Quick History lesson


I have that deep Christian love for homos and Muslims which tells every single one of them they are going to hell for eternity.

The best you can do is label an entire party off of what Ann Coulter thinks? Not only that you're labeling people of my faith because of her?

Can you kindly pipe down or make a cogent point?

You know there is close to zero chance she even said these things.

But he saw it on DailyKOS, so it's part of his hate script.
I have that deep Christian love for homos and Muslims which tells every single one of them they are going to hell for eternity.

Ah lying - it's what you leftists do best....

Ann Coulter is a significant and very loud mouthpiece of the Right with a following that keeps her career alive. Her animus toward gays and Muslims is well known. Nice try. Sorry to make your butt hurt.

If Muslims can be criticized for not shutting down their hateful assholes, turnabout is fair play.
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"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity."


"If we're so cruel to minorities, why do they keep coming here? Why aren't they sneaking across the Mexican border to make their way to the Taliban?"


"I'm a Christian first, and a mean-spirited, bigoted conservative second, and don't you ever forget it."
My party is the GOP,

Sure Fakey Jake - everyone here is convince that a drooling Obamabot like you is a Republican.

See, we ARE all totally stupid and will believe any outrageous lie, just like your handlers on ThinkProgress said...

and you are absolutely correct. It is the death of its integrity and honor.

Yes, ID is used to cash a check, buy booze, use a credit card, rent a car, etc. BUT you leftists demand that ID should NEVER be used to determine our leaders..

Wonder why?

Oh, that's right, you shameful democrats DEPEND on fraud, and believe it is your sacred right to defraud elections.

And it communicates the true feelings of too many Republicans toward blacks.


The bigoted idiocy of you morons is a hoot.

Obama IS the food stamp president. You know why? BECAUSE HE FUCKING QUINTUPLED FOOD STAMP USAGE.

Think you can follow along?

Standard Disclaimer: Exaggeration added for emphasis.
Ann Coulter is a significant and very loud mouthpiece of the Right with a following that keeps her career alive. Her animus toward gays and Muslims is well known. Nice try. Sorry to make your butt hurt.

If Muslims can be criticized for not shutting down their hateful assholes, turnabout is fair play.

Coulter is funny as hell. The offset to Jon Stewart, Bill Maher, Colbert, and all the rest of the left that you find oh-so-clever.

It burns your ass that she turns your own tactics right back on you.

That said - there is close to zero chance she said what you claimed.

Admit it, you made it up and posted her picture, because hey, you're a leftist...
"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity."

"If we're so cruel to minorities, why do they keep coming here? Why aren't they sneaking across the Mexican border to make their way to the Taliban?"

"I'm a Christian first, and a mean-spirited, bigoted conservative second, and don't you ever forget it."

Dayum, you had to back down and use real quotes. You don't grasp them, they are grossly out of context, but at least she actually used the words.
13th amendment: abolished slavery
100% republican support, 23% democrat support

14th amendment: gave citizenship to freed slaves
94% republican support, 0% democrat support

15th amendment: right to vote for all
100% republican support, 0% democrat support

0% republican support
100% democrat support

Need I say more? :eusa_whistle:

Here's a lessons for YOU

1865 - Dems = Conservative & Republicans = "Radical Abolitionists"

1868 - Dems = Southern Conservative Minority party supporting KKK

1929 - Hoover ( r ) Policies serve as groundwork for FDR ( d ) policies.

1960 - JKF, Camelot - Dems control everything.

1970's - Nixon adopts the GOP Southern Strategy to bring the remaining Dixiecrats over to the GOP.

Your U.S. History should be fired!!

Is was just after Civil Rights movement that the parties switched polarities.
The existence of this topic is demonstration the GOP has a serious public relations problem with minorities. This topic is the equivalent of, "I'm not a bigot! Some of my best friends are (fill in the blank)."

If you have to PROVE you are not bigoted, you probably are. Because as I keep pointing out, ACTIONS speak louder than words. If the Right's actions were not bigoted, the Right would not have to defend itself.

The Right is plagued with bigots. Idiots, hypocrites, liars, and con men, too. Somewhere along the way, the Right stopped taking out the trash.

Probably right about where this "history lesson" ends. 1964-ish.

The GOP would rather have the moron vote than stick to its founding principles.

that is simply not true. the statistics in the OP prove that the dems have historically been anti-minority and want to keep them in virtual slavery as wards of the state. They know that having freedom will turn them away from the liberal lies.

Of course it’s true.

That was the primary motivation for the Southern Strategy, designed to break the strangle-hold democrats had on Congress, where by pulling in the social conservatives, Christian fundamentalists, and the radical fiscal right (TPM), republicans could depend on a solid block of voters easy to energize every two years with hot-button issues such as abortion and school prayer.

And it worked…

…until now.

Now republicans find themselves in an ever-changing American society, becoming more diverse, more inclusive, and more sophisticated where the politics of division employed by the GOP no longer sells, particularly to younger voters – who soon will become older, and the only, voters.

Last, as a consequence of the Southern Strategy, the GOP also pulled in racists and bigots, however inadvertently; racists and bigots who, although not representative of republicans and conservatives, are nonetheless very comfortable in the GOP, and who proudly identify as conservatives.

As already correctly noted, it’s way past time for republicans to start taking out the trash.
I lived in the Deep South for years. I heard a lot of ****** jokes from good ol' boys. And they weren't Democrats.

Forgive me for calling bullshit on that. I don't believe a word of it.

BTW, stop using the term "*******". It's offensive, even if you're Robert Byrd.

Boosh and and his meltdown/depression/Great Recession did that, Pub dupe. Ay caramba. Talk about big lies LOL...
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If you have to PROVE you are not bigoted, you probably are. Because as I keep pointing out, ACTIONS speak louder than words. If the Right's actions were not bigoted, the Right would not have to defend itself.

When there is a torrent of false accusations, defending yourself is all that can be done.

BTW, you're the biggest bigot I've read on this board.
you see, you are just spouting off what you want to believe because that is what your party has been telling you all these years. Wake up and smell the crap around you.

My party? You think I am a Democrat? LOL

well, you are definitely a voice for them.

I guess if you think the being a liberal and supporting invasive federal tyranny under the guise of civil rights is a good thing. I don't think those are good things.
In other words, you would like to grant the achievements of Republicans to your party, and blame all of the shameful acts of your shameful party on the Republicans.

Scumbag pile of shit and MSNBC host Chris Hayes went as far as claiming that George Wallace was a Republican.

In other words, he wants to accredit the achievements to political philosophy and region rather than political party.

All Republicans in the South supported segregation while all Democrats in the North opposed it

You are a lying sack of shit.

But you're a dimocrap. What else is new? :dunno:

For starters, all the Black People in the South were Republicans. I hardly think they supported segregation. For another, the accounts of Republicans going South, at great personal risk, are legion.

And for another, you're a lying scum-sucking, cock breath piece of shit.

No he is right.

The original House version:
Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7–93%)
Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)
Northern Democrats: 145–9 (94–6%)
Northern Republicans: 138–24 (85–15%)
The Senate version:
Southern Democrats: 1–20 (5–95%) (only Ralph Yarborough of Texas voted in favor)
Southern Republicans: 0–1 (0–100%) (John Tower of Texas)
Northern Democrats: 45–1 (98–2%) (only Robert Byrd of West Virginia voted against)
Northern Republicans: 27–5 (84–16%)

Southern Republicans and Southern Democrats were unanimously opposed to the Civil Rights Bill. Northern Democrats and Republicans were almost unanimously opposed to the bill. Those that supported it were Progressive Republicans and Democrats(like Rockefeller, a northeastern liberal republican), those who opposed it were conservative republicans and democrats(Like Goldwater and Wallace)

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