Quick History lesson

13th amendment: abolished slavery
100% republican support, 23% democrat support

14th amendment: gave citizenship to freed slaves
94% republican support, 0% democrat support

15th amendment: right to vote for all
100% republican support, 0% democrat support

0% republican support
100% democrat support

Need I say more? :eusa_whistle:
Well context matters and you really are not painting a complete picture here. Which is typical of someone like you
13th amendment: abolished slavery
100% republican support, 23% democrat support

14th amendment: gave citizenship to freed slaves
94% republican support, 0% democrat support

15th amendment: right to vote for all
100% republican support, 0% democrat support

0% republican support
100% democrat support

Need I say more? :eusa_whistle:
Well context matters and you really are not painting a complete picture here. Which is typical of someone like you

what's incomplete? Those are factual statements. Oh, I guess what's missing is some liberal spin and a couple of half-truths.

We are talking about the hypocrisy of the democrat party, past and present. What exactly is incomplete?

I realize that the dems and pubs of the 1800s were not the same as they are today. But thats not the point. The point is that the dem party has a history of racism, hate, and lies.
So by the reasoning of the author of this thread,

anyone who honors the Confederate Flag is in large part honoring the Democratic Party.

more convoluted logic from the left. The confederate flag was just that, a flag, until the KKK took it as one of their symbols. Who do you think "honors" it today, except idiots like the clan?
Where Jake goes wrong is his notion that because Southern Conservatives are now GOP, that makes them the racists that the 1960's Democrats were. When you look at the racist Dixiecrats, for example, most of them went back to the Democratic Party after their failed attempt to nationalize their brand of hate.

You are not going to ignore that "The GOP social welfare PACS deny they are political, but they are, and the KKK was certainly political in that they influenced politics directly. Were they trying to influence their culture legally and illegally: you bet."

Where you are wrong is denying that our southern GOP does not have democratic racists roots when racist dems crossed over in the 1960s and 1970s. The high schools and universities will always teach the accuracy of the Southern Strategy rather than the warped comments above.

They didn't cross over, they changed their strategy to welfare programs that still keep them under control and enslaved to the Government, with an extra bonus that keeps all races of poor Americans poor.

exactly ,and if someone really wants to know the truth they will visit this pdf page -
http://cache.trustedpartner.com/doc...9/NBRA Civil Rights Newsletter 18June2012.pdf
IT also has alot of other history right rather than the myths the Dems have tried to portray as 'truth'.
You are not going to ignore that "The GOP social welfare PACS deny they are political, but they are, and the KKK was certainly political in that they influenced politics directly. Were they trying to influence their culture legally and illegally: you bet."

Where you are wrong is denying that our southern GOP does not have democratic racists roots when racist dems crossed over in the 1960s and 1970s. The high schools and universities will always teach the accuracy of the Southern Strategy rather than the warped comments above.

They didn't cross over, they changed their strategy to welfare programs that still keep them under control and enslaved to the Government, with an extra bonus that keeps all races of poor Americans poor.

exactly ,and if someone really wants to know the truth they will visit this pdf page -
http://cache.trustedpartner.com/doc...9/NBRA Civil Rights Newsletter 18June2012.pdf
IT also has alot of other history right rather than the myths the Dems have tried to portray as 'truth'.

It is full of reactionary far right myths defending the indefensible.

The high schools and colleges are not teaching that nonsense other than as inflammatory propaganda.
So by the reasoning of the author of this thread,

anyone who honors the Confederate Flag is in large part honoring the Democratic Party.

more convoluted logic from the left. The confederate flag was just that, a flag, until the KKK took it as one of their symbols. Who do you think "honors" it today, except idiots like the clan?

Gee I don't know, maybe later I'll do a search on 'confederate' on this site and see how many of your rightwing pals honor it,

in what you call their idiocy.
They didn't cross over, they changed their strategy to welfare programs that still keep them under control and enslaved to the Government, with an extra bonus that keeps all races of poor Americans poor.

exactly ,and if someone really wants to know the truth they will visit this pdf page -
http://cache.trustedpartner.com/doc...9/NBRA Civil Rights Newsletter 18June2012.pdf
IT also has alot of other history right rather than the myths the Dems have tried to portray as 'truth'.

It is full of reactionary far right myths defending the indefensible.

The high schools and colleges are not teaching that nonsense other than as inflammatory propaganda.

Seriously? You are one of the brain washed, I see.
He's free to a good home.

I would imagine he's getting a lot of stuff for free; while criticizing those who hand it out to him.

You would be wrong. Everything I have I earned. In fact, I am probably paying your welfare payments indirectly.

Really? You payed to have the Interstate built that you drive on? You've paid for every policeman that's patrolled your neighborhood? All of the services you've taken?


The difference between liberals and conservatives can likely best be drawn up as follows:

Liberals understand that all of us are warmed by fires started by others; that all of us in this nation were born on 2nd base. Conservatives think they hit a double and castigate anyone who explains to them that they are wrong.

It's really not much of a bigger argument than that. Sure there are issues that are real divisors in this nation and there are different strains but at the end of the day, Liberals have a much better understanding of what happened yesterday and conservatives seem to want to mis-characterize, deny, or flat out lie about it. Hence this thread where MLK is a republican in some bizarro-universe. Meanwhile, women and minorities are a firm stone in the bedrock of the Democratic Party. The reason--according to conservatives--biased media coverage. :eusa_shifty:

It's really hilarious to watch the excuses.

In 2014 there will gains made by the RNC because more Dem seats are up for grabs in the Senate. Mathematics--plain and simple; that and the historical fact that the off year elections almost always favor the party not in the Oval office. Yet none of these things will matter (see the 2nd base syndrome); it will be 24/7 a rejection of __________.

It will almost be as hilarious to watch the handicapping.
exactly ,and if someone really wants to know the truth they will visit this pdf page -
http://cache.trustedpartner.com/doc...9/NBRA Civil Rights Newsletter 18June2012.pdf
IT also has alot of other history right rather than the myths the Dems have tried to portray as 'truth'.

It is full of reactionary far right myths defending the indefensible.

The high schools and colleges are not teaching that nonsense other than as inflammatory propaganda.

Seriously? You are one of the brain washed, I see.

Go check your local high school history books, kid. Seriously. If included, the writers are demonstrating that such nonsense from the reactionaries on the far right is nothing more than inflammatory propaganda.
Really? You payed to have the Interstate built that you drive on? You've paid for every policeman that's patrolled your neighborhood? All of the services you've taken?

I have paid every red tax cent owed by me in income, property, sales and fuel taxes which in turn is my proportionate share of the costs to pay for the infrastructure and public safety items and services you mention.
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Really? You payed to have the Interstate built that you drive on? You've paid for every policeman that's patrolled your neighborhood? All of the services you've taken?

I have paid every red tax cent owed by me in income, property, sales and fuel taxes which in turn is my proportionate share of the costs to pay for the infrastructure and public safety items and services you mention.

Do you feel stupid?

People is more enlightened nations pay a few cents more...and get health care, college education for all their kids and shitloads time to spend with family.

We should try that.
Really? You payed to have the Interstate built that you drive on? You've paid for every policeman that's patrolled your neighborhood? All of the services you've taken?

I have paid every red tax cent owed by me in income, property, sales and fuel taxes which in turn is my proportionate share of the costs to pay for the infrastructure and public safety items and services you mention.

So that your city (likely) is in debt and that your state (likely) is in debt and that the federal government is in debt up to it's eyeballs is always "the other guy's" doing; right?

It's always the other guy.
Really? You payed to have the Interstate built that you drive on? You've paid for every policeman that's patrolled your neighborhood? All of the services you've taken?

I have paid every red tax cent owed by me in income, property, sales and fuel taxes which in turn is my proportionate share of the costs to pay for the infrastructure and public safety items and services you mention.

Do you feel stupid?

People is more enlightened nations pay a few cents more...and get health care, college education for all their kids and shitloads time to spend with family.

We should try that.

Again with the 'right' and the 'left' and your childish weasel words.

The concept of left and right came from the French and their parliament's penchant to sit on the left and right of the house depending on political leanings.

It's about as accurate a description of politics as.... Well, as anything else a dimocrap says.

Was Stalin a left or right wing politician? What about Mao? What about Fidel? What about Che?

What about you get with the fucking program and stop talking out of your ass

You are on to something now. The concepts of left and right emerged out of the french assembly post french revolution. The Right was comprised of monarchists and catholic traditionalists. The left was comprised of republicans(meaning anti-monarchists) and proto-socialists.

So in that vain, is feminism a left wing or right wing concept. What is traditionalist in any way about feminism?

Mao, Stalin, and Castro are all left wingers, marxists. Marxism stems out of the notion of egalitarianism. Feminism has the same egalitarian roots as Marxism. Feminism and the Left are one in the same.

You're calling Mao, Stalin and Castro left-wingers?

We're done here. Have a nice day

Done here? Why is that?
Again with the 'right' and the 'left' and your childish weasel words.

The concept of left and right came from the French and their parliament's penchant to sit on the left and right of the house depending on political leanings.

It's about as accurate a description of politics as.... Well, as anything else a dimocrap says.

Was Stalin a left or right wing politician? What about Mao? What about Fidel? What about Che?

What about you get with the fucking program and stop talking out of your ass

You are on to something now. The concepts of left and right emerged out of the french assembly post french revolution. The Right was comprised of monarchists and catholic traditionalists. The left was comprised of republicans(meaning anti-monarchists) and proto-socialists.

So in that vain, is feminism a left wing or right wing concept. What is traditionalist in any way about feminism?

Mao, Stalin, and Castro are all left wingers, marxists. Marxism stems out of the notion of egalitarianism. Feminism has the same egalitarian roots as Marxism. Feminism and the Left are one in the same.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0rhuKmC0Cw]Equal pay - Women's liberation - YouTube[/ame]

Women under 30 earn more than men if that makes you happy.
I would imagine he's getting a lot of stuff for free; while criticizing those who hand it out to him.

You would be wrong. Everything I have I earned. In fact, I am probably paying your welfare payments indirectly.

Really? You payed to have the Interstate built that you drive on? You've paid for every policeman that's patrolled your neighborhood? All of the services you've taken?


The difference between liberals and conservatives can likely best be drawn up as follows:

Liberals understand that all of us are warmed by fires started by others; that all of us in this nation were born on 2nd base. Conservatives think they hit a double and castigate anyone who explains to them that they are wrong.

It's really not much of a bigger argument than that. Sure there are issues that are real divisors in this nation and there are different strains but at the end of the day, Liberals have a much better understanding of what happened yesterday and conservatives seem to want to mis-characterize, deny, or flat out lie about it. Hence this thread where MLK is a republican in some bizarro-universe. Meanwhile, women and minorities are a firm stone in the bedrock of the Democratic Party. The reason--according to conservatives--biased media coverage. :eusa_shifty:

It's really hilarious to watch the excuses.

In 2014 there will gains made by the RNC because more Dem seats are up for grabs in the Senate. Mathematics--plain and simple; that and the historical fact that the off year elections almost always favor the party not in the Oval office. Yet none of these things will matter (see the 2nd base syndrome); it will be 24/7 a rejection of __________.

It will almost be as hilarious to watch the handicapping.

Yes, why do supposed "conservative" republican align themselves with a socialist like MLK? Either they are dishonest, stupid, or closet socialists themselves.

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