Quick History lesson

Sure did. Funny you didn't. 52.9% is a majority. Like it or lump it.

A "voter" is one who votes. And most of those "voters" (those who voted, as we remember from our lesson of five seconds ago) voted for O'bama. Period.

Wrong again, sploogey.

Voters are those registered to vote.

Obama got 51.7% of the ballots counted, not of votes availible. About 30% of registered voters found both candidates so repulsive that they stayed home.

Again, reading comprehension: Hoover was running in '32, not '36.
As for '36, only an idiot would expect four years to be sufficient to turn around the tank of all time.

Damn, didn't realize that.

Okay class, Pogo has just revealed a new and improved history.

FDR did not run for or win reelction in 1936. Apparently he was granted a 16 year term in 32'

Just fucking brilliant, even from a Khmer Rouge guy like you...

Oh sorry, an idiot or a Pothead.

There was no tank between '33 and '36. That tank had already left the station in '29.


What Marooon..

The Free Market: How FDR Made the Depression Worse
"The democratic party is not a party against religion" is true, "nor is it a party that has not done anything for numerical minorities in this country" is also true, Yurt. And it is also true that black Americans overwhelmingly vote for the Democratic Party.

No, you are wrong again------people on welfare vote democrat, its not racial although a disproportionate number of blacks are on welfare.
the GOP and the teaparty think that is wrong and want to find ways to create jobs for everyone on welfare so they can share in the american dream.

But you demtards want to keep them down on the ghetto plantation where you can buy their votes with free cheese and EBT cards

Your entire argument falls apart when we realizing that the great majority of working black America votes for the Democratic Party.

That means black Americans reject your racialist nonsense of them somehow being kept "down down on the ghetto plantation where you can buy their votes with free cheese and EBT cards."

Statement like that are why 90% of blacks vote against our GOP: they won't put up with your demeaning nonsensical diatribes.

Telling the truth is not demeaning. Alan West tells the truth and he is black.

But your racism is noted.
Sure did. Funny you didn't. 52.9% is a majority. Like it or lump it.

A "voter" is one who votes. And most of those "voters" (those who voted, as we remember from our lesson of five seconds ago) voted for O'bama. Period.

Wrong again, sploogey.

Voters are those registered to vote.

Obama got 51.7% of the ballots counted, not of votes availible. About 30% of registered voters found both candidates so repulsive that they stayed home.

-- which simply makes them not part of the set we define as "voters", so they are irrelevant, and thus we return to the actual voters, of whom 52.9% is still a majority. That hasn't changed Hell, even if your discounted 51.7 were real it would still be a majority. And btw your causal reasoning is naught but speculative generalization.

THIS is over your head? Really?

Again, reading comprehension: Hoover was running in '32, not '36.
As for '36, only an idiot would expect four years to be sufficient to turn around the tank of all time.

Damn, didn't realize that.

Okay class, Pogo has just revealed a new and improved history.

FDR did not run for or win reelction in 1936. Apparently he was granted a 16 year term in 32'

Just fucking brilliant, even from a Khmer Rouge guy like you...

"Hoover"... "Roosevelt". Know the difference. :oops:

THIS is over your head??

Oh sorry, an idiot or a Pothead.

There was no tank between '33 and '36. That tank had already left the station in '29.


What Marooon..

The Free Market: How FDR Made the Depression Worse

A blog opinion does not a market tank make. Whether a road not taken would have led "here" or "there" is a matter of pure speculation that can never be settled. An actual history of a market dive, however, is as different from that as, say, the difference between Herbert Hoover and Franklin Roosevelt.

Is that over your head too?
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No, you are wrong again------people on welfare vote democrat, its not racial although a disproportionate number of blacks are on welfare.
the GOP and the teaparty think that is wrong and want to find ways to create jobs for everyone on welfare so they can share in the american dream.

But you demtards want to keep them down on the ghetto plantation where you can buy their votes with free cheese and EBT cards

Your entire argument falls apart when we realizing that the great majority of working black America votes for the Democratic Party.

That means black Americans reject your racialist nonsense of them somehow being kept "down down on the ghetto plantation where you can buy their votes with free cheese and EBT cards."

Statement like that are why 90% of blacks vote against our GOP: they won't put up with your demeaning nonsensical diatribes.

Telling the truth is not demeaning. Alan West tells the truth and he is black. But your racism is noted.

West and you are entitled to your nonsense and the right to say it.

I bet the Dems hope you keep saying it.
When visitors to this forum read redfish posts, do any of them believe he's giving republicans any integrity? What do they think about the integrity of the GOP? Oh I forgot, Ted Cruze, Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann say this stupid shit all the time too. Always trying to rewrite the history books. And cons just can't figure out why they keep losing. Every post of redfish reminds me of....
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHjIb6trxBI]Bush Tries to Escape - YouTube[/ame]
Lolz ...

Many are disillusioned by the onslaught of news
As puppet masters preach what one hears
The simple think it is a reflection of their views
While others think it is more than it appears

They will squabble, fight and misconstrue
Propping up ghosts in unceasing vain
Some make good points as words are true
While others only manage to complain

Again we chose to visit our old friend
Where it is opinion that yields to belief
You can argue from now to the end
But only your principles provide relief

Sleep Well ... Pleasant Dreams ... And Perhaps We Can Play Again Tomorrow.


You are thinking candy cane
While I see barber pole
It's just one more thing
To perplex and confound so
Tho we have common ground
Down the rabbit hole

They do it for their minions, this melding of opinions, with the news
There is a little tweak, perhaps a Newspeak, the GOP hears
Some people say, it must be this way
to prevail over other views
Bear this in mind, tho it looks like any kind, it ain't what it appears

To get their talking points, in bars or restaurants, with little to misconstrue
Fed their daily fodder, with new marching orders, sucklings at the vein
You can take it to the bank, we have always been at war with (blank) count on it to be true
Mindless drones, thinking the opinion their own, never to complain

These opinions of my choosing , nothing but idle musing, in a letter to a friend
These notions in general, by morning are ephemeral, and not entrenched belief
We are but actors on a stage, today's joy is tomorrows rage, and on to our end
But don't misconstrue, it could still be true, and on your path you might find no relief

People like me with simple minds of mush
Wonder why others are so dramatic
It doesn't take more than a brush
If you're only painting the attic

Belief is one thing, opinion another
As people search from there to here
But when we need to help our brother
A vote, not a hand is what to fear

The pirates, thieves and general scum
Pass off judgment where there is none
Some think you are really dumb
While we are playing just for fun

Some get angry full of rage
While others think they can behave
The only difference, who gets the cage
And who gets the grave

Morning ... Back again I see!

A con man wouldn't give a clue
When he's using a trick or two
As he polishes the apples so grand
Before giving three back to you

But on the other hand
When a plain and simple man
Awakes to write Frost or Poe
Not even he can understand

I'm not sophisticated, I know
But this gift the poets bestow
Shouldn't mire in cynical snark
But instead find a higher plateau

Although this might only be a lark
And my rhymes return to stark
I am ready to embark
I am ready to embark
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Quick History Lesson:

When Republicans became 90% white is when they began hating minorities.

Really? then when did the democrats start hating minorities? When did they decide that minorities must be treated like slaves and bribed for their votes with free cheese?

When did the dems decide that minorites should not improve their station in life and should stay down on the plantation (er, ghetto) ?

The dem party is, and has always been, the party of hate, discrimination, and greed.

If you cannot see that, then you are as blind as a cave fish.

So Colin Powell endorsed Obama because he gets free cheese from the Democrats?

Are you insane?

Colin Powell is an obvious racist voting by skin color.
-- which simply makes them not part of the set we define as "voters",

Don't be stupid.

Anyone registered is an "eligible voter."

so they are irrelevant, and thus we return to the actual voters, of whom 52.9% is still a majority. That hasn't changed Hell, even if your discounted 51.7 were real it would still be a majority. And btw your causal reasoning is naught but speculative generalization.

THIS is over your head? Really?

Your spin isn't making you look better.

Obama won with a plurality of eligible voters, not a majority.

Sorry, your little tin god is not nearly as great as you believe.

"Hoover"... "Roosevelt". Know the difference. :oops:

My statement;

{IF the economy tanking is a reason, how did FDR win in 36', with a far worse economy than he inherited?}

You stuck your foot in your mouth, yet again.

A blog opinion does not a market tank make. Whether a road not taken would have led "here" or "there" is a matter of pure speculation that can never be settled. An actual history of a market dive, however, is as different from that as, say, the difference between Herbert Hoover and Franklin Roosevelt.

Is that over your head too?

Hardly a "BLOG" and the data is clear. The depression deepened in FDR's first term. Hoover engaged in full scale Keynesian stimulus, driving a recession into a full blown depression. FDR doubled-down on the stupidity, deepening the depression.

What was the difference? Propaganda - FDR had a willing propaganda corpse in the press - much as Obama does, putting amazing spin on his foibles.

Hoover deserved to be fired, so did FDR.
What an absolutely bigoted, racist post!!!

Republicans opposed Obamacare for no other reason than the race of the president.

Democrats opposed all those other things because ........... :eusa_eh:
-- which simply makes them not part of the set we define as "voters",

Don't be stupid.

Anyone registered is an "eligible voter."

^^ Pothead thrusts clutch down, shifts noisily into reverse, adds "eligible" to payload...


so they are irrelevant, and thus we return to the actual voters, of whom 52.9% is still a majority. That hasn't changed Hell, even if your discounted 51.7 were real it would still be a majority. And btw your causal reasoning is naught but speculative generalization.

THIS is over your head? Really?

Your spin isn't making you look better.

Seems to work a lot better than yours, and I didn't need a week to think it up... :eusa_whistle:

Obama won with a plurality of eligible voters, not a majority.

In my math class 52.9% is still a majority. Now put the goalpost back, nice and slow.

Sorry, your little tin god is not nearly as great as you believe.

Sorry, I don't have a tin god. I have a basic knowledge of math. Not deep, but enough to know how much "more than half" means. ;)

"Hoover"... "Roosevelt". Know the difference. :oops:

My statement;

{IF the economy tanking is a reason, how did FDR win in 36', with a far worse economy than he inherited?}

You stuck your foot in your mouth, yet again.

Did I.

See the word "tanking" in the premise? Good.
Now see it in the trailing question?

Not rocket surgery.

A blog opinion does not a market tank make. Whether a road not taken would have led "here" or "there" is a matter of pure speculation that can never be settled. An actual history of a market dive, however, is as different from that as, say, the difference between Herbert Hoover and Franklin Roosevelt.

Is that over your head too?

Hardly a "BLOG" and the data is clear. The depression deepened in FDR's first term. Hoover engaged in full scale Keynesian stimulus, driving a recession into a full blown depression. FDR doubled-down on the stupidity, deepening the depression.

Absolutely a blog. It takes a history and opines "what if", which is pure speculation. As is the lexicographic demolition derby you just posted above. :thup:

As I said before, speculation is cheap. Combined with $2.75 it will buy you a Starbucks coffee, provided you can find a cheap store.

What was the difference? Propaganda - FDR had a willing propaganda corpse in the press - much as Obama does, putting amazing spin on his foibles.

Interesting you should bring up the press in this context. Interesting because the Federal Radio Commission, the first entity created to regulate the chaos that existed in the early days when anybody with a transmitter could just shout down his competitors and the precursor to the FCC -- took over that job from the Secretary of Commerce, which was that same Hoobert Heever. Small world. Roosevelt, taking office at the same time radio was entering its heyday, did make extensive use of it for his "fireside chats", but he did so in combat with the press of the day which leaned heavily conservative (newspapers were commonly and unabashedly affiliated with either the left or more commonly, the right). The radio bit is just a matter of having taken office at the opportune time. If that's what you refer to.

Then again if it's the 998 press conferences you mean, the papers didn't mind that much input, nor did they mind FDR taking their questions spontaneously without insisting on written questions submitted ahead of time as had Hoover. And Coolidge. And Harding.

Hoover deserved to be fired, so did FDR.

Constitutionally, that question would be up to the voters -- those who vote -- would it not?

Oh look, we're back home full circle.

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Obama won with a plurality of eligible voters, not a majority.

ma·jor·i·ty noun \mə-ˈjȯr-ə-tē, -ˈjär-\

: a number that is greater than half of a total

: a number of votes that is more than half of the total number

: the group or party that is the greater part of a large group

The Dictionary is now my Bible.

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