Question About LGBT

One passage addresses your concerns.....even through homosexuality might be viewed as an enemy of scriptural truth, there are methods to deal with such an enemy. "If it is possible, as much depends on you, live peaceably with all men. Beloved do not avenge yourself, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written; "Vengeance is Mine, I will repay," says the Lord. Therefore if your enemy is hungry, feed him; If he is thirsty, give him a drink; for in doing so you will heap coals of fire on his head." Do not be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good." -- Romans 12:18-31.

Sinning does not make one lose their "humanity" long as life exists, HOPE EXISTS. Why project one sin as being greater than another.........sin of any type is the enemy of righteousness. The wages for all sin is death (i.e., a separation from God). As described in scripture, "But your iniquities have SEPARATED YOU FROM GOD.......and your sins have hidden His face from you, so that He will not hear." -- Isa. 59:2

Now there are certain sins that go beyond merely being described as an enemy of righteousness and truth, even God calls them an "abomination" worthy of hate/disgust. "These six things doth the Lord hate; yea, seven are an abomination unto Him." (Prov. 6:16)

1. Prideful look 2. A lying tongue 3. HANDS THAT SHED INNOCENT BLOOD (personally I think there is no life on earth any more innocent than an unborn human child who has blood flowing through its system at a very early stage after conception) 4. A heart that devises a wicked imagination (thinking evil plots) 5. Feet that are swift to run toward mischief (back biting, gossip to stir trouble...etc., ) 6. Sowing discord (divisions) ...........I can think nothing more divisive than the modern democrat party, always race baiting and demanding to segregate and separate people based upon race, gender, religion, politics, geography......anything to stop THE PEOPLE from coming together for a common cause in assimilating in the hope of finding the American Dream of liberty and freedom ......they are the most UNPATRIOTIC people in the history of the United States. (They can't rule void of causing division.
1. Define accept. First of all, I don't believe that children can be born differently as God doesn't make mistakes, but yes I can still accept them even if I don't agree with their choices.

2. No.

3. No.

It's pretty black and white actually. If the Bible says it's wrong then it's wrong. Plain and simple.

True. Basically the same thing I said just different words.
So you follow ALL of Leviticus, eh?
It seems that many of the left proclaim to like diversity but when it comes to not accepting the practice of homosexuality or any of their other beliefs, then they label those who who are of such a mindset as hateful people. When they realize that many who do not accept the practice are actually Christians or Jews whose God does not accept the practice, then they attack the Christian or Jewish God and their scriptures. I have to sit back and wonder who the real haters are. If you don't conform to their way of thinking then they make you the enemy and hate you for it.
Wow I don't even know where to begin, most of what you describe hits Trump and his followers right on the head you nailed it Trump is prideful, has a constantly lying tongue, and talk about shedding innocent blood hate crimes against actual people Rose 300% under Trump that's a lot of blood. As for The unborn that's a totally different matter, the abominations listed " wasting seed " ( semen ) as a sin. That means every man that ever lived has committed abomination because every man that has ever lived has masturbated except with the possible exception of Christ maybe he didn't but I bet you he even did it. As for your four five and six on the list no one's better at evil plots, gossip, and stirring discord than trump and his followers love all this evil. Finally protecting all Americans no matter what their race gender religion politics or geography is is the goal of the Democrats unlike the Republicans which which who wish to wall out all immigrants and try to keep America white forever. It's not going to happen. America is and always was a cosmopolitan people are cosmopolitan Nation that's what made us great our differences working together. Not attacking our differences and causing division like trump did.
We're not supposed to treat them as our enemies. I don't.

What often gets misconstrued is this: homosexuality is a sin that society demands we call good. That is why Christians seem more opposed to that sin than others. We're really not. If people were vocally in support of, say, theft, Christians would seem more opposed to that too. But theft is universally seen as sinful. Etc.

God created all of our human family. All are guilty of sin. There are many sins unacceptable to God( 1Cor 6:9-11-Gal 5:19-21) are some. I would estimate 99% minimum does one sin of those 2 lists. We are our own worst enemy.
1 in 4 girls sexually abused by hetero males, frequently their own family members or friends, before they reach 18....remove the mote from your own eye.
We understand that that sex crimes are bad and we treat them as such when they are reveled. Just like the child abuser that tried to kill Kyle Rittenhouse.

That changes nothing when it comes understanding that queers are assholes and should be ridiculed and marginalized whenever possible..
The origin of these anti-gay hatred things in the Bible, it all goes back to the Old testament which has nothing to do with Christianity.
The same bible also says people can't eat fat Lev 3:17, can't eat pork Lev 11:7-8, can't eat shrimp or anything lacking fins or scales Deuteronomy 14:9-10, planting two different crops side by side Lev 19:19, wearing clothes made of mixed fabrics lev 19:19, cutting the hair on the sides of your head or clipping the edges of your beard Lev 19:27, tattoos Lev 19:28, can't work on the sabbath Exodus 35:2

There is also slavery in the bible.{an evil that no one approves of today}

Also says people can beat slaves

Exodus 21:20–21 says, “Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property.

Also Bible slavery was pretty much the same as Black slavery that was practiced in the south, in that most were not allowed to leave their life of slavery.

Lev 24:46

You can bequeath them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life

Also the bible says that rape is ok,which is really offensive considering this the #metoo era.

Also there is pr0n in the bible

I know that the Old testament is based on the tribal religion of the Hebrews. It has nothing to do with God all about making a better stronger tribe does anything that detracted from that was discouraged in the strongest possible way. That would include homosexuality, divorce and abortion. Unfortunately many of the authors of the New testament Incorporated those primitive beliefs into Christianity.
Divorce, and the laws of it, is in the "Old Testament"
Also the bible mentions slavery and not working on the sabbath, not having tattoos, stuff like shrimp seen being a abomination in the eyes of god.

Yeah, there's a reason why it's called the Old Testament.
Yeah, there's a reason why it's called the Old Testament.

Same as the passages that mention Sodom and being gay being a sin.

Both are in the OT as well.

Also a few passages are passages dealing with slavery

shellfish being a abomination

You can't eat pork

Bible even says that disobedient children are to be stoned.

I noticed too that in Deuteronomy also says that crossdressing is a sin.

But yet seems the passages about stoning children,not eating pork,not eating shellfish,slavery are ignored.

While the passages on gay and transgender/crossdressers are still followed.
Same as the passages that mention Sodom and being gay being a sin.

Both are in the OT as well.

Also a few passages are passages dealing with slavery

shellfish being a abomination

You can't eat pork

Bible even says that disobedient children are to be stoned.

I noticed too that in Deuteronomy also says that crossdressing is a sin.

But yet seems the passages about stoning children,not eating pork,not eating shellfish,slavery are ignored.

While the passages on gay and transgender/crossdressers are still followed.

1. A new covenant was made after Jesus died on the cross for our sins so nobody had to be stoned for them anymore.

2. The only reason we couldn't eat those foods before is because they originally were found unclean.
1. A new covenant was made after Jesus died on the cross for our sins so nobody had to be stoned for them anymore.

2. The only reason we couldn't eat those foods before is because they originally were found unclean.

Something tells me if Jesus had a little more time then he would have probably challenged the rules on LGBT people such as he challenged the bible rules on not working on the sabbath and such.
Something tells me if Jesus had a little more time then he would have probably challenged the rules on LGBT people such as he challenged the bible rules on not working on the sabbath and such.
We can look at what Jesus did say when challenged about sexual behavior (the woman caught in adultery). He told those who were condemning her to stop condemning. And he told the woman to stop with the sin. Jesus addressed both sides of the coin, his usual practice.
Yeah,.. umm,.. I was just wondering how homosexuality being a sin sometimes gets translated into the fact that we're supposed to treat homosexuals as our enemies? Aren't we supposed to hate the sin and love the sinner?
Yeah.... ummm... I was just wondering who is treating them like enemies??? Have you been living under a rock since 1990?
Yeah.... ummm... I was just wondering who is treating them like enemies??? Have you been living under a rock since 1990?

Read through the whole entire thread before you start asking stupid questions. :rolleyes:
We can look at what Jesus did say when challenged about sexual behavior (the woman caught in adultery). He told those who were condemning her to stop condemning. And he told the woman to stop with the sin. Jesus addressed both sides of the coin, his usual practice.

Let the one who is without sin cast the first stone.

But seems so many christians are so quick to judge LGBT people, I wonder what are the sins of christian people.

People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

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