Quick History lesson

No, don't think so...

>> But it remained for the Jews, with their unqualified capacity for falsehood, and their fighting comrades, the Marxists...by placing responsibility for the loss of the World War on the shoulders of Ludendorff they took away the weapon of moral right from the only adversary dangerous enough to be likely to succeed in bringing the betrayers of the Fatherland to Justice. All this was inspired by the principle&#8212; which is quite true in itself &#8212; that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. << - Mein Kampf, Ch. 10

Compare CCJ's post:
&#8220;Tell a lie often enough, until it&#8217;s perceived to be true.&#8221;

Point not proven. Link it or lose it.

Let's make it clear. You're defending Clayton, not proving his points.

Goebbels expounded on Hitlers analogy, and refined it. Hitler stressed this point in his manifesto.

"Only constant repetition will finally succeed in imprinting an idea on the memory of the crowd."

-Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Volume I, Chapter VI.

The original quote:

"It is not the purpose of propaganda to create a series of alterations in sentiment with a view to pleasing these blasé gentry. Its chief function is to convince the masses, whose slowness of understanding needs to be given time in order that they may absorb information; and only constant repetition will finally succeed in imprinting an idea on the memory of the crowd."

Therefore my assertion stands, having been duly backed up with prudent facts and material. Hitler is the progenitor of the concept. Did you not stop to think that Goebbels was paraphrasing Hitler?

Let's try this again, shall we?

I'm not "defending" CCJ's point - I don't even remember what it was. What I am doing is attacking your invocation of Godwin's Law as groundless. And it's still groundless.

The idea that Adolf Hitler personally invented lying is absurd. The fact that CCJ and Adolf Hitler both used the word "lie" does not make a Godwin's Law. Not even close.

I keep asking how you guys figure you can just make shit up. I keep getting crickets.

And it's also off the current point, which is Redfish's use of an undocumented quote as if it were fact.
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You can't prove we actually need Voter ID.

As for my ethnicity, I am more Aryan than most of the Nazis in the world. And quite heterosexual.

It is revealing you think someone has to be a darkie or a fag to defend darkies and fags. That gives away the whole premise of the topic since the GOP is mostly white. :lol::lol:


It gives nothing away...I think its funny that little punks like you think you get to define how words get used. ;)

You don't.....and the fact that others can use them and laugh at your silly judgements irks you.

You can't prove we don't need it, yet you claim the intellectual "high ground" in hopes that you can marginalize your opponents, you can't.

You aren't nearly as smart as you think you are kid.....
I've totally debunked Voter ID and exposed the GOP recent history as not supporting minorities. So that puts me light years ahead of you.

All you have left is butt hurt remarks. Nothing of substance.

Too bad for you.

Sorry kid, in your OPINION you've "debunked" EVERYTHING you disagree with....

But poor g...YOU said that Bronze Plans did not qualify for "subsidies".....YOU said that any monies that the Gov lets citizens keep is an "expenditure"...kid you are an ignorant fool.

Let's make it clear. You're defending Clayton, not proving his points.

Goebbels expounded on Hitlers analogy, and refined it. Hitler stressed this point in his manifesto.

"Only constant repetition will finally succeed in imprinting an idea on the memory of the crowd."

-Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Volume I, Chapter VI.

The original quote:

"It is not the purpose of propaganda to create a series of alterations in sentiment with a view to pleasing these blasé gentry. Its chief function is to convince the masses, whose slowness of understanding needs to be given time in order that they may absorb information; and only constant repetition will finally succeed in imprinting an idea on the memory of the crowd."

Therefore my assertion stands, having been duly backed up with prudent facts and material. Hitler is the progenitor of the concept. Did you not stop to think that Goebbels was paraphrasing Hitler?

Let's try this again, shall we?

1) I'm not "defending" CCJ's point - I don't even remember what it was. What I am doing is attacking your invocation of Godwin's Law as groundless. And it's still groundless.

2) The idea that Adolf Hitler personally invented lying is absurd. The fact that CCJ and Adolf Hitler both used the word "lie" does not make a Godwin's Law. Not even close.

3) I keep asking how you guys figure you can just make shit up. I keep getting crickets.

4) And it's also off the current point, which is Redfish's use of an undocumented quote as if it were fact.

1) No, Pogo, I invoked Godwin's law, because I remembered Hitler coined the phrase in his manifesto before Goebbels did. It was a slip in my research, I got the "big lie" confused with the quote in Clayton's post. Also, the quote can be attributed to Hitler. Therefore it stands. I made a direct citation to the section in his work from which that quote was derived.

2) And where did I say "Hitler invented lying"? Preposterous.

3) I keep providing evidence and you summarily dismiss it as "making shit up." If I were making shit up, would I be posting corroborating information from Hitler's manifesto to back up my claim?

4) I'm not disputing that. If it can't be corroborated, it can't be attributed to Lyndon Johnson. Nor can it be touted as fact.
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Redfish has abandoned his own thread-- as his ignorance of U.S. History has been exposed.

Please close this thread.

No history here.
When did the Repubs decide they no longer needed the support of minorities?

Uh ... After they abolished slavery, recognized minorities as equals and recognized their right to vote.
When Republicans started treating minorities like they were equal ... Is exactly when the Democrats who have never thought minorities are equal ... Started screaming louder.


Overheard, as my meal was done
And I'll repeat here, just for fun
Calling to those once resolved
From freedom now so devolved
"Lincoln? Lincoln? Party of one?"
Let's try this again, shall we?

1) I'm not "defending" CCJ's point - I don't even remember what it was. What I am doing is attacking your invocation of Godwin's Law as groundless. And it's still groundless.

2) The idea that Adolf Hitler personally invented lying is absurd. The fact that CCJ and Adolf Hitler both used the word "lie" does not make a Godwin's Law. Not even close.

3) I keep asking how you guys figure you can just make shit up. I keep getting crickets.

4) And it's also off the current point, which is Redfish's use of an undocumented quote as if it were fact.

1) No, Pogo, I invoked Godwin's law, because I remembered Hitler coined the phrase in his manifesto before Goebbels did. It was a slip in my research, I got the "big lie" confused with the quote in Clayton's post. Also, the quote can be attributed to Hitler. Therefore it stands. I made a direct citation to the section in his work from which that quote was derived.

2) And where did I say "Hitler invented lying"? Preposterous.

3) I keep providing evidence and you summarily dismiss it as "making shit up." If I were making shit up, would I be posting corroborating information from Hitler's manifesto to back up my claim?

4) I'm not disputing that. If it can't be corroborated, it can't be attributed to Lyndon Johnson. Nor can it be touted as fact.

OK, but you can't invoke Godwin's Law until somebody invokes Hitler. No Hitler = no Godwin. That's what #2 means. Just because Hitler talked about the art of lying and CCJ talks about the art of lying -- doesn't qualify.
Redfish has abandoned his own thread-- as his ignorance of U.S. History has been exposed.

Please close this thread.

No history here.

"Please close this thread" you say? Please, close your mouth. Thank you. :eusa_whistle:

No he's right. This thread was a joke when it started, replete with fallacious histories, a few of which we've dismantled. He shouldn't have expected any serious responses.
13th amendment: abolished slavery
100% republican support, 23% democrat support

14th amendment: gave citizenship to freed slaves
94% republican support, 0% democrat support

15th amendment: right to vote for all
100% republican support, 0% democrat support

0% republican support
100% democrat support

Need I say more? :eusa_whistle:

I stole it.

The KKK was "given birth to" by six Confederate veterans around a campfire in Pulaski Tennessee on Christmas Day 1865. They were not politicians and it has never been a political organization.

How do you guys figure you can just make shit up, especially when actual history is readily available? How?

For most conservatives, it’s as natural as breathing.

“Tell a lie often enough, until it’s perceived to be true.”

And I do hereby invoke Godwin's law here.

As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1.

Nice one, Clayton, citing Hitler.

Wrong again, as usual.

For example, here’s a rightist website lying about ‘confiscated’ Christmas cards:

Georgia School Confiscates Christmas Cards | Conservative ByteConservative Byte

There’s the truth:

Moved Xmas Card Poster at Brooklet Elem. Causes Headaches - WSAV: News, Weather, and Sports for Savannah, GA

The post was no ‘reference to Hitler,’ it was a factual observation of a standard conservative political tactic used for at least the last 20 years, about as long as you've been alive - which explains a lot.
For most conservatives, it&#8217;s as natural as breathing.

&#8220;Tell a lie often enough, until it&#8217;s perceived to be true.&#8221;

And I do hereby invoke Godwin's law here.

As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1.

Nice one, Clayton, citing Hitler.

Wrong again, as usual.

For example, here&#8217;s a rightist website lying about &#8216;confiscated&#8217; Christmas cards:

Georgia School Confiscates Christmas Cards | Conservative ByteConservative Byte

There&#8217;s the truth:

Moved Xmas Card Poster at Brooklet Elem. Causes Headaches - WSAV: News, Weather, and Sports for Savannah, GA

The post was no &#8216;reference to Hitler,&#8217; it was a factual observation of a standard conservative political tactic used for at least the last 20 years, about as long as you've been alive - which explains a lot.

The quote you used is attributed to Joesph Goebbels, who was in turn Hitler's propaganda minister. He was paraphrasing Hitler, as I have already demonstrated. My invocation of Godwin's law stands.
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For most conservatives, it’s as natural as breathing.

“Tell a lie often enough, until it’s perceived to be true.”

And I do hereby invoke Godwin's law here.

As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1.

Nice one, Clayton, citing Hitler.

Wrong again, as usual.

For example, here’s a rightist website lying about ‘confiscated’ Christmas cards:

Georgia School Confiscates Christmas Cards | Conservative ByteConservative Byte

There’s the truth:

Moved Xmas Card Poster at Brooklet Elem. Causes Headaches - WSAV: News, Weather, and Sports for Savannah, GA

The post was no ‘reference to Hitler,’ it was a factual observation of a standard conservative political tactic used for at least the last 20 years, about as long as you've been alive - which explains a lot.

And um, how does confiscating Christmas cards correlate with this thread? Yours is a non sequitur.
1) I'm not "defending" CCJ's point - I don't even remember what it was. What I am doing is attacking your invocation of Godwin's Law as groundless. And it's still groundless.

2) The idea that Adolf Hitler personally invented lying is absurd. The fact that CCJ and Adolf Hitler both used the word "lie" does not make a Godwin's Law. Not even close.

3) I keep asking how you guys figure you can just make shit up. I keep getting crickets.

4) And it's also off the current point, which is Redfish's use of an undocumented quote as if it were fact.

1) No, Pogo, I invoked Godwin's law, because I remembered Hitler coined the phrase in his manifesto before Goebbels did. It was a slip in my research, I got the "big lie" confused with the quote in Clayton's post. Also, the quote can be attributed to Hitler. Therefore it stands. I made a direct citation to the section in his work from which that quote was derived.

2) And where did I say "Hitler invented lying"? Preposterous.

3) I keep providing evidence and you summarily dismiss it as "making shit up." If I were making shit up, would I be posting corroborating information from Hitler's manifesto to back up my claim?

4) I'm not disputing that. If it can't be corroborated, it can't be attributed to Lyndon Johnson. Nor can it be touted as fact.

OK, but you can't invoke Godwin's Law until somebody invokes Hitler. No Hitler = no Godwin. That's what #2 means. Just because Hitler talked about the art of lying and CCJ talks about the art of lying -- doesn't qualify.

If the quote is in any way linked to Hitler, he is invoking Hitler. That is my reasoning. If you are invoking his reasoning (hence the quote), you are therefore referencing Hitler. It's as simple as that.
And I do hereby invoke Godwin's law here.

As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1.

Nice one, Clayton, citing Hitler.

Wrong again, as usual.

For example, here’s a rightist website lying about ‘confiscated’ Christmas cards:

Georgia School Confiscates Christmas Cards | Conservative ByteConservative Byte

There’s the truth:

Moved Xmas Card Poster at Brooklet Elem. Causes Headaches - WSAV: News, Weather, and Sports for Savannah, GA

The post was no ‘reference to Hitler,’ it was a factual observation of a standard conservative political tactic used for at least the last 20 years, about as long as you've been alive - which explains a lot.

The quote you used is attributed to Joesph Goebbels, who was in turn Hitler's propaganda minister. He was paraphrasing Hitler, as I have already demonstrated. My invocation of Godwin's law stands.

The only way your invocation stands is "down".

Once again, there is no correlation to Göbbels; there's no correlation to Hitler. You've cited no corresponding quote at all. And even if you had, merely repeating a quote that's become common parlance cannot invoke Godwin. Godwin doesn't refer to quotes; Godwin refers to Hitler. Didn't work and still doesn't.
No he's right. This thread was a joke when it started, replete with fallacious histories, a few of which we've dismantled. He shouldn't have expected any serious responses.

I'm sure he didn't expect any serious responses. After all, trolldrones like you can't afford to get into a real discussion because your vacuousness prevents your participation.
For most conservatives, it’s as natural as breathing.

“Tell a lie often enough, until it’s perceived to be true.”

And I do hereby invoke Godwin's law here.

As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1.

Nice one, Clayton, citing Hitler.

Wrong again, as usual.

For example, here’s a rightist website lying about ‘confiscated’ Christmas cards:

Georgia School Confiscates Christmas Cards | Conservative ByteConservative Byte

There’s the truth:

Moved Xmas Card Poster at Brooklet Elem. Causes Headaches - WSAV: News, Weather, and Sports for Savannah, GA

The post was no ‘reference to Hitler,’ it was a factual observation of a standard conservative political tactic used for at least the last 20 years, about as long as you've been alive - which explains a lot.

The Principal of Brooklet, Marlin Baker, said that is not the case. Baker said it's a faculty tradition to hang staff Christmas cards up on a poster. Usually the poster hangs out in the hallway for students to see but Baker said one of the teachers had a privacy issue so the poster was moved into the faculty work room.

Okay, one teacher has a privacy concern and instead of not posting the card, they move the whole thing into the teachers lounge? Does the teacher really think that solves the problem? I was in the teachers lounge several times as a student, it's no safer in there than in the public hallway. Sounds to me like a story they made up to cover their asses.
No he's right. This thread was a joke when it started, replete with fallacious histories, a few of which we've dismantled. He shouldn't have expected any serious responses.

I'm sure he didn't expect any serious responses. After all, trolldrones like you can't afford to get into a real discussion because your vacuousness prevents your participation.

As if you've lifted a finger in this thread to "seriously discuss". Don't think so pal. I broke down the CRA, the founders of the NAACP and a few other points. You've done what? Gainsaying and trolling. That's it.

You're way outta your league here. Try to come armed and ready to break a brain sweat next time.

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