Ramaswamy couldn't pass the civics test he want's people to take.

Viv has the dems/deep state skeered out of their wits.....He's always three moves ahead of his average-IQ inquisitors....And it shows. Todd looked just like the low-rent lightweight he is.

Unlike most running Viv has a hard plan once elected that will shake the deep state to it's core. How much can be implemented is anyone's guess but heads would roll on Day 1.

They better hope Trump stays healthy.
The guy graduated Summa Cum Lauda from Harvard and then got a law degree from Yale, Crepitus but you don't think he can pass a Civics class? I mean seriously...how do you come up with strings this stupid?

Do not question the Great and Mighty Crapitus!

OK...that was immature.

Don't care ;)
Yeah cuz Viv's following is so much larger than Trump's.

I dig most of your comments, but you need to get over your TDS.
Let me start by sayin'....Fuck you.

I voted for Trump three times but, fuck me runnin', I'd prefer someone under 60 for a change so I won't be voting for him on Super Tuesday.

But if it makes you feel any better if Trump wins the nomination I'll vote for him a forth time, warts and all. The down ticket will be a fuckin' disaster though.

That's the trouble too, you cult of personality types can't see the damage Trump will do to the down ticket, or you don't care.....Which is far worse.
I love you too asshole.
Do not question the Great and Mighty Crapitus!

OK...that was immature.

Don't care ;)
Not only did he get a law degree from Yale but he managed to make about 15 million dollars investing in Biotech companies before he GOT that law degree! Contrast that with President Potato Head! Joe Biden got caught cheating in law school and graduated at the bottom of his class! HE would struggle to pass a Civics test because Joe is a dumbass!

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