Quick History lesson

I am glad to see the far right here shift to common sense as a reason rather than their indefensible voter fraud nonsense.

LOL thats funny snake, whats really happened is that you on the far left have given up on the disenfranchisement lie now that ID is required to register for obamacare.

the right has always taken the common sense approach that proving your identity before voting makes sense and harms no one but those who would cheat.

I am mainstream GOP and you are on the far, far right so that a Goldwater looks liberal to you. :lol:

You are the ones giving up on any significant voter fraud. You should, you have no proof.

When we GOP are questioned about 'voter suppression' in our precinct, we simply say 'we are for common sense' and 'we all know the TeaPotsInaTempest are nuts.'

It works.
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I am glad to see the far right here shift to common sense as a reason rather than their indefensible voter fraud nonsense.

LOL thats funny snake, whats really happened is that you on the far left have given up on the disenfranchisement lie now that ID is required to register for obamacare.

the right has always taken the common sense approach that proving your identity before voting makes sense and harms no one but those who would cheat.

I am mainstream GOP and you are on the far, far right so that a Goldwater looks liberal to you. :lol:

You are the ones giving up on any significant voter fraud. You should, you have no proof.

When we GOP are questioned about 'voter suppression' in our precinct, we simply say 'we are for common sense' and 'we all know the TeaPotsInaTempest are nuts.'

It works.

You are not mainstream GOP---that is a blatant LIE. you are a dem/lib plant who parrots left wing talking points while lying about being a republican

One fraudulent vote is too many, no matter how it is cast or by who.

the teaparty is for lower taxes, smaller federal govt, more individual freedom, common sense fiscal policy, caring for the less fortunate, and intelligent foreign policy---------radical concepts, right? :confused:
grow up, neither party of today is bigoted, but the dem party of the past was the party of bigotry. Thats all this is about.

And since no one here is denying that the conservative wing of the Democratic Party has a history of racist behaviours and sentiments,

what is your point?

Damn, are you really that thick headed? you fools claim that the dem party has always been the party of the poor and minorities-------I proved that is not true. Its really not very complicated.

When did I EVER say that the conservative wing of the Democratic Party was for minorities? Quote me saying that or enjoy your negs.
I'm sure he didn't expect any serious responses. After all, trolldrones like you can't afford to get into a real discussion because your vacuousness prevents your participation.

If you want a serious discussion, state the OP's point concisely in a sentence or two.

All of the real Human Rights initiatives of the past 160 years depended on Republicans to help people gain their freedom. There were some Democrats who contributed, but the successes came from the efforts of the Republican Party.

That's not a point, that's just an observation. This thread is in 'politics', why? What is the political point?

Are you people trying to claim that someone like Rand Paul should get credit for freeing th slaves,
just because he and Abraham Lincoln were in the same party?
And since no one here is denying that the conservative wing of the Democratic Party has a history of racist behaviours and sentiments,

what is your point?

Damn, are you really that thick headed? you fools claim that the dem party has always been the party of the poor and minorities-------I proved that is not true. Its really not very complicated.

When did I EVER say that the conservative wing of the Democratic Party was for minorities? Quote me saying that or enjoy your negs.

nice attempted dodge, but another failure. You on the left continuously rant about how the dem party has ALWAYS been for the poor and minorities, its not true and I pointed that out in the OP.

thats all this is about, pointing out that lie.

the KKK was not the "conservative wing" it was the democrat party, and not just in the south, some of the most active KKK members were in the mid west and the west.

We are not talking about what the dem party is today, we are talking about what it claimed to be in the past. We are talking about that lie.
And since no one here is denying that the conservative wing of the Democratic Party has a history of racist behaviours and sentiments,

what is your point?

Damn, are you really that thick headed? you fools claim that the dem party has always been the party of the poor and minorities-------I proved that is not true. Its really not very complicated.

When did I EVER say that the conservative wing of the Democratic Party was for minorities? Quote me saying that or enjoy your negs.

negs back at ya, liar.
If you want a serious discussion, state the OP's point concisely in a sentence or two.

All of the real Human Rights initiatives of the past 160 years depended on Republicans to help people gain their freedom. There were some Democrats who contributed, but the successes came from the efforts of the Republican Party.

That's not a point, that's just an observation. This thread is in 'politics', why? What is the political point?

Are you people trying to claim that someone like Rand Paul should get credit for freeing th slaves,
just because he and Abraham Lincoln were in the same party?

Every time you seem to think you're going to be clever, you end up making your self even less intelligent than I thought possible.
Overheard, as my meal was done
And I'll repeat here, just for fun
Calling to those once resolved
From freedom now so devolved
"Lincoln? Lincoln? Party of one?"

By laws of equality we shall not abide
We are not equal until they take my side
To measure me by my honest ability
Is just an act of outright futility
As we try to stand here hand in hand
It is a look at my face that they demand

Morning ... Hope you have a great day ... And good luck in your endeavors.


"Here's Looking at You, Kid"

For those in which compassion abounds
And think their nobility is beyond compare
As upon others you wish that karma frowns
You fail to recognize the devil's stare

As we all stutter and cry for the lost
At the tyrant's futile attempts to contain
The whip demands service at all cost
Making the losers all that remain

When your Masters rule with fire and steel
Be careful in the mirror your gaze is true
As a cautious closer peek is sure to reveal
What their vile hearts have in store for you

But the mirror never fails to astound
And those dark of heart might beware
For when the mirror is not upside down
It will reflect what is truly there

There are those who keep mirrors crossed
For which to flummox and feign
From where every pitch was tossed
So that the oligarch might reign

How do you know your gaze is real
And a reflection of the better you
Or merely there with intent to steal
Every soul and replace with a world view
Overheard, as my meal was done
And I'll repeat here, just for fun
Calling to those once resolved
From freedom now so devolved
"Lincoln? Lincoln? Party of one?"

By laws of equality we shall not abide
We are not equal until they take my side
To measure me by my honest ability
Is just an act of outright futility
As we try to stand here hand in hand
It is a look at my face that they demand

Morning ... Hope you have a great day ... And good luck in your endeavors.


"Here's Looking at You, Kid"

For those in which compassion abounds
And think their nobility is beyond compare
As upon others you wish that karma frowns
You fail to recognize the devil's stare

As we all stutter and cry for the lost
At the tyrant's futile attempts to contain
The whip demands service at all cost
Making the losers all that remain

When your Masters rule with fire and steel
Be careful in the mirror your gaze is true
As a cautious closer peek is sure to reveal
What their vile hearts have in store for you

But the mirror never fails to astound
And those dark of heart might beware
For when the mirror is not upside down
It will reflect what is truly there

There are those who keep mirrors crossed
For which to flummox and feign
From where every pitch was tossed
So that the oligarch might reign

How do you know your gaze is real
And a reflection of the better you
Or merely there with intent to steal
Every soul and replace with a world view

Hmm ...

There is a time when shadows fall
As if darkness may cross the land
A time to beckon the warrior's call
All value lost should we fail to stand

When preponderance gives way to strife
We must accept the fiery mark
It will no longer be thoughts of life
But the struggle against the dark

As the answers try to allude
The truth sits in what we require
It doesn't take a fool to conclude
It is principles and not desire.

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grow up, neither party of today is bigoted, but the dem party of the past was the party of bigotry. Thats all this is about.

And since no one here is denying that the conservative wing of the Democratic Party has a history of racist behaviours and sentiments,

what is your point?

Damn, are you really that thick headed? you fools claim that the dem party has always been the party of the poor and minorities-------I proved that is not true. Its really not very complicated.

Your "history lesson" was a fail.

You came off looking like an idiot.

Trying to spin your way out of it. FAIL II.

Next. Buh-bye!
As if you've lifted a finger in this thread to "seriously discuss". Don't think so pal. I broke down the CRA, the founders of the NAACP and a few other points. You've done what? Gainsaying and trolling. That's it.

You're way outta your league here. Try to come armed and ready to break a brain sweat next time.

LMAO! You gave your interpretation, flawed as it was, of the CRA, and the founders of the NAACP was never in doubt. You can say whatever you want, but you've proven yourself to be a joke and that's being kind.

If you think I'm "gainsaying and trolling", feel free to ignore my comments. It would truly be your best choice.

You're digging yourself even deeper, moron. I what I posted about the CRA wasn't "interpretation"... it was statistics. Had you bothered to read my posts (as I read yours so at least one of us knew what he was talking about), you would have known that.

This is what you get when you pull it out of your ass. Soiled by your own hand. Damn lazy-ass deadbeat.

You're digging yourself even deeper, moron. I what I posted about the CRA wasn't "interpretation"... it was statistics. Had you bothered to read my posts (as I read yours so at least one of us knew what he was talking about), you would have known that.

This is what you get when you pull it out of your ass. Soiled by your own hand. Damn deadbeat.

By "digging himself in deeper," you mean he is utterly kicking the shit out of you, and you're left babbling like an idiot?

I'm sure he didn't expect any serious responses. After all, trolldrones like you can't afford to get into a real discussion because your vacuousness prevents your participation.

If you want a serious discussion, state the OP's point concisely in a sentence or two.

Ok, let me try again. The history of the democrat party is a history of racism, hate, and discrimination. That is fact.

Uh- you don't even know the name of the organization, dood. Why should your history be any different? :eusa_hand:
You're digging yourself even deeper, moron. I what I posted about the CRA wasn't "interpretation"... it was statistics. Had you bothered to read my posts (as I read yours so at least one of us knew what he was talking about), you would have known that.

This is what you get when you pull it out of your ass. Soiled by your own hand. Damn deadbeat.

By "digging himself in deeper," you mean he is utterly kicking the shit out of you, and you're left babbling like an idiot?


He hasn't said squat in this thread, so it would be a damn good trick if he could "literally kick the shit" out of a colostomy bag made of vanilla wafers. The sad fact is, we've had no engagement whatsoever. He's just a troll standing on the sidelines, trolling. An intellectual deadbeat. Makes no points, just stands on the side going "boo".

Kinda like what you're doing right there, Pothead.

But hey I understand. You're both cowering in so much fear of my awesome powers of reasoning you don't dare broach the actual topic. I can't blame you. I wouldn't either if I were that dim. :thup:
grow up, neither party of today is bigoted, but the dem party of the past was the party of bigotry. Thats all this is about.

And black Americans believe the GOP of today has failed them. That's the truth of it.

some do, many don't. many whites believe that the dems of today have failed them. How about hard working asians? Do you think they buy into the BS failed liberalism that is destroying their businesses? of course not.

The truth is that your generalizations are just plain STUPID, and thats the truth.

And what does that make your generalizations?

Do we even have a word? :eusa_think:
some do, many don't. many whites believe that the dems of today have failed them. How about hard working asians? Do you think they buy into the BS failed liberalism that is destroying their businesses? of course not.

The truth is that your generalizations are just plain STUPID, and thats the truth.

Your comment is stupid, friend. 90% of them voted Dem nationally. That is fact. A critical thinker would understand that you are flatly wrong in your opinion.

Tuff that.

yes, most blacks voted for the first black president. The honest ones are now admitting that that was a mistake and that obama has failed them. But, like you, many blacks refuse to accept the reality that obama is a failure, a fraud, and a liar.

Who knows how they will vote in 14 and 16. I think you are wrong to assume that ALL or a majority of blacks and other minorties will continue to vote for failed democrat/liberal policies. But since neither of us has a crystal ball, we will just have to wait and see.

Actually most voters voted for O'bama; have you deliberately forgotten what the alternative was and what had happened to the economy? :ack-1:

Is Hoover's loss in '32 a head scratcher for you too?

Wait... lemme get this straight now.
Economy takes nose dive, nearly completely collapses......... and you think the election was about race.

OK then...
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Redfish is caught in a religious white evangelical dream world that somehow younger Americans will want to emulate the 1950s.

Absolutely delusional on his part. Even Jesus would tell him that.
And black Americans believe the GOP of today has failed them. That's the truth of it.

some do, many don't. many whites believe that the dems of today have failed them. How about hard working asians? Do you think they buy into the BS failed liberalism that is destroying their businesses? of course not.

The truth is that your generalizations are just plain STUPID, and thats the truth.

And what does that make your generalizations?

Do we even have a word? :eusa_think:

"redfishery" because he is fishing in an empty lake.

Notice he avoided women, blacks, and Hispanics.

He loves America, without a doubt, but that vision of America is gone forever.
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Damn, are you really that thick headed? you fools claim that the dem party has always been the party of the poor and minorities-------I proved that is not true. Its really not very complicated.

When did I EVER say that the conservative wing of the Democratic Party was for minorities? Quote me saying that or enjoy your negs.

nice attempted dodge, but another failure. You on the left continuously rant about how the dem party has ALWAYS been for the poor and minorities, its not true and I pointed that out in the OP.

.... who just posted something about generalizations being "STUPID"...?

the KKK was not the "conservative wing" it was the democrat party, and not just in the south, some of the most active KKK members were in the mid west and the west.

We are not talking about what the dem party is today, we are talking about what it claimed to be in the past. We are talking about that lie.

You still don't know the name of the party but it doesn't matter because you're full of shit. See my earlier exchanges with Templar Kormac where I've already pointed out the KKK affiliates in the West and Midwest were Republicans.

You know why that is?

Because the KKK was never a political organization; it was a cultural terrorism organization. When it dabbled in politics at all, it used whatever party suited its needs. In the west and midwest that would mean the RP. In the South it meant the DP. And in the South today, after the CRA exodus, it means the RP (see Duke, David, RP chair, St. Tammany Parish).

Sorry to burst your revisionista bubble but that doesn't make either of those parties part of the KKK. It makes them tools to achieve power, which is what all political parties are and always have been.
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some do, many don't. many whites believe that the dems of today have failed them. How about hard working asians? Do you think they buy into the BS failed liberalism that is destroying their businesses? of course not.

The truth is that your generalizations are just plain STUPID, and thats the truth.

And what does that make your generalizations?

Do we even have a word? :eusa_think:

"redfishery" because he is fishing in an empty lake.

Notice he avoided women, blacks, and Hispanics.

He loves America, without a doubt, but that vision of America is gone forever.

Redfishery -- I like it :)

Kind of red herringy, only stupider.

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