Rabbis forced the Romans to crucify Jesus

It is not that important to believe in the immaculate conception (the conception of Mary). The important thing is you believe Jesus is the Son of God, and that he is the prophesied Messiah that Jewish profits told us about.
Nice try but no cigar. We don’t believe in “ Jesus “ Notice how “ Christians “ can’t stand it? Why don’t they try to convert other religions? Because HATE and INTOLERANCE of their faith aren’t taught
Why did it take 325 years for Augustine to come up with the doctrine of original sin?
More like it wasn't called "Original Sin" until that time...kind of like the issue with 'Trinity', 'Purgatory', 'Catholic', 'Pope', etc.
Not mine, no. Jesus was sent to reconcile God and His people. As I noted before, it is a small sect of Christianity that believes God sent Jesus to endure punishment for individual sins. Ask yourself why (or did) a few Jews not want reconciliation to be announced?

I find it better for all concerned to talk about what your faith teaches, not what you think the faith of another poster teaches.
“ Small sect of Christianity?” Did anyone notify the Vatican about this?? 🙏😇
Not mine, no. Jesus was sent to reconcile God and His people. As I noted before, it is a small sect of Christianity that believes God sent Jesus to endure punishment for individual sins. Ask yourself why (or did) a few Jews not want reconciliation to be announced?

I find it better for all concerned to talk about what your faith teaches, not what you think the faith of another poster teaches.
Ask yourself if you can name some of those "few" jews
comes this "ASSERTION"?
Why did it take 325 years for Augustine to come up with the doctrine of original sin?
Augustine did not invent the idea of the fall of man. It’s always been there since the beginning of mankind. He just wrote about it.
Nice try but no cigar. We don’t believe in “ Jesus “ Notice how “ Christians “ can’t stand it? Why don’t they try to convert other religions? Because HATE and INTOLERANCE of their faith aren’t taught
Christians have and do convert people of all religions and races.

I wouldn’t describe your non-belief as “I can’t stand it”. I realize most people in the world reject the Word of God, and reject Jesus.

What I don’t like are liars, and it is my duty to expose liars and the lies they spew. You have lied on several occasions. Your response is always that of anger (and hatred?), as you tend to get very emotional about it.
Ask yourself if you can name some of those "few" jews
comes this "ASSERTION"?
Take a look at any of the New Testament Gospels and how some reacted when Jesus said, "Sins are forgiven."
Take a look at any of the New Testament Gospels and how some reacted when Jesus said, "Sins are forgiven."
Must I search it out myself----you don't know where that line shows up? Oh---I searched----Luke who never met
Jesus and did not speak hebrew or aramaic SAID SO. As to a Negative Reaction----I did not find it..... It is a very
prevalent teaching that precedes the birth of Jesus.
Must I search it out myself----you don't know where that line shows up? Oh---I searched----Luke who never met
Jesus and did not speak hebrew or aramaic SAID SO. As to a Negative Reaction----I did not find it..... It is a very
prevalent teaching that precedes the birth of Jesus.
I knew you would find something that satisfied you. It is why everyone should do their own research. ;)
No, we just don't believe that a baby is born sinning. We are responsible for our own actions.
Nor is that most Christian belief. The belief that humans are born with a propensity to err (sin). Naturally there is no belief that a newborn will stand up and commit a sin, any more than a newborn will stand up and walk. In time, most humans have a propensity to walk--and a propensity to err/sin.
Nor is that most Christian belief. The belief that humans are born with a propensity to err (sin). Naturally there is no belief that a newborn will stand up and commit a sin, any more than a newborn will stand up and walk. In time, most humans have a propensity to walk--and a propensity to err/sin.

Yep... and I don't see how anyone can argue that, really. :dunno: I mean, it's observably true.
Yep... and I don't see how anyone can argue that, really. :dunno: I mean, it's observably true.

There's at least 5 references to ancestral sin in the bible and they contradict each other. Like sons won't suffer for the sins of the father... and, no Moabite can enter the temple for seven generations.

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I knew you would find something that satisfied you. It is why everyone should do their own research. ;)
NOT SATISFIED----you said that LUKE (who was not there and could not speak the language anyway) reported that the "FORGIVEN DECLARATION" got a
negative reaction------all I got from KJV was the usual---people who repent and conciliate get forgiven---very standard PHARISEE STUFF

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