Question About LGBT

I think I remember somewhere in the Old Testament it said if you came in contact with a slave who had run away from his master - do not return him to his master.

Yet the Apostle Paul, in Philemon, does this very thing - sends Onesimus the slave back to Philemon the owner. But I think Paul wants Philemon to accept Onesimus as a Christian and not simply as a returned slave. That slavery was accepted and never denounced in the Bible is to me very unfortunate. But at least we have one brief book in the New Testament that deals with a slave that ran away.

Joseph and Daniel are Old Testament characters who spent time as slaves. Joseph we know is an actual historical character, some Bible scholars do not think there was a real historical character of Daniel. The Israelites were slaves in Egypt for over 400 years; but eventually God uses Moses to get them out of slavery.

There were Old Testament provisions for slaves being released in 7 years in some cases - I don't think that was made known among slavery in the old South. Is slavery universally denounced by ALL people today? No. There is human trafficking going on all over.
As far as Mormons and JWs - I wouldn't know that much about "their" Bibles.

The JW Bible has it "In the beginning was the Word - and the Word was with God - and the Word was a God"

rather than "the Word was God"

The Book of Mormon has a passage that describes people being black because they sinned - I quit reading it at that point. I went back and made myself read almost the entire Book of Mormon - but there are other Mormon books held as scripture-like and I have not read all of those. I feel Joseph Smith just made up stuff out of his imagination. Just science fiction in King James English is what it is to me - and why is it in King James English rather than 1830's English?
Whilst I am rabidly against the proselytization of children to the homosexual anti-faith, I've got no problem with individual gays, as long as they behave themselves around kids. Homosexuality itself is anti-human and could end our species, obviously. That being said, There's no reason to attack the victims of its destruction—individual gays.

How could it end our species? There are TOO MANY of us already.
Deuteronomy 23

15 Don't return a runaway slave to his master; he's come to you for refuge.

16 Let him live wherever he wishes within the protective gates of your city. Don't take advantage of him.
According to God, the same bible says that i can't eat shrimp, that i can't eat pork, that i can't eat anything mixing meat and dairy, that tattoos are a abomination.

That people could be sold into slavery and the bible is the word of God and the word of God never changes.

Also says people can beat slaves

Exodus 21:20–21 says, “Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property.

In the OT, some were made slaves for life and were never allowed to leave their life of slavery.

Leviticus 25:44-46

You can bequeath them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life.

Which is pretty much same as the African American slavery that was practiced in the south.

Why is it you retards have never her of the New Covenant?

The reason you cannot eat shrimp or pork was that the cooking fires were insufficient temperature (mostly being dung fires) to sufficiently kill off the microorganisms that would kill you.

Why do you think Judaism and Islam are so closely related between Kosher and Halal? Do you think it was just coincidence?
The same bible also says people can't eat fat Lev 3:17, can't eat pork Lev 11:7-8, can't eat shrimp or anything lacking fins or scales Deuteronomy 14:9-10, planting two different crops side by side Lev 19:19, wearing clothes made of mixed fabrics lev 19:19, cutting the hair on the sides of your head or clipping the edges of your beard Lev 19:27, tattoos Lev 19:28, can't work on the sabbath Exodus 35:2

There is also slavery in the bible.{an evil that no one approves of today}

Also says people can beat slaves

Exodus 21:20–21 says, “Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property.

Also Bible slavery was pretty much the same as Black slavery that was practiced in the south, in that most were not allowed to leave their life of slavery.

Lev 24:46

You can bequeath them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life

Also the bible says that rape is ok,which is really offensive considering this the #metoo era.

Also there is pr0n in the bible

Civil law, ceremonial law, moral law.

We no longer need or are under the civil or ceremonial laws. We are not the Nation of Israel. We are not doing ceremonies for a tabernacle or temple.

Only the moral law applies now
According to God, the same bible says that i can't eat shrimp, that i can't eat pork, that i can't eat anything mixing meat and dairy, that tattoos are a abomination.

That people could be sold into slavery and the bible is the word of God and the word of God never changes.

Also says people can beat slaves

Exodus 21:20–21 says, “Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property.

In the OT, some were made slaves for life and were never allowed to leave their life of slavery.

Leviticus 25:44-46

You can bequeath them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life.

Which is pretty much same as the African American slavery that was practiced in the south.

Wow you are really hung up on these OT civil and ceremonial laws. You are right, the Word of God is true, just and right. However, some laws are for some times and places and others not. For example, when parents make rules for children. The "law" for a 5 yo might be bedtime at 7:30. That law in not enforced for a 15 yo. Does that mean the law when the child was 5 was invalid or wrong? No. It was the right law for the right time, but the child "outgrew" the law.

In a sense Christians have "outgrown" the civil and ceremonial laws. They are no longer necessary.

However, some laws God gives are not outgrown, and such it is with children. Share. Tell the truth. Don't hit your friends. Etc. These would be the Moral Laws.
The bible also says
It appears you are arguing LGBT acts are now permissible because eating pork and shellfish is permissible. Will you also argue that because eating pork and shellfish is now permissible, it is now also permissible to neglect/dishonor elderly parents?

Studies of cultures where LGBT acts have long been accepted are interesting. They are still more prone to certain physical diseases and injuries; still more prone to depression and some mental health disorders. Not everyone, of course. This just gives us an idea why the Bible discourages certain behaviors because of overall injury to the individual that possible spreads and effects an entire community. Even today there are certain risks, many of which can be cured/avoided through modern medicine.

My point is that I (a person of faith) and all others as well, should not encourage LGBT acts because of the heads up in scripture any more than we should not encourage people to neglect elderly parents. HOWEVER, that does not mean we should condemn people, either. Hopefully they have had discussions with medical professions and others in the LGBT community that have informed people of possible risks so that they can come to an informed decision--not simply act on feelings.

Do not look for approval of these acts any more than you would look for approval for dishonoring parents. Look for those who are accepting of your decision and who trust you know--and have reasons--for what you are doing. If I were in your position, I would resent people who assure me everything is fine. How do they know? That is like friends who support heterosexuals in adultery and sex outside of marriage who are totally oblivious of any consequences to the parties involved. They are so proud of themselves and their open, progressive mentalities and are actually just as judgmental as those who condemn.

Don't look for support. Don't look for condemnation. Look for those, who despite their concern for your overall health, are accepting of your free will and trust you are making the best decisions for your life. Not all who are supporting are acting out of love for you, but approval of self; some of those who disapprove may have great love and concern for you.
I think I remember somewhere in the Old Testament it said if you came in contact with a slave who had run away from his master - do not return him to his master.

Yet the Apostle Paul, in Philemon, does this very thing - sends Onesimus the slave back to Philemon the owner. But I think Paul wants Philemon to accept Onesimus as a Christian and not simply as a returned slave. That slavery was accepted and never denounced in the Bible is to me very unfortunate. But at least we have one brief book in the New Testament that deals with a slave that ran away.

Joseph and Daniel are Old Testament characters who spent time as slaves. Joseph we know is an actual historical character, some Bible scholars do not think there was a real historical character of Daniel. The Israelites were slaves in Egypt for over 400 years; but eventually God uses Moses to get them out of slavery.

There were Old Testament provisions for slaves being released in 7 years in some cases - I don't think that was made known among slavery in the old South. Is slavery universally denounced by ALL people today? No. There is human trafficking going on all over.
The good thing about living a shit life back then is it really didn't last long
Yeah,.. umm,.. I was just wondering how homosexuality being a sin sometimes gets translated into the fact that we're supposed to treat homosexuals as our enemies? Aren't we supposed to hate the sin and love the sinner?
Its not a sin and never has been. Sins don't exist other than with godbotherers.
Basically, the prayer mumblers hate them because they don't follow the hideous bible.
Sound familiar?
There is also good news.

The Orthodox Church will never recognize same-sex marriages and can only call them a sin - Patriarch Kirill

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