Random Truths

You quote a lot of things but you show nothing

It's quite simple, government is funded by taxes. If you have a progressive tax system and replace that with a flat tax system that means the poor pay more and the rich less and that inceases income inequality. Unless you're an anarchist and want to abolish government of course, then you don't need taxes anymore.

Nothing wrong with supporting that, just don't be so hypocritical about it. Just admit that you love the 1% and hate the poor.

You may not being looking at this question from the proper angle, first off understand that "the rich" absolutely LOVE our current tax system and why wouldn't they? they created it. They have the money, power and connections to basically write any tax system they want, what they've done is created a system that is so full of loopholes, exemptions and credits that only they have the means to engage the necessary legion of lawyers to take full advantage of it, they also get the added bonus of being able to point to top marginal rates (which they never pay) and say "See! look at how high our income tax rates are!". Proponents of so-called "progressive taxation" in the name of fairness are actually advocating a system that is designed to be anything but "fair", it's a system that the average tax payer can never in their wildest dreams play on a level playing field in and it's a system that treats their dollars as less valuable then the dollars earned by those farther up the economic ladder.

A flat tax on the other hand is far more expensive for "the rich" in terms of real dollars, goodbye loopholes, goodbye exemptions, goodbye credits, goodbye playing games with income timelines, goodbye economic behavior manipulation, that's not what they want because it's actually "fair" since it treats every dollar they make exactly the same as every dollar everybody else makes. As far as the poor go it would be counter productive to tax their income at all, people below the poverty line require a flat income tax rate of 0% since taxing their income is a roadblock to getting them to where everybody wants them to be (above the poverty line). Keep in mind that if "the rich" really wanted a flat tax system, we'd have a flat tax system post haste because they're the ones that are really calling the shots right now but they don't want it which is the reason that we probably aren't ever going to get it.

Lastly just imagine what we could do without having to waste the billions of man hours that go into tax preparation & enforcement every year, if that labor actually went into something PRODUCTIVE.
it is the flat rate tax structure that is the most fair: if A earns 10 times more than B, then A pays 10 times what B pays
That is based on the moronic assumption only a CON$ervative is stupid enough to swallow that ALL income is treated the same as wage income.
The reality is most of the income of the truly wealthy A making 10 times more than B is not taxable.
Even your MessiahRushie has admitted that!

January 09, 2013

RUSH: Taxing wages at a higher rate than profits is wealth redistribution.

August 7, 2007

CALLER: And, you know, and the way our tax system works, we have an overly complex system, which in and of itself is a problem, but the way our tax system works and the way the tax laws are written, it's based on a few kind of like hinge numbers like adjusted gross income and taxable income, and while the soak the rich -- or however you choose to describe it -- really doesn't come down that way. It really comes down to much lower income levels.

RUSH: It does, exactly, and here's the dirty little secret if you ever to pull it off. It's hard. This is why most people don't understand the tax-the-rich business. You've got to structure your life so you have no "earned" income. I'm out of time. I'll explain that. There's a category called earned income versus other kinds of income. Earned income is what the income tax rate is on. That's how "the rich" do it. They don't have "earned" income.


The Truth About Taxes
August 6, 2007

RUSH: I've told you before: the income tax is designed to keep people like his [Buffett's] secretary from becoming wealthy! There is no "wealth" tax. So this is a big misnomer. ...

But there's no tax on wealth. There is a tax on income, and the tax on income is designed to keep everybody who is not wealthy from getting there.

I'm talking about genuine wealth, not the way Democrats define "rich."
You may not being looking at this question from the proper angle, first off understand that "the rich" absolutely LOVE our current tax system and why wouldn't they? they created it. They have the money, power and connections to basically write any tax system they want, what they've done is created a system that is so full of loopholes, exemptions and credits that only they have the means to engage the necessary legion of lawyers to take full advantage of it, they also get the added bonus of being able to point to top marginal rates (which they never pay) and say "See! look at how high our income tax rates are!". Proponents of so-called "progressive taxation" in the name of fairness are actually advocating a system that is designed to be anything but "fair", it's a system that the average tax payer can never in their wildest dreams play on a level playing field in and it's a system that treats their dollars as less valuable then the dollars earned by those farther up the economic ladder.

A flat tax on the other hand is far more expensive for "the rich" in terms of real dollars, goodbye loopholes, goodbye exemptions, goodbye credits, goodbye playing games with income timelines, goodbye economic behavior manipulation, that's not what they want because it's actually "fair" since it treats every dollar they make exactly the same as every dollar everybody else makes. As far as the poor go it would be counter productive to tax their income at all, people below the poverty line require a flat income tax rate of 0% since taxing their income is a roadblock to getting them to where everybody wants them to be (above the poverty line). Keep in mind that if "the rich" really wanted a flat tax system, we'd have a flat tax system post haste because they're the ones that are really calling the shots right now but they don't want it which is the reason that we probably aren't ever going to get it.

Lastly just imagine what we could do without having to waste the billions of man hours that go into tax preparation & enforcement every year, if that labor actually went into something PRODUCTIVE.

Oh, I can agree with that but I thought it was about theory, not how it works in practice.

You may not being looking at this question from the proper angle, first off understand that "the rich" absolutely LOVE our current tax system and why wouldn't they? they created it. They have the money, power and connections to basically write any tax system they want, what they've done is created a system that is so full of loopholes, exemptions and credits that only they have the means to engage the necessary legion of lawyers to take full advantage of it, they also get the added bonus of being able to point to top marginal rates (which they never pay) and say "See! look at how high our income tax rates are!". Proponents of so-called "progressive taxation" in the name of fairness are actually advocating a system that is designed to be anything but "fair", it's a system that the average tax payer can never in their wildest dreams play on a level playing field in and it's a system that treats their dollars as less valuable then the dollars earned by those farther up the economic ladder.

A flat tax on the other hand is far more expensive for "the rich" in terms of real dollars, goodbye loopholes, goodbye exemptions, goodbye credits, goodbye playing games with income timelines, goodbye economic behavior manipulation, that's not what they want because it's actually "fair" since it treats every dollar they make exactly the same as every dollar everybody else makes. As far as the poor go it would be counter productive to tax their income at all, people below the poverty line require a flat income tax rate of 0% since taxing their income is a roadblock to getting them to where everybody wants them to be (above the poverty line). Keep in mind that if "the rich" really wanted a flat tax system, we'd have a flat tax system post haste because they're the ones that are really calling the shots right now but they don't want it which is the reason that we probably aren't ever going to get it.

Lastly just imagine what we could do without having to waste the billions of man hours that go into tax preparation & enforcement every year, if that labor actually went into something PRODUCTIVE.

Oh, I can agree with that but I thought it was about theory, not how it works in practice.


Attempting to understand the theory without attempting to understand how it works in actual practice is pointless IMHO, one has no value without the other. :)
I got 'em from a website of declared communist goals...

The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals
The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals

You got 'em from a Right-wing whacko site rense.com
I note that you were unable to deny the truth of the post, and the premise: the aims of the communists, and the Democrat Party, are the very same.​
Truth from a liar is absurd!!!
I nailed you lying, and you can't deny it!
I got 'em from a website of declared communist goals...

The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals
The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals

You got 'em from a Right-wing whacko site rense.com
I note that you were unable to deny the truth of the post, and the premise: the aims of the communists, and the Democrat Party, are the very same.​
Truth from a liar is absurd!!!
I nailed you lying, and you can't deny it!

I never lie.

I provided the source, and Rense noted this:
"You are about to read a list of 45 goals that found their way down the halls of our great Capitol back in 1963. As you read this, 39 years later, you should be shocked by the events that have played themselves out. I first ran across this list 3 years ago but was unable to attain a copy and it has bothered me ever since. Recently, Jeff Rense posted it on his site and I would like to thank him for doing so. "rense.com

Nothing was hidden.

You're sulking because I showed what a dunce you are in posting that George Bernard Shaw was just kidding when he endorsed the slaughter of any he didn't agree with.

He wasn't.
And you remain a dunce.
More truth:

"Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."

If gun ownership is the problem...explain Israel and Switzerland, where everyone has one.
More truth:

"Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."

If gun ownership is the problem...explain Israel and Switzerland, where everyone has one.

Switzerland has fewer households with guns than the U.S. Fewer guns per capita, even fewer when you don't count the military arms they keep in their homes that are not loaded and ammunition is kept in armories. All gun purchases require a permit They also are not allowed to buy ammunition for weapons they do not legally own. It is not legal to carry a loaded weapon unless you have a gun carry permit that is reserved for security and military personnel.

Israel isn't loose on gun control either. You have to state a purpose for owning the gun. (hunter, police officer, military, etc.) Age requirements. Such as women have to be 20, if you didn't serve in the military then it's 27. They have background checks, residency requirements, Licenses have to be renewed and you are required to take a shooting course to renew every 3 years and a psychological exam every 6. They are required to have a gun safe at home. Many gun permit requests are rejected
More truth:

"Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."

If gun ownership is the problem...explain Israel and Switzerland, where everyone has one.

Switzerland has fewer households with guns than the U.S. Fewer guns per capita, even fewer when you don't count the military arms they keep in their homes that are not loaded and ammunition is kept in armories. All gun purchases require a permit They also are not allowed to buy ammunition for weapons they do not legally own. It is not legal to carry a loaded weapon unless you have a gun carry permit that is reserved for security and military personnel.

Israel isn't loose on gun control either. You have to state a purpose for owning the gun. (hunter, police officer, military, etc.) Age requirements. Such as women have to be 20, if you didn't serve in the military then it's 27. They have background checks, residency requirements, Licenses have to be renewed and you are required to take a shooting course to renew every 3 years and a psychological exam every 6. They are required to have a gun safe at home. Many gun permit requests are rejected

"... the gun-loving Swiss are not about to lay down their arms. Guns are ubiquitous in this neutral nation, with sharpshooting considered a fun and wholesome recreational activity for people of all ages.

Even though Switzerland has not been involved in an armed conflict since a standoff between Catholics and Protestants in 1847, the Swiss are very serious not only about their right to own weapons but also to carry them around in public.

Yet, despite the prevalence of guns, the violent-crime rate is low: government figures show about 0.5 gun homicides per 100,000 inhabitants in 2010."
The Swiss Difference: A Gun Culture That Works | TIME.com

So it isn't having guns that is the problem, is it.
More truth:

"Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."

If gun ownership is the problem...explain Israel and Switzerland, where everyone has one.

Switzerland has fewer households with guns than the U.S. Fewer guns per capita, even fewer when you don't count the military arms they keep in their homes that are not loaded and ammunition is kept in armories. All gun purchases require a permit They also are not allowed to buy ammunition for weapons they do not legally own. It is not legal to carry a loaded weapon unless you have a gun carry permit that is reserved for security and military personnel.

Israel isn't loose on gun control either. You have to state a purpose for owning the gun. (hunter, police officer, military, etc.) Age requirements. Such as women have to be 20, if you didn't serve in the military then it's 27. They have background checks, residency requirements, Licenses have to be renewed and you are required to take a shooting course to renew every 3 years and a psychological exam every 6. They are required to have a gun safe at home. Many gun permit requests are rejected

"... the gun-loving Swiss are not about to lay down their arms. Guns are ubiquitous in this neutral nation, with sharpshooting considered a fun and wholesome recreational activity for people of all ages.

Even though Switzerland has not been involved in an armed conflict since a standoff between Catholics and Protestants in 1847, the Swiss are very serious not only about their right to own weapons but also to carry them around in public.

Yet, despite the prevalence of guns, the violent-crime rate is low: government figures show about 0.5 gun homicides per 100,000 inhabitants in 2010."
The Swiss Difference: A Gun Culture That Works | TIME.com

So it isn't having guns that is the problem, is it.

I just went through a list. They have fewer guns and common sense laws. They don't walk around Target stores with loaded weapons, it's against the law over there unless there is a legal reason to do so, such as security.

Firearms-Control Legislation and Policy: Switzerland | Law Library of Congress


The Weapons Act contains a comprehensive regime for the licensing of the acquisition and carrying of permitted weapons; the banning of certain weapons, including automatic firearms; and the production and trade in weapons, including the reporting obligations of dealers and a registration system that covers all privately owned guns, including those acquired by inheritance, but not including hunting rifles. The federal Weapons Act is implemented by the cantons and the cantons also keep registers of privately owned guns. The provisions on ammunition are in keeping with the principles of the Act, which aims to deter abuse while permitting lawful gunownership.43]

Acquisition of Guns

An acquisition license is required primarily for handguns. Rifles and semiautomatic long arms that are customarily used by recreational hunters are exempt from the licensing requirement,44] whereas fully automatic guns are banned.45] An applicant for a weapons license must be at least eighteen years of age, may not have been placed under guardianship, may not give cause for suspicion that he would endanger himself or others with the weapon, and may not have a criminal record with a conviction for a violent crime or of several convictions for nonviolent crimes.46] The license is issued by the canton of residence of the applicant but is valid throughout Switzerland. The license is valid for six months, maximally nine months.47] It is usually valid for the acquisition of one weapon only.48]

The acquisition license is required only if a weapon is acquired from a dealer. No license is required for transactions between private individuals. Instead, these are permitted as long as the seller verifies the identity and age of the buyer by checking an official identification document and as long as he has no reason to believe that the buyer has been or should be disqualified from gun ownership. The buyer may ascertain these circumstances by requesting information from the cantonal authorities, but only if the buyer consents in writing.49]

Carrying of Guns

The carrying of a gun for defensive purposes requires a carrying license, which will be granted only if the applicant is qualified to acquire guns; demonstrates a need for the weapon to protect himself, others, or property against existing dangers; and has passed an exam to test his required theoretical knowledge and practical skill.50] The theoretical exam tests knowledge of

  • criminal provisions on violent crimes and self-defense, and necessity as a justification or excuse;
  • federal and cantonal weapons law provisions;
  • types of weapons and ammunition; and
  • security measures and proper conduct when carrying weapons.51]
The practical examination tests the applicant’s skill in handling the weapon, including loading, unloading, operating the safety device, and shooting.52]

A carrying license permits the concealed carrying of a handgun.53] No carrying license is required for the transporting of an unloaded weapon for legitimate purposes, such as travel to and from the shooting range or hunting environment, as long as the ammunition is kept separate from the weapon.54]

Prepared by Edith Palmer, Chief,
Foreign, Comparative, and
International Law Division II
February 2013
More truth:

"Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."

If gun ownership is the problem...explain Israel and Switzerland, where everyone has one.

Switzerland has fewer households with guns than the U.S. Fewer guns per capita, even fewer when you don't count the military arms they keep in their homes that are not loaded and ammunition is kept in armories. All gun purchases require a permit They also are not allowed to buy ammunition for weapons they do not legally own. It is not legal to carry a loaded weapon unless you have a gun carry permit that is reserved for security and military personnel.

Israel isn't loose on gun control either. You have to state a purpose for owning the gun. (hunter, police officer, military, etc.) Age requirements. Such as women have to be 20, if you didn't serve in the military then it's 27. They have background checks, residency requirements, Licenses have to be renewed and you are required to take a shooting course to renew every 3 years and a psychological exam every 6. They are required to have a gun safe at home. Many gun permit requests are rejected

"... the gun-loving Swiss are not about to lay down their arms. Guns are ubiquitous in this neutral nation, with sharpshooting considered a fun and wholesome recreational activity for people of all ages.

Even though Switzerland has not been involved in an armed conflict since a standoff between Catholics and Protestants in 1847, the Swiss are very serious not only about their right to own weapons but also to carry them around in public.

Yet, despite the prevalence of guns, the violent-crime rate is low: government figures show about 0.5 gun homicides per 100,000 inhabitants in 2010."
The Swiss Difference: A Gun Culture That Works | TIME.com

So it isn't having guns that is the problem, is it.

I just went through a list. They have fewer guns and common sense laws. They don't walk around Target stores with loaded weapons, it's against the law over there unless there is a legal reason to do so, such as security.

Firearms-Control Legislation and Policy: Switzerland | Law Library of Congress


The Weapons Act contains a comprehensive regime for the licensing of the acquisition and carrying of permitted weapons; the banning of certain weapons, including automatic firearms; and the production and trade in weapons, including the reporting obligations of dealers and a registration system that covers all privately owned guns, including those acquired by inheritance, but not including hunting rifles. The federal Weapons Act is implemented by the cantons and the cantons also keep registers of privately owned guns. The provisions on ammunition are in keeping with the principles of the Act, which aims to deter abuse while permitting lawful gunownership.43]

Acquisition of Guns

An acquisition license is required primarily for handguns. Rifles and semiautomatic long arms that are customarily used by recreational hunters are exempt from the licensing requirement,44] whereas fully automatic guns are banned.45] An applicant for a weapons license must be at least eighteen years of age, may not have been placed under guardianship, may not give cause for suspicion that he would endanger himself or others with the weapon, and may not have a criminal record with a conviction for a violent crime or of several convictions for nonviolent crimes.46] The license is issued by the canton of residence of the applicant but is valid throughout Switzerland. The license is valid for six months, maximally nine months.47] It is usually valid for the acquisition of one weapon only.48]

The acquisition license is required only if a weapon is acquired from a dealer. No license is required for transactions between private individuals. Instead, these are permitted as long as the seller verifies the identity and age of the buyer by checking an official identification document and as long as he has no reason to believe that the buyer has been or should be disqualified from gun ownership. The buyer may ascertain these circumstances by requesting information from the cantonal authorities, but only if the buyer consents in writing.49]

Carrying of Guns

The carrying of a gun for defensive purposes requires a carrying license, which will be granted only if the applicant is qualified to acquire guns; demonstrates a need for the weapon to protect himself, others, or property against existing dangers; and has passed an exam to test his required theoretical knowledge and practical skill.50] The theoretical exam tests knowledge of

  • criminal provisions on violent crimes and self-defense, and necessity as a justification or excuse;
  • federal and cantonal weapons law provisions;
  • types of weapons and ammunition; and
  • security measures and proper conduct when carrying weapons.51]
The practical examination tests the applicant’s skill in handling the weapon, including loading, unloading, operating the safety device, and shooting.52]

A carrying license permits the concealed carrying of a handgun.53] No carrying license is required for the transporting of an unloaded weapon for legitimate purposes, such as travel to and from the shooting range or hunting environment, as long as the ammunition is kept separate from the weapon.54]

Prepared by Edith Palmer, Chief,
Foreign, Comparative, and
International Law Division II
February 2013

"....the Swiss are very serious not only about their right to own weapons but also to carry them around in public. Because of this general acceptance and even pride in gun ownership, nobody bats an eye at the sight of a civilian riding a bus, bike or motorcycle to the shooting range, with a rifle slung across the shoulder."

Imagine how different the situation at the community college might have been had the students been allowed to "carry them around in public" instead of having been made sitting ducks by the absurd and dangerous Liberal "Gun Free Zone" policy.
And some more 'Random Truths'....but sad ones:

1.Leftism is imbued with guilt .....and anger.

2. The most brilliant and prescient Democrat Daniel Patrick Moynihan, warned of the results of the disintegration of the black family due to government policy.
For that, he was called 'a racist' by his fellow Liberals.
They were wrong about that, too.

a. Liberals, wrong about "abortion, adultery, illegitimacy, the divorce rate, drugs, crime, a president molesting an intern and then lying to federal investigators. They stake out a clear moral position only on the issue of slavery…of course, when it mattered, they were on the wrong side of that, too."
Here's an analogy....

Truth has the same effect on Liberals as Dorothy's bucket of water had on the Wicked Witch.....

So....adding to the thread's 60 "Random Truths,"...

A few more:

The more education one has in the social sciences, the dumber one becomes.
Yet, Liberals snap to attention when they hear 'studies say....'

No democracy is possible without an unbiased press. That is the reason for the first amendment.
And the reason we no longer have a democracy.

We no longer have a democracy or in truth a republic. The Peoples House (the H. of Rep.) is for the most part owned by the Plutocrats, who have purchased the number of votes necessary and sufficient to benefit them, too often at the expense of the people.

Until the Supreme Court is restructured and packed with common sense justices, we will live with a government owned by and functioning to benefit a power elite.
More truth:

"Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."

If gun ownership is the problem...explain Israel and Switzerland, where everyone has one.

Switzerland has fewer households with guns than the U.S. Fewer guns per capita, even fewer when you don't count the military arms they keep in their homes that are not loaded and ammunition is kept in armories. All gun purchases require a permit They also are not allowed to buy ammunition for weapons they do not legally own. It is not legal to carry a loaded weapon unless you have a gun carry permit that is reserved for security and military personnel.

Israel isn't loose on gun control either. You have to state a purpose for owning the gun. (hunter, police officer, military, etc.) Age requirements. Such as women have to be 20, if you didn't serve in the military then it's 27. They have background checks, residency requirements, Licenses have to be renewed and you are required to take a shooting course to renew every 3 years and a psychological exam every 6. They are required to have a gun safe at home. Many gun permit requests are rejected

"... the gun-loving Swiss are not about to lay down their arms. Guns are ubiquitous in this neutral nation, with sharpshooting considered a fun and wholesome recreational activity for people of all ages.

Even though Switzerland has not been involved in an armed conflict since a standoff between Catholics and Protestants in 1847, the Swiss are very serious not only about their right to own weapons but also to carry them around in public.

Yet, despite the prevalence of guns, the violent-crime rate is low: government figures show about 0.5 gun homicides per 100,000 inhabitants in 2010."
The Swiss Difference: A Gun Culture That Works | TIME.com

So it isn't having guns that is the problem, is it.

I just went through a list. They have fewer guns and common sense laws. They don't walk around Target stores with loaded weapons, it's against the law over there unless there is a legal reason to do so, such as security.

Firearms-Control Legislation and Policy: Switzerland | Law Library of Congress


The Weapons Act contains a comprehensive regime for the licensing of the acquisition and carrying of permitted weapons; the banning of certain weapons, including automatic firearms; and the production and trade in weapons, including the reporting obligations of dealers and a registration system that covers all privately owned guns, including those acquired by inheritance, but not including hunting rifles. The federal Weapons Act is implemented by the cantons and the cantons also keep registers of privately owned guns. The provisions on ammunition are in keeping with the principles of the Act, which aims to deter abuse while permitting lawful gunownership.43]

Acquisition of Guns

An acquisition license is required primarily for handguns. Rifles and semiautomatic long arms that are customarily used by recreational hunters are exempt from the licensing requirement,44] whereas fully automatic guns are banned.45] An applicant for a weapons license must be at least eighteen years of age, may not have been placed under guardianship, may not give cause for suspicion that he would endanger himself or others with the weapon, and may not have a criminal record with a conviction for a violent crime or of several convictions for nonviolent crimes.46] The license is issued by the canton of residence of the applicant but is valid throughout Switzerland. The license is valid for six months, maximally nine months.47] It is usually valid for the acquisition of one weapon only.48]

The acquisition license is required only if a weapon is acquired from a dealer. No license is required for transactions between private individuals. Instead, these are permitted as long as the seller verifies the identity and age of the buyer by checking an official identification document and as long as he has no reason to believe that the buyer has been or should be disqualified from gun ownership. The buyer may ascertain these circumstances by requesting information from the cantonal authorities, but only if the buyer consents in writing.49]

Carrying of Guns

The carrying of a gun for defensive purposes requires a carrying license, which will be granted only if the applicant is qualified to acquire guns; demonstrates a need for the weapon to protect himself, others, or property against existing dangers; and has passed an exam to test his required theoretical knowledge and practical skill.50] The theoretical exam tests knowledge of

  • criminal provisions on violent crimes and self-defense, and necessity as a justification or excuse;
  • federal and cantonal weapons law provisions;
  • types of weapons and ammunition; and
  • security measures and proper conduct when carrying weapons.51]
The practical examination tests the applicant’s skill in handling the weapon, including loading, unloading, operating the safety device, and shooting.52]

A carrying license permits the concealed carrying of a handgun.53] No carrying license is required for the transporting of an unloaded weapon for legitimate purposes, such as travel to and from the shooting range or hunting environment, as long as the ammunition is kept separate from the weapon.54]

Prepared by Edith Palmer, Chief,
Foreign, Comparative, and
International Law Division II
February 2013

"....the Swiss are very serious not only about their right to own weapons but also to carry them around in public. Because of this general acceptance and even pride in gun ownership, nobody bats an eye at the sight of a civilian riding a bus, bike or motorcycle to the shooting range, with a rifle slung across the shoulder."

Imagine how different the situation at the community college might have been had the students been allowed to "carry them around in public" instead of having been made sitting ducks by the absurd and dangerous Liberal "Gun Free Zone" policy.

PC hop on a plane and go to Switzerland, besides being incredibly beautiful you will get informed that while guns are prevalent, you will not see them everywhere like in Israel, only militia members are allowed to carry their guns in public and are never allowed to be loaded and you will also find that ammunition is held by the town and only 2000 militia members have ammo at home and it is sealed and inspected regularly. So whatever your stupid point is it doesn't make a whit of sense (as usual).
More truth:

"Principle is nothing to liberals. Winning is everything."

If gun ownership is the problem...explain Israel and Switzerland, where everyone has one.

Switzerland has fewer households with guns than the U.S. Fewer guns per capita, even fewer when you don't count the military arms they keep in their homes that are not loaded and ammunition is kept in armories. All gun purchases require a permit They also are not allowed to buy ammunition for weapons they do not legally own. It is not legal to carry a loaded weapon unless you have a gun carry permit that is reserved for security and military personnel.

Israel isn't loose on gun control either. You have to state a purpose for owning the gun. (hunter, police officer, military, etc.) Age requirements. Such as women have to be 20, if you didn't serve in the military then it's 27. They have background checks, residency requirements, Licenses have to be renewed and you are required to take a shooting course to renew every 3 years and a psychological exam every 6. They are required to have a gun safe at home. Many gun permit requests are rejected

"... the gun-loving Swiss are not about to lay down their arms. Guns are ubiquitous in this neutral nation, with sharpshooting considered a fun and wholesome recreational activity for people of all ages.

Even though Switzerland has not been involved in an armed conflict since a standoff between Catholics and Protestants in 1847, the Swiss are very serious not only about their right to own weapons but also to carry them around in public.

Yet, despite the prevalence of guns, the violent-crime rate is low: government figures show about 0.5 gun homicides per 100,000 inhabitants in 2010."
The Swiss Difference: A Gun Culture That Works | TIME.com

So it isn't having guns that is the problem, is it.

I just went through a list. They have fewer guns and common sense laws. They don't walk around Target stores with loaded weapons, it's against the law over there unless there is a legal reason to do so, such as security.

Firearms-Control Legislation and Policy: Switzerland | Law Library of Congress


The Weapons Act contains a comprehensive regime for the licensing of the acquisition and carrying of permitted weapons; the banning of certain weapons, including automatic firearms; and the production and trade in weapons, including the reporting obligations of dealers and a registration system that covers all privately owned guns, including those acquired by inheritance, but not including hunting rifles. The federal Weapons Act is implemented by the cantons and the cantons also keep registers of privately owned guns. The provisions on ammunition are in keeping with the principles of the Act, which aims to deter abuse while permitting lawful gunownership.43]

Acquisition of Guns

An acquisition license is required primarily for handguns. Rifles and semiautomatic long arms that are customarily used by recreational hunters are exempt from the licensing requirement,44] whereas fully automatic guns are banned.45] An applicant for a weapons license must be at least eighteen years of age, may not have been placed under guardianship, may not give cause for suspicion that he would endanger himself or others with the weapon, and may not have a criminal record with a conviction for a violent crime or of several convictions for nonviolent crimes.46] The license is issued by the canton of residence of the applicant but is valid throughout Switzerland. The license is valid for six months, maximally nine months.47] It is usually valid for the acquisition of one weapon only.48]

The acquisition license is required only if a weapon is acquired from a dealer. No license is required for transactions between private individuals. Instead, these are permitted as long as the seller verifies the identity and age of the buyer by checking an official identification document and as long as he has no reason to believe that the buyer has been or should be disqualified from gun ownership. The buyer may ascertain these circumstances by requesting information from the cantonal authorities, but only if the buyer consents in writing.49]

Carrying of Guns

The carrying of a gun for defensive purposes requires a carrying license, which will be granted only if the applicant is qualified to acquire guns; demonstrates a need for the weapon to protect himself, others, or property against existing dangers; and has passed an exam to test his required theoretical knowledge and practical skill.50] The theoretical exam tests knowledge of

  • criminal provisions on violent crimes and self-defense, and necessity as a justification or excuse;
  • federal and cantonal weapons law provisions;
  • types of weapons and ammunition; and
  • security measures and proper conduct when carrying weapons.51]
The practical examination tests the applicant’s skill in handling the weapon, including loading, unloading, operating the safety device, and shooting.52]

A carrying license permits the concealed carrying of a handgun.53] No carrying license is required for the transporting of an unloaded weapon for legitimate purposes, such as travel to and from the shooting range or hunting environment, as long as the ammunition is kept separate from the weapon.54]

Prepared by Edith Palmer, Chief,
Foreign, Comparative, and
International Law Division II
February 2013

"....the Swiss are very serious not only about their right to own weapons but also to carry them around in public. Because of this general acceptance and even pride in gun ownership, nobody bats an eye at the sight of a civilian riding a bus, bike or motorcycle to the shooting range, with a rifle slung across the shoulder."

Imagine how different the situation at the community college might have been had the students been allowed to "carry them around in public" instead of having been made sitting ducks by the absurd and dangerous Liberal "Gun Free Zone" policy.

PC hop on a plane and go to Switzerland, besides being incredibly beautiful you will get informed that while guns are prevalent, you will not see them everywhere like in Israel, only militia members are allowed to carry their guns in public and are never allowed to be loaded and you will also find that ammunition is held by the town and only 2000 militia members have ammo at home and it is sealed and inspected regularly. So whatever your stupid point is it doesn't make a whit of sense (as usual).

Did you miss my point?

Imagine how different the situation at the community college might have been had the students been allowed to "carry them around in public" instead of having been made sitting ducks by the absurd and dangerous Liberal "Gun Free Zone" policy.
Everybody knows it was the socialism of our wartime economy that ended the capital, Great Depression; just socialism bailing out capitalism, like usual.

Actually, the free market bailed out the depression. Fucking moron. Look at how many companies were started and thrived that came out of the depression.

Look it up.

How is socialism doing around the world? Oh, here it comes everyone. They point out the greatness of the Scandinavian countries. He obviously will not point out the greatness of Venezuela. Where, their situation makes America's great depression look like a day at disney land. Oh, but that is just ignored.


Communism failed. Maybe you have not heard. The Berlin wall came tumbling down.

Tell you what fucking loser. List all of the wonderful things that have been invented that benefit humanity from socialism countries.

Want me to list all of the things the FREE MARKET has given humanity? How about the internet and computer that you are using with your poop stained fingers?

How about the toothbrush that you brush your poop stained teeth with ass breath?

How about those big planes you fly in to get to your boyfriends house on the other side of the country?

You fucking unappreciative ignorant fucking pawn. You are nothing but a useful idiot to your socialist leaders and they have even openly declared that.
Switzerland has fewer households with guns than the U.S. Fewer guns per capita, even fewer when you don't count the military arms they keep in their homes that are not loaded and ammunition is kept in armories. All gun purchases require a permit They also are not allowed to buy ammunition for weapons they do not legally own. It is not legal to carry a loaded weapon unless you have a gun carry permit that is reserved for security and military personnel.

Israel isn't loose on gun control either. You have to state a purpose for owning the gun. (hunter, police officer, military, etc.) Age requirements. Such as women have to be 20, if you didn't serve in the military then it's 27. They have background checks, residency requirements, Licenses have to be renewed and you are required to take a shooting course to renew every 3 years and a psychological exam every 6. They are required to have a gun safe at home. Many gun permit requests are rejected

"... the gun-loving Swiss are not about to lay down their arms. Guns are ubiquitous in this neutral nation, with sharpshooting considered a fun and wholesome recreational activity for people of all ages.

Even though Switzerland has not been involved in an armed conflict since a standoff between Catholics and Protestants in 1847, the Swiss are very serious not only about their right to own weapons but also to carry them around in public.

Yet, despite the prevalence of guns, the violent-crime rate is low: government figures show about 0.5 gun homicides per 100,000 inhabitants in 2010."
The Swiss Difference: A Gun Culture That Works | TIME.com

So it isn't having guns that is the problem, is it.

I just went through a list. They have fewer guns and common sense laws. They don't walk around Target stores with loaded weapons, it's against the law over there unless there is a legal reason to do so, such as security.

Firearms-Control Legislation and Policy: Switzerland | Law Library of Congress


The Weapons Act contains a comprehensive regime for the licensing of the acquisition and carrying of permitted weapons; the banning of certain weapons, including automatic firearms; and the production and trade in weapons, including the reporting obligations of dealers and a registration system that covers all privately owned guns, including those acquired by inheritance, but not including hunting rifles. The federal Weapons Act is implemented by the cantons and the cantons also keep registers of privately owned guns. The provisions on ammunition are in keeping with the principles of the Act, which aims to deter abuse while permitting lawful gunownership.43]

Acquisition of Guns

An acquisition license is required primarily for handguns. Rifles and semiautomatic long arms that are customarily used by recreational hunters are exempt from the licensing requirement,44] whereas fully automatic guns are banned.45] An applicant for a weapons license must be at least eighteen years of age, may not have been placed under guardianship, may not give cause for suspicion that he would endanger himself or others with the weapon, and may not have a criminal record with a conviction for a violent crime or of several convictions for nonviolent crimes.46] The license is issued by the canton of residence of the applicant but is valid throughout Switzerland. The license is valid for six months, maximally nine months.47] It is usually valid for the acquisition of one weapon only.48]

The acquisition license is required only if a weapon is acquired from a dealer. No license is required for transactions between private individuals. Instead, these are permitted as long as the seller verifies the identity and age of the buyer by checking an official identification document and as long as he has no reason to believe that the buyer has been or should be disqualified from gun ownership. The buyer may ascertain these circumstances by requesting information from the cantonal authorities, but only if the buyer consents in writing.49]

Carrying of Guns

The carrying of a gun for defensive purposes requires a carrying license, which will be granted only if the applicant is qualified to acquire guns; demonstrates a need for the weapon to protect himself, others, or property against existing dangers; and has passed an exam to test his required theoretical knowledge and practical skill.50] The theoretical exam tests knowledge of

  • criminal provisions on violent crimes and self-defense, and necessity as a justification or excuse;
  • federal and cantonal weapons law provisions;
  • types of weapons and ammunition; and
  • security measures and proper conduct when carrying weapons.51]
The practical examination tests the applicant’s skill in handling the weapon, including loading, unloading, operating the safety device, and shooting.52]

A carrying license permits the concealed carrying of a handgun.53] No carrying license is required for the transporting of an unloaded weapon for legitimate purposes, such as travel to and from the shooting range or hunting environment, as long as the ammunition is kept separate from the weapon.54]

Prepared by Edith Palmer, Chief,
Foreign, Comparative, and
International Law Division II
February 2013

"....the Swiss are very serious not only about their right to own weapons but also to carry them around in public. Because of this general acceptance and even pride in gun ownership, nobody bats an eye at the sight of a civilian riding a bus, bike or motorcycle to the shooting range, with a rifle slung across the shoulder."

Imagine how different the situation at the community college might have been had the students been allowed to "carry them around in public" instead of having been made sitting ducks by the absurd and dangerous Liberal "Gun Free Zone" policy.

PC hop on a plane and go to Switzerland, besides being incredibly beautiful you will get informed that while guns are prevalent, you will not see them everywhere like in Israel, only militia members are allowed to carry their guns in public and are never allowed to be loaded and you will also find that ammunition is held by the town and only 2000 militia members have ammo at home and it is sealed and inspected regularly. So whatever your stupid point is it doesn't make a whit of sense (as usual).

Did you miss my point?

Imagine how different the situation at the community college might have been had the students been allowed to "carry them around in public" instead of having been made sitting ducks by the absurd and dangerous Liberal "Gun Free Zone" policy.

Miss your point? Imagine if you used a correct analogy and not a phony supposition.

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