Question About LGBT

Yeah,.. umm,.. I was just wondering how homosexuality being a sin sometimes gets translated into the fact that we're supposed to treat homosexuals as our enemies? Aren't we supposed to hate the sin and love the sinner?
Queers are only our "enemy" when they act like entitled assholes or try to spead their filth, which, by the way, is quite often.
Homosexuals aren't "LGBT". Transvestites/Transsexuals are heterosexual, which has nothing to do with sexual orientation. Homosexuals are either L or G, but most homosexuals actually want nothing to do with the LGBTQWTF movement. TQ+ are heterosexual weirdos that want to be special.
Queers are only our "enemy" when they act like entitled assholes or try to spead their filth, which, by the way, is quite often.
For centuries Christians have murdered gays told them they were sinners and criminals and you're upset because now they're finally leaving the lives they should have been living all along out in the open out of the closet like everyone else. I don't think so, you're attacking the victims
For centuries Christians have murdered gays told them they were sinners and criminals and you're upset because now they're finally leaving the lives they should have been living all along out in the open out of the closet like everyone else. I don't think so, you're attacking the victims
I don't want them killed or put in concentration camps or even have laws against their filth. I just want them to stop being obnoxious assholes.

I also get tired of Hollywood and the Libtard press kissing their asses.

They are a symbol of this country is turning into a shithole.
For centuries Christians have murdered gays told them they were sinners and criminals and you're upset because now they're finally leaving the lives they should have been living all along out in the open out of the closet like everyone else. I don't think so, you're attacking the victims
By the way, I know of no place now where Christians are murdering queers.

However Obama's Muslim buddies kill them all the time.

Biden's Chinese buddies won't even allow them on TV.
Then you need to have a talk with Donald Trump Jr.
Because he is an obnoxious asshole.

Democrats are the scum of this country and are the assholes of America. The queers are one of the core filth groups of the Democrats.
As the president or as a person?
Do you believe, as a person, that DJT is a faithful follower of the Bible?

If not, then would you still support DJT as President if he actually killed someone, because you like his policies.
Democrats are the scum of this country and are the assholes of America. The queers are one of the core filth groups of the Democrats.

Doesn't change the FACT that donald junior is still an obnoxious asshole.

Doesn't change the FACT that donald junior is still an obnoxious asshole.

Like that doesn't change the fact that all the confused uneducated Libtard Moon Bats that post on this forum are obnoxious assholes.

Or that the Democrat shitheads that stole an election from the American people are assholes.
Yes. Do you believe we all fall short?
It's sad that you actually think that DJT follows any principles the Bible states:

Adultery: What does the Bible say about Adultery? Did Donald commit adultery?
I'm waiting to laugh when you claim that Donald has never committed adultery.
It's sad that you actually think that DJT follows any principles the Bible states:

Adultery: What does the Bible say about Adultery? Did Donald commit adultery?
I'm waiting to laugh when you claim that Donald has never committed adultery.
Besides being guilty and unrepentant about those things Trump is a false witness ( Proverbs 6: 16-19 ) who utters lies, and one who spreads strife among brothers.
It's sad that you actually think that DJT follows any principles the Bible states:

Adultery: What does the Bible say about Adultery? Did Donald commit adultery?
I'm waiting to laugh when you claim that Donald has never committed adultery.

Enough about Trump already!! This is starting to get WAY off topic. I don't care if he did or didn't that's not what this topic is about. :rolleyes:
Yeah,.. umm,.. I was just wondering how homosexuality being a sin sometimes gets translated into the fact that we're supposed to treat homosexuals as our enemies? Aren't we supposed to hate the sin and love the sinner?
One passage addresses your concerns.....even through homosexuality might be viewed as an enemy of scriptural truth, there are methods to deal with such an enemy. "If it is possible, as much depends on you, live peaceably with all men. Beloved do not avenge yourself, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written; "Vengeance is Mine, I will repay," says the Lord. Therefore if your enemy is hungry, feed him; If he is thirsty, give him a drink; for in doing so you will heap coals of fire on his head." Do not be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good." -- Romans 12:18-31.

Sinning does not make one lose their "humanity" long as life exists, HOPE EXISTS. Why project one sin as being greater than another.........sin of any type is the enemy of righteousness. The wages for all sin is death (i.e., a separation from God). As described in scripture, "But your iniquities have SEPARATED YOU FROM GOD.......and your sins have hidden His face from you, so that He will not hear." -- Isa. 59:2

Now there are certain sins that go beyond merely being described as an enemy of righteousness and truth, even God calls them an "abomination" worthy of hate/disgust. "These six things doth the Lord hate; yea, seven are an abomination unto Him." (Prov. 6:16)

1. Prideful look 2. A lying tongue 3. HANDS THAT SHED INNOCENT BLOOD (personally I think there is no life on earth any more innocent than an unborn human child who has blood flowing through its system at a very early stage after conception) 4. A heart that devises a wicked imagination (thinking evil plots) 5. Feet that are swift to run toward mischief (back biting, gossip to stir trouble...etc., ) 6. Sowing discord (divisions) ...........I can think nothing more divisive than the modern democrat party, always race baiting and demanding to segregate and separate people based upon race, gender, religion, politics, geography......anything to stop THE PEOPLE from coming together for a common cause in assimilating in the hope of finding the American Dream of liberty and freedom ......they are the most UNPATRIOTIC people in the history of the United States. (They can't rule void of causing division)
It seems that many of the left proclaim to like diversity but when it comes to not accepting the practice of homosexuality or any of their other beliefs, then they label those who who are of such a mindset as hateful people. When they realize that many who do not accept the practice are actually Christians or Jews whose God does not accept the practice, then they attack the Christian or Jewish God and their scriptures. I have to sit back and wonder who the real haters are. If you don't conform to their way of thinking then they make you the enemy and hate you for it.

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