Raise the minimum wage


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
If we raise the minimum wage, jobs will be lost because if businesses have to pay higher wages they will either have to lay off workers or raise the price of their products or services. Businesses are addicted to an unlimited supply of cheap illegal labor and if they have to pay higher wages they are going to have to make up the difference some how. Even take their businesses overseas for cheap labor. Like Pelosi, etc. Those laid off will join the welfare group creating more spending in entitlement programs. Food stamps, Medicaid, emergency room medical care, public housing, etc. Those that do get the higher wages my benefit and may not depending on how much businesses raise the price of their products and services. Those that make more money will pay out more and will be worse off then before minimum raise hike. Case in point; seniors who got a COLA this year that put them $10 above the need of extra help for their prescriptions, lost their food stamps and they rent went up, taking the COLA and more. “The government giveth and the government taketh away.”

Illegal aliens start asking for a raise and benefits will lose their jobs. They may also lose their jobs when Comp. Immig. Reform goes into effect. They will no longer be a source of cheap labor.

Rubio’s manifesto. Been there, heard it before and don’t’ want it.
Minimum wage is not to be a living wage.. it is a STARTER wage... for the ones with zero experience, just beginning their working careers...

This is a simple concept that left wingers just cannot seem to understand
Yeah, let entry level workers with little skills price themselves out of the job market some more'..........
It is a myth that raising minimum wages cause inflation.

A cherished myth, too, I note.

the minumum wage ought to be set by the CPI.

And the CPI ought to reflect the real cost of living, which let's face it, right now it does NOT.

for instance.,..does anyone here really think that the cost of living only went up 1.7% last year?

That's what our state economists want us to believe.
It is a myth that raising minimum wages cause inflation.

A cherished myth, too, I note.

the minumum wage ought to be set by the CPI..

No, it isn't a myth. The minimum wage in of itself is not going to stir things up enough to create a noticeable affect, unless it's a massive hike, but it is a contributing component of inflation when paired with other factors.

And it ought to be set by the market, not the CPI.
It is a myth that raising minimum wages cause inflation.

A cherished myth, too, I note.

the minumum wage ought to be set by the CPI.

And the CPI ought to reflect the real cost of living, which let's face it, right now it does NOT.

for instance.,..does anyone here really think that the cost of living only went up 1.7% last year?

That's what our state economists want us to believe.

Perhaps the mindless community organizer can devalue the dollar some more, and really help you out....
It is a myth that raising minimum wages cause inflation.

A cherished myth, too, I note.

the minumum wage ought to be set by the CPI.

And the CPI ought to reflect the real cost of living, which let's face it, right now it does NOT.

for instance.,..does anyone here really think that the cost of living only went up 1.7% last year?

That's what our state economists want us to believe.

We know it's not a living wage. It's not intended to be a living wage.
These jobs are for high school kids and first time job seekers.
Just how much is enough? Should you be able to work the drive through and afford a car and rent and all the expenses that go with them?
It is a myth that raising minimum wages cause inflation.

A cherished myth, too, I note.

the minumum wage ought to be set by the CPI.

And the CPI ought to reflect the real cost of living, which let's face it, right now it does NOT.

for instance.,..does anyone here really think that the cost of living only went up 1.7% last year?

That's what our state economists want us to believe.

A myth? Raising wages causes prices to go up. You've got to be able to pay for this stuff somehow. How about we stop printing money to pay our debts...making the dollars in our pockets worth less every day? What difference does it make if the minimum wage is $9.00 an hour if the cost of EVERYTHING we buy keeps going up because our money is worth less? Could we PLEASE fix what's wrong with the way we are running this country instead of doing political theatre pretending that we're making it better?
Not this shit again.....

Progressive Democrats are nothing if not completely predictable. It's always the same tune with these people, isn't it? They just want to keep repeating the same thing and expect a different result.

I think we should raise the minimum wage to 500 dollars an hour and get the fuckin' party started. Why not, right? Raising the minimum wage mandate only makes people more wealthy! Lets go big, folks!
We should put illegals on the mimunum wage so we can pay $10 a pound for Florida tomatoes. Does anyone who suppports the minimum wage mandate know why their produce is affordable in the US?
Not this shit again.....

Progressive Democrats are nothing if not completely predictable. It's always the same tune with these people, isn't it? They just want to keep repeating the same thing and expect a different result.

I think we should raise the minimum wage to 500 dollars an hour and get the fuckin' party started. Why not, right? Raising the minimum wage mandate only makes people more wealthy! Lets go big, folks!

I agree. We'll have the happiest start up workers and working teens in the world.

Who cares if the rest of us get fucked??
Not this shit again.....

Progressive Democrats are nothing if not completely predictable. It's always the same tune with these people, isn't it? They just want to keep repeating the same thing and expect a different result.

I think we should raise the minimum wage to 500 dollars an hour and get the fuckin' party started. Why not, right? Raising the minimum wage mandate only makes people more wealthy! Lets go big, folks!

I agree. We'll have the happiest start up workers and working teens in the world.

Who cares if the rest of us get fucked??

And we'll have a society full of fry cooks and drive through workers completely content to just get by. Which of course would drive down wages for fry cooks and drive through .....wait a minute.
I think I see a problem.
RAISE THE MINIMUM WAGE Businesses are addicted to an unlimited supply of cheap illegal labor and if they have to pay higher wages they are going to have to make up the difference some how. Even take their businesses overseas for cheap labor. Like Pelosi, etc. Those laid off will join the welfare group creating more spending in entitlement programs. Food stamps, Medicaid, emergency room medical care, public housing, etc. Those that do get the higher wages my benefit and may not depending on how much businesses raise the price of their products and services.

All the jobs that can be exported have already been exported to maximize profits regardless of worker wages above $1 a day. People making under $12/hr are already on the government tit programs or being supported by family. They consume as if they are making $12/hr so raising their wage up will not cause wage push inflation unless it goes over $12/hr. It's time employers paid for the cost of their employees instead of us tax payers. That is just one reason Republicans increase entitlements 3 times more than Democrats. Republicans turned this country into a socialist nanny state forcing maximum workers & employers into depending upon government support. Repubs also love to use government money to underhandedly subsidize big business. It's time to learn to stand on your own 2 feet & pay your own way.

Republicans never reduce the size of government entitlements! Campaign Rhetoric is not reality!!! Nationalizing Banks does not reduce government. Subsidizing Big Box Retailer / Chinese Importers by government paying the cost of their cheap wages drives manufacturing & jobs out of this country & grows government dependency. Saddling us with "Homeland Security" exploded the size of government spending. Alan Greenspan & David Walker Called Out Republicans For Exploding Entitlement Spending. Obama & Democrats have reduced the size of government spending percent of GDP just like Clinton did.

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Maybe raising the minimum wage and sparking a deep recession is just what we need to put an end to democrat nonsense.

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