Quick History lesson


My party is the GOP,[/quote]

Sure Fakey Jake - everyone here is convince that a drooling Obamabot like you is a Republican.

See, we ARE all totally stupid and will believe any outrageous lie, just like your handlers on ThinkProgress said...

and you are absolutely correct. It is the death of its integrity and honor.

Yes, ID is used to cash a check, buy booze, use a credit card, rent a car, etc. BUT you leftists demand that ID should NEVER be used to determine our leaders..

Wonder why?

Oh, that's right, you shameful democrats DEPEND on fraud, and believe it is your sacred right to defraud elections.

And it communicates the true feelings of too many Republicans toward blacks.


The bigoted idiocy of you morons is a hoot.

Obama IS the food stamp president. You know why? BECAUSE HE FUCKING QUINTUPLED FOOD STAMP USAGE.

Think you can follow along?

Standard Disclaimer: Exaggeration added for emphasis.

You are a drooling poster, for sure. Are you listening to the voices in your head? Look above, please.

Oh, and you would let the poor starve, would you, in the Great Recession caused by us and complacent Democrats?
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13th amendment: abolished slavery
100% republican support, 23% democrat support
Those that were dems at that time would be cons today, and you know it, don't you.
Except that almost all of them went back to the Democratic Party after the failure of the Dixiecrats and the American Party...shows you're lying.

14th amendment: gave citizenship to freed slaves
94% republican support, 0% democrat support
Lincoln wanted to deport the blacks after the war.
Irrelevant, as it has nothing to with what was said.

15th amendment: right to vote for all
100% republican support, 0% democrat support
The red states get caught time after time, trying to keep blacks from voting. Worked good in Florida in 2000, when SCOTUS anointed Shrub POTUS.
Obviously, that's how you want to interpret events, but that doesn't make it true.

0% republican support
100% democrat support
.Conclusive proof that cons want to make all but the rich suffer.
As we are finding out, Obamacare is going to make insurance companies richer while costing the middle class who can't get the subsidy lots of money. Sounds kind of fascist-y to me.

Need I say more? :eusa_whistle:
Cons really suck at rewriting the history books.
True, they merely present facts and you guys try to "rewrite" them.

Goebbels, I thought you were dead. Present lies as facts enough times and the ignorant sheep will believe them....eventually.
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I love fags and ragheads and darkies! Really!


Are you a "fag" or a "darkie"?
Yes, ID is used to cash a check, buy booze, use a credit card, rent a car, etc. BUT you leftists demand that ID should NEVER be used to determine our leaders..

Wonder why?

Oh, that's right, you shameful democrats DEPEND on fraud, and believe it is your sacred right to defraud elections.

You continue to buy that line? Seriously? You are such an amazing rube.

Voter ID does not stop the type of fraud which is committed, and only the dumbest of the gullible buy the line that it does.

You see, your puppet masters could not openly admit the purpose of Voter ID was to disenfranchise as many low income minorities from voting as possible. So they invented the whole "prevent fraud" line so rubes like yourself would go along with the scheme. They absolutely depended on your total ignorance of voter fraud and the entire electoral process.

Those minorities which the GOP worked so hard to disenfranchise are smarter than you, though. They saw right through the scheme.
Yes, ID is used to cash a check, buy booze, use a credit card, rent a car, etc. BUT you leftists demand that ID should NEVER be used to determine our leaders..

Wonder why?

Oh, that's right, you shameful democrats DEPEND on fraud, and believe it is your sacred right to defraud elections.

You continue to buy that line? Seriously? You are such an amazing rube.

Voter ID does not stop the type of fraud which is committed, and only the dumbest of the gullible buy the line that it does.

You see, your puppet masters could not openly admit the purpose of Voter ID was to disenfranchise as many low income minorities from voting as possible. So they invented the whole "prevent fraud" line so rubes like yourself would go along with the scheme. They absolutely depended on your total ignorance of voter fraud and the entire electoral process.

Those minorities which the GOP worked so hard to disenfranchise are smarter than you, though. They saw right through the scheme.

Why shouldn't you have to show an ID when you vote?
No one has ever proven Voter ID is the only means to stop or prevent the kind of voter fraud which occurs. Ever. Despite my asking for such evidence many, many times.

But we do have evidence that it DOES NOT prevent fraud.

Florida requires a photo ID to vote. Does that stop fraud? Nope.

FEMA official charged in voter fraud case

According to the charging affidavit, Pawlowski signed a voter registration form in which he reported his legal address in St. Augustine Beach and voted by absentee ballot in the general election in November 2010, the presidential primary in January 2012, and the general election last November.

Voter ID never even slowed this guy down!

Top staffer for Florida Democratic Rep. Garcia resigns amid voting fraud probe

Authorities are investigating a sophisticated scheme to manipulate last year's primary elections by submitting hundreds of fraudulent absentee-ballot requests.

I want you to notice that is a Fox News story.

Fox News has been one of the leading propagandists for Voter ID. Isn't it funny they are not pointing out the failure of Voter ID to prevent or stop voter fraud?


Let's go to South Dakota which has one of the strictest Voter ID laws in the country.

Mitchell man arrested on charge of voter fraud

The Daily Republic reports that Craig Guymon was arrested on charges of voter fraud. Police say Guymon voted Tuesday morning at the Mitchell Career and Technical Education Academy and later returned an absentee ballot to the Davison Auditor's Office.

Let's move on to Georgia, which also has some of the oldest and strictest voter ID laws in the country, shall we?

12 former officials indicted for voter fraud

12 former Brooks County officials were indicted for voter fraud. The suspects are accused of illegally helping people vote by absentee ballot.

I could go on all day with more examples from all around the country in states that have photo ID laws.

And the frauds will continue. Anyone with a lick of common sense can see the complete ineffectiveness of Voter ID for the kind of ACTUAL fraud which occurs.

In-person voter fraud is as rare as hen's teeth. Most fraud is not slowed down in the slightest by Voter ID.

Is Fox News or the Washington Times or Rush Limbaugh or CNS News or Breitbart or the Daily Caller or Glenn Beck or Alex Jones reporting on the catastropic failure of Voter ID to prevent fraud? Are they devoting as much air and print time to this fact as they do to bloviate for Voter ID?

Since Voter ID does not actually stop voter fraud, then it becomes pretty clear the motive behind it is actually something else entirely.

But the piss drinkers are too stupid to see that.
Yes, ID is used to cash a check, buy booze, use a credit card, rent a car, etc. BUT you leftists demand that ID should NEVER be used to determine our leaders..

Wonder why?

Oh, that's right, you shameful democrats DEPEND on fraud, and believe it is your sacred right to defraud elections.

You continue to buy that line? Seriously? You are such an amazing rube.

Voter ID does not stop the type of fraud which is committed, and only the dumbest of the gullible buy the line that it does.

You see, your puppet masters could not openly admit the purpose of Voter ID was to disenfranchise as many low income minorities from voting as possible. So they invented the whole "prevent fraud" line so rubes like yourself would go along with the scheme. They absolutely depended on your total ignorance of voter fraud and the entire electoral process.

Those minorities which the GOP worked so hard to disenfranchise are smarter than you, though. They saw right through the scheme.

Why shouldn't you have to show an ID when you vote?

It amazes me people who call themselves "conservatives" believe a completely unnecessary and useless government hurdle should be placed between them and their vote. You fools are positively schizophrenic! You want a whole new layer of government bureaucracy added to a process which has worked just fine for OVER TWO CENTURIES WITHOUT IT.
You continue to buy that line? Seriously? You are such an amazing rube.

Voter ID does not stop the type of fraud which is committed, and only the dumbest of the gullible buy the line that it does.

You see, your puppet masters could not openly admit the purpose of Voter ID was to disenfranchise as many low income minorities from voting as possible. So they invented the whole "prevent fraud" line so rubes like yourself would go along with the scheme. They absolutely depended on your total ignorance of voter fraud and the entire electoral process.

Those minorities which the GOP worked so hard to disenfranchise are smarter than you, though. They saw right through the scheme.

Why shouldn't you have to show an ID when you vote?

It amazes me people who call themselves "conservatives" believe a completely unnecessary and useless government hurdle should be placed between them and their vote. You fools are positively schiozphrenic! You want a whole new layer of government bureaucracy added to a process which has worked just fine for OVER TWO CENTURIES WITHOUT IT.
Well one, I am not a conservative, two, I don't believe in the right to vote, I don't even believe in electoral government.

You are just avoiding the question. why shouldn't you have to show an ID to vote?
but the dems did not support it, thats the point.

Lyndon Johnson did. The Majority of Northern Democrats did as well.

Ok, so what? the majority of democrats did not. Thats what this thread is about, democrat hypocrisy.

LBJ is also the dem who said: "....we will have the ******* voting democrat for the next 200 years". You think LBJ gave a shit about civil rights? LOL, all he cared about was democrat power--just like obama and the current crop of democrat hypocrites in DC.

Wrong again Sparky. We did the vote counts earlier. It's not even close.

House Version:

Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7–93%)
Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)
Northern Democrats: 145–9 (94–6%)
Northern Republicans: 138–24 (85–15%)

The Senate version:
Southern Democrats: 1–20
Southern Republicans: 0–1
Northern Democrats: 45–1
Northern Republicans: 27–5

I get 152-96 House, 46-21 Senate. What do you get with your special math to make yourself feel better as an idiot?
Yer gonna find that revising history doesn't work real well when you have actual numbers.

And your LBJ quote is undocumented. But you knew that, right?

Maybe not.
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Heh. It was claimed the GOP was all about protecting the rights of blacks to vote, but now we see the mask coming off. Defending Voter ID, which is designed to keep them from voting.
Heh. It was claimed the GOP was all about protecting the rights of blacks to vote, but now we see the mask coming off. Defending Voter ID, which is designed to keep them from voting.

Allow me to rephrase...

Are you a "darkie fag"?
Why shouldn't you have to show an ID when you vote?

It amazes me people who call themselves "conservatives" believe a completely unnecessary and useless government hurdle should be placed between them and their vote. You fools are positively schiozphrenic! You want a whole new layer of government bureaucracy added to a process which has worked just fine for OVER TWO CENTURIES WITHOUT IT.
Well one, I am not a conservative, two, I don't believe in the right to vote, I don't even believe in electoral government.

You are just avoiding the question. why shouldn't you have to show an ID to vote?
I have stated it plainly. It is a completely unnecessary and useless hurdle. It does not stop voter fraud, but it does make it harder for citizens to vote.

Are they any words you need explained further to you to help you comprehend that?
Prove Voter ID is the only means to stop or prevent the kind of voter fraud which occurs.

Otherwise you cannot possibly be a conservative when you demand more government for something so ineffective at achieving what you so foolishly THINK it would achieve.
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It amazes me people who call themselves "conservatives" believe a completely unnecessary and useless government hurdle should be placed between them and their vote. You fools are positively schiozphrenic! You want a whole new layer of government bureaucracy added to a process which has worked just fine for OVER TWO CENTURIES WITHOUT IT.
Well one, I am not a conservative, two, I don't believe in the right to vote, I don't even believe in electoral government.

You are just avoiding the question. why shouldn't you have to show an ID to vote?
I have stated it plainly. It is a completely unnecessary and useless hurdle. It does not stop voter fraud, but it does make it harder for citizens to vote.

Are they any words you need explained further to you to help you comprehend that?

What added bureaucracy? Why is it unnecessary, how do we know someone is eligible to vote?
13th amendment: abolished slavery
100% republican support, 23% democrat support

14th amendment: gave citizenship to freed slaves
94% republican support, 0% democrat support

15th amendment: right to vote for all
100% republican support, 0% democrat support

0% republican support
100% democrat support

Need I say more? :eusa_whistle:

You forgot the Civil Rights bill. 85 percent Republican 60 percent democrat. It would not have passed with out the Republicans.

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