Quick History lesson

Feminism is a right wing concept now? LOL.

Again with the 'right' and the 'left' and your childish weasel words.

The concept of left and right came from the French and their parliament's penchant to sit on the left and right of the house depending on political leanings.

It's about as accurate a description of politics as.... Well, as anything else a dimocrap says.

Was Stalin a left or right wing politician? What about Mao? What about Fidel? What about Che?

What about you get with the fucking program and stop talking out of your ass

So you're not conservative? Gee, and we all thought you were the brains of the conservative operation on USMB.

On some things, I'm conservative, on others, I'm very liberal.

But I am, first and foremost, an American. And proud of it.

You? You're automaton. A goose-stepping ideologue that parrots the party line on a daily basis.

I could go to OFA right now and find every fucking talking you present.

Or DailyKos, or dummieunderground, or MoveOn....

You're a party hack.

I disagree with the Republican Party on a lot of things, but overall, they're much closer to what I believe than not.

You? Your party could start executing babies and you'd still vote for them.

Wait a sec...... :eek:

Educate yourself. You'll still always be an idiot, but an educated idiot is better than an uneducated one.....

From a woman of faith who loves America: ?Black people have been deceived? [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller

Dr. Carol Swain, professor of law and political science at Vanderbilt Law School

“As a black person, it bothers me that the America I know and love I feel like is being destroyed by a black man. I don’t understand why,” she said, discussing her serious concerns about President Obama’s legacy in an interview with The Daily Caller.

“It bothers me that so many black people have been deceived into supporting programs and policies that are killing them,” she continued.
How is forcing states back into the union against their will a jeffersonian concept, or a principle of limited government? Or getting rid of Habeas Corpus? Or shutting down newspapers? Do you also know that Lincoln instituted the first income tax in the United States?

Lincoln was a progressive.

How is the United States supposed to be "united" when you have a group of states rebelling against a constitutionally created government? Hmm? Would the founders have approved of this?

Lincoln was not a progressive. In fact, progressives like Indiana Senator Albert Beveridge, who authored a biography of Lincoln, became convinced that Lincoln had been “strongly conservative and in firm support of vested interests and the conduct of business, unmolested as far as possible, by legislative or any kind of governmental interference” all along. According to another Progressive, Edgar Lee Masters, Lincoln was an 'ugly duckling' one with “lawyers and bankers and traders and merchants…who hoped to get drippings from the privilege of the tariff, and the overflow of the bank,” full of “paltering” and “duplicity,” who always “took the side of the strong” and helped “the capitalism of railroads and manufactures…establish its supremacy.


Masters, Edgar Lee; Lincoln: The Man (New York: Dodd, Mead, 1931), pp. 2, 4, 10, 26, 43, 124, 129

, Abraham Lincoln, 1809–1858 (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1928), Vol. I, p. 236

Imo, the problem with your logical analysis is you view Lincoln's stands on issues from your 21st century perspective, and even then, imo your views are shared only by a distinct minority.

The Dems of Lincoln's era championed the rights of a landed aristocracy who made fortunes on humans treated as chattel. In contrast, Lincoln championed the interests of western settlers who needed railroads, of irish, and less demonized, immigrants who sold their labor to industry.

It's like the OP. Neither the gop nor the dems have been the friends of the laboring, and then middle, classes from time immemorial.

As for Beveridge ... pfft. He spent his latter years trying to distance himslef from supporting TR.

Hmmm, no. I don't apply my political views to forgone and antiquated political viewpoints.

Now, as for Albert Beveridge:

He lost his senate seat to John Worth Kern when the Democrats took Indiana in the 1910 elections; in 1912, when former president Theodore Roosevelt left the Republican party to found the short-lived Progressive Party, Beveridge left with him, and ran campaigns as that party's Indiana nominee in the 1912 race for governor and the 1914 race for senator, losing both. When the Progressive party disintegrated, he returned to the Republicans with his political future in tatters; he eventually ran one more unsuccessful race for Senate in the 1922 primary against Harry S. New, but would never again hold office

Albert J. Beveridge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
not even close, fluke. he didn't even score a point, its 6-0, 6-0 redfish.

Don't you understand how this type of person "debates"? Step one, they assign you a position (whether you believe it or not is irrelevant) and then declare victory when you don't defend it. Step 2 is to admit they don't understand what's been said and then declare victory when you lose patience with their silly game.
So you're admitting that there is no real connection between modern day Democrats and some people who called themselves Democrats in the 1860's.

Good for you. Now tell us the point of your thread.

point of the thread? that throughout the history of this nation the democrat party has been the party of racism, hatred, and discrimination. It continues today, but in more subtle ways than lynchings. Democrat oppression of minorities by making them dependent on government handouts i.e. virtual slaves to the govt masta, may not be as bad as actual slavery, but its close.

Would you end food stamps and Medicaid? Would you end public education for those too poor to pay their fair share of the cost?

No, would you? I would end generational welfare and allowing food stamps to be used for filet mignon and cavier. I would limit food stamp use to basic survival food---bread, milk, rice, beans, ground beef, spam, etc. I would also stop welfare and unemployment payments to able bodied people after some specified number of months---OR, require that they work for cities and counties cleaning streets and picking up garbage in order to continue to get their payments.

I would continue payments for the old, sick, mentally unstable, and those unable to work for other physical reasons.
Feminism is a right wing concept now? LOL.

Again with the 'right' and the 'left' and your childish weasel words.

The concept of left and right came from the French and their parliament's penchant to sit on the left and right of the house depending on political leanings.

It's about as accurate a description of politics as.... Well, as anything else a dimocrap says.

Was Stalin a left or right wing politician? What about Mao? What about Fidel? What about Che?

What about you get with the fucking program and stop talking out of your ass

You are on to something now. The concepts of left and right emerged out of the french assembly post french revolution. The Right was comprised of monarchists and catholic traditionalists. The left was comprised of republicans(meaning anti-monarchists) and proto-socialists.

So in that vain, is feminism a left wing or right wing concept. What is traditionalist in any way about feminism?

Mao, Stalin, and Castro are all left wingers, marxists. Marxism stems out of the notion of egalitarianism. Feminism has the same egalitarian roots as Marxism. Feminism and the Left are one in the same.

You're calling Mao, Stalin and Castro left-wingers?

We're done here. Have a nice day
not even close, fluke. he didn't even score a point, its 6-0, 6-0 redfish.

Don't you understand how this type of person "debates"? Step one, they assign you a position (whether you believe it or not is irrelevant) and then declare victory when you don't defend it. Step 2 is to admit they don't understand what's been said and then declare victory when you lose patience with their silly game.

yes, I understand it very well, but I get pleasure from making fools of them.
Feminism is a right wing concept now? LOL.

Again with the 'right' and the 'left' and your childish weasel words.

The concept of left and right came from the French and their parliament's penchant to sit on the left and right of the house depending on political leanings.

It's about as accurate a description of politics as.... Well, as anything else a dimocrap says.

Was Stalin a left or right wing politician? What about Mao? What about Fidel? What about Che?

What about you get with the fucking program and stop talking out of your ass

You are on to something now. The concepts of left and right emerged out of the french assembly post french revolution. The Right was comprised of monarchists and catholic traditionalists. The left was comprised of republicans(meaning anti-monarchists) and proto-socialists.

So in that vain, is feminism a left wing or right wing concept. What is traditionalist in any way about feminism?

Mao, Stalin, and Castro are all left wingers, marxists. Marxism stems out of the notion of egalitarianism. Feminism has the same egalitarian roots as Marxism. Feminism and the Left are one in the same.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0rhuKmC0Cw]Equal pay - Women's liberation - YouTube[/ame]
not even close, fluke. he didn't even score a point, its 6-0, 6-0 redfish.

Don't you understand how this type of person "debates"? Step one, they assign you a position (whether you believe it or not is irrelevant) and then declare victory when you don't defend it. Step 2 is to admit they don't understand what's been said and then declare victory when you lose patience with their silly game.

yes, I understand it very well, but I get pleasure from making fools of them.

As long as you know. :eusa_angel:
Don't you understand how this type of person "debates"? Step one, they assign you a position (whether you believe it or not is irrelevant) and then declare victory when you don't defend it. Step 2 is to admit they don't understand what's been said and then declare victory when you lose patience with their silly game.

yes, I understand it very well, but I get pleasure from making fools of them.

As long as you know. :eusa_angel:

I have known how liberals operate for a very long time, but thanks for reminding everyone.
yes, I understand it very well, but I get pleasure from making fools of them.

As long as you know. :eusa_angel:

I have known how liberals operate for a very long time, but thanks for reminding everyone.

The problem is -- They don't care.

It's like trying to shame a whore, you can't do it.

It's like preaching honor to a thief, it's like like talking patriotism to a traitor, it's ---
As long as you know. :eusa_angel:

I have known how liberals operate for a very long time, but thanks for reminding everyone.

The problem is -- They don't care.

It's like trying to shame a whore, you can't do it.

It's like preaching honor to a thief, it's like like talking patriotism to a traitor, it's ---

I have said it many times, and the liberals on this board prove it every day-------------Liberalism is a mental disease.

there is no other explanation.
Gee, and not one substantive argument in responses. Is this what you do to make a point? Insult people?

I've completely demolished his foolish points, your denial notwithstanding.

Did you know that nearly almost no Jews were among the founding fathers? Obviously this means that Jews have no place in the government today....

Same logic.

now thats some convoluted "logic". No hispanics either, or arabs, or eskimos, or women.

Better stick to free contraception, fluke. its the only topic you seem to understand.
I've completely demolished his foolish points, your denial notwithstanding.

Did you know that nearly almost no Jews were among the founding fathers? Obviously this means that Jews have no place in the government today....

Same logic.

now thats some convoluted "logic". No hispanics either, or arabs, or eskimos, or women.

Better stick to free contraception, fluke. its the only topic you seem to understand.

Yeah, you get outside the only area of expertise in the dimocrap philosophy (the genitalia) and they get confused real quick

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