Zone1 Racism is not the cause of inequality in the United States....but you won't like the real reason....

With racist idiots the problems are obvious they don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground

Crime and illegitimacy are both indicators of poverty and lack of opportunity. Race has nothing to do with it.
Poverty & Crime

The notion that economic deprivation necessarily leads to lawlessness is widely believed but is not supported by empirical evidence. Human history is replete with examples of impoverished people—of all racial and ethnic backgrounds—who have endured extreme poverty without descending into criminal activity. During the 1960s, for instance, the residents of San Francisco’s Chinatown were among America’s poorest people—with the most unemployment, the worst housing conditions, the least education, and the highest rate of tuberculosis in their city. Yet despite such hardships, only five people of Chinese ancestry went to jail in the entire state of California in 1965.[1]

Similarly, Jewish immigrants to America during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries also repudiated criminality despite having to face extreme economic deprivation. Historian Max Dimont describes them:

“The majority of these immigrants had arrived penniless, all their worldly belongings wrapped in a bundle…. Most of [them] arrived in New York. Some made their way into other cities,… but the majority remained in New York, settling in the Lower East Side of Manhattan, [which was] a neighborhood of the poor. Sociologists, with their impressive charts showing the number of toilets (or lack of the), the number of people per room, the low per capita income, paint a dismal picture of the Lower East Side Jewish slum. But their charts do not capture its uniqueness. Though it bred tuberculosis and rheumatism, it did not breed crime and venereal disease. It did not spawn illiteracy, illegitimate children, or deserted wives. Library cards were in constant use.”[2]


  1. James Q. Wilson and Richard Herrnstein, Crime and Human Nature (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1985), p. 473.
  2. Max I. Dimont, Jews, God, and History (New York: Penguin USA, 1994), pp. 373-374. (This book was originally published in 1962.)
  3. Discover the Networks
All but one of the states in the top 10 most dangerous states for crime and murder, is a southern red state.

Chicago isn’t the most dangerous city in the nation, Nashville is. Tennessee is the most dangerous state in union
Southern red states have the highest percentage of Negroes.
Millions of whites, East Asians, Hispanics, and even some Negroes agree with Heather McDonald, but they are afraid to say so because they risk their jobs by doing so.

In order to publicly tell the truth about intractable racial differences one must be independently wealthy, or one must be employed by one of the few organizations in the United States that values being factually correct rather than politically correct.

Dilbert creator Scott Adams carelessly destroyed his career by stating a few paragraphs that millions of Americans privately agree with but are afraid to express to to anyone they do not trust.

None of the things that any of these people were saying is true
Southern red states have the highest percentage of Negroes.

Southern red states have the highest rates of poverty.

I can quote more scholarly articles on this subject than you because there are more of them.

Here’s one from the John Howard Society about the “Myth that poverty DOESN’T relate to crime

Heather McDonald is a national treasure. She has a very irritating habit of basing her views on facts rather than general impressions.

The war on merit harms everyone.

The Left is evil. There is no other explanation.

"The Left is evil"?

Post an expository essay on the question above.

Each time someone makes a statement using The Left is evil or not honorable in character or purpose, I've responded a claim I've asked them for an explanation and never responded.

Heather McDonald is a national treasure. She has a very irritating habit of basing her views on facts rather than general impressions.

The war on merit harms everyone.

The Left is evil. There is no other explanation.
"The Left is evil"?

Please post an expository essay, clear and concise, which you (or others) that makes you state The Left is evil or not honorable in character or purpose.

The Left is Liberal, Progressive and seeks to follow the Preamble to our Constitution.
None of the things that any of these people were saying is true

Southern red states have the highest rates of poverty.

I can quote more scholarly articles on this subject than you because there are more of them.

Here’s one from the John Howard Society about the “Myth that poverty DOESN’T relate to crime

This silliness again.......

Along with violence that democrat party policies create, they also create generational poverty. And most of the Red States have major cities under the total control of the democrat party.....

Now it’s true that the average taxpayer in blue states pays a higher per capita income tax than the average taxpayer in red states. But that’s because those states — particularly Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York and California — have more rich people. Don’t the Democrats want the rich paying their fair share?

As for blue states allegedly getting back less, what numbers are they looking at? It is true that red states receive 35.75 percent on average of their budgets from the federal government, while blue states receive 30.80 percent.

But this is because the blue states’ budgets are far larger due to all the bloat and waste.

The 10 states in the best fiscal condition are almost all red states.

The 10 states with the worst numbers in the red are almost all blue states.
The higher the taxes, the more mismanaged a state is. CNBC examined the infrastructure of every state — roads, airports, water systems and ports — and found that the places with the worst-rated infrastructure are six Democratic states, which also rank among the highest in taxes collected per resident: Connecticut, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York.
Kyle Sammin at The Federalist found that if you look at the amount of money the federal government gives to states on a per capita basis instead, blue states get more; $2,124 per resident. Red states receive just $1,879 on average.

Matt Palumbo writing at The Dan Bongino Show found that even if red states receive more in federal welfare, it’s not going to Republicans. Those on public assistance, as well as long-term unemployment, are overwhelmingly Democrats.

Behind the Misleading Statement That Blue States Subsidize Red States
"The Left is evil"?

Please post an expository essay, clear and concise, which you (or others) that makes you state The Left is evil or not honorable in character or purpose.

The Left is Liberal, Progressive and seeks to follow the Preamble to our Constitution.

No, the do not. The left seeks to control people, through law, taxes, regulation, fines and fees.....
None of the things that any of these people were saying is true

Southern red states have the highest rates of poverty.

I can quote more scholarly articles on this subject than you because there are more of them.

Here’s one from the John Howard Society about the “Myth that poverty DOESN’T relate to crime

Fatherless homes create both crime and poverty, and the more crime you have and allow to exist.....speaking of American democrats......the more poverty you will have as businesses and people leave your blue cities to find safer places to live.
"The Left is evil"?

Please post an expository essay, clear and concise, which you (or others) that makes you state The Left is evil or not honorable in character or purpose.

The Left is Liberal, Progressive and seeks to follow the Preamble to our Constitution.

The left since 1917 has murdered close to 200 million people....likely well over 200 million Russia, China, Europe, Cuba, order to create their utopias.......that is what the left has actually done......not pretend, not made up.....mass murder and genocide are hallmarks of leftism.
"The Left is evil"?

Please post an expository essay, clear and concise, which you (or others) that makes you state The Left is evil or not honorable in character or purpose.

The Left is Liberal, Progressive and seeks to follow the Preamble to our Constitution.

Here....a quick look at the left...since you asked, I am answering....

You have to understand what has happened to the left in this country, which includes the corporate media…

To them, the goal of an America living under centralized government fascism is so moral that anything done to further that goal is moral.

It is insane to believe that news organizations championing burning black neighborhoods to the ground, the execution of police officers, the underage sex trafficking and poison of drugs pouring over our border, children mutilated forever with sex surgeries, and babies aborted after they are born, would even consider returning a fake Pulitzer over a little thing like lying.

I’ll ask again: Would Hitler return a Pulitzer?

Oh, you think that’s going too far…? These Nazis are mutilating children, butchering born-alive babies, spying on presidential campaigns, encouraging their Brownshirts in Black Lives Matter and Antifa to terrorize and destroy cities, and turned a mostly-peaceful anti-vote fraud protest at the U.S. Capitol into a 21st Centrury Reichstag Fire.

It is the top 1% that wants the strife of racism, homophobia etc.

As long as the masses are focused on fighting each other, we won't notice how badly we are being screwed by our owners.
I don't see the top 1% flooding the airways with racially charged events and stories designed to inflame minorities. That is coming from the Democratic Party.
Since someone is "selling" it, that means someone is BUYING it.

Since both ends feed into the other on this issue, since most actions are simply reactions & escalations to what the "other guy" does, clearly that means that people across the spectrum are buying it.

This is on We the People. Supply and demand.
This silliness again.......

Along with violence that democrat party policies create, they also create generational poverty. And most of the Red States have major cities under the total control of the democrat party.....

Now it’s true that the average taxpayer in blue states pays a higher per capita income tax than the average taxpayer in red states. But that’s because those states — particularly Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York and California — have more rich people. Don’t the Democrats want the rich paying their fair share?

As for blue states allegedly getting back less, what numbers are they looking at? It is true that red states receive 35.75 percent on average of their budgets from the federal government, while blue states receive 30.80 percent.

But this is because the blue states’ budgets are far larger due to all the bloat and waste.

The 10 states in the best fiscal condition are almost all red states.

The 10 states with the worst numbers in the red are almost all blue states.
The higher the taxes, the more mismanaged a state is. CNBC examined the infrastructure of every state — roads, airports, water systems and ports — and found that the places with the worst-rated infrastructure are six Democratic states, which also rank among the highest in taxes collected per resident: Connecticut, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York.
Kyle Sammin at The Federalist found that if you look at the amount of money the federal government gives to states on a per capita basis instead, blue states get more; $2,124 per resident. Red states receive just $1,879 on average.

Matt Palumbo writing at The Dan Bongino Show found that even if red states receive more in federal welfare, it’s not going to Republicans. Those on public assistance, as well as long-term unemployment, are overwhelmingly Democrats.

Behind the Misleading Statement That Blue States Subsidize Red States

I’m not reading your bullshit from the video........racism is not the problem....hasn't been for decades......the democrat party and it's policies, an cultural features here in the U.S......not race, are the issue......and the democrats profit from maintaining and exploiting these issues...

Why would I watch a stupid video on racism where two white people tell me what’s wrong with the world?

Only an idiot would believe that two white people know the solution to racial inequity. Brought to you by the same people who thought banning abortion was a good idea for women’s health.
Why would I watch a stupid video on racism where two white people tell me what’s wrong with the world?

Only an idiot would believe that two white people know the solution to racial inequity. Brought to you by the same people who thought banning abortion was a good idea for women’s health.

Banning abortion is definitely good for the health of the baby..........

Saving millions of lives every year....while having a baby is generally a nine month process that ends with the mother giving the baby up for adoption or keeping the baby........

Watch the show, "Long Lost Family" and see some real life outcomes for adopted families....
This is an interview with one of the few journalists who actually look at real issues......racism isn't the cause of inequality in the U.S.....those selling that are simply trying to keep power and control.....

Well, if a white upper middle-class Ivy League educated woman says racism isn't the cause of inequality in America, I guess that settles that debate, eh?
Well, if a white upper middle-class Ivy League educated woman says racism isn't the cause of inequality in America, I guess that settles that debate, eh?

Considering the amount of research she put into the topic....she has a lot to say about it. When you are so deep into a problem you can't see a way out, you usually ask for advice and help from get a fresh view point....the democrats have been telling black Americans they don't need any other view points for so long, they can't see the problem with voting for the very political party creating the death and destruction in their community....
This is an interview with one of the few journalists who actually look at real issues......racism isn't the cause of inequality in the U.S.....those selling that are simply trying to keep power and control.....

True. The true cause of inequality is ignorance. Willful ignorance.
It is the top 1% that wants the strife of racism, homophobia etc.

As long as the masses are focused on fighting each other, we won't notice how badly we are being screwed by our owners.
There are a LOT more IM2s out there than 1%

Most blacks have been conditioned to believe they are victims in this country and have zero responsibility for their plight

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