Question about WW2..

Well retribution seems to be an understatement to explain the savagery, and it doesn't explain the hatred today of Russia, Russia isn't the Soviet Union under Stalin.
I suspect many Balts who helped the Germans identify Jewish Baltic citizens didn’t expect the Germans to exterminate them. This belief is of course naive on their part and certainly does not justify their actions.

I in no way believe the hatred today of Russia by Baltic citizens has anything to do with Jews. It has to do with decades of oppression by the Soviets.
Well retribution seems to be an understatement to explain the savagery, and it doesn't explain the hatred today of Russia, Russia isn't the Soviet Union under Stalin.
Apparently it doesn't matter how may times you point out that fact people prefer being deaf.

I take exception to the Finnish gripe causing it to join NATO and antagonize Russia. That gripe has existed since WWII, yet Finland doesn’t join NATO until recently. So, the gripe had nothing to do with it. Though it may have caused some Finns to dislike Russia, proving my point.

Sweden too had sought an independent policy with the USSR and later with Russia, since WWII. So yes their citizens may not hate or fear Russia, yet they too just joined NATO provoking Russia. So as I stated, it may be their political leaders were pressured by the empire and rewarded by it monetarily.
For 80years there was no problem between at first the Soviet Union then Russia, the Finnish came to a agreement after the war they would remain neutral and have friendly relations with the Soviet Union, the Soviets allowed Finland to exist which they didn't need to, they could have rubbed it out from History after they sided with Hitler, that worked out didn't it, they have decided to make themselves an enemy of Russia.
Under Stalin, Europe was saved from nazis.
Yes, that's absolutely true but Stalin PR'd it as "anti-Fascism" while becoming one himself. This is why Americans (in particular) have no understanding of what Fascism-Socialism-Communism-Democracy mean. If you ask them they'll probably say having a moustache is proof of NAZISM just because Hitler had one. :auiqs.jpg:
I take exception to the Finnish gripe causing it to join NATO and antagonize Russia. That gripe has existed since WWII, yet Finland doesn’t join NATO until recently. So, the gripe had nothing to do with it.
I am very sorry to say that you are wasting my time now.

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