Quick History lesson

Once again your hate for race shines though, just as it always has. I had hoped your experience on ACA had helped you in some ways. Not so.

Poor Jakey, you hate everyone who breaks your balls.

You are no more a Repub than Bammy is and we both know it.

You lose Lefty.

And you continue to lose, rooincarnation. :lol:

Sorry Jake....I am mainstream Republican, you are a Progressive, not even remotely GOP.
By laws of equality we shall not abide
We are not equal until they take my side
To measure me by my honest ability
Is just an act of outright futility
As we try to stand here hand in hand
It is a look at my face that they demand

Morning ... Hope you have a great day ... And good luck in your endeavors.


"Here's Looking at You, Kid"

For those in which compassion abounds
And think their nobility is beyond compare
As upon others you wish that karma frowns
You fail to recognize the devil's stare

As we all stutter and cry for the lost
At the tyrant's futile attempts to contain
The whip demands service at all cost
Making the losers all that remain

When your Masters rule with fire and steel
Be careful in the mirror your gaze is true
As a cautious closer peek is sure to reveal
What their vile hearts have in store for you

But the mirror never fails to astound
And those dark of heart might beware
For when the mirror is not upside down
It will reflect what is truly there

There are those who keep mirrors crossed
For which to flummox and feign
From where every pitch was tossed
So that the oligarch might reign

How do you know your gaze is real
And a reflection of the better you
Or merely there with intent to steal
Every soul and replace with a world view

Hmm ...

There is a time when shadows fall
As if darkness may cross the land
A time to beckon the warrior's call
All value lost should we fail to stand

When preponderance gives way to strife
We must accept the fiery mark
It will no longer be thoughts of life
But the struggle against the dark

As the answers try to allude
The truth sits in what we require
It doesn't take a fool to conclude
It is principles and not desire.

"The Charge of the Light Brigade"

There is a time when shadows fall
As if darkness may cross the land
A time to beckon the warrior's call
All value lost should we fail to stand

When preponderance gives way to strife
We must accept the fiery mark
It will no longer be thoughts of life
But the struggle against the dark

As the answers try to allude
The truth sits in what we require
It doesn't take a fool to conclude
It is principles and not desire.

With Generals Hannity Beck and Limbaugh
Fox and EIB Radio will assume Command
Bankers, CEO's, country clubbers all
Form the cadre of leadership with the whip hand

They are hiring to carry gun and drum and fife
Come join and be the first to embark
For Jay Gould has no plan to wield a knife
With the self-interested, he heads for Atlantis via ark

Armed with m-16's, and anger lifetime accrued
TP attacked the Pentagon along with mercenaries they could hire
Ms Palin suffered only a bad hair day hearing of the blood feud
While the Generals lounged as usual, with their pants on fire
"The Charge of the Light Brigade"

There is a time when shadows fall
As if darkness may cross the land
A time to beckon the warrior's call
All value lost should we fail to stand

When preponderance gives way to strife
We must accept the fiery mark
It will no longer be thoughts of life
But the struggle against the dark

As the answers try to allude
The truth sits in what we require
It doesn't take a fool to conclude
It is principles and not desire.

With Generals Hannity Beck and Limbaugh
Fox and EIB Radio will assume Command
Bankers, CEO's, country clubbers all
Form the cadre of leadership with the whip hand

They are hiring to carry gun and drum and fife
Come join and be the first to embark
For Jay Gould has no plan to wield a knife
With the self-interested, he heads for Atlantis via ark

Armed with m-16's, and anger lifetime accrued
TP attacked the Pentagon along with mercenaries they could hire
Ms Palin suffered only a bad hair day hearing of the blood feud
While the Generals lounged as usual, with their pants on fire

Lolz ...

Many are disillusioned by the onslaught of news
As puppet masters preach what one hears
The simple think it is a reflection of their views
While others think it is more than it appears

They will squabble, fight and misconstrue
Propping up ghosts in unceasing vain
Some make good points as words are true
While others only manage to complain

Again we chose to visit our old friend
Where it is opinion that yields to belief
You can argue from now to the end
But only your principles provide relief

Sleep Well ... Pleasant Dreams ... And Perhaps We Can Play Again Tomorrow.

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And black Americans believe the GOP of today has failed them. That's the truth of it.

LOL, "believe"?

Too funny....you mean that they think we should give them more "stuff".

Once again your hate for race shines though, just as it always has. I had hoped your experience on ACA had helped you in some ways. Not so.

The democratic party is not a party against religion nor is it a party that has not done anything for numerical minorities in this country.

Black people were overwhelmingly supportive of the party of Lincoln up until John F. Kennedy's presidency in which the president publicly supported civil rights. Many of the urban leaders black and non-black shifted their political alliances and their followers did the same and stayed loyal for many years.

As time went on there seemed to be a shift in the values where people who were wealthier, regardless of ethnicity sided with the Republicans because they felt that the GOP protected their economic interests, as that grew dems painted themselves as people for the poor and middle class, see John Edwards' campaign. It just so happens that more black people fall into the middle class and poor areas, and that's the way they vote.

Now with things being the way they are, Black people are examining all parties and making choices based on what they think is good for them. Usually the only party that the media reports as still catering to the Black community is the democrats which is why it seems like we overwhelmingly vote democrat but that is not necessarily a given anymore. I myself have voted across party lines on a few occasions.

For those of you who have written flippant racist stereotypical comments, shame on you! pathetic.

Thank you for reading.

Why do African Americans vote overwhelmingly for the democratic party? - Yahoo Answers
As if you've lifted a finger in this thread to "seriously discuss". Don't think so pal. I broke down the CRA, the founders of the NAACP and a few other points. You've done what? Gainsaying and trolling. That's it.

You're way outta your league here. Try to come armed and ready to break a brain sweat next time.

LMAO! You gave your interpretation, flawed as it was, of the CRA, and the founders of the NAACP was never in doubt. You can say whatever you want, but you've proven yourself to be a joke and that's being kind.

If you think I'm "gainsaying and trolling", feel free to ignore my comments. It would truly be your best choice.

You're digging yourself even deeper, moron. I what I posted about the CRA wasn't "interpretation"... it was statistics. Had you bothered to read my posts (as I read yours so at least one of us knew what he was talking about), you would have known that.

This is what you get when you pull it out of your ass. Soiled by your own hand. Damn lazy-ass deadbeat.


Lies, damn lies and statistics. Why don't you bring up some other irrelevancy and claim victory as you did with the leadership of the NAACP? It'll make you feel all...smarticus! You're such a bore!
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You're both cowering in so much fear of my awesome powers of reasoning

-----------gasping for breath as I re-read the Legend in his own mind-------
some do, many don't. many whites believe that the dems of today have failed them. How about hard working asians? Do you think they buy into the BS failed liberalism that is destroying their businesses? of course not.

The truth is that your generalizations are just plain STUPID, and thats the truth.

It will be a great day when half the black vote goes to Republicans and half to Democrats. As an institution, the Democratic Party certainly doesn’t want that to happen, but black leaders know how much easier it would be to advance black interests if both major parties were simultaneously courting the black vote.
"The Charge of the Light Brigade"

There is a time when shadows fall
As if darkness may cross the land
A time to beckon the warrior's call
All value lost should we fail to stand

When preponderance gives way to strife
We must accept the fiery mark
It will no longer be thoughts of life
But the struggle against the dark

As the answers try to allude
The truth sits in what we require
It doesn't take a fool to conclude
It is principles and not desire.

With Generals Hannity Beck and Limbaugh
Fox and EIB Radio will assume Command
Bankers, CEO's, country clubbers all
Form the cadre of leadership with the whip hand

They are hiring to carry gun and drum and fife
Come join and be the first to embark
For Jay Gould has no plan to wield a knife
With the self-interested, he heads for Atlantis via ark

Armed with m-16's, and anger lifetime accrued
TP attacked the Pentagon along with mercenaries they could hire
Ms Palin suffered only a bad hair day hearing of the blood feud
While the Generals lounged as usual, with their pants on fire

Lolz ...

Many are disillusioned by the onslaught of news
As puppet masters preach what one hears
The simple think it is a reflection of their views
While others think it is more than it appears

They will squabble, fight and misconstrue
Propping up ghosts in unceasing vain
Some make good points as words are true
While others only manage to complain

Again we chose to visit our old friend
Where it is opinion that yields to belief
You can argue from now to the end
But only your principles provide relief

Sleep Well ... Pleasant Dreams ... And Perhaps We Can Play Again Tomorrow.


You are thinking candy cane
While I see barber pole
It's just one more thing
To perplex and confound so
Tho we have common ground
Down the rabbit hole

They do it for their minions, this melding of opinions, with the news
There is a little tweak, perhaps a Newspeak, the GOP hears
Some people say, it must be this way
to prevail over other views
Bear this in mind, tho it looks like any kind, it ain't what it appears

To get their talking points, in bars or restaurants, with little to misconstrue
Fed their daily fodder, with new marching orders, sucklings at the vein
You can take it to the bank, we have always been at war with (blank) count on it to be true
Mindless drones, thinking the opinion their own, never to complain

These opinions of my choosing , nothing but idle musing, in a letter to a friend
These notions in general, by morning are ephemeral, and not entrenched belief
We are but actors on a stage, today's joy is tomorrows rage, and on to our end
But don't misconstrue, it could still be true, and on your path you might find no relief
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Actually most voters voted for O'bama; have you deliberately forgotten what the alternative was and what had happened to the economy? :ack-1:

False, Obama won a PLURALITY, not a majority.

But you knew that.

Is Hoover's loss in '32 a head scratcher for you too?

Wait... lemme get this straight now.
Economy takes nose dive, nearly completely collapses......... and you think the election was about race.

OK then...

IF the economy tanking is a reason, how did FDR win in 36', with a far worse economy than he inherited?
"The Charge of the Light Brigade"

There is a time when shadows fall
As if darkness may cross the land
A time to beckon the warrior's call
All value lost should we fail to stand

When preponderance gives way to strife
We must accept the fiery mark
It will no longer be thoughts of life
But the struggle against the dark

As the answers try to allude
The truth sits in what we require
It doesn't take a fool to conclude
It is principles and not desire.

With Generals Hannity Beck and Limbaugh
Fox and EIB Radio will assume Command
Bankers, CEO's, country clubbers all
Form the cadre of leadership with the whip hand

They are hiring to carry gun and drum and fife
Come join and be the first to embark
For Jay Gould has no plan to wield a knife
With the self-interested, he heads for Atlantis via ark

Armed with m-16's, and anger lifetime accrued
TP attacked the Pentagon along with mercenaries they could hire
Ms Palin suffered only a bad hair day hearing of the blood feud
While the Generals lounged as usual, with their pants on fire

Lolz ...

Many are disillusioned by the onslaught of news
As puppet masters preach what one hears
The simple think it is a reflection of their views
While others think it is more than it appears

They will squabble, fight and misconstrue
Propping up ghosts in unceasing vain
Some make good points as words are true
While others only manage to complain

Again we chose to visit our old friend
Where it is opinion that yields to belief
You can argue from now to the end
But only your principles provide relief

Sleep Well ... Pleasant Dreams ... And Perhaps We Can Play Again Tomorrow.


You are thinking candy cane
While I see barber pole
It's just one more thing
To perplex and confound so
Tho we have common ground
Down the rabbit hole

They do it for their minions, this melding of opinions, with the news
There is a little tweak, perhaps a Newspeak, the GOP hears
Some people say, it must be this way
to prevail over other views
Bear this in mind, tho it looks like any kind, it ain't what it appears

To get their talking points, in bars or restaurants, with little to misconstrue
Fed their daily fodder, with new marching orders, sucklings at the vein
You can take it to the bank, we have always been at war with (blank) count on it to be true
Mindless drones, thinking the opinion their own, never to complain

These opinions of my choosing , nothing but idle musing, in a letter to a friend
These notions in general, by morning are ephemeral, and not entrenched belief
We are but actors on a stage, today's joy is tomorrows rage, and on to our end
But don't misconstrue, it could still be true, and on your path you might find no relief

People like me with simple minds of mush
Wonder why others are so dramatic
It doesn't take more than a brush
If you're only painting the attic

Belief is one thing, opinion another
As people search from there to here
But when we need to help our brother
A vote, not a hand is what to fear

The pirates, thieves and general scum
Pass off judgment where there is none
Some think you are really dumb
While we are playing just for fun

Some get angry full of rage
While others think they can behave
The only difference, who gets the cage
And who gets the grave

Morning ... Back again I see!
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Quick History Lesson:

When Republicans became 90% white is when they began hating minorities.

Really? then when did the democrats start hating minorities? When did they decide that minorities must be treated like slaves and bribed for their votes with free cheese?

When did the dems decide that minorites should not improve their station in life and should stay down on the plantation (er, ghetto) ?

The dem party is, and has always been, the party of hate, discrimination, and greed.

If you cannot see that, then you are as blind as a cave fish.
Quick History Lesson:

When Republicans became 90% white is when they began hating minorities.

Really? then when did the democrats start hating minorities? When did they decide that minorities must be treated like slaves and bribed for their votes with free cheese?

When did the dems decide that minorites should not improve their station in life and should stay down on the plantation (er, ghetto) ?

The dem party is, and has always been, the party of hate, discrimination, and greed.

If you cannot see that, then you are as blind as a cave fish.

So Colin Powell endorsed Obama because he gets free cheese from the Democrats?

Are you insane?
"The democratic party is not a party against religion" is true, "nor is it a party that has not done anything for numerical minorities in this country" is also true, Yurt. And it is also true that black Americans overwhelmingly vote for the Democratic Party.
RedFish continues to look like an idiot. His "history lesson" lives on.

Hey, RedFish, tell us how Jesus wrote the constitution.
RedFish continues to look like an idiot. His "history lesson" lives on.

Hey, RedFish, tell us how Jesus wrote the constitution.

^^^ this from the asshole that sends nasty PMs but has blocked himself from receiving PMs.

Tell us how Karl Marx wrote the constitution, ya flaming libtardian asshole.:eek:
"The democratic party is not a party against religion" is true, "nor is it a party that has not done anything for numerical minorities in this country" is also true, Yurt. And it is also true that black Americans overwhelmingly vote for the Democratic Party.

No, you are wrong again------people on welfare vote democrat, its not racial although a disproportionate number of blacks are on welfare.

the GOP and the teaparty think that is wrong and want to find ways to create jobs for everyone on welfare so they can share in the american dream.

But you demtards want to keep them down on the ghetto plantation where you can buy their votes with free cheese and EBT cards
Actually most voters voted for O'bama; have you deliberately forgotten what the alternative was and what had happened to the economy? :ack-1:

False, Obama won a PLURALITY, not a majority.

But you knew that.

Sure did. Funny you didn't. 52.9% is a majority. Like it or lump it.

A "voter" is one who votes. And most of those "voters" (those who voted, as we remember from our lesson of five seconds ago) voted for O'bama. Period.

Is Hoover's loss in '32 a head scratcher for you too?

Wait... lemme get this straight now.
Economy takes nose dive, nearly completely collapses......... and you think the election was about race.

OK then...

IF the economy tanking is a reason, how did FDR win in 36', with a far worse economy than he inherited?

Again, reading comprehension: Hoover was running in '32, not '36.
As for '36, only an idiot would expect four years to be sufficient to turn around the tank of all time.

Oh sorry, an idiot or a Pothead.

There was no tank between '33 and '36. That tank had already left the station in '29.
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Perhaps the problem is that posters are using Democrat and Republican in place of liberal and conservative. The political parties have on occasion go through a period of realignment and to use party labels instead of liberal and conservative can cause some historical confusion.

In other words, you would like to grant the achievements of Republicans to your party, and blame all of the shameful acts of your shameful party on the Republicans.

Scumbag pile of shit and MSNBC host Chris Hayes went as far as claiming that George Wallace was a Republican.

In other words, he wants to accredit the achievements to political philosophy and region rather than political party.

All Republicans in the South supported segregation while all Democrats in the North opposed it
what did the southern Democrats support?

And you are wrong. Most southern Republicans couldn't stand the racist mindset of the Democratics. How do I know? I lived amongst those Dems and their children. Fortunately we were able to get our mitts in and begin to spread the word that the Dems were wrong in every way and desegregation helped with that, to broaden the mindset of those that had grown up in racist families, to understand we were all just alike, rather than separate. What I find apalling is that in the Democratic city strongholds in the south, you still have the separation of those on either side of the tracks. Yet the Dems claim to be for those on the 'other side' and somehow they believe them because they throw those on the 'other side' crumbs. It is really sad that so many still think those crumbs help rather than realize it is was helps keeps the separation going.
"The democratic party is not a party against religion" is true, "nor is it a party that has not done anything for numerical minorities in this country" is also true, Yurt. And it is also true that black Americans overwhelmingly vote for the Democratic Party.

No, you are wrong again------people on welfare vote democrat, its not racial although a disproportionate number of blacks are on welfare.

the GOP and the teaparty think that is wrong and want to find ways to create jobs for everyone on welfare so they can share in the american dream.

But you demtards want to keep them down on the ghetto plantation where you can buy their votes with free cheese and EBT cards

Your entire argument falls apart when we realizing that the great majority of working black America votes for the Democratic Party.

That means black Americans reject your racialist nonsense of them somehow being kept "down down on the ghetto plantation where you can buy their votes with free cheese and EBT cards."

Statement like that are why 90% of blacks vote against our GOP: they won't put up with your demeaning nonsensical diatribes.
Well, a statement such as "Most southern Republicans couldn't stand the racist mindset of the Democratics" reveals a mind uncomfortable or unaware that the congressional GOP voted against the Civil Rights and Voting acts of 1964 and 1965.

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