Quick History lesson

Perhaps the problem is that posters are using Democrat and Republican in place of liberal and conservative. The political parties have on occasion go through a period of realignment and to use party labels instead of liberal and conservative can cause some historical confusion.
Perhaps the problem is that posters are using Democrat and Republican in place of liberal and conservative. The political parties have on occasion go through a period of realignment and to use party labels instead of liberal and conservative can cause some historical confusion.

In other words, you would like to grant the achievements of Republicans to your party, and blame all of the shameful acts of your shameful party on the Republicans.

Scumbag pile of shit and MSNBC host Chris Hayes went as far as claiming that George Wallace was a Republican.
13th amendment: abolished slavery
100% republican support, 23% democrat support
Those that were dems at that time would be cons today, and you know it, don't you.

14th amendment: gave citizenship to freed slaves
94% republican support, 0% democrat support
Lincoln wanted to deport the blacks after the war.

15th amendment: right to vote for all
100% republican support, 0% democrat support
The red states get caught time after time, trying to keep blacks from voting. Worked good in Florida in 2000, when SCOTUS anointed Shrub POTUS.

0% republican support
100% democrat support
.Conclusive proof that cons want to make all but the rich suffer.

Need I say more? :eusa_whistle:
Cons really suck at rewriting the history books.

are you really that naive? Do you suck the tit that closely that you won't even do research beyond that which is fed to you? If you research, do you ever check to see who owns those sites you find this crap at? Or research the propaganda you are fed by teachers/professors? Because all of the above posted by Redfish in black is true. Just because you say it isn't doesn't make it so.

True, the Reps voted 100% against obamacare, because it is nothing but a guarantee return to the insurance companies and is only hurting everyday Americans. There was medicaid for those prior that could not afford insurance; there was affordable insurance for those younger Americans wanting it if they had just inquired (much more affordable than what obamacare is giving them); Florida even had rules for coverage for young single adults on their parents policies up until the age of 30- now through obamacare they have to leave their parents policy by age 26.

True, there were problems for those with pre-existing illness that didn't have coverage, but this was not the answer.

Maybe if you got rid of the hangover you could think and research responsibly for yourself.
The far right reactionaries are shameful, yes, and try to rewrite history, yes, and fail at it, yes.
Perhaps the problem is that posters are using Democrat and Republican in place of liberal and conservative. The political parties have on occasion go through a period of realignment and to use party labels instead of liberal and conservative can cause some historical confusion.

In other words, you would like to grant the achievements of Republicans to your party, and blame all of the shameful acts of your shameful party on the Republicans.

Scumbag pile of shit and MSNBC host Chris Hayes went as far as claiming that George Wallace was a Republican.

In other words, he wants to accredit the achievements to political philosophy and region rather than political party.

All Republicans in the South supported segregation while all Democrats in the North opposed it
Perhaps the problem is that posters are using Democrat and Republican in place of liberal and conservative. The political parties have on occasion go through a period of realignment and to use party labels instead of liberal and conservative can cause some historical confusion.

In other words, you would like to grant the achievements of Republicans to your party, and blame all of the shameful acts of your shameful party on the Republicans.

Scumbag pile of shit and MSNBC host Chris Hayes went as far as claiming that George Wallace was a Republican.

In other words, he wants to accredit the achievements to political philosophy and region rather than political party.

All Republicans in the South supported segregation while all Democrats in the North opposed it

You are a lying sack of shit.

But you're a dimocrap. What else is new? :dunno:

For starters, all the Black People in the South were Republicans. I hardly think they supported segregation. For another, the accounts of Republicans going South, at great personal risk, are legion.

And for another, you're a lying scum-sucking, cock breath piece of shit.
In other words, he wants to accredit the achievements to political philosophy and region rather than political party.

No - like you he wants to distort history in hopes of furthering your shameful party.

You are utterly devoid of integrity, as we all know. You post what you do to support the shameful democrats or defame enemies of your party.

It is complete absurdity to spew the lie that the Republicans of Lincoln's era were "liberals" in the sense the word is used today. After all, did they promote the nationalizing of entire segments of economy such as health care? Did they seek federal control of education? Did they promote wealth redistribution and federal control of local law enforcement?

Of course not - your claim is total bullshit, made to obfuscate the facts about the democrats, a party born of the genocide of the Trail of Tears, feeding on slavery, and growing fat on union corruption with a dependency gravy.

All Republicans in the South supported segregation while all Democrats in the North opposed it

Ah RW, again you demonstrate your dedication to purging yourself of any ethics.

Did you make the above claim based on facts? Did you think "this is a true statement, so I will post it - regardless of the effect it will have on the party?"

LOL, hardly. Rather you took the position that "the statement serves the party, whether it is true or not is irrelevant."
You are a lying sack of shit.

Well yes, of course he is. But it goes far deeper than that. RW is on a spiritual journey to purge from himself any last shred of integrity or ethics and achieve Clintonhood.

RW doesn't just hold party above all else, he holds party as everything. That which serves the party is good, that which does not is bad.
Barry Goldwater was a segregationist and he is considered the father of modern American conservatism.

Case closed.

Another lying sack of shit.....

Barry Goldwater STARTED, with his own money and was a member of, the Arizona Chapter of the NAACP and before he ever ran for public office, voluntarily desegregated his personal business.

He was anything but a segregationist. That was all a bunch of fucking lies told by the usual suspects, dimocrap scum, to discredit AuH2O in the 1964 Presidential race which was considered one of the dirtiest in history.

That was when dimocrap scum used the "Daisy Girl" Ad.

Which I wouldn't expect you to remember but I would expect you to know about if you're going to cast aspersions at someone of that era.

But I keep forgetting -- You're a dimocrap. Which means you're a dirtbag and facts don't matter to you.

Eat shit
In other words, you would like to grant the achievements of Republicans to your party, and blame all of the shameful acts of your shameful party on the Republicans.

Scumbag pile of shit and MSNBC host Chris Hayes went as far as claiming that George Wallace was a Republican.

In other words, he wants to accredit the achievements to political philosophy and region rather than political party.

All Republicans in the South supported segregation while all Democrats in the North opposed it

You are a lying sack of shit.

But you're a dimocrap. What else is new? :dunno:

For starters, all the Black People in the South were Republicans. I hardly think they supported segregation. For another, the accounts of Republicans going South, at great personal risk, are legion.

And for another, you're a lying scum-sucking, cock breath piece of shit.

Please read more carefully; most of our GOP do read well.

First, the point is that he was talking about elected congressional Republicans in the 1950s, none of which were Black.

Second, your comment about "Republicans going South" refers to the Jim Crow era long before the 1960s.

Please stop writing, Edgetho: you are hurting our Republican cause.
Barry Goldwater was a segregationist and he is considered the father of modern American conservatism.

Case closed.

No he wasn't.

Barry Goldwater bucked his party leadership, and his own voting record, by opposing the Civil Rights Act of 1964. A week after the cloture vote ended the southern filibuster, Goldwater voiced his "constitutional" objections to the bill. Declaring his opposition to "discrimination of any sort," Goldwater warned that the bill authorized "the creation of a federal police force of mammoth proportions" and encouraged "an 'informer' psychology" among citizens. "These ... ," Goldwater declared, "are the hallmarks of the police state and landmarks in the destruction of a free society." If the public "misconstrued" his vote as a defense of segregation, Goldwater concluded, he would accept the fallout.
Barry Goldwater was a segregationist and he is considered the father of modern American conservatism.

Case closed.

Your ignorance (and anyone who supports you is just as ignorant) is exposed!

"Goldwater was a department-store proprietor and a member of the Phoenix city council. He was a very conservative Republican, something that was not at all at odds with his membership in the NAACP, which was, in the 1950s, an organization in which Republicans and conservatives still were very much welcome. The civil-rights community in Phoenix, such as it was, did not quite know what to make of Goldwater. It was already clear by then that he was to be a conservative’s conservative and a man skeptical of federal overreach; while he described himself as being unprejudiced on what was at the time referred to as “the race question,” the fact was that he did not talk much about it, at least in public. His family department stores were desegregated under his watch, though he was not known to hire blacks to work there. But when the Arizona legislature was considering making segregation voluntary in the public schools, Goldwater was lobbying for it behind the scenes. And, perhaps more important, he organized a group of well-known white conservative leaders to do so as well. He did so on the advice of his friend Lincoln Ragsdale."

In other words, he wants to accredit the achievements to political philosophy and region rather than political party.

All Republicans in the South supported segregation while all Democrats in the North opposed it

You are a lying sack of shit.

But you're a dimocrap. What else is new? :dunno:

For starters, all the Black People in the South were Republicans. I hardly think they supported segregation. For another, the accounts of Republicans going South, at great personal risk, are legion.

And for another, you're a lying scum-sucking, cock breath piece of shit.

Please read more carefully; most of our GOP do read well.

First, the point is that he was talking about elected congressional Republicans in the 1950s, none of which were Black.

Second, your comment about "Republicans going South" refers to the Jim Crow era long before the 1960s.

Please stop writing, Edgetho: you are hurting our Republican cause.

And again, you're a lying sack of shit.

ALL of the first Black Congressmen were Republicans. All of them.

African Americans in the United States Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What 'White' Congressional Republicans from the South are you talking about? Were there any?

And no, I'm talking about Christians and other Republicans going South before, during and after Jim Crow. At great personal risk.

You're an idiot. Don't try to engage me intellectually. You're out-gunned.

Plus, you're a lying sack of shit.

And stupid
Perhaps the problem is that posters are using Democrat and Republican in place of liberal and conservative. The political parties have on occasion go through a period of realignment and to use party labels instead of liberal and conservative can cause some historical confusion.

In other words, you would like to grant the achievements of Republicans to your party, and blame all of the shameful acts of your shameful party on the Republicans.

Scumbag pile of shit and MSNBC host Chris Hayes went as far as claiming that George Wallace was a Republican.

In other words, he wants to accredit the achievements to political philosophy and region rather than political party.

All Republicans in the South supported segregation while all Democrats in the North opposed it

never say ALL, it makes you look like a complete idiot. but if the shoe fits------------

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