Quick History lesson

How was the Civil Rights Act a conservative piece of legislation?

Did you know that in 1955 Eisenhower issued Executive Order 10590, establishing the President's Committee on Government Policy to enforce a nondiscrimination policy in Federal employment. He also issued an order for the DC schools to become a model for the rest of the nation that same year in integrating the schools. Were you aware that in 1957 attorney general Herbert Brownell (R) introduced the 1957 Civil Rights Act? The Cat which was to establish voting rights as well as established the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department and the U.S. Civil Rights Commission. Federal prosecutors were also empowered to use court injunctions against those who attempted to interfere with citizens’ voting rights. 1960 civil rights act? 80% of Republicans voted for it while 58% of Democrats did after a democratic filibuster once again.

Did you know that 75% of the no votes in the House for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 were from Democrats? Did you know that 80% of the Senate no votes were Democrats?

Did you ever know that? Bet you weren't taught that in school.

that sound you hear is liberal heads imploding as the facts register with them and they realize that their entire political philosophy is a lie.

The Civil Rights Act is a left wing piece of legislation.
How was the Civil Rights Act a conservative piece of legislation?

Did you know that in 1955 Eisenhower issued Executive Order 10590, establishing the President's Committee on Government Policy to enforce a nondiscrimination policy in Federal employment. He also issued an order for the DC schools to become a model for the rest of the nation that same year in integrating the schools. Were you aware that in 1957 attorney general Herbert Brownell (R) introduced the 1957 Civil Rights Act? The Cat which was to establish voting rights as well as established the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department and the U.S. Civil Rights Commission. Federal prosecutors were also empowered to use court injunctions against those who attempted to interfere with citizens’ voting rights. 1960 civil rights act? 80% of Republicans voted for it while 58% of Democrats did after a democratic filibuster once again.

Did you know that 75% of the no votes in the House for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 were from Democrats? Did you know that 80% of the Senate no votes were Democrats?

Did you ever know that? Bet you weren't taught that in school.

You didn't answer the question. How is the Civil Rights Act a conservative piece of legislation?

I don't think anyone claimed that it was conservative or liberal---only that dems did not support it.
Did you know that in 1955 Eisenhower issued Executive Order 10590, establishing the President's Committee on Government Policy to enforce a nondiscrimination policy in Federal employment. He also issued an order for the DC schools to become a model for the rest of the nation that same year in integrating the schools. Were you aware that in 1957 attorney general Herbert Brownell (R) introduced the 1957 Civil Rights Act? The Cat which was to establish voting rights as well as established the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department and the U.S. Civil Rights Commission. Federal prosecutors were also empowered to use court injunctions against those who attempted to interfere with citizens’ voting rights. 1960 civil rights act? 80% of Republicans voted for it while 58% of Democrats did after a democratic filibuster once again.

Did you know that 75% of the no votes in the House for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 were from Democrats? Did you know that 80% of the Senate no votes were Democrats?

Did you ever know that? Bet you weren't taught that in school.

that sound you hear is liberal heads imploding as the facts register with them and they realize that their entire political philosophy is a lie.

The Civil Rights Act is a left wing piece of legislation.

but the dems did not support it, thats the point.
Did you know that in 1955 Eisenhower issued Executive Order 10590, establishing the President's Committee on Government Policy to enforce a nondiscrimination policy in Federal employment. He also issued an order for the DC schools to become a model for the rest of the nation that same year in integrating the schools. Were you aware that in 1957 attorney general Herbert Brownell (R) introduced the 1957 Civil Rights Act? The Cat which was to establish voting rights as well as established the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department and the U.S. Civil Rights Commission. Federal prosecutors were also empowered to use court injunctions against those who attempted to interfere with citizens’ voting rights. 1960 civil rights act? 80% of Republicans voted for it while 58% of Democrats did after a democratic filibuster once again.

Did you know that 75% of the no votes in the House for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 were from Democrats? Did you know that 80% of the Senate no votes were Democrats?

Did you ever know that? Bet you weren't taught that in school.

You didn't answer the question. How is the Civil Rights Act a conservative piece of legislation?

I don't think anyone claimed that it was conservative or liberal---only that dems did not support it.
Republicans that supported it were not Conservative.

But this is not a surprise, the GOP was not founded as a Conservative party. Conservatives like Goldwater rightly opposed this tyrannical legislation.
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The Civil Rights Act is a left wing piece of legislation.

but the dems did not support it, thats the point.

Lyndon Johnson did. The Majority of Northern Democrats did as well.

Ok, so what? the majority of democrats did not. Thats what this thread is about, democrat hypocrisy.

LBJ is also the dem who said: "....we will have the ******* voting democrat for the next 200 years". You think LBJ gave a shit about civil rights? LOL, all he cared about was democrat power--just like obama and the current crop of democrat hypocrites in DC.
but the dems did not support it, thats the point.

Lyndon Johnson did. The Majority of Northern Democrats did as well.

Ok, so what? the majority of democrats did not. Thats what this thread is about, democrat hypocrisy.

LBJ is also the dem who said: "....we will have the ******* voting democrat for the next 200 years". You think LBJ gave a shit about civil rights? LOL, all he cared about was democrat power--just like obama and the current crop of democrat hypocrites in DC.

Everyone said ****** back then. I am sure we all say that at least a couple times in our lives. No he probably didn't love black people, doesn't matter though. He was a shitlib who supported that shitlib civil rights bill. And the majority of democrats supported it because they were shitlibs too.

Yes, some conservative democrats opposed it but the majority of the democrat house and senate supported it. You are just wrong.
Lyndon Johnson did. The Majority of Northern Democrats did as well.

Ok, so what? the majority of democrats did not. Thats what this thread is about, democrat hypocrisy.

LBJ is also the dem who said: "....we will have the ******* voting democrat for the next 200 years". You think LBJ gave a shit about civil rights? LOL, all he cared about was democrat power--just like obama and the current crop of democrat hypocrites in DC.

Everyone said ****** back then. I am sure we all say that at least a couple times in our lives. No he probably didn't love black people, doesn't matter though. He was a shitlib who supported that shitlib civil rights bill. And the majority of democrats supported it because they were shitlibs too.

Yes, some conservative democrats opposed it but the majority of the democrat house and senate supported it. You are just wrong.

the vote count says otherwise, but continue to delude yourself if it makes you feel good.
13th amendment: abolished slavery
100% republican support, 23% democrat support
Those that were dems at that time would be cons today, and you know it, don't you.

14th amendment: gave citizenship to freed slaves
94% republican support, 0% democrat support
Lincoln wanted to deport the blacks after the war.

15th amendment: right to vote for all
100% republican support, 0% democrat support
The red states get caught time after time, trying to keep blacks from voting. Worked good in Florida in 2000, when SCOTUS anointed Shrub POTUS.

0% republican support
100% democrat support
.Conclusive proof that cons want to make all but the rich suffer.

Need I say more? :eusa_whistle:
Cons really suck at rewriting the history books.
Ok, so what? the majority of democrats did not. Thats what this thread is about, democrat hypocrisy.

LBJ is also the dem who said: "....we will have the ******* voting democrat for the next 200 years". You think LBJ gave a shit about civil rights? LOL, all he cared about was democrat power--just like obama and the current crop of democrat hypocrites in DC.

Everyone said ****** back then. I am sure we all say that at least a couple times in our lives. No he probably didn't love black people, doesn't matter though. He was a shitlib who supported that shitlib civil rights bill. And the majority of democrats supported it because they were shitlibs too.

Yes, some conservative democrats opposed it but the majority of the democrat house and senate supported it. You are just wrong.

the vote count says otherwise, but continue to delude yourself if it makes you feel good.

The Senate version:[19]
Democratic Party: 46–21 (69–31%)
Republican Party: 27–6 (82–18%)

The Senate version, voted on by the House:[19]
Democratic Party: 153–91 (63–37%)
Republican Party: 136–35 (80–20%)

Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Most Democrats were shitlibs, as were Republicans. Those that opposed it were Southern Democrats and Southern Republicans, actual conservatives.
The Civil Rights Act is a left wing piece of legislation.

but the dems did not support it, thats the point.

Lyndon Johnson did. The Majority of Northern Democrats did as well.

“I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years."

Sure. He knew he would be killing his party if he didn't push through the vote upon Kennedy's assasination. Upon which it was Martin Luther King's quiet yet loud insistance that this must move forward. His SCLC led in that fight. The president of the SCLC after King was assassinated was none other than Republican Ralph Abernathy, whose prior position was the Secretary-Treasurer of the SCLC.

President Lyndon Johnson Was Not A Civil Rights Advocate

Democrats ignore the pivotal role played by Senator Dirksen in obtaining passage of the landmark 1964 Civil Rights Act, while heralding President Johnson as a civil rights advocate for signing the bill.

Notably, in his 4,500-word State of the Union Address delivered on January 4, 1965, Johnson mentioned scores of topics for federal action, but only thirty five words were devoted to civil rights. He did not mention one word about voting rights. Information about Johnson’s anemic civil rights policy positions can be found in the “Public Papers of the President, Lyndon B. Johnson,” 1965, vol. 1, p.1-9.

In their campaign to unfairly paint the Republican Party today as racists, Democrats point to President Johnson’s prediction that there would be an exodus from the Democratic Party because of Johnson’s signing the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Omitted from the Democrats’ rewritten history is what Johnson actually meant by his prediction. Johnson’s statement was not made out of a concern that racist Democrats would suddenly join the Republican Party that was fighting for the civil rights of blacks. Instead, Johnson feared that the racist Democrats would again form a third party, such as the short-lived States Rights Democratic Party. In fact, Alabama’s Democrat Governor George C. Wallace in 1968 started the American Independent Party that attracted other racist candidates, including Democrat Atlanta Mayor (later Governor of Georgia) Lester Maddox.

Behind closed doors, Johnson said: “These Negroes, they’re getting uppity these days. That’s a problem for us, since they got something now they never had before. The political pull to back up their upityness. Now, we’ve got to do something about this. We’ve got to give them a little something. Just enough to quiet them down, but not enough to make a difference. If we don’t move at all, their allies will line up against us. And there’ll be no way to stop them. It’ll be Reconstruction all over again.”

President John F. Kennedy Was Not A Civil Rights Advocate

Democrat President John F. Kennedy is also lauded as a civil rights advocate. In reality, Kennedy voted against the 1957 Civil rights Act while he was a senator. After he became president, John F. Kennedy opposed the 1963 March on Washington by Dr. King that was organized by A. Phillip Randolph who was a black Republican. Dr. King criticized Kennedy for ignoring civil rights issues. This criticism was one of the reasons that Kennedy, through his brother Attorney General Robert Kennedy, had Dr. King wiretapped and investigated by the FBI on suspicion of being a Communist in order to undermine Dr. King.

When the King family sought help with getting Dr. King out of a Birmingham jail, Richard Nixon did not respond because he knew that no individual Republican could have any control over the actions of the racists Democrats in the South. Kennedy’s civil rights advisor, Harris Wofford who was a personal friend of Dr. King, made a telephone call on behalf of President Kennedy without Kennedy’s knowledge that resulted in Dr. King’s release. Kennedy was angry about the call because he feared that he would lose the Southern vote. History shows, though, that the call By Wofford eventually worked in Kennedy’s favor and is the primary reason so many blacks wrongly revere Kennedy today. This revelation is contained in Wolford’s book “Of Kennedys and Kings” on pages 14-23.

And though it was a Democrat that introduced the bill in the House, it was a Republican that introduced the bill in the Senate. The percentage of their respective parties with the greatest support? Republicans. Plain and simple.

Frequently Asked Questions | National Black Republican Association
Everyone said ****** back then. I am sure we all say that at least a couple times in our lives. No he probably didn't love black people, doesn't matter though. He was a shitlib who supported that shitlib civil rights bill. And the majority of democrats supported it because they were shitlibs too.

Yes, some conservative democrats opposed it but the majority of the democrat house and senate supported it. You are just wrong.

the vote count says otherwise, but continue to delude yourself if it makes you feel good.

The Senate version:[19]
Democratic Party: 46–21 (69–31%)
Republican Party: 27–6 (82–18%)

The Senate version, voted on by the House:[19]
Democratic Party: 153–91 (63–37%)
Republican Party: 136–35 (80–20%)

Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Most Democrats were shitlibs, as were Republicans. Those that opposed it were Southern Democrats and Southern Republicans, actual conservatives.

you see, you are just spouting off what you want to believe because that is what your party has been telling you all these years. Wake up and smell the crap around you.
the vote count says otherwise, but continue to delude yourself if it makes you feel good.

The Senate version:[19]
Democratic Party: 46–21 (69–31%)
Republican Party: 27–6 (82–18%)

The Senate version, voted on by the House:[19]
Democratic Party: 153–91 (63–37%)
Republican Party: 136–35 (80–20%)

Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Most Democrats were shitlibs, as were Republicans. Those that opposed it were Southern Democrats and Southern Republicans, actual conservatives.

you see, you are just spouting off what you want to believe because that is what your party has been telling you all these years. Wake up and smell the crap around you.

My party? You think I am a Democrat? LOL
How was the Civil Rights Act a conservative piece of legislation?

Did you know that in 1955 Eisenhower issued Executive Order 10590, establishing the President's Committee on Government Policy to enforce a nondiscrimination policy in Federal employment. He also issued an order for the DC schools to become a model for the rest of the nation that same year in integrating the schools. Were you aware that in 1957 attorney general Herbert Brownell (R) introduced the 1957 Civil Rights Act? The Cat which was to establish voting rights as well as established the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department and the U.S. Civil Rights Commission. Federal prosecutors were also empowered to use court injunctions against those who attempted to interfere with citizens’ voting rights. 1960 civil rights act? 80% of Republicans voted for it while 58% of Democrats did after a democratic filibuster once again.

Did you know that 75% of the no votes in the House for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 were from Democrats? Did you know that 80% of the Senate no votes were Democrats?

Did you ever know that? Bet you weren't taught that in school.

that sound you hear is liberal heads imploding as the facts register with them and they realize that their entire political philosophy is a lie.

It has to be a sickening feeling to realize that the crap you have been fed for years is exactly that - crap. I am sure some will keep their shutters on though, but even if one learns the truth, that is an accomplishment. The party leaders of the left have twisted and lied for so long they have mastered convincing others their revisionist history is the truth.
The Senate version:[19]
Democratic Party: 46–21 (69–31%)
Republican Party: 27–6 (82–18%)

The Senate version, voted on by the House:[19]
Democratic Party: 153–91 (63–37%)
Republican Party: 136–35 (80–20%)

Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Most Democrats were shitlibs, as were Republicans. Those that opposed it were Southern Democrats and Southern Republicans, actual conservatives.

you see, you are just spouting off what you want to believe because that is what your party has been telling you all these years. Wake up and smell the crap around you.

My party? You think I am a Democrat? LOL

well, you are definitely a voice for them.
Ame®icano;8237636 said:
I too voted GOP in the later 1970's, then came Reagan and the GOP lost my vote by raising my taxes when they claimed they were lowering it.

There are good reasons that Eisenhower was able to win 39% of the black vote, but not the South, in 1956, and,

that Goldwater in 1964, after voting AGAINST the Civil Rights Act, could only win in the South.

As the segregationist conservative Zell Miller said...he didn't leave the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party left him.

The Democratic Party left the racists behind and moved on. The racists quickly found open arms and a home,

in the Republican Party.

Hm, how do you explain that only 5 democrats voted for Civil Rights Act of 1957, and by 1964, the same guys became "good guys".

Check the voting numbers for the acts of 1964 and 1965 and come back and tell us what you learned about geographical and party lines.

Hint: reactionaries voted against them while responsible liberals, moderates, and conservatives voted for them.
Did you know that 75% of the no votes in the House for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 were from Democrats? Did you know that 80% of the Senate no votes were Democrats?

Do you know the Dems voted in the majority for the bill and could not have passed without Dem leadership?

Reactionaries simply can't do nuance and context.
13th amendment: abolished slavery
100% republican support, 23% democrat support
Those that were dems at that time would be cons today, and you know it, don't you.
Except that almost all of them went back to the Democratic Party after the failure of the Dixiecrats and the American Party...shows you're lying.

14th amendment: gave citizenship to freed slaves
94% republican support, 0% democrat support
Lincoln wanted to deport the blacks after the war.
Irrelevant, as it has nothing to with what was said.

15th amendment: right to vote for all
100% republican support, 0% democrat support
The red states get caught time after time, trying to keep blacks from voting. Worked good in Florida in 2000, when SCOTUS anointed Shrub POTUS.
Obviously, that's how you want to interpret events, but that doesn't make it true.

0% republican support
100% democrat support
.Conclusive proof that cons want to make all but the rich suffer.
As we are finding out, Obamacare is going to make insurance companies richer while costing the middle class who can't get the subsidy lots of money. Sounds kind of fascist-y to me.

Need I say more? :eusa_whistle:
Cons really suck at rewriting the history books.
True, they merely present facts and you guys try to "rewrite" them.
Yea you do need to say more. When was it that the Republican party decided they no longer wanted to support minorities?

It's always been you shameful democrats who segregate and divide people into "minority" and such groups.

The Republicans have supported "Color Blind" from the very start.

When did the Repubs decide they no longer needed the support of minorities?

Buying votes with money taken from others is highly unethical - thus the SOP of the shameful democrats.

And if ANY political party decided to make a minority (blacks and Hispanic) a political scapegoat, how long do you think the minority will support this political party?

What if one decided to make whites a political scapegoat? Oh wait, the fuckwad democrats already have...

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