Question to leftist Supporters, Did the medias misrepresentation of Trump's "Inject disinfectant" Comment Change your Opinion of them?

Are you tired of the medias lies yet

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    Votes: 13 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 13 50.0%

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Nothing that has happened during this whole mess has surprised me. Pretty much everyone has behaved as we could have predicted, given our current condition as a society.

Hey Mac, develop any self awareness during your quarantine?

Apparently not.

Hey, Mac. Have any identity politics or other lies you like to pass on?

Funny though eh? How your stooges that listen to all of your identity politics think UV light is not a disinfectant?

Don't you think it is stupid how you all thought he meant injecting bleach?

Hey Mac, do any of you realize how embarrassing you all are?

What am I saying? Of course not.
Question to the right, do you blame media for ever tard utterance that Trump spews out?

Nothing that has happened during this whole mess has surprised me. Pretty much everyone has behaved as we could have predicted, given our current condition as a society.

Hey Mac, develop any self awareness during your quarantine?

Apparently not.

Hey, Mac. Have any identity politics or other lies you like to pass on?

Funny though eh? How your stooges that listen to all of your identity politics think UV light is not a disinfectant?

Don't you think it is stupid how you all thought he meant injecting bleach?

Hey Mac, do any of you realize how embarrassing you all are?

What am I saying? Of course not.
My bad.

It was Lysol, not pinesol.
If CNN has to warn its viewers not to drink Lysol just think what the IQ of their average viewer is !!!
Good Lord!‍♂

lysol AND the CDC also put out a warning - because MAGATs really are that stupid. did you not hear of that coupe who digested fish foos because it had that stupid drug donny was hawking in it? the husband died & the wife almost did.
The fish tank cleaner morons were liberals.


they listened to trump. that makes them poorly educated basket dwellers by default.
Coronavirus: Man dies taking fish tank cleaner as virus drug
  • 24 March 2020

Shortly after ingestion, the couple fell ill, said Arizona-based hospital system Banner Health.

The couple were both in their 60s.

The woman told NBC News she had seen a televised briefing in which Mr Trump discussed the potential benefits of chloroquine as a treatment Covid-19.

"We saw his press conference. It was on a lot, actually," she said. "Trump kept saying it was basically pretty much a cure."
Man dies taking fish tank cleaner as virus remedy
You need to be told not to ingest Lysol? Haha low iq

it's simply not working, incel. learn to accept defeat gracefully.
If CNN has to warn its viewers not to drink Lysol just think what the IQ of their average viewer is !!!
Good Lord!‍♂ lol
Is this really the best you can do?

'Cause it's kinda sad.

View attachment 327944

Did someone whose life consists of begging for free shit just call others weak?

That's some funny shit.
I get no "free shit". After all, I'm not some dumb-assed tRumpling.

Go back to sucking up to pResident Tide Pod.
Well? Did it?

I watched the presser live and while I can admit that Trumps innability to stop every random thought from coming out of his mouth is disappointing I completely understood the premise of his question.
Was it appropriate for public? Probably not since we have so many citizens that don't posess the common sense to understand where he was coming from. Despite their lack of intelligence it is Trumps job to protect them too and that means being cautious with his public statements.
Had the media taken THAT approach to his comments they would be acceptable but that's not what they did is it.... Their decision to purposely misrepresent him in order to turn the public against him is disgusting.
It's clear as day, trump suggests/asks/comments on INJECTING disinfectant as a form of treatment. You have toi be the dumbest moron in US history to think that you could inject disinfectant.

Pretty much you people will defend anything Trump says no matter how embarrassingly stupid. You are a total partisan hack who cares more aboput party than country, this is proof. There is no defense for this.

It is clear as day that the media lied indeed.

Trump did NOT suggest people start injecting themselves with bleach. That is a fact no matter how much you whine and moan about the greatest president in US history.

The media didn’t say that he suggested that people start injecting themselves with bleach.

Why must you create your reality?

Because they did do that.

Or are you saying that it is "dangerous" to check a possible treatment?

Also, Trump did not make a claim that this will work.

CNN is fake news.

He suggested it. And it was dangerous.

Even your leftist lunatic friend admits, he did not tell you to inject bleach up your ass.

It never happened, you were lied to, and you bought it all as a dangerous fool, as in so stupid to be danger to himself.

Correct. He did not tell anyone to inject bleach or to drink bleach. And the media did not say that he said those things.

You made up that the media is saying that he said those things.

You are upset at the media for doing something that they did not do. You made it up.
Norman is fake news.

He just got caught posting edited fake news, editing out the part where Trump says injection...

The right will go to any length to defend Trump's stupidity.

Even if that quote was not word for word, it makes zero difference. President Trump did not suggest you shoot bleach up your ass. You can stop doing it now.

Further, a CNN viewer by default has no credibility, especially on the matters of determining who is credible.
Fake news Norman, where did anybody ever say, that Trump said, to inject bleach up their ass??????

You are posting even more fake news, you are the king of fake news.

Trump asked/commented/wondered, if injecting disinfectant could be used to treat cv, which is the dumbest thing a US president has ever said. Then you used edited fake news in a feeble attempt to defend Trump's stupidity.

The worst part is you have a meme about fake news on your profile, when you are posting and spreading edited fake news... You are a total disgrace to America, and an extreme hypocrite.

How is wondering about potential cure dumber than believing there are 57 states?

It's a smart thing to do. The media doesn't like it since they want the crisis to last forever, and have their friends make big money on your back from the vaccine.
Deflection? You? No way!

Can you prove that Obama believes that there are 57 states?

Can you prove that president Trump believes you should eat bleach?

If he does, I am starting to agree, these morons are too dumb to be discussing with, Darwin may have to fix it up.
He said inject, you are lying again. You are the King of fake news. Everything you say is a lie and spin, you have permanently destroyed your credibility. Fake news Norman.

"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me...."

It is completely irrelevant whether he said inject. Try to keep up with the thread. He did not suggest YOU inject ANYTHING to your body. He was contemplating about possible cures to proceed with.

Clearly, no matter how much he dumbs it down you won't understand. So don't try, just accept you are too dumb.

It is 100% relevant that he said injection. So relevant that you tried to edit that out. How do you not know that you can't inject disinfectant???? How do you not know that???? I'm glad I exposed your edited fake news. You have permanantly destroyed your credibility.

Trump's comment was so stupid that you tried to use edited fake news to change what he said, essentially conceding that Trump's words were so stupid that you needed to edit them...

Fake news Norman

I tried to edit that out? That's a meme, I did not make the meme.

You don't get to determine whether someone is credible or not. Hell, you believe someone's credibility is destroyed by posting a meme!

Further, you are in violation of the forum policy by discussing off-topic items. This thread is about MEDIA, not TRUMP who lives in your head rent free. There already are multiple threads about Trump so take your bullshit there.

CNN lied, that's a fact. And you have no problem with it.

Ruh Roh! Someone is gonna REPORT you The Banker ! You’d better get back on topic!
You're off message. tRump had admitted he said it, but that it was in the way of a sarcastic question (or response depending on when you listened to him) to reporters that he wasn't talking to and weren't asking questions at the time.

Get with the program, Son.
And your a fucking idiot...

In buisness we have what are called "brain storming sessions" where every idea that comes into your head you throw out because it might trigger someone else with a relevant strategy or process that is valuable. Nice to see that you people are totally blindered on taking out trump at all costs even if it kills millions....
Well? Did it?

I watched the presser live and while I can admit that Trumps innability to stop every random thought from coming out of his mouth is disappointing I completely understood the premise of his question.
Was it appropriate for public? Probably not since we have so many citizens that don't posess the common sense to understand where he was coming from. Despite their lack of intelligence it is Trumps job to protect them too and that means being cautious with his public statements.
Had the media taken THAT approach to his comments they would be acceptable but that's not what they did is it.... Their decision to purposely misrepresent him in order to turn the public against him is disgusting.

As President of the United States, it's his job to choose his words carefully when he steps behind that podium, especially when you're standing up in front of the nation and giving a briefing that's supposed to be informative during a pandemic that is killing hundreds of people in your own country every day. This isn't a MAGA rally where he can riff the first thing that pops into his brain and it means nothing to most sane people. But people listen and pay attention when the leader of the free world speaks in back of that podium with that presidential seal. And right now, people are scared. Too often, Trump comes across like a drunk at bar at closing time. And that's dangerous. It doesn't matter what people think he meant to say, it's what he said and how it came across. And it came across as Trump touting miracle cures of UV light and disinfectants. Just like he did with the hydroxychloraquine. He sounded like he was touting these so the media called him out for it. Which I have no problem with. In fact, it's about time the media started showing a little backbone when it comes to dealing with Trump. Too often, they are too deferential to him for fear of losing their access to him or upsetting him. He needs to get called out more forcefully more often.
Hey jack of idiots, want to ignore my posts some more about UV light being injected into patients?

Do you jack of morons that UV light is a disinfectant?

Hey jack of liars, you are an ignorant embarrassing brainwashed loser and a liar.
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Leftists believe that injecting kids full of hormones is the cure for kids being too male.

They go through with it, also.
You're off message. tRump had admitted he said it, but that it was in the way of a sarcastic question (or response depending on when you listened to him) to reporters that he wasn't talking to and weren't asking questions at the time.

Get with the program, Son.
And your a fucking idiot...

In buisness we have what are called "brain storming sessions" where every idea that comes into your head you throw out because it might trigger someone else with a relevant strategy or process that is valuable. Nice to see that you people are totally blindered on taking out trump at all costs even if it kills millions....
So, was he lying when he said it was a sarcastic question/response to reporters that he wasn't talking to at the time?

Simple yes or no will suffice.
Nothing that has happened during this whole mess has surprised me. Pretty much everyone has behaved as we could have predicted, given our current condition as a society.

Hey Mac, develop any self awareness during your quarantine?

Apparently not.

Hey, Mac. Have any identity politics or other lies you like to pass on?

Funny though eh? How your stooges that listen to all of your identity politics think UV light is not a disinfectant?

Don't you think it is stupid how you all thought he meant injecting bleach?

Hey Mac, do any of you realize how embarrassing you all are?

What am I saying? Of course not.
But Trump did dangerously suggest/comment/ask about injecting disinfectant, the word injection is killing you!!!
Your misquoting trump again...

"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning,"

He was simply asking a legitimate question about therapy's. You fuckwits turned it into something it is not.
There's no misquote, Trump said/asked/suggested treating CV by injecting disinfectant, it is clear as day.


you don't know that you can't inject disinfectant??? You don't know that? You never learned that.... Go shoot up some bleach and see what happens!!!!
Well? Did it?

I watched the presser live and while I can admit that Trumps innability to stop every random thought from coming out of his mouth is disappointing I completely understood the premise of his question.
Was it appropriate for public? Probably not since we have so many citizens that don't posess the common sense to understand where he was coming from. Despite their lack of intelligence it is Trumps job to protect them too and that means being cautious with his public statements.
Had the media taken THAT approach to his comments they would be acceptable but that's not what they did is it.... Their decision to purposely misrepresent him in order to turn the public against him is disgusting.
It's clear as day, trump suggests/asks/comments on INJECTING disinfectant as a form of treatment. You have toi be the dumbest moron in US history to think that you could inject disinfectant.

Pretty much you people will defend anything Trump says no matter how embarrassingly stupid. You are a total partisan hack who cares more aboput party than country, this is proof. There is no defense for this.

It is clear as day that the media lied indeed.

Trump did NOT suggest people start injecting themselves with bleach. That is a fact no matter how much you whine and moan about the greatest president in US history.

The media didn’t say that he suggested that people start injecting themselves with bleach.

Why must you create your reality?

Because they did do that.

Or are you saying that it is "dangerous" to check a possible treatment?

Also, Trump did not make a claim that this will work.

CNN is fake news.

He suggested it. And it was dangerous.

Even your leftist lunatic friend admits, he did not tell you to inject bleach up your ass.

It never happened, you were lied to, and you bought it all as a dangerous fool, as in so stupid to be danger to himself.

Correct. He did not tell anyone to inject bleach or to drink bleach. And the media did not say that he said those things.

You made up that the media is saying that he said those things.

You are upset at the media for doing something that they did not do. You made it up.
Norman is fake news.

He just got caught posting edited fake news, editing out the part where Trump says injection...

The right will go to any length to defend Trump's stupidity.

Even if that quote was not word for word, it makes zero difference. President Trump did not suggest you shoot bleach up your ass. You can stop doing it now.

Further, a CNN viewer by default has no credibility, especially on the matters of determining who is credible.
Fake news Norman, where did anybody ever say, that Trump said, to inject bleach up their ass??????

You are posting even more fake news, you are the king of fake news.

Trump asked/commented/wondered, if injecting disinfectant could be used to treat cv, which is the dumbest thing a US president has ever said. Then you used edited fake news in a feeble attempt to defend Trump's stupidity.

The worst part is you have a meme about fake news on your profile, when you are posting and spreading edited fake news... You are a total disgrace to America, and an extreme hypocrite.

How is wondering about potential cure dumber than believing there are 57 states?

It's a smart thing to do. The media doesn't like it since they want the crisis to last forever, and have their friends make big money on your back from the vaccine.
Deflection? You? No way!

Can you prove that Obama believes that there are 57 states?

Can you prove that president Trump believes you should eat bleach?

If he does, I am starting to agree, these morons are too dumb to be discussing with, Darwin may have to fix it up.
He said inject, you are lying again. You are the King of fake news. Everything you say is a lie and spin, you have permanently destroyed your credibility. Fake news Norman.

"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me...."

It is completely irrelevant whether he said inject. Try to keep up with the thread. He did not suggest YOU inject ANYTHING to your body. He was contemplating about possible cures to proceed with.

Clearly, no matter how much he dumbs it down you won't understand. So don't try, just accept you are too dumb.

It is 100% relevant that he said injection. So relevant that you tried to edit that out. How do you not know that you can't inject disinfectant???? How do you not know that???? I'm glad I exposed your edited fake news. You have permanantly destroyed your credibility.

Trump's comment was so stupid that you tried to use edited fake news to change what he said, essentially conceding that Trump's words were so stupid that you needed to edit them...

Fake news Norman

I tried to edit that out? That's a meme, I did not make the meme.

You don't get to determine whether someone is credible or not. Hell, you believe someone's credibility is destroyed by posting a meme!

Further, you are in violation of the forum policy by discussing off-topic items. This thread is about MEDIA, not TRUMP who lives in your head rent free. There already are multiple threads about Trump so take your bullshit there.

CNN lied, that's a fact. And you have no problem with it.
WAAA WAAAA WAAA!!! You are in violation of forum policy!!! WAAA!!!! I'm sure you ratted me out too, rat...

What a pussy!!!! Fake news Norman, now you are reduced to crying like a little bitch!!!!

Take down your knight pic and replace it with a little baby or a huge vagina!!!

Typical Trumper, try to talk and act tough, but really just a little bitch pussy!!!


Thanks, you are now reported.

Seems you are as confused about the forum policy as you are about what being American in America entails.

CNN lied about Trump, so far zero leftists have had problem with it or even brought it up.
You're off message. tRump had admitted he said it, but that it was in the way of a sarcastic question (or response depending on when you listened to him) to reporters that he wasn't talking to and weren't asking questions at the time.

Get with the program, Son.
And your a fucking idiot...

In buisness we have what are called "brain storming sessions" where every idea that comes into your head you throw out because it might trigger someone else with a relevant strategy or process that is valuable. Nice to see that you people are totally blindered on taking out trump at all costs even if it kills millions....
So, was he lying when he said it was a sarcastic question/response to reporters that he wasn't talking to at the time?

Simple yes or no will suffice.
As soon a Birks shook her head no Trump was sarcastic.. But I dont expect you fucks to come clean.
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