Quick History lesson

13th amendment: abolished slavery
100% republican support, 23% democrat support

14th amendment: gave citizenship to freed slaves
94% republican support, 0% democrat support

15th amendment: right to vote for all
100% republican support, 0% democrat support

0% republican support
100% democrat support

Need I say more? :eusa_whistle:

History. Why don't repubs get the black vote now? Whatever repubs did back then is history and I'm sure those republicans of old wouldn't claim modern republicans as their own. If a black person needs reassurance that republicans are no longer the same as they were back in those olden times, then he just has to read a few posts on this board by repubs. "Free stuff" and blacks mentioned together often. He just has to read what republicans think about who ruined cities such as detroit. Hate for unions which blacks belong to of course, along with hateful references to Obama's race. Now if modern day republicans would post about some compensation to blacks for the hundreds of years of free labor gotten from black people's ancestors which helped America become the wealthy country that it is...... Any takers?

stating facts is not hateful, its just factual. As to Detroit----that once great city has been destroyed by democrats, liberals, unions, and black leadership------sorry if you don't like it---but that is the truth.
It's great that the inmates in this thread have had to resort to calling Jefferson Davis a liberal in order to try to make their myth work.

More than I could ever have hoped for.

We learned on other threads that Susan B Anthony was a staunch Conservative as well. The right wing is so ashamed of itself that it's trying to import liberals and claim them as their own. It if were not such a nakedly sad display of intellecutual dishonesty, it would be funny to watch.

Feminism is a right wing concept now? LOL.
Wrong, read about the ironclad oath. Many confederate veterans couldn't vote(including my ancestors), and black republicans had power in several southern states during reconstruction. The Klan fought for the rights of disenfranchised southern voters. They were necessary in restoring the voting rights of many southerners and won in the end, driving out the occupying Federal Troops in 1878. The first Klan was one of the most successful guerilla/ dissident political organizations in history.

The KKK was responsible for that. Exactly. They oppressed black voters, that in turn led to the Democratic white segregationists taking over the south for a great deal of a century. So, what of the night riders who forced black republicans to vote for democrats or face the consequences? Hmm? They spent the majority of their time disenfranchising black and white voters alike!

I know my history, yours is revisionist history.

I never denied they suppressed republican(mostly northern transplants and carpetbaggers and southern scalawags) and black voters. So what? Why should they let their birthright be taken from them?

Why? The oldest reason in the Book -- Military Conquest.

Works every time.
It's great that the inmates in this thread have had to resort to calling Jefferson Davis a liberal in order to try to make their myth work.

More than I could ever have hoped for.

We learned on other threads that Susan B Anthony was a staunch Conservative as well. The right wing is so ashamed of itself that it's trying to import liberals and claim them as their own. It if were not such a nakedly sad display of intellecutual dishonesty, it would be funny to watch.

Feminism is a right wing concept now? LOL.

Again with the 'right' and the 'left' and your childish weasel words.

The concept of left and right came from the French and their parliament's penchant to sit on the left and right of the house depending on political leanings.

It's about as accurate a description of politics as.... Well, as anything else a dimocrap says.

Was Stalin a left or right wing politician? What about Mao? What about Fidel? What about Che?

What about you get with the fucking program and stop talking out of your ass
We learned on other threads that Susan B Anthony was a staunch Conservative as well. The right wing is so ashamed of itself that it's trying to import liberals and claim them as their own. It if were not such a nakedly sad display of intellecutual dishonesty, it would be funny to watch.

Feminism is a right wing concept now? LOL.

Again with the 'right' and the 'left' and your childish weasel words.

The concept of left and right came from the French and their parliament's penchant to sit on the left and right of the house depending on political leanings.

It's about as accurate a description of politics as.... Well, as anything else a dimocrap says.

Was Stalin a left or right wing politician? What about Mao? What about Fidel? What about Che?

What about you get with the fucking program and stop talking out of your ass

So you're not conservative? Gee, and we all thought you were the brains of the conservative operation on USMB.
What does the Republican Party of 150 years ago have to do with the Republican Party of today?

Well, plenty. Both of them advocated limited government, (Jeffersonian concept) and individual liberty. Believe it or not they advocate racial equality, same as the party of old.

I certainly do, hence my reaction to Iceman.

We are the party of the Constitution, the solemn compact which confirms our God-given individual rights and assures that all Americans stand equal before the law.


In the spirit of the Constitution, we consider discrimination based on sex, race, age, religion, creed, disability, or national origin unacceptable and immoral. We will strongly enforce antidiscrimination statutes and ask all to join us in rejecting the forces of hatred and bigotry and in denouncing all who practice or promote racism, anti- Semitism, ethnic prejudice, or religious intolerance.

-2012 Republican Platform

How is forcing states back into the union against their will a jeffersonian concept, or a principle of limited government? Or getting rid of Habeas Corpus? Or shutting down newspapers? Do you also know that Lincoln instituted the first income tax in the United States?

Lincoln was a progressive.

How is the United States supposed to be "united" when you have a group of states rebelling against a constitutionally created government? Hmm? Would the founders have approved of this?

Lincoln was not a progressive. In fact, progressives like Indiana Senator Albert Beveridge, who authored a biography of Lincoln, became convinced that Lincoln had been “strongly conservative and in firm support of vested interests and the conduct of business, unmolested as far as possible, by legislative or any kind of governmental interference” all along. According to another Progressive, Edgar Lee Masters, Lincoln was an 'ugly duckling' one with “lawyers and bankers and traders and merchants…who hoped to get drippings from the privilege of the tariff, and the overflow of the bank,” full of “paltering” and “duplicity,” who always “took the side of the strong” and helped “the capitalism of railroads and manufactures…establish its supremacy.


Masters, Edgar Lee; Lincoln: The Man (New York: Dodd, Mead, 1931), pp. 2, 4, 10, 26, 43, 124, 129

Albert Beveridge, Abraham Lincoln, 1809–1858 (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1928), Vol. I, p. 236
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Before 1964, the Southern faction of the democrat party was entirely racist. The Northern faction, not so much. But the Northern faction still had to kiss up to the Southern faction to win any national elections and to get anything done

When you looked at how the North reacted to integration in the 1970's, I think you'll see that they were just as racist as the South.

The most racist guy I've EVER met was a Chicago Democrat who'd moved to Michigan and worked on the assembly line for GM.

The way the scum of the Earth dimocraps took over the North was to import Hundreds of Thousands of Blacks to the Cities by promising welfare.

There was a Supreme Court ruling on that, I think. Maybe it was based on voting status. Whatever, but they got away with it.

They simply loaded up hundreds of thousands of Black people from the very poor Rural South and shipped them north. Every one of them equipped with at least one voter ID card.

Look, I don't care if they had been Appalachians as white as the driven snow. Or any other group of a different race, but the fact is this.......

These people were very poor, very unsophisticated, very backward, very uneducated, very disease-ridden, sometimes very violent, and very new to the neighborhood.

I lived in Cleveland (outside it, actually) and I can tell you, there was a great deal of prejudice in those days.

But not just against Blacks. It was jokingly noted that West (By God) Virginia taught the "Three R's"..... Readin', writin' and the Road to Cleveland."

The Croatians hated the Serbs. I guess there was quite the little war while trying to board ships in the Adriatic to make the voyage to the US. I heard that the Serbs were pouring hot water on the Croats trying to board the Ship. What ship? I dunno, the USS Kishka? :dunno:

The Italians hated everybody. Except other Italians. And they spent a lot of of time proving it by shooting each other and planting bombs in their Italian friends' cars.

The Germans stayed aloof and mostly drank a lot of beer.

The original inhabitants moved to the burbs and called everybody else names.

And not really inaccurate ones, either.

I went in the Army in the 60's and took the Bus home a lot. I could actually pocket money out of my travel pay.

But I only took the Bus to Cleveland a couple times. I swear to you, I thought they were making a Tarzan movie in Cleveland when I got there. There was so many Black people, I couldn't believe it. And they were being loud, rude and pushy.

So I'm not letting the North off the hook, but I'm telling you.... They had their reasons back then. It wasn't really racial prejudice as much as it was not wanting to put up with a bunch more new DPs (Displaced Persons) again.

Shit gets old. Especially when they don't want to 'fit in'. As in, take a bath and learn to speak the language, to start with.

Your two Northeastern Cities (NYC and Bawstan), north of Philly, didn't get the onslaught of Blacks that the Rust Belt area got. And no, that wasn't an accident.

Cleveland looked like a Tarzan movie. Take a bath and learn English. No you're not racist. Why don't blacks want to vote for your party? I have no idea.
who said they were the same individuals? just the same party

So you're admitting that there is no real connection between modern day Democrats and some people who called themselves Democrats in the 1860's.

Good for you. Now tell us the point of your thread.

point of the thread? that throughout the history of this nation the democrat party has been the party of racism, hatred, and discrimination. It continues today, but in more subtle ways than lynchings. Democrat oppression of minorities by making them dependent on government handouts i.e. virtual slaves to the govt masta, may not be as bad as actual slavery, but its close.

Would you end food stamps and Medicaid? Would you end public education for those too poor to pay their fair share of the cost?
point of the thread? that throughout the history of this nation the democrat party has been the party of racism, hatred, and discrimination. It continues today, but in more subtle ways than lynchings. Democrat oppression of minorities by making them dependent on government handouts i.e. virtual slaves to the govt masta, may not be as bad as actual slavery, but its close.

So giving Medicaid to sick children is just a subtle way of lynching them.

Tell us, how would those poor children (most of whom are white btw) be better off if they were forced to go without medical treatment for lack of government help to pay for it?

Explain that in detail, and as coherently as you can given your limitations.

medicaid did not start with ACA. the GOP voted for both medicare and medicaid. No where did I say that medicaid and medicare should be eliminated.

The thread is about democrat hypocrisy----past and present.

you and fluke have tried and failed to change the subject---------I give you both an F minus.

So you support Medicaid, right after you called it a government handout that oppresses minorities?

You're not even a challenge to befuddle.
So giving Medicaid to sick children is just a subtle way of lynching them.

Tell us, how would those poor children (most of whom are white btw) be better off if they were forced to go without medical treatment for lack of government help to pay for it?

Explain that in detail, and as coherently as you can given your limitations.

medicaid did not start with ACA. the GOP voted for both medicare and medicaid. No where did I say that medicaid and medicare should be eliminated.

The thread is about democrat hypocrisy----past and present.

you and fluke have tried and failed to change the subject---------I give you both an F minus.

So you support Medicaid, right after you called it a government handout that oppresses minorities?

You're not even a challenge to befuddle.

Before you go any further, you should cite where he made such a contention. It isn't my responsibility to coddle you. Quote him.
Well, plenty. Both of them advocated limited government, (Jeffersonian concept) and individual liberty. Believe it or not they advocate racial equality, same as the party of old.

I certainly do, hence my reaction to Iceman.

-2012 Republican Platform

How is forcing states back into the union against their will a jeffersonian concept, or a principle of limited government? Or getting rid of Habeas Corpus? Or shutting down newspapers? Do you also know that Lincoln instituted the first income tax in the United States?

Lincoln was a progressive.

How is the United States supposed to be "united" when you have a group of states rebelling against a constitutionally created government? Hmm? Would the founders have approved of this?

Lincoln was not a progressive. In fact, progressives like Indiana Senator Albert Beveridge, who authored a biography of Lincoln, became convinced that Lincoln had been “strongly conservative and in firm support of vested interests and the conduct of business, unmolested as far as possible, by legislative or any kind of governmental interference” all along. According to another Progressive, Edgar Lee Masters, Lincoln was an 'ugly duckling' one with “lawyers and bankers and traders and merchants…who hoped to get drippings from the privilege of the tariff, and the overflow of the bank,” full of “paltering” and “duplicity,” who always “took the side of the strong” and helped “the capitalism of railroads and manufactures…establish its supremacy.


Masters, Edgar Lee; Lincoln: The Man (New York: Dodd, Mead, 1931), pp. 2, 4, 10, 26, 43, 124, 129

, Abraham Lincoln, 1809–1858 (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1928), Vol. I, p. 236

Imo, the problem with your logical analysis is you view Lincoln's stands on issues from your 21st century perspective, and even then, imo your views are shared only by a distinct minority.

The Dems of Lincoln's era championed the rights of a landed aristocracy who made fortunes on humans treated as chattel. In contrast, Lincoln championed the interests of western settlers who needed railroads, of irish, and less demonized, immigrants who sold their labor to industry.

It's like the OP. Neither the gop nor the dems have been the friends of the laboring, and then middle, classes from time immemorial.

As for Beveridge ... pfft. He spent his latter years trying to distance himslef from supporting TR.
So giving Medicaid to sick children is just a subtle way of lynching them.

Tell us, how would those poor children (most of whom are white btw) be better off if they were forced to go without medical treatment for lack of government help to pay for it?

Explain that in detail, and as coherently as you can given your limitations.

medicaid did not start with ACA. the GOP voted for both medicare and medicaid. No where did I say that medicaid and medicare should be eliminated.

The thread is about democrat hypocrisy----past and present.

you and fluke have tried and failed to change the subject---------I give you both an F minus.

So you support Medicaid, right after you called it a government handout that oppresses minorities?

You're not even a challenge to befuddle.

you brought up medicaid, not me. you seem to have bumfuddled yourself.:lol:
We learned on other threads that Susan B Anthony was a staunch Conservative as well. The right wing is so ashamed of itself that it's trying to import liberals and claim them as their own. It if were not such a nakedly sad display of intellecutual dishonesty, it would be funny to watch.

Feminism is a right wing concept now? LOL.

Again with the 'right' and the 'left' and your childish weasel words.

The concept of left and right came from the French and their parliament's penchant to sit on the left and right of the house depending on political leanings.

It's about as accurate a description of politics as.... Well, as anything else a dimocrap says.

Was Stalin a left or right wing politician? What about Mao? What about Fidel? What about Che?

What about you get with the fucking program and stop talking out of your ass

You are on to something now. The concepts of left and right emerged out of the french assembly post french revolution. The Right was comprised of monarchists and catholic traditionalists. The left was comprised of republicans(meaning anti-monarchists) and proto-socialists.

So in that vain, is feminism a left wing or right wing concept. What is traditionalist in any way about feminism?

Mao, Stalin, and Castro are all left wingers, marxists. Marxism stems out of the notion of egalitarianism. Feminism has the same egalitarian roots as Marxism. Feminism and the Left are one in the same.
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The KKK was responsible for that. Exactly. They oppressed black voters, that in turn led to the Democratic white segregationists taking over the south for a great deal of a century. So, what of the night riders who forced black republicans to vote for democrats or face the consequences? Hmm? They spent the majority of their time disenfranchising black and white voters alike!

I know my history, yours is revisionist history.

I never denied they suppressed republican(mostly northern transplants and carpetbaggers and southern scalawags) and black voters. So what? Why should they let their birthright be taken from them?

Why? The oldest reason in the Book -- Military Conquest.

Works every time.
The Feds lost, the Klan drove them out, lol.

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