Quick History lesson

Ask the next person you see sporting a Confederate flag on their truck or apparel if they are a Republican or a Democrat.

Then tell them a joke about *******. See how they react. Do they laugh and turn around and tell you another one... or do they get mad at you?

Uh huh. There you go.
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Ask the next person you see sporting a Confederate flag on their truck or apparel if they are a Republican or a Democrat.

Then tell them a joke about *******. See how they react. Do they laugh and turn around and tell you another one... or do they get mad at you?

Uh huh. There you go.

You tell a lot of jokes about *******?

No surprise a lefty like you thinks of people as *******...
Ask the next person you see sporting a Confederate flag on their truck or apparel if they are a Republican or a Democrat.

Then tell them a joke about *******. See how they react. Do they laugh and turn around and tell you another one... or do they get mad at you?

Uh huh. There you go.

what if its a black guy who is an ole miss fan?
Ask the next person you see sporting a Confederate flag on their truck or apparel if they are a Republican or a Democrat.

Then tell them a joke about *******. See how they react. Do they laugh and turn around and tell you another one... or do they get mad at you?

Uh huh. There you go.

You tell a lot of jokes about *******?

No surprise a lefty like you thinks of people as *******...

I lived in the Deep South for years. I heard a lot of ****** jokes from good ol' boys. And they weren't Democrats.

Nice try.

That's the thing about idiot bigots (redundant, I know). They think it is safe to spout their ignorance around someone just because they look like them. :lol:

They only made that mistake once around me.
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Ask the next person you see sporting a Confederate flag on their truck or apparel if they are a Republican or a Democrat.

Then tell them a joke about *******. See how they react. Do they laugh and turn around and tell you another one... or do they get mad at you?

Uh huh. There you go.

what if its a black guy who is an ole miss fan?

We all know that, in the aggregate, Confederate yahoos are right wingers.

You are living in a serious delusion if you believe the GOP supports minorities. You must think minorities are really, really stupid if you expect them to believe that.

But of course you do. You think they are as stupid as yourself.
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Ask the next person you see sporting a Confederate flag on their truck or apparel if they are a Republican or a Democrat.

Then tell them a joke about *******. See how they react. Do they laugh and turn around and tell you another one... or do they get mad at you?

Uh huh. There you go.

what if its a black guy who is an ole miss fan?

We all know that, in the aggregate, Confederate yahoos are right wingers.

You are living in a serious delusion if you believe the GOP supports minorities. You must think minorities are really, really stupid if you expect them to believe that.

But of course you do. You think they are as stupid as yourself.

Not sure what you mean by "support minorities". If you mean give them special treatment and lots of govt freebees, then you are right. If you mean give them equal rights, equal opportunity, equal employment, equal taxation, and equal treatment; then you are wrong.

Minorities are entitled to equality, nothing more, nothing less.

we cannot make up for past discrimination by engaging in present discrimination.
Ask the next person you see sporting a Confederate flag on their truck or apparel if they are a Republican or a Democrat.

Then tell them a joke about *******. See how they react. Do they laugh and turn around and tell you another one... or do they get mad at you?

Uh huh. There you go.

You tell a lot of jokes about *******?

No surprise a lefty like you thinks of people as *******...

I lived in the Deep South for years. I heard a lot of ****** jokes from good ol' boys. And they weren't Democrats.

Nice try.

That's the thing about idiot bigots (redundant, I know). They think it is safe to spout their ignorance around someone just because they look like them. :lol:

They only made that mistake once around me.

ever hear Pollock jokes in the mid west, dago jokes in the northeast, indian jokes in the west, mexican jokes in the southwest?

They are JOKES, grow the fuck up, and stop worrying about hurting someones feeeeeeeeeeeelings. I don't know your race or ethnicity, but if you tell me I will tell you a joke about it.
what if its a black guy who is an ole miss fan?

We all know that, in the aggregate, Confederate yahoos are right wingers.

You are living in a serious delusion if you believe the GOP supports minorities. You must think minorities are really, really stupid if you expect them to believe that.

But of course you do. You think they are as stupid as yourself.

Not sure what you mean by "support minorities". If you mean give them special treatment and lots of govt freebees, then you are right. If you mean give them equal rights, equal opportunity, equal employment, equal taxation, and equal treatment; then you are wrong.

Minorities are entitled to equality, nothing more, nothing less.

we cannot make up for past discrimination by engaging in present discrimination.

Two words: Voter ID.

And, "food stamp President".

Another favorite was the fat black woman and her Obamaphone.

And simple observation right here on the this forum betrays the attitude of many right wingers toward minorites. At any given moment, there is an active topic with right wingers bashing minorites.

The flavor right now is Muslim bashing in a topic about a swimming pool.

Seriously, you are an idiot if you have not noticed the non-stop bashing of minorities by right wingers. Gays, Muslims, immigrants, blacks.

These fools and their hate don't even know what they sound like any more. As they grow more and more rabid, they are less and less in tune with reality or other people and what they look like to others.

You might be willfully blind to it, but you can count on minorities not being so.
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The existence of this topic is demonstration the GOP has a serious public relations problem with minorities. This topic is the equivalent of, "I'm not a bigot! Some of my best friends are (fill in the blank)."

If you have to PROVE you are not bigoted, you probably are. Because as I keep pointing out, ACTIONS speak louder than words. If the Right's actions were not bigoted, the Right would not have to defend itself.

The Right is plagued with bigots. Idiots, hypocrites, liars, and con men, too. Somewhere along the way, the Right stopped taking out the trash.

Probably right about where this "history lesson" ends. 1964-ish.

The GOP would rather have the moron vote than stick to its founding principles.
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We all know that, in the aggregate, Confederate yahoos are right wingers.

You are living in a serious delusion if you believe the GOP supports minorities. You must think minorities are really, really stupid if you expect them to believe that.

But of course you do. You think they are as stupid as yourself.

Not sure what you mean by "support minorities". If you mean give them special treatment and lots of govt freebees, then you are right. If you mean give them equal rights, equal opportunity, equal employment, equal taxation, and equal treatment; then you are wrong.

Minorities are entitled to equality, nothing more, nothing less.

we cannot make up for past discrimination by engaging in present discrimination.

Two words: Voter ID.

And, "food stamp President".

Another favorite was the fat black woman and her Obamaphone.

And simple observation right here on the this forum betrays the attitude of many right wingers toward minorites. At any given moment, there is an active topic with right wingers bashing minorites.

The flavor right now is Muslim bashing in a topic about a swimming pool.

Seriously, you are an idiot if you have not noticed the non-stop bashing of minorities by right wingers. Gays, Muslims, immigrants, blacks.

These fools and their hate don't even know what they sound like any more. As they grow more and more rabid, they are less and less in tune with reality or other people and what they look like to others.

You might be willfully blind to it, but you can count on minorities not being so.

sure, there are haters on both sides. But to claim that everyone on either side is a hater is a pile of steaming bullshit.

Voter ID, why do you object to proving who you are before voting? you have to do it to sign up for obamacare.

obama has increased food stamps more than any previous president---he is the food stamp president. BTW, more whites get food stamps than blacks or hispanics.

radical islam is on a crusade to take over our culture, you may want to allow it, but I don't

There are many many conservative blacks, hispanics, women, and other minorities, and their numbers are growing every day as they see the fraud that is liberalism and how it is hurting them.

Minorities want opportunity and freedom---not sympathy and handouts.
The existence of this topic is demonstration the GOP has a serious public relations problem with minorities. This topic is the equivalent of, "I'm not a bigot! Some of my best friends are (fill in the blank)."

If you have to PROVE you are not bigoted, you probably are. Because as I keep pointing out, ACTIONS speak louder than words. If the Right's actions were not bigoted, the Right would not have to defend itself.

The Right is plagued with bigots. Idiots, hypocrites, liars, and con men, too. Somewhere along the way, the Right stopped taking out the trash.

Probably right about where this "history lesson" ends. 1964-ish.

The GOP would rather have the moron vote than stick to its founding principles.

that is simply not true. the statistics in the OP prove that the dems have historically been anti-minority and want to keep them in virtual slavery as wards of the state. They know that having freedom will turn them away from the liberal lies.
That was before the parties switched dominance in the south, obviously- The rest is brainwashed drivel. The Dems support minority rights, education, and employment- less than 1 percent of the GOP CONVENTION IS MINORITY, AND 90 PER CENT OF RACISTS ARE rw...see sig para 1.
Uh - where does he mention Hitler?

The quote he used is attributed to Hitler, from his manifesto, Mein Kampf, chapter 10, volume 1.

No, don't think so...

>> But it remained for the Jews, with their unqualified capacity for falsehood, and their fighting comrades, the Marxists...by placing responsibility for the loss of the World War on the shoulders of Ludendorff they took away the weapon of moral right from the only adversary dangerous enough to be likely to succeed in bringing the betrayers of the Fatherland to Justice. All this was inspired by the principle&#8212; which is quite true in itself &#8212; that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. << - Mein Kampf, Ch. 10

Compare CCJ's post:
&#8220;Tell a lie often enough, until it&#8217;s perceived to be true.&#8221;

Point not proven. Link it or lose it.

Let's make it clear. You're defending Clayton, not proving his points.

Goebbels expounded on Hitlers analogy, and refined it. Hitler stressed this point in his manifesto.

"Only constant repetition will finally succeed in imprinting an idea on the memory of the crowd."

-Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Volume I, Chapter VI.

The original quote:

"It is not the purpose of propaganda to create a series of alterations in sentiment with a view to pleasing these blasé gentry. Its chief function is to convince the masses, whose slowness of understanding needs to be given time in order that they may absorb information; and only constant repetition will finally succeed in imprinting an idea on the memory of the crowd."

Therefore my assertion stands, having been duly backed up with prudent facts and material. Hitler is the progenitor of the concept. Did you not stop to think that Goebbels was paraphrasing Hitler?
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I lived in the Deep South for years. I heard a lot of ****** jokes from good ol' boys. And they weren't Democrats.

Nice try.

You know, up until 1968 you HAD to be a democrat to join the KKK?

So let's just say that I don't believe you. I think that like most leftists, you're fabricating history to serve your shameful party.

That's the thing about idiot bigots (redundant, I know). They think it is safe to spout their ignorance around someone just because they look like them. :lol:

Is that why you started spewing your ignorant bullshit around me?

They only made that mistake once around me.

Sure, tough guy...

I love fags and ragheads and darkies! Really!

I have that deep Christian love for homos and Muslims which tells every single one of them they are going to hell for eternity.
Ask the next person you see sporting a Confederate flag on their truck or apparel if they are a Republican or a Democrat.

Then tell them a joke about *******. See how they react. Do they laugh and turn around and tell you another one... or do they get mad at you?

Uh huh. There you go.

Yeah, mmhm.

There you go with the stereotypes.

I have that deep Christian love for homos and Muslims which tells every single one of them they are going to hell for eternity.

The best you can do is label an entire party off of what Ann Coulter thinks? Not only that you're labeling people of my faith because of her?

Can you kindly pipe down or make a cogent point?
We all know that, in the aggregate, Confederate yahoos are right wingers.

Kind of like we know that in the the aggregate, fucking liars are leftists...

You are living in a serious delusion if you believe the GOP supports minorities. You must think minorities are really, really stupid if you expect them to believe that.

I don't worry much about the GOP. To you leftists, the party is your entire life, the object of your devotion and obsession.

To the right, party means very little.

What the right supports is a color blind society. Where you leftists are racists, who view blacks as inferior, thus needing you to oppress whites to "even the field," since obviously they are not able to compete without a white hero like you to crush others on their behalf.

Where you are a bigot and a racist, I am a libertarian. I advocate for liberty, regardless of color or ethnicity. I've known too many talented and intelligent black people to buy into your bigoted bullshit that only though the racial discrimination that you peddle, can blacks succeed.

I don't expect government to be a "friend to minorities" at the expense of those whom you hate, I expect government to get the fuck out of the way and let all men achieve to the best of their ability.

But of course you do. You think they are as stupid as yourself.

Your view is identical to many of your fellow democrats from the past, Bull Conner, Orval Faubus, George Wallace....
Two words: Voter ID.

Voter ID is death to your shameful party. Without fraud, you know that you will lose many elections. The whole push to increase illegal aliens is based on the calculated use of fraud by democrats.

You actually believe that you are entitled to commit fraud, don't you?

And, "food stamp President".

Another favorite was the fat black woman and her Obamaphone.


Oh that's right, we may not criticize your Messiah® - he is black and less capable of handling criticism than other presidents. We CERTAINLY can't savage him the way you filthy fucks savaged BOOOOOOSHHHH.

And simple observation right here on the this forum betrays the attitude of many right wingers toward minorites. At any given moment, there is an active topic with right wingers bashing minorites.

The flavor right now is Muslim bashing in a topic about a swimming pool.

Ah yes, the Muslim race...


Seriously, you are an idiot if you have not noticed the non-stop bashing of minorities by right wingers. Gays, Muslims, immigrants, blacks.

All should be given preferential treatment, right?

These fools and their hate don't even know what they sound like any more. As they grow more and more rabid, they are less and less in tune with reality or other people and what they look like to others.

Irony lives in the heart of the bigot.

You might be willfully blind to it, but you can count on minorities not being so.

Or we might see it glaring in you.

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