against a society becoming undisciplined, especially sexually undisciplined. Let's take a look at what happened to us. We got those in authority (lawyers and politicians) to announce divorce was actually a good thing--right down to divorce becoming no one's fault. (No fault divorce.) Next, sex outside of marriage was great. (Make love not war.) In fact, living together outside of marriage was also good. In other words, no sexual boundaries...for heterosexuals.

If there is sexual freedom for heterosexuals, why stop there? Sexual freedom should expand to include homosexuals, bi-sexuality, metro-sexuality. Then, why can't everyone choose their own gender?

My point is, heterosexuals have no say in this. They started this rock tumbling down hill and it will gather everything in its path. Some might say the LGBT community doesn't have to follow the heterosexual lemmings off the cliff, and there is some merit in that.

We should all keep in mind that our ancient ancestors, probably not even quite out of the Iron Age, warned of pending disaster for undisciplined societies. It is a lesson they learned the hard way, and one it appears, we are doomed to repeat.

Until heterosexuals self-discipline, they have no right to point fingers. We were the first in, so it is up to us to be the first out. This being the case, I would not recommend to the LGBT community that they hold their breath waiting for this to take place.
As do I. But the question is how many Christians actually tell LGBT they are going to hell? Catholic are taught no one--except God--knows who is in hell. My point is do 90% of Christians tell LBGT they are going to hell, or is it five percent of vocal Christians?

Genesis warns against a society becoming undisciplined, especially sexually undisciplined. Let's take a look at what happened to us. We got those in authority (lawyers and politicians) to announce divorce was actually a good thing--right down to divorce becoming no one's fault. (No fault divorce.) Next, sex outside of marriage was great. (Make love not war.) In fact, living together outside of marriage was also good. In other words, no sexual boundaries...for heterosexuals.

If there is sexual freedom for heterosexuals, why stop there? Sexual freedom should expand to include homosexuals, bi-sexuality, metro-sexuality. Then, why can't everyone choose their own gender?

My point is, heterosexuals have no say in this. They started this rock tumbling down hill and it will gather everything in its path. Some might say the LGBT community doesn't have to follow the heterosexual lemmings off the cliff, and there is some merit in that.

We should all keep in mind that our ancient ancestors, probably not even quite out of the Iron Age, warned of pending disaster for undisciplined societies. It is a lesson they learned the hard way, and one it appears, we are doomed to repeat.

Until heterosexuals self-discipline, they have no right to point fingers. We were the first in, so it is up to us to be the first out. This being the case, I would not recommend to the LGBT community that they hold their breath waiting for this to take place.

I think there are some churches that are open and affirming of LGBT people.
Episcopalian and United Methodist are two big denominations that are more open and accepting of gay people. United Methodists are in a long process of splitting into three groups - one non-accepting of gays; one moderate, one liberal. I was raised Methodist but am leery of their long drawn out fight to split into 3 groups. I decided to try out Church of the Nazarene - a spinoff of Methodists (as Methodist were themselves a spin-off of Episcopalian -Anglican) and like Nazarene as it is very much like Methodist.

Things are pretty complicated - other factors between gay-bashing vs gay-affirming come into play, of course - and often a church not open to gays might harbor 6-day literal creation and other theology I couldn't go with - gay vs non-gay is not the whole shootin' match. The last United Methodist church I attended had a female pastor (she was married to a retired Methodist pastor and she knew a lot of Hebrew). I am in Waco,Texas - full of a lot of Baptists - both

Southern Baptists (no wimmin preechers) and lotta Calvinists
General Baptists - wimmin preachers OK - Arminian just like Methodists

Some are more conservative, some are more liberal, like, we milk the venom out of the rattlesnakes before we toss 'em back and forth in the service -- that one old lady that died last sunday durin' the snake-tossing - that was a heart attack - not venom.

I'm just kidding on some of this.
Episcopalian and United Methodist are two big denominations that are more open and accepting of gay people. United Methodists are in a long process of splitting into three groups - one non-accepting of gays; one moderate, one liberal. I was raised Methodist but am leery of their long drawn out fight to split into 3 groups. I decided to try out Church of the Nazarene - a spinoff of Methodists (as Methodist were themselves a spin-off of Episcopalian -Anglican) and like Nazarene as it is very much like Methodist.

Things are pretty complicated - other factors between gay-bashing vs gay-affirming come into play, of course - and often a church not open to gays might harbor 6-day literal creation and other theology I couldn't go with - gay vs non-gay is not the whole shootin' match. The last United Methodist church I attended had a female pastor (she was married to a retired Methodist pastor and she knew a lot of Hebrew). I am in Waco,Texas - full of a lot of Baptists - both

Southern Baptists (no wimmin preechers) and lotta Calvinists
General Baptists - wimmin preachers OK - Arminian just like Methodists

Some are more conservative, some are more liberal, like, we milk the venom out of the rattlesnakes before we toss 'em back and forth in the service -- that one old lady that died last sunday durin' the snake-tossing - that was a heart attack - not venom.

I'm just kidding on some of this.
One thing i noticed is that they didn't want to debate the parts in the bible on slavery when in comparison to LGBT people.

Slavery is in the bible and the fact it is people should question the bible.

One thing that really made me question the teachings of religion is that i heard that Jehovah Witnesses feel that their faith refuses them to get a blood transfusion and i heard of some who have died due to a blood transfusion being denied, i also heard that JW also don't celebrate most holidays.

I also heard that the Mormon version of the bible actually has a passage in it calling Black people "sinners", i'm not joking, it's indexed under skin.
It's a sin.

Well according to the bible eating fat Lev 3:17, eating pork Lev 11:7-8, eating shrimp or anything lacking fins or scales Deuteronomy 14:9-10, planting two different crops side by side Lev 19:19, wearing clothes made of mixed fabrics lev 19:19, cutting the hair on the sides of your head or clipping the edges of your beard Lev 19:27, tattoos Lev 19:28, working on the sabbath Exodus 35:2 are also abominations in the eyes of God.

Also, There is also slavery in the bible.{an evil that no one approves of today}

The bible also says people can beat slaves

Exodus 21:20–21 says, “Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property.

Slavery in the bible was actually like African American slavery

Leviticus 25:44-46

You can bequeath them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life.

Which is pretty much same as the African American slavery that was practiced in the south, you can't deny that some were not free to get out of their life of slavery.

Some were slaves for life.

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