Rasmussen poll methodology is very suspect

4 YEARS ago?
And me stating the facts of the election results is what exactly?

The year is 2020, feel free to join us here and post something relevant to this discussion about this election.
Shitstain, recognize this...?

"Feel free to point to a post, any post, giving praise to Rasmussen."

[emphasis added to highlight the fun at Grampa Murked U's expense]
Its 4 years old and most importantly there is no praise. Just facts.

Polls are shit. I have been consistent on this since 2016. You are reaching

No praise?? You just can't stop lying, can ya, gramps? You praised them as being the most accurate pollster in the 2016 election....

"No other pollster tracked by RealClearPolitics came as close to the final results."

... now go sell stupid elsewhere.
That was a STATEMENT OF FACT dumbass. And it is completely irrelevant to this election.
You want all the way back to 2016 to debunk my post about THIS ELECTION.
There is no lie, you you stretching the argument into something it wasn't about.
That was praise, ya dumbfuck. It doesn't matter if it was factual or not.

to express a favorable judgment of : COMMEND

Which is exactly what you posted when you boasted Rasmussen had the most accurate presidential poll in 2016 in response to another poster bashing them.

"No other pollster tracked by RealClearPolitics came as close to the final results."

... now go sell stupid elsewhere.

You don't have a lot of friends, do you?
I do, but I have no doubt you feel better telling yourself I don't.

Obviously you don't. You're petty, angry, low content and highly partisan. No one would want to be around that
Yet here you are.

No, actually I'm not in your parents basement with you.

And may I add, ewww
My parents have passed ... and there are no basements where I live. And yes, you are "around me" on this forum. Which you would have put me on ignore had you actually meant what you said.

I chalk that up to you kazzing again. [cue kaz whining in 3...2...1...]

Why would I have put you on ignore again, little boi?
4 YEARS ago?
And me stating the facts of the election results is what exactly?

The year is 2020, feel free to join us here and post something relevant to this discussion about this election.
Shitstain, recognize this...?

"Feel free to point to a post, any post, giving praise to Rasmussen."

[emphasis added to highlight the fun at Grampa Murked U's expense]
Its 4 years old and most importantly there is no praise. Just facts.

Polls are shit. I have been consistent on this since 2016. You are reaching

No praise?? You just can't stop lying, can ya, gramps? You praised them as being the most accurate pollster in the 2016 election....

"No other pollster tracked by RealClearPolitics came as close to the final results."

... now go sell stupid elsewhere.
That was a STATEMENT OF FACT dumbass. And it is completely irrelevant to this election.
You want all the way back to 2016 to debunk my post about THIS ELECTION.
There is no lie, you you stretching the argument into something it wasn't about.
That was praise, ya dumbfuck. It doesn't matter if it was factual or not.

to express a favorable judgment of : COMMEND

Which is exactly what you posted when you boasted Rasmussen had the most accurate presidential poll in 2016 in response to another poster bashing them.

"No other pollster tracked by RealClearPolitics came as close to the final results."

... now go sell stupid elsewhere.

You don't have a lot of friends, do you?
I do, but I have no doubt you feel better telling yourself I don't.

Obviously you don't. You're petty, angry, low content and highly partisan. No one would want to be around that
Yet here you are.

No, actually I'm not in your parents basement with you.

And may I add, ewww
My parents have passed ... and there are no basements where I live. And yes, you are "around me" on this forum. Which you would have put me on ignore had you actually meant what you said.

I chalk that up to you kazzing again. [cue kaz whining in 3...2...1...]

Why would I have put you on ignore again, little boi?
If you were a man of your word. You're not very bright.
4 YEARS ago?
And me stating the facts of the election results is what exactly?

The year is 2020, feel free to join us here and post something relevant to this discussion about this election.
Shitstain, recognize this...?

"Feel free to point to a post, any post, giving praise to Rasmussen."

[emphasis added to highlight the fun at Grampa Murked U's expense]
Its 4 years old and most importantly there is no praise. Just facts.

Polls are shit. I have been consistent on this since 2016. You are reaching

No praise?? You just can't stop lying, can ya, gramps? You praised them as being the most accurate pollster in the 2016 election....

"No other pollster tracked by RealClearPolitics came as close to the final results."

... now go sell stupid elsewhere.
That was a STATEMENT OF FACT dumbass. And it is completely irrelevant to this election.
You want all the way back to 2016 to debunk my post about THIS ELECTION.
There is no lie, you you stretching the argument into something it wasn't about.
That was praise, ya dumbfuck. It doesn't matter if it was factual or not.

to express a favorable judgment of : COMMEND

Which is exactly what you posted when you boasted Rasmussen had the most accurate presidential poll in 2016 in response to another poster bashing them.

"No other pollster tracked by RealClearPolitics came as close to the final results."

... now go sell stupid elsewhere.
The only stupid is you equating a 4 year old poll to today's poll. And a statement of FACT is not praise ya idiot.

I've often called Trump a troll. That is a statement of fact. Is it too now praise?

4 YEARS ago?
And me stating the facts of the election results is what exactly?

The year is 2020, feel free to join us here and post something relevant to this discussion about this election.
Shitstain, recognize this...?

"Feel free to point to a post, any post, giving praise to Rasmussen."

[emphasis added to highlight the fun at Grampa Murked U's expense]
Its 4 years old and most importantly there is no praise. Just facts.

Polls are shit. I have been consistent on this since 2016. You are reaching

No praise?? You just can't stop lying, can ya, gramps? You praised them as being the most accurate pollster in the 2016 election....

"No other pollster tracked by RealClearPolitics came as close to the final results."

... now go sell stupid elsewhere.
That was a STATEMENT OF FACT dumbass. And it is completely irrelevant to this election.
You want all the way back to 2016 to debunk my post about THIS ELECTION.
There is no lie, you you stretching the argument into something it wasn't about.
That was praise, ya dumbfuck. It doesn't matter if it was factual or not.

to express a favorable judgment of : COMMEND

Which is exactly what you posted when you boasted Rasmussen had the most accurate presidential poll in 2016 in response to another poster bashing them.

"No other pollster tracked by RealClearPolitics came as close to the final results."

... now go sell stupid elsewhere.

You don't have a lot of friends, do you?
I do, but I have no doubt you feel better telling yourself I don't.

Obviously you don't. You're petty, angry, low content and highly partisan. No one would want to be around that
Yet here you are.

No, actually I'm not in your parents basement with you.

And may I add, ewww
My parents have passed ... and there are no basements where I live. And yes, you are "around me" on this forum. Which you would have put me on ignore had you actually meant what you said.

I chalk that up to you kazzing again. [cue kaz whining in 3...2...1...]

Why would I have put you on ignore again, little boi?
Because you're a cowardly POS republican???
4 YEARS ago?
And me stating the facts of the election results is what exactly?

The year is 2020, feel free to join us here and post something relevant to this discussion about this election.
Shitstain, recognize this...?

"Feel free to point to a post, any post, giving praise to Rasmussen."

[emphasis added to highlight the fun at Grampa Murked U's expense]
Its 4 years old and most importantly there is no praise. Just facts.

Polls are shit. I have been consistent on this since 2016. You are reaching

No praise?? You just can't stop lying, can ya, gramps? You praised them as being the most accurate pollster in the 2016 election....

"No other pollster tracked by RealClearPolitics came as close to the final results."

... now go sell stupid elsewhere.
That was a STATEMENT OF FACT dumbass. And it is completely irrelevant to this election.
You want all the way back to 2016 to debunk my post about THIS ELECTION.
There is no lie, you you stretching the argument into something it wasn't about.
That was praise, ya dumbfuck. It doesn't matter if it was factual or not.

to express a favorable judgment of : COMMEND

Which is exactly what you posted when you boasted Rasmussen had the most accurate presidential poll in 2016 in response to another poster bashing them.

"No other pollster tracked by RealClearPolitics came as close to the final results."

... now go sell stupid elsewhere.
The only stupid is you equating a 4 year old poll to today's poll. And a statement of FACT is not praise ya idiot.

I've often called Trump a troll. That is a statement of fact. Is it too now praise?

As if you're not already dumb, you're actually getting dumber as I did not compare the poll from 4 years ago to today's poll. All I did was to repost a post of yours praising Rasmussen after you moronically claimed you've never done that.

Ya did.

I recall that a couple of pollsters got it right in 2016. Folks on the right often cited them, for good reason it turned out. I can't recall the pollsters' names. One was based in California I think. Perhaps we should look for their names and what their numbers show right now.

Nate Silver was the most widely cited one for saying Trump was in far better shape than most believed in 2016
I'm talking actual pollsters, not 538.
I have never seen lower enthusiasm for a Presidential ticket than Biden/Harris. It is dead in the water. The pumping of the public polls is all they have left. To even suggest Biden/Harris is going to turn out people at 30% more than Obama is beyond belief and simply gas lighting.

Only 75% of R's for Trump? It will be closer to 90%, if not more.

30% higher turnout than Obama. I am going to guess turnout might actually be down from 2016 overall.
4 YEARS ago?
And me stating the facts of the election results is what exactly?

The year is 2020, feel free to join us here and post something relevant to this discussion about this election.
Shitstain, recognize this...?

"Feel free to point to a post, any post, giving praise to Rasmussen."

[emphasis added to highlight the fun at Grampa Murked U's expense]
Its 4 years old and most importantly there is no praise. Just facts.

Polls are shit. I have been consistent on this since 2016. You are reaching

No praise?? You just can't stop lying, can ya, gramps? You praised them as being the most accurate pollster in the 2016 election....

"No other pollster tracked by RealClearPolitics came as close to the final results."

... now go sell stupid elsewhere.
That was a STATEMENT OF FACT dumbass. And it is completely irrelevant to this election.
You want all the way back to 2016 to debunk my post about THIS ELECTION.
There is no lie, you you stretching the argument into something it wasn't about.
That was praise, ya dumbfuck. It doesn't matter if it was factual or not.

to express a favorable judgment of : COMMEND

Which is exactly what you posted when you boasted Rasmussen had the most accurate presidential poll in 2016 in response to another poster bashing them.

"No other pollster tracked by RealClearPolitics came as close to the final results."

... now go sell stupid elsewhere.

You don't have a lot of friends, do you?
I do, but I have no doubt you feel better telling yourself I don't.

Obviously you don't. You're petty, angry, low content and highly partisan. No one would want to be around that
Yet here you are.

No, actually I'm not in your parents basement with you.

And may I add, ewww
My parents have passed ... and there are no basements where I live. And yes, you are "around me" on this forum. Which you would have put me on ignore had you actually meant what you said.

I chalk that up to you kazzing again. [cue kaz whining in 3...2...1...]

Why would I have put you on ignore again, little boi?
If you were a man of your word. You're not very bright.

I just asked you what that meant, boi, and you still haven't answered
I recall that a couple of pollsters got it right in 2016. Folks on the right often cited them, for good reason it turned out. I can't recall the pollsters' names. One was based in California I think. Perhaps we should look for their names and what their numbers show right now.

Nate Silver was the most widely cited one for saying Trump was in far better shape than most believed in 2016
I'm talking actual pollsters, not 538.

Ah, gotcha. So you're focusing on the pollsters who got it completely wrong

According to a guest on Becks radio show Rasmussen is saying that only 75% of Republicans will vote for Trump and that leads to a 12 point loss to Biden.

Sorry I do not have a link but if you have access to their methodology its supposedly right at the beginning.

I find this percentage VERY unlikely.

Well, the question is why to even look at the polls? Or, would polls change the way you vote for somebody?

It's all manipulation, anyways. Here is interesting comparison.

Back in October 2016, NBC/WSJ released poll with Clinton +14 ahead of Trump. In October 2020, the same combo released a poll with Biden at +14 ahead of Trump. Coincidence?

Lets go bit further, in October 2016, WaPo/ABC released poll with Clinton +12 on Trump, and in October 2020 (last week), they released Biden +12 ahead of Trump. Coincidence?

For them it's all part of the propaganda, and if you fall for it, it's on you, not on them.
Nate Silver was the most widely cited one for saying Trump was in far better shape than most believed in 2016

And now Nate Silver only has him at 13% chance of winning.

of course, if anything, the Pollsters are probably overestimating Trump's chances because they got caught flat-footed last time.

That has nothing to do with anything I argued. I only answered bdtex's question.

You really are just stupid. I have no idea what you even think you're arguing when you quote me. Nowhere did I say Nate Silver in general knew anything. Only that factually he was the main one who did get 2016 right
Ah, gotcha. So you're focusing on the pollsters who got it completely wrong
Actually, I'm focusing on the 2 that were closest to getting it right. Here's one of them:

What makes you believe that being the most right in one election would prove accuracy in the next?
Ah, gotcha. So you're focusing on the pollsters who got it completely wrong
The other one that came the closest in 2016 to getting it right was the LA Times poll. It has a different name now:

This is going to be maybe the hardest election ever to predict. Polls are produced assuming past trends regarding party, race, gender. But Trump throws those all in the air. He's a populist, not a conservative. We really have no idea how close this is or if it's close.

And I see no reason to believe that just because someone got a poll close in 2016 that means they are the best at identifying the trends over the last four years which are clearly deviating from historical norms
[/QUOTE="kaz, post: 25689221, member: 26616"]

What makes you believe that being the most right in one election would prove accuracy in the next?
I don't. But I'm not from the side of the aisle that said all were fake in 2016 and all are fake now. IBD/TIPP and LA Times, within their MOEs, were the closest in 2016 and the LA Times actually had Trump winning without the MOE. Even the polls that were right were and still are wrong according to Trump supporters. Fun times.
This is going to be maybe the hardest election ever to predict. Polls are produced assuming past trends regarding party, race, gender. But Trump throws those all in the air. He's a populist, not a conservative. We really have no idea how close this is or if it's close.

And I see no reason to believe that just because someone got a poll close in 2016 that means they are the best at identifying the trends over the last four years which are clearly deviating from historical norms
On a related matter, I'm really enjoying this election cycle. You? Lotta freedom in being out of gafs.
This is going to be maybe the hardest election ever to predict. Polls are produced assuming past trends regarding party, race, gender. But Trump throws those all in the air. He's a populist, not a conservative. We really have no idea how close this is or if it's close.

And I see no reason to believe that just because someone got a poll close in 2016 that means they are the best at identifying the trends over the last four years which are clearly deviating from historical norms
On a related matter, I'm really enjoying this election cycle. You? Lotta freedom in being out of gafs.

It's going to be interesting. I don't believe the polls saying Biden is going to win a landslide, but I don't know how it is going to turn out either

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