Raise the minimum wage

It is a myth that raising minimum wages cause inflation.

A cherished myth, too, I note.

the minumum wage ought to be set by the CPI.

And the CPI ought to reflect the real cost of living, which let's face it, right now it does NOT.

for instance.,..does anyone here really think that the cost of living only went up 1.7% last year?

That's what our state economists want us to believe.

Are you aware that by raising minimum wage from $7.00 to say $9.00/hour
over a year the employer pays not only $4,160 in additional pay with NO return on the additional pay.. but has to also pay
$330.00 more in taxes.

So if Obama's proposal is accepted... WHAT do you think the employers will do???
A) They are NOT going to higher MORE PEOPLE
B) They will reduce the hours of current employees to keep from paying MORE!

A small business owner with 50 employees would have with Obama's stupid ass suggestion that costs to meet $9.00 will
take $208,000 out of the business!
What the owner will do is either lower the hours of EVERYONE or let at least 3 employees go!

ONE THING for SURE??? The owner will NOT be hiring anyone who has minimum skills, stupid enough to have a family of 4 and is 40 years old! That is for sure!
Maybe raising the minimum wage and sparking a deep recession is just what we need to put an end to democrat nonsense.

Raising the minimum wage does not cause recessions.

Why not raise the minimum wage to 500 dollars an hour then? It's only going to make everyone rich, right? Take them out of "poverty" into the ranks of utopian elitism?

Since it's a consequenceless policy, lets go! Why not?
This is just more left wing stupidity aimed at buying the votes of the ignorant.

Obozo does not know how to do anything but campaign. He does not want the JOB of president, he wants the celebrity of it.

Worst president in history. One Big Ass Mistake America
Maybe raising the minimum wage and sparking a deep recession is just what we need to put an end to democrat nonsense.

Raising the minimum wage does not cause recessions.

Why not raise the minimum wage to 500 dollars an hour then? It's only going to make everyone rich, right? Take them out of "poverty" into the ranks of utopian elitism?

Since it's a consequenceless policy, lets go! Why not?

Are you an asshole by birth or by training?
Look at the unemployment rates amng those most affected by min wage, e.g. black teenagers. Currently is over 20%. It will correlate somewhat with min wage rises, and it has. So if we raise the min wage rate we will prevent more black teens from getting jobs and getting started with their careers. This way they can drop out, sling dope, and become wards of the state. And Dem voters, of course.

Only an idiot thinks raising the min wage will accomplish anything.
Raising the minimum wage does not cause recessions.

Why not raise the minimum wage to 500 dollars an hour then? It's only going to make everyone rich, right? Take them out of "poverty" into the ranks of utopian elitism?

Since it's a consequenceless policy, lets go! Why not?

Are you an asshole by birth or by training?

What's the matter? Can not answer why we can not move the minimum wage mandate to 500 dollars an hour? Why can we not do that since this policy is without consequence?
Maybe raising the minimum wage and sparking a deep recession is just what we need to put an end to democrat nonsense.

Raising the minimum wage does not cause recessions.

Well raising the minimum wage to $9.00 an hour will after deducting payroll taxes leave $3,841.76 more to be spent in the economy.
What it cost the employer though is $4,478 (people seem to forget Employer matches employee's payroll taxes)
So while the employee has $3,841 more employer has $4,478 less or a loss to the economy of:$636 per employee.
If an employer with 50 employees says I'm not going to cost my business $223,912 more what will the employer do?

He will find ways to AUTOMATE and replace at least 10 employees to save the $223,000!!!

So the issue is will it cause a recession? Letting people go will NOT put money into the economy!
Small businesses are the foundation of the U.S. economy. ... firms in the United States generated 50 percent of private, nonfarm gross domestic product (GDP), ...

So these small businesses generally operate on small margins and now this IDiOT in Chief WITH NO business experience is further destroying America with this stupid $9.00 minimum wage..

This idiot doesn't know that there are MORE issues then just simply raising the hourly rate!
HIS f...ki9ng govt administration WILL NOT raise other costs that are directly related to payroll!
FUTA.. social security/ Medicare!
Workman's comp insurance!
Liability insurance!

And that's just on a national scale!

think about small business state/local rules and regulations impact!

There is absolutely NO way this will HELP the economy..
First UNDERSTAND there are 1,683,000 people working at minimum wage!

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the median annual income of a U.S. worker is $32,140. Federal minimum wage is currently $5.85 an hour, or about $11,500 per year — just above the poverty line.
Of the 76.5 million people paid by the hour in the United States in 2006, 2.2% make minimum wage or less.
Here are some generalizations we can make about minimum wage workers:

Most minimum wage earners are young. While 2.2% of all hourly workers earn minimum wage or less, just 1.4% of workers over the age of 25 are paid at or below the Federal minimum wage. More than half (51.2%) of minimum wage workers are between 16 and 24 years old. Another 21.2% are between 25 and 34.

Most minimum wage earners work in food service. Nearly two-thirds of those paid minimum wage (or less) are food service workers. Many of these people receive supplemental income in the form of tips, which the government does not track.
Most minimum wage earners never attended college. Just 1.2% of college graduates are paid the minimum wage. If you only have a high school degree, you’re more likely (1.9%) to be paid minimum wage. Those without a high school degree are nearly three times as likely (3.7%) to earn minimum wage. 59.8% of all minimum wage workers have no advanced education.
Finally, as you might expect, part-time workers are five times more likely to be paid the minimum wage than full-time workers.

Who Earns Minimum Wage? A Statistical Profile
Maybe raising the minimum wage and sparking a deep recession is just what we need to put an end to democrat nonsense.

Raising the minimum wage does not cause recessions.

Well raising the minimum wage to $9.00 an hour will after deducting payroll taxes leave $3,841.76 more to be spent in the economy.
What it cost the employer though is $4,478 (people seem to forget Employer matches employee's payroll taxes)
So while the employee has $3,841 more employer has $4,478 less or a loss to the economy of:$636 per employee.
If an employer with 50 employees says I'm not going to cost my business $223,912 more what will the employer do?

He will find ways to AUTOMATE and replace at least 10 employees to save the $223,000!!!

So the issue is will it cause a recession? Letting people go will NOT put money into the economy!

If employers can get along without employees they'd do it now.
If an employer with 50 employees says I'm not going to cost my business $223,912 more what will the employer do?

He will find ways to AUTOMATE and replace at least 10 employees to save the $223,000!!!

So the issue is will it cause a recession? Letting people go will NOT put money into the economy!

An employer decision to AUTOMATE is only slightly based on wages. It is mostly based on if the technology is available that can serve their customers needs better than their current employees & at a cost effective price.

The more workers we can get off the government tit the better for the economy & employers tax rates.
Why not raise the minimum wage to 500 dollars an hour then? It's only going to make everyone rich, right? Take them out of "poverty" into the ranks of utopian elitism?

Since it's a consequenceless policy, lets go! Why not?

Are you an asshole by birth or by training?

What's the matter? Can not answer why we can not move the minimum wage mandate to 500 dollars an hour? Why can we not do that since this policy is without consequence?

I didn't think so. LOLberals are economically inept. It's like the reality of economics is their kryptonite. They just can not stand to hold such reality.
Why not raise the minimum wage to 500 dollars an hour then? It's only going to make everyone rich, right? Take them out of "poverty" into the ranks of utopian elitism?

Since it's a consequenceless policy, lets go! Why not?

Are you an asshole by birth or by training?

What's the matter? Can not answer why we can not move the minimum wage mandate to 500 dollars an hour? Why can we not do that since this policy is without consequence?

You can't make a case against the 9 dollar an hour minimum wage so you want someone to argue over a 500 dollar an hour wage. That makes you an asshole, not that you weren't already.
Maybe raising the minimum wage and sparking a deep recession is just what we need to put an end to democrat nonsense.

Raising the minimum wage does not cause recessions.

Well raising the minimum wage to $9.00 an hour will after deducting payroll taxes leave $3,841.76 more to be spent in the economy.
What it cost the employer though is $4,478 (people seem to forget Employer matches employee's payroll taxes)
So while the employee has $3,841 more employer has $4,478 less or a loss to the economy of:$636 per employee.
If an employer with 50 employees says I'm not going to cost my business $223,912 more what will the employer do?

He will find ways to AUTOMATE and replace at least 10 employees to save the $223,000!!!

So the issue is will it cause a recession? Letting people go will NOT put money into the economy!

I'm curious...the money being spent by those making more per hour...does that money evaporate or does it stay in the economy?
If we raise the minimum wage, jobs will be lost because if businesses have to pay higher wages they will either have to lay off workers or raise the price of their products or services.

Ya' know.....that's been said.....previous to EACH time the minimum-wage has been boosted.....and, every time it's been proven to be......

:eusa_hand: . :eusa_hand: . :eusa_hand: . :eusa_hand: . :eusa_hand: . :eusa_hand: . :eusa_hand:
Look at the unemployment rates amng those most affected by min wage, e.g. black teenagers. Currently is over 20%. It will correlate somewhat with min wage rises, and it has. So if we raise the min wage rate we will prevent more black teens from getting jobs and getting started with their careers. This way they can drop out, sling dope, and become wards of the state. And Dem voters, of course.

Only an idiot thinks raising the min wage will accomplish anything.

I believe the unemployment rate for black teenagers is at around 40%, Rabbi...much worse than you thought. Raising the minimum wage will simply raise that unemployment number as well. It's foregoing common sense for political gamesmanship.
Are you an asshole by birth or by training?

What's the matter? Can not answer why we can not move the minimum wage mandate to 500 dollars an hour? Why can we not do that since this policy is without consequence?

You can't make a case against the 9 dollar an hour minimum wage so you want someone to argue over a 500 dollar an hour wage. That makes you an asshole, not that you weren't already.

I can make the case against outlawing work below a pay scale threshold all day. Lets talk about the price of your produce and why it is so affordable. Lets talk about how this minimum is constantly in need of upward re-calculation.

What you can not do, is defend the minimum wage at all. So tell me, what is the difference between raising the minimum wage by a couple of dollars, vs. by a couple hundred of dollars?

I know you can not do it, I'm just being an asshole to you because you're ignorant. Being mocked and shamed is the only thing left to do to your type.
Are you an asshole by birth or by training?

What's the matter? Can not answer why we can not move the minimum wage mandate to 500 dollars an hour? Why can we not do that since this policy is without consequence?

You can't make a case against the 9 dollar an hour minimum wage so you want someone to argue over a 500 dollar an hour wage. That makes you an asshole, not that you weren't already.

how about 15$ an hour then?

you know what he means but you don't have an answer........here- lets just make it 15$ an hour and get them into the lower end of the middle class....?
The Massachusetts minimum wage is 8.00. Well above the federal minimum wage.

Massachusetts unemployment is 6.7% well below the national average.

How is that possible, if anything you people were claiming were true?
What's the matter? Can not answer why we can not move the minimum wage mandate to 500 dollars an hour? Why can we not do that since this policy is without consequence?

You can't make a case against the 9 dollar an hour minimum wage so you want someone to argue over a 500 dollar an hour wage. That makes you an asshole, not that you weren't already.

how about 15$ an hour then?

you know what he means but you don't have an answer........here- lets just make it 15$ an hour and get them into the lower end of the middle class....?

The proposal is $9 an hour. What's the flaw in simply debating the proposal, instead of some strawman-ish fantasy?

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