Question I've Always Wondered: Why is the Left So Adamant about Abortion Remaining Legal?

Difference being, I am not the religious fascist trying to insert the government into a woman's uterus.
That would be you.

Lol. This is the only time a liberal is anti-government. The rest of the time they are forcing people to inject vaccines into their bodies to keep their jobs or traverse freely within national confines during a pandemic. People like you seem to think bodily autonomy can be turned on and off at the flip of a switch, just as much as you claim conservatives do.

Spare me.
The vast majority of abortions are in the first trimester.

I imagine the reasons for later abortions would be the discovery of a birth defect, or it took a while to collect enough cash to get an abortion, or a marriage or relationship breaks up, loss of a job, etc.

So you imagine.
Big deal.
This is the only time a liberal is anti-government.
False and whiny. You have once again degenerated into reactive crybaby mode, so I expect to get treated to about 3 pages of ad hoc, self soothing fantasy at this point.

All because I made fun of baby Jesus. Or something.

This is what religion does to a brain.

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