Quick History lesson

No he's right. This thread was a joke when it started, replete with fallacious histories, a few of which we've dismantled. He shouldn't have expected any serious responses.

I'm sure he didn't expect any serious responses. After all, trolldrones like you can't afford to get into a real discussion because your vacuousness prevents your participation.

If you want a serious discussion, state the OP's point concisely in a sentence or two.
The existence of this topic is demonstration the GOP has a serious public relations problem with minorities. This topic is the equivalent of, "I'm not a bigot! Some of my best friends are (fill in the blank)."

If you have to PROVE you are not bigoted, you probably are. Because as I keep pointing out, ACTIONS speak louder than words. If the Right's actions were not bigoted, the Right would not have to defend itself.

The Right is plagued with bigots. Idiots, hypocrites, liars, and con men, too. Somewhere along the way, the Right stopped taking out the trash.

Probably right about where this "history lesson" ends. 1964-ish.

The GOP would rather have the moron vote than stick to its founding principles.

that is simply not true. the statistics in the OP prove that the dems have historically been anti-minority and want to keep them in virtual slavery as wards of the state. They know that having freedom will turn them away from the liberal lies.

Why do wealthy black Americans vote Democrat by a huge majority?
Overheard, as my meal was done
And I'll repeat here, just for fun
Calling to those once resolved
From freedom now so devolved
"Lincoln? Lincoln? Party of one?"

By laws of equality we shall not abide
We are not equal until they take my side
To measure me by my honest ability
Is just an act of outright futility
As we try to stand here hand in hand
It is a look at my face that they demand

Morning ... Hope you have a great day ... And good luck in your endeavors.


I love fags and ragheads and darkies! Really!


Are you a "fag" or a "darkie"?

No, but he is a fucking liar - or as we normally say, a democrat.

Coulter never used the term "darkies." In typical fashion, the leftist fabricated claims to slander and libel the opposition. It's what the little Goebbels of the left do..
13th amendment: abolished slavery
100% republican support, 23% democrat support

14th amendment: gave citizenship to freed slaves
94% republican support, 0% democrat support

15th amendment: right to vote for all
100% republican support, 0% democrat support

0% republican support
100% democrat support

Need I say more? :eusa_whistle:

Those are remarkable statistics

They show when Republicans used to actually care about Americans

You care for the freedoms..

You don't 'care' by giving handouts at the expense of others, promoting bullshit ideals like 'hate crimes', implementing government mandated 'programs' to force the purchase of a good or service, and injecting race into crap in some stupid attempt to then say you are trying to not have anything focus on race

You are still as much of an idiot as ever
You continue to buy that line? Seriously? You are such an amazing rube.

If I were a rube, I'd believe the fucking lies you democrats tell.

Voter ID does not stop the type of fraud which is committed, and only the dumbest of the gullible buy the line that it does.

Right because, um, uh, OBAMA AKBAR

You and the rest of the left fight ID because it prevents most cases of impersonation in voting.

While it will not stop Al Franken from pulling a few bags of ballots from his trunk, it will stop the illegals from voting. Which is why you oppose it.

You see, your puppet masters could not openly admit the purpose of Voter ID was to disenfranchise as many low income minorities from voting as possible.


The fucknut stupidity of you leftists is a hoot.

A drivers license disenfranchises minorities from driving. An I-9 disenfranchises minorities from a job. ID for alcohol sales disenfranchises minorities from buying a fine wine, ID for SNAP and Food Stamps disenfranchises minorities...

So they invented the whole "prevent fraud" line so rubes like yourself would go along with the scheme. They absolutely depended on your total ignorance of voter fraud and the entire electoral process.

Right, the only reason we ask ID to buy beer is to disenfranchise minorities, we just "invented" the idea that it would discourage illegal sales to minors.

Honestly, do you think anyone actually believes your idiotic lies?

Like all democrats, you believe that voter fraud is your right. Paying a Mexican national to vote for democrats at 10 polling places is a long tradition for you leftists. You become angry that we should stop your fraud.

But really, the whole "disenfranchise" thingy is beyond fucking stupid. The only ones buying into it are your fellow fraudsters.

Those minorities which the GOP worked so hard to disenfranchise are smarter than you, though. They saw right through the scheme.

Izzatrite? Showing ID is something minorities cannot succeed at? ROFL

You demand that fraud be allowed, your shameful party depends on fraud.
Since Voter ID does not actually stop voter fraud, then it becomes pretty clear the motive behind it is actually something else entirely.

But the piss drinkers are too stupid to see that.

Speaking of stupid...

{ In 2009, about 10.4 million young people between ages 12 and 20 drank more than “just a few sips” of alcohol.
As kids get older, they drink more. By age 15, half of teens have had at least one drink. By age 18, more than 70% of teens have had at least one drink.}

Underage Drinking | National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)

I guess that ID for alcohol sales is really just a racist plot, right?

Your argument is utter bullshit, and your motivation is transparent to all. You support election fraud - pure and simple.
Prove Voter ID is the only means to stop or prevent the kind of voter fraud which occurs.

Otherwise you cannot possibly be a conservative when you demand more government for something so ineffective at achieving what you so foolishly THINK it would achieve.

The fact that you and other leftists are throwing a fit is proof. You KNOW it will reduce fraud, and thus the prospects of democrats.
The far right has no proof that their laws will stop any fraud, much less that any massive voter fraud has been proven in the last twenty years.

However . . . I have no trouble with picture ID for voting.
In the last election we know that HUNDREDS of dead people voted. So claiming that the process of signing up is enough is clearly not true. I have to show my ID to buy alcohol, board an aircraft, and if stopped while driving. I see no reason a voter can not show ID.

Evil right wingers, looking to disenfranchise dead voters....
The "I have to show my ID to buy beer" is one of the dumber arguments. Showing an ID to buy beer is the only way to establish someone is of proper age. You cannot prove Voter ID is the only means to prevent or stop the type of voter fraud which occurs.

In fact, Voter ID does NOT stop the type of voter fraud which occurs.

See post 489.

ID to buy beer does not stop underage drinking. But it does slow it.

Just as ID to vote cannot stop all fraud, but it slows it down enough to get you and your fellow dims into a panic.
As if you've lifted a finger in this thread to "seriously discuss". Don't think so pal. I broke down the CRA, the founders of the NAACP and a few other points. You've done what? Gainsaying and trolling. That's it.

You're way outta your league here. Try to come armed and ready to break a brain sweat next time.

LMAO! You gave your interpretation, flawed as it was, of the CRA, and the founders of the NAACP was never in doubt. You can say whatever you want, but you've proven yourself to be a joke and that's being kind.

If you think I'm "gainsaying and trolling", feel free to ignore my comments. It would truly be your best choice.
No he's right. This thread was a joke when it started, replete with fallacious histories, a few of which we've dismantled. He shouldn't have expected any serious responses.

I'm sure he didn't expect any serious responses. After all, trolldrones like you can't afford to get into a real discussion because your vacuousness prevents your participation.

If you want a serious discussion, state the OP's point concisely in a sentence or two.

All of the real Human Rights initiatives of the past 160 years depended on Republicans to help people gain their freedom. There were some Democrats who contributed, but the successes came from the efforts of the Republican Party.
OK, it is clear now that the far right has no proof of massive fraud voting.
The far right has no proof that their laws will stop any fraud, much less that any massive voter fraud has been proven in the last twenty years.

However . . . I have no trouble with picture ID for voting.

You need to prove your identity to register for obamacare, why not to vote?

the answer is clear, the dems know that they need illegal votes in order to win.
No he's right. This thread was a joke when it started, replete with fallacious histories, a few of which we've dismantled. He shouldn't have expected any serious responses.

I'm sure he didn't expect any serious responses. After all, trolldrones like you can't afford to get into a real discussion because your vacuousness prevents your participation.

If you want a serious discussion, state the OP's point concisely in a sentence or two.

Ok, let me try again. The history of the democrat party is a history of racism, hate, and discrimination. That is fact.

Claiming that the dems of the past were not the dems of today does not change that history.

Your party is a party of hypocrisy, history proves that. Obama's recent lies confirm it.
Since Voter ID does not actually stop voter fraud, then it becomes pretty clear the motive behind it is actually something else entirely.

But the piss drinkers are too stupid to see that.

I guess that ID for alcohol sales is really just a racist plot, right?

Your argument is utter bullshit, and your motivation is transparent to all. You support election fraud - pure and simple.

Because drinking alcohol is just like engaging "We the People" in the most treasured and significant aspects of our Republic.

I'm so old I remember when conservatives used to brag about their role in insuring 'mocracy.


Because drinking alcohol is just like engaging "We the People" in the most treasured and significant aspects of our Republic.

I'm so old I remember when conservatives used to brag about their role in insuring 'mocracy.

No, but the concept of one person/one vote is a treasured and significant aspect of our Republic. I think our goal should be for every citizen of this nation should vote in every election, but they should only vote once.

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