Question for Trump supporters: Would this be okay with you?

If the GOP Elites started a third party or commandeered an existing party then the GOP would cease to exist in many peoples minds. If the GOP elites do not care what the people think, then the people damn sure do not care what the GOP Elites think. They would be toast.
wont happen

a 3rd party means the dnc wins all the time every time and that would mean the end of all freedoms

for our own good, of course

I don't think we're looking at a third-party scenario, though. I think we're looking more at something like the original rise of the Republican Party when the old Whig Party died out.

The question is, would the new, emerging party be able to fill the power vacuum fast enough?
From what I'm hearing, the GOP establishment is trying to downplay the possibility of a brokered convention. Surely they know it would cause a huge revolt within their own party. And regardless, there's nothing they can do if he gets the required votes.

Also, Trump's supporters have made it pretty clear that they've had it with the GOP and really don't care what it thinks about Trump. Okay.

So here's my question: Would you mind if the "establishment" ran and backed a more moderate Republican, like a Romney or a Ryan or a Rubio, and ran them third party?
The three 'R's would all turn their backs on the Republican they would be just hanging themselves. It would assure Hillary won and cause their base to turn on them like they turned on Chris Christy.

I think everyone is jumping the gun here. As you see, Trump has problems in closed primaries, just as most pundits predicted.

I believe Trump is going to take Florida because I have been here checking for 3 2 and 1/2 months. But, if Rubio drops afterwards, Cruz will get the sufficient delegates to win out right as long as most of the remaining primaries are closed.

I believe seeing Trump win open primaries proves beyond reasonable doubt, that blue collar Democrats and Independents are driving his support if most of the rest are closed, Trump will not even perform as well as yesterday, as most support of Rubio goes Cruz.
The biggest problem with Trump you're not recognizing is that he's getting it from all sides. They're pounding away at him in hopes that he'll eventually fall in the polls and not look like a winner. Falling poll numbers is their only real way of attacking him because they can't do it honestly. They've thrown the kitchen sink at him and it's barely made a scratch. So false reporting is their strongest weapon against him.
I don't listen to right wing radio, I only know Trump doesn't always agree and support the direction republicans have made in the past, such as Iraq. Trump is not afraid to say where the republicans went wrong. Because he is so vocal about that in being his own voice, politicians from among the establishment are saying he is not a worthy candidate to represent the party.

"Establishment" Republican politicians say he's not a worthy politician because he calls POWs losers, mocks a handicapped reporters, says a woman can't be elected because she's ugly, ruminates that he'd like to punch someone in the face, calls Mexicans rapists and drug mules, says a woman isn't doing her job because she's menstruating, states that he wants to ban an entire religion from entering the country including Americans of that religion, traffics in bizarre conspiracy theories, brings up Hillary's bathroom habits, threaten people who criticize him, threaten the Speaker of the House if he doesn't co-operate with you, call critics "losers," take several days before condemning the KKK, pretend you don't know David Duke, tells companies to go fuck themselves, talk about his manhood on stage, and so on.

He was in an heated exchange with John McCain that McCain started and he insulted McCain BACK.
I don't listen to right wing radio, I only know Trump doesn't always agree and support the direction republicans have made in the past, such as Iraq. Trump is not afraid to say where the republicans went wrong. Because he is so vocal about that in being his own voice, politicians from among the establishment are saying he is not a worthy candidate to represent the party.

"Establishment" Republican politicians say he's not a worthy politician because he calls POWs losers, mocks a handicapped reporters, says a woman can't be elected because she's ugly, ruminates that he'd like to punch someone in the face, calls Mexicans rapists and drug mules, says a woman isn't doing her job because she's menstruating, states that he wants to ban an entire religion from entering the country including Americans of that religion, traffics in bizarre conspiracy theories, brings up Hillary's bathroom habits, threaten people who criticize him, threaten the Speaker of the House if he doesn't co-operate with you, call critics "losers," take several days before condemning the KKK, pretend you don't know David Duke, tells companies to go fuck themselves, talk about his manhood on stage, and so on.
The disconnect of his followers is just amazing.

How a person can separate the 15% of issue discussion from the 85% of childish, rambling, embarrassing diatribe is a mystery to me.

How can a person miss that mature, concise, respectful discussion from the Right has been marginalized and crushed by lies and propaganda from the Left for generations?

I wish that we lived in a world were Steve Forbes quiet issue driven campaign had caught fire and swept all before it like a terrible Flood.

Instead, he was like a pebble thrown into that flood, disappearing without a ripple.

If Trump is what it takes to counter the vile power of the vile Leftist Press, then So Be It, and More Power to Him.
If they did that wouldn't that be like saying there is no Republican party? and voters really do not count?
They're shitting bricks. It's beginning to look like they'd rather lose the general than back Trump. So outside of just bending over and taking it, this would be their only option.

yep, that is the scenario being pushed by the Mrs. Clinton backers. What the hell it is not like primaries have not been contentious before.
I don't remember the previous candidate of major party deploring people not to vote for the front-runner, or several national members of a party publicly distancing themselves from that same candidate.

Of course, I don't recall a major candidate talking about his dick during a debate before, either.

Which says a lot about the GOP leadership, not about Trump.

And Trump isn't the one that brought up the issue of his dick.
No, in my opinion what people who keep saying this crap want is for the RNC to torpedo Trump. I seriously do not see why anyone who thinks Mrs. Clinton is clearly the best give a crap about Trump or the RNC. What is unique is the attack. Trump is clearly the front runner and clearly an outsider and folks just are not used to both. So they must try and destroy Trump to maintain the same old same old.

i realize you think that the RNC should destroy Trump, but that is not going to happen.

As for the RNC, try reading what THEY have to say:

Republican leaders’ silence on Trump is inexcusable — and irrational

Resize Text
ON SUNDAY, ABC’s George Stephanopoulos asked Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus whether the party would back Donald Trump should he win the GOP nomination. “Yes, we will support the nominee,” the Republican chairman replied. “To me, it’s a no-brainer.” Mr. Stephanopoulos asked if a Trump nomination would split the party. “Winning is the antidote to a lot of things,” Mr. Priebus responded.
I really don't think it's his "outsider" status.

I think it's his behavior.

He is not real polished, or just speaks his mind, and what everyone is really thinking but are too PC to say so. Considering the majority of your posts have dealt with being PC one would think that someone so non-PC would inspire you. Or maybe that is the problem, you think he should be more PC and all your post bitchin' about being PC were BS.

Kinda funny, that something Rubio brought up about Trump and Rubio is forgotten.
I see a difference between PC's attempt to strangle open conversation and forgiving a major presidential candidate for acting like he's 15. "Hey, cool, he's talking about his dick in a major, nationally-televised debate, I love the way he's not PC". Holy crap. He's certainly welcome to behave that way, and I certainly wouldn't try to silence him.

What is on his mind appears to be polls, insulting people, his hurt feelings, rambling stream of consciousness, manic hyperbole and playing to the crowd. All I'm saying is I don't get the attraction, and I can understand why more moderate Republicans don't either.

I don't even know what he supposedly said about his dick but what I heard it was in response to what Rubio had said. That's what is so great about the situation, Trump says crap like that, you folks get your shorts in a knot and he just wins bigger. I really don't think you are getting what the Trump phenomena is all about.

But, why don't you write him a letter and tell him you think he should be more PC.
Agreed, I definitely don't get it.

And you don't get my point on PC.

I think your missing the point about PC.

Trump is the anti-PC. That's why the reaction AGAINST him by so many, so strongly.

He is violating all the Taboos.

And considering the insults flowing AT Trump and his supporters, insulting back as aggressively as possible seems to be the best answer to PC yet.

Lord knows your attempts at reasoning with liberals on the issue of Political Correctness have been completely failures.
No, in my opinion what people who keep saying this crap want is for the RNC to torpedo Trump. I seriously do not see why anyone who thinks Mrs. Clinton is clearly the best give a crap about Trump or the RNC. What is unique is the attack. Trump is clearly the front runner and clearly an outsider and folks just are not used to both. So they must try and destroy Trump to maintain the same old same old.

i realize you think that the RNC should destroy Trump, but that is not going to happen.

As for the RNC, try reading what THEY have to say:

Republican leaders’ silence on Trump is inexcusable — and irrational

Resize Text
ON SUNDAY, ABC’s George Stephanopoulos asked Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus whether the party would back Donald Trump should he win the GOP nomination. “Yes, we will support the nominee,” the Republican chairman replied. “To me, it’s a no-brainer.” Mr. Stephanopoulos asked if a Trump nomination would split the party. “Winning is the antidote to a lot of things,” Mr. Priebus responded.
I really don't think it's his "outsider" status.

I think it's his behavior.

He is not real polished, or just speaks his mind, and what everyone is really thinking but are too PC to say so. Considering the majority of your posts have dealt with being PC one would think that someone so non-PC would inspire you. Or maybe that is the problem, you think he should be more PC and all your post bitchin' about being PC were BS.

Kinda funny, that something Rubio brought up about Trump and Rubio is forgotten.
I see a difference between PC's attempt to strangle open conversation and forgiving a major presidential candidate for acting like he's 15. "Hey, cool, he's talking about his dick in a major, nationally-televised debate, I love the way he's not PC". Holy crap. He's certainly welcome to behave that way, and I certainly wouldn't try to silence him.

What is on his mind appears to be polls, insulting people, his hurt feelings, rambling stream of consciousness, manic hyperbole and playing to the crowd. All I'm saying is I don't get the attraction, and I can understand why more moderate Republicans don't either.

I don't even know what he supposedly said about his dick but what I heard it was in response to what Rubio had said. That's what is so great about the situation, Trump says crap like that, you folks get your shorts in a knot and he just wins bigger. I really don't think you are getting what the Trump phenomena is all about.

But, why don't you write him a letter and tell him you think he should be more PC.

Why should the Republicans run more moderate candidates? McCain might as well be a democrat and Romney is not far behind.

Oh, we "get" the Trump "phenomena". Why do you think we have so little respect for it?

The fact that you people can't tell the difference between "politically incorrect" and "repulsively offensive and trashy" is just the tip of the iceberg, Captain Titanic.

That you don't get that Politically Correct is the problem and Trump is the solution is the whole of the Arctic ice pack.
Isn't it funny how you never see the Democrats do anything like this? I don't think the DNC was crazy about DumBama either, until they seen how popular he was getting, and then (unlike the Republicans) they jumped on the bandwagon.

The establishment is pissed, but fails to understand that it's because of them that there is a Trump in the first place. Instead of blaming themselves for the creation they made, they get mad at Trump.

I've asked several times, but haven't received a strait answer yet. How is what Trump says much different from what right wing radio has been saying for years?
Your not well like. Maybe you are not deserving of an answer.

Could be, but it's a pertinent question. I'm just trying to figure out exactly why the GOP hates Trump so much.

Not all of the GOP, mostly it's the establishment.

For instance Limbaugh and O'Reilly are friends with Trump. On the other hand, Michael Medved and Beck hate Trump and don't hide it. Trump is dividing the party even more so and the establishment is upset by this. They were hoping the TP would just fade away and now Trump is reigniting it.

In one regard, though, Trump is a uniter. Disgust and loathing for him are damned near the only thing that conservatives, independents, AND liberals have been able to agree on for as long as I can remember.

And yet the polls show him in striking distance of HIllary.

Almost as though there is a huge portion of the nation that you don't know and have never heard from nor even considered....
They're shitting bricks. It's beginning to look like they'd rather lose the general than back Trump. So outside of just bending over and taking it, this would be their only option.

I don't get it. Trump is saying exactly the same things that right wingers have been saying for years. I would think they should love having Trump for the nominee.

Point of order: Trump is kicking ass.

Sure, but the GOP is arming up to stop him. They hate even the idea of him as the nominee. Why? Doesn't he echo the same things the right has been saying for years?

How do you know these things?

You should pay more attention. Do you think romney came out against trump on his own? There has been a long line of GOP elites condemning trump and making plans for a contested convention, specifically to deny Trump the nomination.

Oh for sure Romney is acting under orders but so far the Republican party LEADERSHIP has said what I linked to.
If Trump ends up with 1199 and we end up with an Establishment pick, that might very well be within the rules.

Don't expect much support from the base, and all those record breaking turnouts? YOu can forget that too.

The delegates might want to consider that.
I think it's possible that (and this is just what I'm inferring from some of what I'm hearing) the more moderate/establishment sector of the party would literally rather lose than win with Trump.

That's not for sure, obviously, but with each statement like Romney's it's going to get more and more difficult for many to back Trump.

And what does that say about THEM?

The policies that Trump is pushing, what is so radical or dangerous about them?

Answer: NOthing.

That they are having such a hissy fit because Trump is not one of them, speaks volumes about them more than it does about Trump or his supporters.
Well, maybe they're factoring his behavior into this.

So he's uncouth and that's reason to throw the election?

LIke I said, you are asking the wrong question.

This is not about what is wrong with Trump, this is about what is wrong with the GOP Establishment.

Do they think that having HIllary define the Court for the next generation is a good thing?

If they don't have a problem with a Democrat President, then why the hell have they taken on the job of supposedly fighting against that?


Have you considered that they think Trump would be just as bad as Hillary, just in his own Trump-y ways?

It is obvious from their actions, they consider Trump to be WORSE than HIllary.

Which raises all kinds of questions about why they are in their positions, if that is the case.

For example, Trump as President cannot appoint someone worse than Hillary to the COurt.

For Hillary will nominate a Leftist who will flip the court to the Left with all that implies.

Trump CANNOT do any worse than that. He cannot take the Court in a whole NEW direction that is worse than Left.

He won't be adding his appointments to an existing large minority on the COurt.

I have trouble seeing any validity to their POV.
Please elaborate
he supports forced use of ethanol even though it's been shown to be worse than just gas
He needs to know it does not work. Maybe he is just not informed on that fact yet.
it's hard to believe that his team wouldn't inform him

Scott Adams thinks he's going to win in a huge landslide. He has some pretty interesting arguments.

And why should I care?

He's not citing him as an Authority, just as someone with some interesting ideas.

And he is the creator of Dilbert.
I don't listen to right wing radio, I only know Trump doesn't always agree and support the direction republicans have made in the past, such as Iraq. Trump is not afraid to say where the republicans went wrong. Because he is so vocal about that in being his own voice, politicians from among the establishment are saying he is not a worthy candidate to represent the party.

"Establishment" Republican politicians say he's not a worthy politician because he calls POWs losers, mocks a handicapped reporters, says a woman can't be elected because she's ugly, ruminates that he'd like to punch someone in the face, calls Mexicans rapists and drug mules, says a woman isn't doing her job because she's menstruating, states that he wants to ban an entire religion from entering the country including Americans of that religion, traffics in bizarre conspiracy theories, brings up Hillary's bathroom habits, threaten people who criticize him, threaten the Speaker of the House if he doesn't co-operate with you, call critics "losers," take several days before condemning the KKK, pretend you don't know David Duke, tells companies to go fuck themselves, talk about his manhood on stage, and so on.

He was in an heated exchange with John McCain that McCain started and he insulted McCain BACK.

Can I just take a moment to admire the deep maturity of your "He started it!" reasoning?
I don't listen to right wing radio, I only know Trump doesn't always agree and support the direction republicans have made in the past, such as Iraq. Trump is not afraid to say where the republicans went wrong. Because he is so vocal about that in being his own voice, politicians from among the establishment are saying he is not a worthy candidate to represent the party.

"Establishment" Republican politicians say he's not a worthy politician because he calls POWs losers, mocks a handicapped reporters, says a woman can't be elected because she's ugly, ruminates that he'd like to punch someone in the face, calls Mexicans rapists and drug mules, says a woman isn't doing her job because she's menstruating, states that he wants to ban an entire religion from entering the country including Americans of that religion, traffics in bizarre conspiracy theories, brings up Hillary's bathroom habits, threaten people who criticize him, threaten the Speaker of the House if he doesn't co-operate with you, call critics "losers," take several days before condemning the KKK, pretend you don't know David Duke, tells companies to go fuck themselves, talk about his manhood on stage, and so on.
The disconnect of his followers is just amazing.

How a person can separate the 15% of issue discussion from the 85% of childish, rambling, embarrassing diatribe is a mystery to me.

How can a person miss that mature, concise, respectful discussion from the Right has been marginalized and crushed by lies and propaganda from the Left for generations?

I wish that we lived in a world were Steve Forbes quiet issue driven campaign had caught fire and swept all before it like a terrible Flood.

Instead, he was like a pebble thrown into that flood, disappearing without a ripple.

If Trump is what it takes to counter the vile power of the vile Leftist Press, then So Be It, and More Power to Him.

Yes, yes, we're all aware that you're "angry". You're angry, angry, angry, and damn it, that's all that matters and it trumps (you should excuse the pun) every other fucking thing on Earth. :blahblah:

Jesus Christ, you Trumpettes are like a broken frigging record. Don't you have a side B?

Trump isn't "what it takes to counter the vile power of " yada yada yackity smackity. He's a rude, vulgar child who's giving the id in a bunch of other rude, vulgar children a warm fuzzy. "He says what other people won't say", we're told. Maybe there's a good reason why people won't say it.

Outgrow the juvenile rebellion stage, already. You're boring me.
I really don't think it's his "outsider" status.

I think it's his behavior.

He is not real polished, or just speaks his mind, and what everyone is really thinking but are too PC to say so. Considering the majority of your posts have dealt with being PC one would think that someone so non-PC would inspire you. Or maybe that is the problem, you think he should be more PC and all your post bitchin' about being PC were BS.

Kinda funny, that something Rubio brought up about Trump and Rubio is forgotten.
I see a difference between PC's attempt to strangle open conversation and forgiving a major presidential candidate for acting like he's 15. "Hey, cool, he's talking about his dick in a major, nationally-televised debate, I love the way he's not PC". Holy crap. He's certainly welcome to behave that way, and I certainly wouldn't try to silence him.

What is on his mind appears to be polls, insulting people, his hurt feelings, rambling stream of consciousness, manic hyperbole and playing to the crowd. All I'm saying is I don't get the attraction, and I can understand why more moderate Republicans don't either.

I don't even know what he supposedly said about his dick but what I heard it was in response to what Rubio had said. That's what is so great about the situation, Trump says crap like that, you folks get your shorts in a knot and he just wins bigger. I really don't think you are getting what the Trump phenomena is all about.

But, why don't you write him a letter and tell him you think he should be more PC.
Agreed, I definitely don't get it.

And you don't get my point on PC.

I think your missing the point about PC.

Trump is the anti-PC. That's why the reaction AGAINST him by so many, so strongly.

He is violating all the Taboos.

And considering the insults flowing AT Trump and his supporters, insulting back as aggressively as possible seems to be the best answer to PC yet.

Lord knows your attempts at reasoning with liberals on the issue of Political Correctness have been completely failures.

No, honey. This is all the same sort of rationalized bunker-think one finds in cults, right before they start forting up with their arsenals and sacrificing their testicles to comets and shit. "They hate us because we're speaking the truth! Look at how they're attacking us! We're so persecuted!" Chop chop, slice slice, plop go the danglies into the jar.

If you ever pulled your head out of Donny's sphincter for two seconds and applied his behavior to anyone else on the planet that you're not currently worshiping, you'd have a much clearer picture of why the reaction against him is so strong. In this, I am generously crediting you with the benefit of the doubt that you are otherwise a decent, rational, civilized adult, so take the compliment, sparse as it is. He's not "anti-PC"; he's odious and repulsive.

OF COURSE you and he are being insulted. Every other word out of the man's mouth is a grade school-quality insult, and his followers literally act like mind-numbed, brainwashed zombies. It is fucking frightening to think that so many of my neighbors and fellow voters are this close to nutbar lunacy at any given moment.
I don't listen to right wing radio, I only know Trump doesn't always agree and support the direction republicans have made in the past, such as Iraq. Trump is not afraid to say where the republicans went wrong. Because he is so vocal about that in being his own voice, politicians from among the establishment are saying he is not a worthy candidate to represent the party.

"Establishment" Republican politicians say he's not a worthy politician because he calls POWs losers, mocks a handicapped reporters, says a woman can't be elected because she's ugly, ruminates that he'd like to punch someone in the face, calls Mexicans rapists and drug mules, says a woman isn't doing her job because she's menstruating, states that he wants to ban an entire religion from entering the country including Americans of that religion, traffics in bizarre conspiracy theories, brings up Hillary's bathroom habits, threaten people who criticize him, threaten the Speaker of the House if he doesn't co-operate with you, call critics "losers," take several days before condemning the KKK, pretend you don't know David Duke, tells companies to go fuck themselves, talk about his manhood on stage, and so on.

He was in an heated exchange with John McCain that McCain started and he insulted McCain BACK.
You don't understand the rules, Correll. They can attack Trump but Trump is NOT allowed to attack them back.
I really don't think it's his "outsider" status.

I think it's his behavior.

He is not real polished, or just speaks his mind, and what everyone is really thinking but are too PC to say so. Considering the majority of your posts have dealt with being PC one would think that someone so non-PC would inspire you. Or maybe that is the problem, you think he should be more PC and all your post bitchin' about being PC were BS.

Kinda funny, that something Rubio brought up about Trump and Rubio is forgotten.
I see a difference between PC's attempt to strangle open conversation and forgiving a major presidential candidate for acting like he's 15. "Hey, cool, he's talking about his dick in a major, nationally-televised debate, I love the way he's not PC". Holy crap. He's certainly welcome to behave that way, and I certainly wouldn't try to silence him.

What is on his mind appears to be polls, insulting people, his hurt feelings, rambling stream of consciousness, manic hyperbole and playing to the crowd. All I'm saying is I don't get the attraction, and I can understand why more moderate Republicans don't either.

I don't even know what he supposedly said about his dick but what I heard it was in response to what Rubio had said. That's what is so great about the situation, Trump says crap like that, you folks get your shorts in a knot and he just wins bigger. I really don't think you are getting what the Trump phenomena is all about.

But, why don't you write him a letter and tell him you think he should be more PC.

Why should the Republicans run more moderate candidates? McCain might as well be a democrat and Romney is not far behind.

Oh, we "get" the Trump "phenomena". Why do you think we have so little respect for it?

The fact that you people can't tell the difference between "politically incorrect" and "repulsively offensive and trashy" is just the tip of the iceberg, Captain Titanic.

That you don't get that Politically Correct is the problem and Trump is the solution is the whole of the Arctic ice pack.

Right, sweetie. Because I'm such a model of politically correct newspeak and so terribly afraid of ever saying anything that might offend someone. I'm practically teaching a Gender Studies class at Berkeley, over here. :eusa_hand:

The only thing Trump is a "solution" to is civilized, mature intelligence, but you'll excuse me if I didn't consider that a problem.
I've asked several times, but haven't received a strait answer yet. How is what Trump says much different from what right wing radio has been saying for years?
Your not well like. Maybe you are not deserving of an answer.

Could be, but it's a pertinent question. I'm just trying to figure out exactly why the GOP hates Trump so much.

Not all of the GOP, mostly it's the establishment.

For instance Limbaugh and O'Reilly are friends with Trump. On the other hand, Michael Medved and Beck hate Trump and don't hide it. Trump is dividing the party even more so and the establishment is upset by this. They were hoping the TP would just fade away and now Trump is reigniting it.

In one regard, though, Trump is a uniter. Disgust and loathing for him are damned near the only thing that conservatives, independents, AND liberals have been able to agree on for as long as I can remember.

And yet the polls show him in striking distance of HIllary.

Almost as though there is a huge portion of the nation that you don't know and have never heard from nor even considered....

Which polls would that be? Rasmussen, which has Hillary over Trump, 41 to 36? Fox, which has 47 to 42 in favor of Hillary? Quinnipiac, which shows Trump as the only GOP candidate who doesn't beat Hillary head-to-head? Vegas bookmakers, who show the betting odds on Hillary are 64%?

Oh, wait, I'm sorry. We automatically discount any polling system that doesn't give the right answer as "biased" and "tools of the establishment". So the only polls that are valid are the ones that give Trump what he wants to hear . . . whoever those polls are.
I think it's possible that (and this is just what I'm inferring from some of what I'm hearing) the more moderate/establishment sector of the party would literally rather lose than win with Trump.

That's not for sure, obviously, but with each statement like Romney's it's going to get more and more difficult for many to back Trump.

And what does that say about THEM?

The policies that Trump is pushing, what is so radical or dangerous about them?

Answer: NOthing.

That they are having such a hissy fit because Trump is not one of them, speaks volumes about them more than it does about Trump or his supporters.
Well, maybe they're factoring his behavior into this.

So he's uncouth and that's reason to throw the election?

LIke I said, you are asking the wrong question.

This is not about what is wrong with Trump, this is about what is wrong with the GOP Establishment.

Do they think that having HIllary define the Court for the next generation is a good thing?

If they don't have a problem with a Democrat President, then why the hell have they taken on the job of supposedly fighting against that?


Have you considered that they think Trump would be just as bad as Hillary, just in his own Trump-y ways?

It is obvious from their actions, they consider Trump to be WORSE than HIllary.

Which raises all kinds of questions about why they are in their positions, if that is the case.

For example, Trump as President cannot appoint someone worse than Hillary to the COurt.

For Hillary will nominate a Leftist who will flip the court to the Left with all that implies.

Trump CANNOT do any worse than that. He cannot take the Court in a whole NEW direction that is worse than Left.

He won't be adding his appointments to an existing large minority on the COurt.

I have trouble seeing any validity to their POV.

Well, that's certainly an interesting tautology and set of Miss Cleo predictions. You've set up a nice little echo chamber for yourself there.

Tell me again how you feel the disrespect directed at you is unjustified.
I don't listen to right wing radio, I only know Trump doesn't always agree and support the direction republicans have made in the past, such as Iraq. Trump is not afraid to say where the republicans went wrong. Because he is so vocal about that in being his own voice, politicians from among the establishment are saying he is not a worthy candidate to represent the party.

"Establishment" Republican politicians say he's not a worthy politician because he calls POWs losers, mocks a handicapped reporters, says a woman can't be elected because she's ugly, ruminates that he'd like to punch someone in the face, calls Mexicans rapists and drug mules, says a woman isn't doing her job because she's menstruating, states that he wants to ban an entire religion from entering the country including Americans of that religion, traffics in bizarre conspiracy theories, brings up Hillary's bathroom habits, threaten people who criticize him, threaten the Speaker of the House if he doesn't co-operate with you, call critics "losers," take several days before condemning the KKK, pretend you don't know David Duke, tells companies to go fuck themselves, talk about his manhood on stage, and so on.

He was in an heated exchange with John McCain that McCain started and he insulted McCain BACK.
You don't understand the rules, Correll. They can attack Trump but Trump is NOT allowed to attack them back.

So this is the new meme: Trump was just standing there, mute, like an innocent little lamb, when the big bad mean people came along and attacked him and he had no choice but to respond. :cuckoo:

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