Raise Taxes or Cut Waste?

We live in a system where hard working middle class people cannot afford to retire even if they work 100 hours per week and save every last dime. Something isn't working at all. Big business has it made in a shade at the expense of the little guy. The truth hurts.. The fog machine says otherwise. Liars they are. Dangers to this nation as well.
Waste = all government transfer payments to include welfare, bailouts, subsidies and entitlements.

Let cut that shit out before raising any taxes. In fact if we cut that shit out we could lower taxes, which is always a good thing.
Welfare is a necessity, a dire necessity. I totally agree with you on bailouts and subsidies. What "entitlements" are you talking about? Remember, "the people" pay into Social Security, some pay for a half century, others die way before ever collecting a single penny. Social Security is NOT funded by the government. Social Security is funded by employees and employers, and NOT by the government. So, again, what "entitlements" are you speaking of?

I don't know where you came up with this idea that welfare is a necessity. Sounds like something a socialist would declare.

The government should not ever be in the business of taking money from a person that earned it and giving to someone that didn't earn it.

The government should also not be in the business of running a mandated retirement system. That should be the responsibility of the individual.

Social Security has a lot of shit tacked on to it like disability and that makes a welfare program.

Social Security is not worth the 15% percent of most wages that the incompetent government charges an individual and his employer for the stupid pension. Besides, it is an entitlement monster Ponzi scheme with a future liability of 56 trillion dollars.
Welfare is very much a necessity. EXAMPLES: The elderly that can not care for themselves. Children that can not care for themselves. The disabled that can not care for themselves. War veterans. The handicapped. The poor. The needy. ---- What are we suppose to do with those people? Are we to allow them to starve? Are we to allow them to die because they have no health care insurance? Are we to allow women and children to live on the streets eating out of dumpsters and trash cans?

Are you saying that we should ignore all who can't be self-supporting? What do we do with them? What's the alternative to welfare and government assistance programs?
Of course welfare is a a necessity as well as a number of other social programs. Welfare funding is the cost we pay for a stable society. History has shown us time and again that people that lack food, shelter, and whatever is considered a necessity turn to crime, rioting, and rebellion. Contrary to conservative thinking, removing financial support from the poor does not turn them into productive employees.
Thank you. Well said.
How can we have the heart to allow them to starve?

You think it would be better to dump your money into other people's retirement, and be the one starving when you get old?

Yes, BECAUSE the libertarian FANTASY worked sooooo well pre SS.

What is that even supposed to mean? Are you trying to suggest that Libertarians believe in a civic duty to starve during their retirement so that the Baby Boomers can live comfortably?

I think you better sit this one out, until your medicine starts working again.

Got it ANOTHER libertarian who can't be honest

ONE state (small will work) or nation to EVER use your bullshit philosophy? EVER? lol

Do you even know what you're talking about? It seems to me that you're just ranting, just for the sake of ranting.

So NO, you can't point to even ONE successful use of libertarian bullshit, EVER


Why are you talking about Libertarians all of a sudden? You're pulling things out of left field.


Yes, I acknowledge YOU completely ignored the FREE MARKETS subprime meltdown that Dubya/GOP cheered on in their WORLD WIDE CREDIT BUBBLE AND BUST. Again

Raise Taxes or Cut Waste Page 32 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

...and you completely ignored the fact that the filthy ass Democrats started this mess with Jimmy Carter using the government to put pressure on lenders to give money to shitheads that had neither the means nor the inclination to ever pay back the money. You know, for social justice reasons.

It was anything but a free market you moron and it almost ruined our economy.

Yeah, Jimmy Carter created a WORLD WIDE CREDIT BUBBLE AND BUST, lol

Examining the big lie: How the facts of the economic crisis stack up

Here are key things we know based on data. Together, they present a series of tough hurdles for the big lie proponents.

•The boom and bust was global. Proponents of the Big Lie ignore the worldwide nature of the housing boom and bust.

A McKinsey Global Institute report noted “from 2000 through 2007, a remarkable run-up in global home prices occurred.” It is highly unlikely that a simultaneous boom and bust everywhere else in the world was caused by one set of factors (ultra-low rates, securitized AAA-rated subprime, derivatives) but had a different set of causes in the United States. Indeed, this might be the biggest obstacle to pushing the false narrative.

•Nonbank mortgage underwriting exploded from 2001 to 2007, along with the private label securitization market, which eclipsed Fannie and Freddie during the boom.

•Private lenders not subject to congressional regulations collapsed lending standards.

These firms had business models that could be called “Lend-in-order-to-sell-to-Wall-Street-securitizers.” They offered all manner of nontraditional mortgages — the 2/28 adjustable rate mortgages, piggy-back loans, negative amortization loans. These defaulted in huge numbers, far more than the regulated mortgage writers did.

Examining the big lie How the facts of the economic crisis stack up The Big Picture


FACTS on Dubya s great recession US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Waste = all government transfer payments to include welfare, bailouts, subsidies and entitlements.

Let cut that shit out before raising any taxes. In fact if we cut that shit out we could lower taxes, which is always a good thing.
Your suggestion is just not practical because nearly half the country (49%) are receiving some form of government support. These people are not about to support any initiative that will cut that support in order to lower the interest on the national debt or balance the budget. That's just not going to happen. For all the rhetoric from Republicans about cutting spending, you're not likely see any cuts that will hurt their constituents.
FYI - I do NOT support a welfare state, never have, and never will. I support self-supporting opportunities for everyone, no exceptions. But, I do support helping those in need. Also, thanks for answering my question, much appreciated. It took a long time, but you finally answered it instead of dodging it. So, you support and agree with doing "Nothing" for those that are "cut off" from some form of assistance. You're entitled to that stance, and you're entitled to express it.

My prayer is that you will never ever need the assistance that you so strong believe shouldn't exist. I hope your life is one of prosperity, and that you forever gloat in your ability to adequately care for yourself, without the need for any form of assistance. I also hope that your children, if you have any, prosper as well as you have, and never need any assistance. Count your many blessings, be thankful every day that you were given the opportunities that allowed you to live independent of help.

It's very hard and difficult for me stomach the fact that you would do absolutely nothing for those less fortunate than yourself. It greatly disappoints me that such people exist among our society. Actually, I feel sorry for you. It must be terrible to live without a heart and sympathy for those less fortunate. Thanks for your time. I have enjoyed our conversation. It's been educational for me, and I appreciate it. Best of wishes for you and your family, and may the sun always shine on all of you.

If you don't support a welfare state then you need to change the way you post and address the subject because you sure as hell have been promoting it on this thread.

I have said (several times) that I also support those that are really in need. I give quit a bit a to charity and I asked you to match me on one of my trips to the grocery store to provide food for the needy in my county but you passed on that. I don't think the great majority of the tens of millions that are getting welfare from the government now are in need. I even posted a video showing you a few of them, which you have failed to even acknowledge.

I am quite capable of providing for my own welfare thank you very much. I won't be needing the government to take your money and be giving it to me. I won't even vote for anybody that runs on platform to do that.

Government welfare is not real charity. That is a sham. Real charity comes from the heart, church or family not a filthy government bureaucrat, elected by special interest groups to transfer money from those that earned it to those that didn't. I feel sorry for you that you don't understand that.

I think your heart is in the right place but you are simply confused about the subject. You are not alone, many other Americans also have a convoluted understanding of this monstrosity of a welfare system we have in this country.

It’s Official: White Folks in Red States are the Biggest Food Stamp ‘Moochers’ in the Country!

It 8217 s Official White Folks in Red States are the Biggest Food Stamp 8216 Moochers 8217 in the Country Americans Against the Tea Party




If your point is that this country has become a welfare state then I agree.

If you point is that it should be a welfare state than I disagree.

If your point is to bash Republicans without taking responsibility for the great damage also done by the Democrats then you are being a sorry ass partisan piece of shit.

Also done by Dems? PLEASE tell me more? Pretty please?
Raise taxes on the rich, tax college savings, raise gasoline taxes, and cut social programs? Or, cut the enormous waste that we all know should be cut? Or, should we do a combination of both? If your answer is to cut waste, what are the most obvious areas of waste that you would cut? If your answer is to raise taxes, what taxes would you increase? Or, what new taxes would you add? If your answer is to raise taxes, where would you use the new revenue? If your answer is to cut waste, where would you use the savings?

Raise taxes on the top 70% from all sources to reduce the debt. Raise taxes on those who make over 200k from any source to reduce the deficit.

We ask our young men and women to put themselves in harms way to protect the our country, Why do we oppose raising taxes to reduce the debt and cut down the deficit on those who benefit from our system of government. Why do we give too little to those who protect our nation and deny the few, the brave and those who give so much, so little?
We live in a system where hard working middle class people cannot afford to retire even if they work 100 hours per week and save every last dime. Something isn't working at all. Big business has it made in a shade at the expense of the little guy. The truth hurts.. The fog machine says otherwise. Liars they are. Dangers to this nation as well.

No it is big government that isn't working.

The government (combined Fed, State and local) takes over 40% of the GNP and that is really hurting our economy. In most households in America the combined cost of government is the single largest expense the family has regardless of income level. More than food or housing or transportation or anything.

Before I retire as an Engineer and my wife as a private school teacher almost every year her income went to pay our combined taxes and in a lot of those years that wasn't even enough.

With the tax burden being so high on all Americans it is no wonder we can't get ahead.

Businesses provide jobs. The government takes your money away and gives you very little in return.

Raise taxes on the top 70% from all sources to reduce the debt. Raise taxes on those who make over 200k from any source to reduce the deficit.

We ask our young men and women to put themselves in harms way to protect the our country, Why do we oppose raising taxes to reduce the debt, cut down the deficit on those who benefit from our system of government protected by the few, the brave and those who give so much?

How about instead of raising taxes to pay for debt we reduce spending? Ever think of that?

Raise taxes on the top 70% from all sources to reduce the debt. Raise taxes on those who make over 200k from any source to reduce the deficit.

We ask our young men and women to put themselves in harms way to protect the our country, Why do we oppose raising taxes to reduce the debt, cut down the deficit on those who benefit from our system of government protected by the few, the brave and those who give so much?

How about instead of raising taxes to pay for debt we reduce spending? Ever think of that?

DEMOLISHED your talking points and you skip by it? lol

Raise Taxes or Cut Waste Page 37 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Your suggestion is just not practical because nearly half the country (49%) are receiving some form of government support. These people are not about to support any initiative that will cut that support in order to lower the interest on the national debt or balance the budget. That's just not going to happen. For all the rhetoric from Republicans about cutting spending, you're not likely see any cuts that will hurt their constituents.

Of course being fiscal responsible isn't "practical" in this country. How do you think we got into this mess to start with? If we were practical we never would have allowed government spending and debt to get so out of hand. We screwed ourselves.

I actually agree with your post. We are too far gone to ever fix it.

There is not really a substantial difference between the Republicans and the Democrats. They are both parties of big government.

The Democrats promises bad government and delivers bad government.

The Republicans promises good government but delivers the same bad government as the Democrats.

Only in your fucked up Libtard mind.

According to one narrative, people with lousy jobs, low incomes, and poor credit ratings have an uncanny ability to overwhelm the better judgement of banks and mortgage brokers, and dupe them into approving risky mortgages. I must have been sleeping that day in Econ 101 when they explained how that works.

Now as it has always been, the two sides must support moderate cuts and tax increase if we are to make any real changes. Even if there could be a landslide victory for republicans followed by massive cuts, the backlash would put Democrats back in office restoring what republicans cut.

The polarization such as you see on the this board has enveloped much of American sending conservatives further and further to right and liberals further and further to Left guaranteeing the status quo.
Your suggestion is just not practical because nearly half the country (49%) are receiving some form of government support. These people are not about to support any initiative that will cut that support in order to lower the interest on the national debt or balance the budget. That's just not going to happen. For all the rhetoric from Republicans about cutting spending, you're not likely see any cuts that will hurt their constituents.

Of course being fiscal responsible isn't "practical" in this country. How do you think we got into this mess to start with? If we were practical we never would have allowed government spending and debt to get so out of hand. We screwed ourselves.

I actually agree with your post. We are too far gone to ever fix it.

There is not really a substantial difference between the Republicans and the Democrats. They are both parties of big government.

The Democrats promises bad government and delivers bad government.

The Republicans promises good government but delivers the same bad government as the Democrats.


"Starving the beast" is a political strategy employed by American conservatives in order to limit government spending by cutting taxes in order to deprive the government of revenue in a deliberate effort to force the federal government to reduce spending.

Before his election as President, then-candidate Ronald Reagan foreshadowed the strategy during the 1980 US Presidential debates, saying "John Anderson tells us that first we've got to reduce spending before we can reduce taxes. Well, if you've got a kid that's extravagant, you can lecture him all you want to about his extravagance. Or you can cut his allowance and achieve the same end much quicker."

Starve the beast - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Now as it has always been, the two sides must support moderate cuts and tax increase if we are to make any real changes. Even if there could be a landslide victory for republicans followed by massive cuts, the backlash would put Democrats back in office restoring what republicans cut.

The polarization such as you see on the this board has enveloped much of American sending conservatives further and further to right and liberals further and further to Left guaranteeing the status quo.

There are 2 party's, only 1 has gone further from the center, and it isn't the Dems. Reagan couldn't be elected dog catcher with his REAL record today in the GOP

Raise taxes on the top 70% from all sources to reduce the debt. Raise taxes on those who make over 200k from any source to reduce the deficit.

We ask our young men and women to put themselves in harms way to protect the our country, Why do we oppose raising taxes to reduce the debt, cut down the deficit on those who benefit from our system of government protected by the few, the brave and those who give so much?

How about instead of raising taxes to pay for debt we reduce spending? Ever think of that?

I'm sorry, my post was directed at an adult only demographic. Parrots, like you, may be adults but you're far from mature. I would consider your concept the first time the H. of Rep. passes a bill cutting their salary and benefits.

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