Ready To Admit You Made A Huggggge Mistake???

Let's leave that determination to readers of your posts, as to which party you give aid and comfort to.

I don't believe there will be any doubt that you are a lying low life.

I bet you hear that lot, huh?
Donā€™t need others determining what political party I belong to. Thatā€™s the great thing. There an actual registration process involved one in which I have never undergone. Iā€™m not a democrat. Itā€™s just a simple fact. One you were wrong about
Youā€™d have to ask him but I believe that his excuse is supply shortages due to the pandemic, the war with Russia for gas prices and price gouging. He hasnā€™t fessed to the impact of massive spending which is obviously a cause as well
hahah yeah...i've asked him...his excuses don't match reality...inflation was climbing to record highs before Putin invaded Ukraine again.....I do agree he f'd up supply chains in the US.

As far as price gouging....which is comical...why hasn't Xiden prosecuted anyone? Why didn't companies do that under other Presidents?
Iā€™ll explain againā€¦ I asked about those numbers to make the point that the pandemic screwed traditional economic numbers. You responded to my questions by making that point which was my intent by asking.
the pandemic didn't screw with traditional numbers....other then UE, which was expected, due to closing things down. Inflation remained the same
Did you get your imaginary cork from your imaginary friend? Here in reality you are simply sounding foolish and not backing up a word of the shit you spew

Why would you attempt to save face.....there was never any to begin with.

I did enjoy wiping up the floor with you.


Did you write this?

"I did not hear one elected leader support the riots and violence."
Accepted And Encouraged -The Worst Pathologiesā€¦.
post 48

Kamala Harris: riots shouldn't stop!

Every Democrat calling for violence:

ā€œNancy Pelosi wonders why there ā€˜arenā€™t uprisingsā€™ across nation: ā€˜Maybe there will beā€™ā€

ā€œRep. Ayanna Pressley calls for 'unrest in the streets' ahead of election
ā€œThere needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as thereā€™s unrest in our lives, and unfortunately, thereā€™s plenty to go around,ā€ the Massachusetts Democrat and member of the so-called ā€œSquadā€ told MSNBCā€™s Tiffany Cross.ā€ Ayanna Pressley calls for ā€˜unrest in the streetsā€™ ahead of election

ā€œThe Speech As Incitement Case Against Trump Continues to Crumbleā€œ [On] January 5, 2021, an unknown individual placed two pipe bombs in Washington, D.C. One pipe bomb was placed at the headquarters of the RNC ā€¦ and the other was placed at the headquarters of the DNC,ā€ the FBI said.

NBC News reported that the FBI and the NYPD alerted the Capitol Police in advance as to the possibility that there would be violence and rioting on the day of Trumpā€™s speech. Such news countered previous assertions by federal law enforcement officials that they were unaware of any intelligence suggesting protesters would become violent and possibly storm the Capitol.

The Democratsā€™ chief argument against Trump is that he ā€œincitedā€ rioters with his speech. Itā€™s always been a specious argument at best. But if all of this was preplanned ā€“ and itā€™s becoming more obvious by the day that it was, their case falls apart.ā€ The Speech As Incitement Case Against Trump Continues to Crumble

"28 Times Media And Democrats Excused Or Endorsed Violence Committed By Left-Wing Activists

These Fascistsā€¦.Democratsā€¦.are really upset about the Capitol riot, the one seeded by Biden votersā€¦.but they all have newsheimersā€¦ memory of

1. ā€¦.hundreds of riots across the country, the ones they supported leading up to the election

2. ā€¦.of thousands of police officers injured

3. ā€¦of the $billions in damage done by their voters

4. ā€¦burning city blocks

5. ā€¦of the phony CNN news media people like Ali Velshi, telling us itā€™s mostly peaceful, while he is standing in front of what looks like Dresden.

6. So they noticed one riot of the hundreds, and as a result militarized Washington, DC, with thousands of troops.

7. ā€œAnimus mounts inside Capitolā€¦Fears of violence from Trump supporters growā€ The Washington Post

8. Biden voters have been burning and sacking cities for monthsā€¦.and we never saw that sort of headline. Some 30 people killed in the Biden/Harris riotsā€¦.but the yellow press was silent.​

9. "28 Times Media And Democrats Excused Or Endorsed Violence Committed By Left-Wing Activists
After excusing and ignoring riots from leftists all year, Democrats and their allies in the media are ready to condemn riots now that the turmoil has shifted to fit their narrative."

28 Times Media And Democrats Excused Violence By Left-Wing Activists
After excusing and ignoring riots from leftists, Democrats and their allies in the media are ready to condemn riots now that the turmoil has shifted.

10. Police officer shoots perpetrator about to stab a citizen to death, and the Democrats claim racism.

Democrat doing what Democrats do: lie.

CNN Claims Kenosha Protests Are ā€˜Fiery But Mostly Peacefulā€™ As City Burns Behind Reporter

Were you lying to shield your party???????
hahah yeah...i've asked him...his excuses don't match reality...inflation was climbing to record highs before Putin invaded Ukraine again.....I do agree he f'd up supply chains in the US.

As far as price gouging....which is comical...why hasn't Xiden prosecuted anyone? Why didn't companies do that under other Presidents?
Companies have been doing that for ever. Look at their profit trends. We live in a capitalist society despite all the commie claims yā€™all make. Big business still sets their own prices and make record profits during tough economic times. Inflation was on the rise before the war because of supply issues and massive spending. It wasnā€™t just Biden screwing things up in the USA, it was a world wide issue due to a pandemic. The war effected oil and gas more than it was currently being impacted
Normal people can see how good Biden has been. Save the gaslighting for your fellow fascist cult morons. It has no effect on normal people.

Also, tone down the hysteria. It reveals how upset you are about the asswhupping that Biden continues to inflict on you. And that encourages us to continue to do what's making you cry. If you'd hide what's causing you pain, you'd receive less pain.

Please tell us abnormal people how good Biden has been with something objective. Consider you'd be doing us a favor as opposed to justify your fucking tribal stupidity. Go!
Normal people can see how good Biden has been. Save the gaslighting for your fellow fascist cult morons. It has no effect on normal people.

Also, tone down the hysteria. It reveals how upset you are about the asswhupping that Biden continues to inflict on you. And that encourages us to continue to do what's making you cry. If you'd hide what's causing you pain, you'd receive less pain.
56% of Americans disapprove of Joe Biden and the job he has done for America. So many "normal" Americans dis agree with you.
Companies have been doing that for ever. Look at their profit trends. We live in a capitalist society despite all the commie claims yā€™all make. Big business still sets their own prices and make record profits during tough economic times. Inflation was on the rise before the war because of supply issues and massive spending. It wasnā€™t just Biden screwing things up in the USA, it was a world wide issue due to a pandemic. The war effected oil and gas more than it was currently being impacted
Really? Forever? Then how come we are at a record high of inflation now? How come inflation wasn't this high under Clinton? Bush? Obama or Trump? How come Reagan was able to get it down from where Carter had it? How did Reagan get companies to do that? Why won't Xiden?
Normal people can see how good Biden has been.


Have you been to the gas station lately?
She said protests shouldnā€™t stop. It was right there in the video you posted. You lied again.

Protests, meaning riots, arsons, assaults, acts of domestic terrorism.....designed by your party, the Democrats, to destabilize Trumps miracuous economy.

Gads, you are such lying scum.

And then she organized bail for rioters and looters and arsonists.

Bail fund backed by Kamala Harris freed same rioter twice ā€ŗ politics ā€ŗ bail-fund-kamala-h...
Feb 2, 2021 ā€” A man who was twice bailed out of jail in separate cases by a fund supported by Vice President Kamala Harris has been arrested again while ...

Man twice bailed out by Harris-supported fund arrested again ā€ŗ 2021/02/03 ā€ŗ man-twice-bailed-ou...
Feb 3, 2021 ā€” Thomas Moseley's latest collar stems from his arrest on Oct. 15., when he was charged with damaging a Minneapolis Police Department's Fifth ...

So you are a Democrat, huh?
Really? Forever? Then how come we are at a record high of inflation now? How come inflation wasn't this high under Clinton? Bush? Obama or Trump? How come Reagan was able to get it down from where Carter had it? How did Reagan get companies to do that? Why won't Xiden?
Companies went nuts because of regan and his tax cuts. Look at how the wealth disparity shot up directly after his 81 cuts. The rich soaked up all the money in our economy. None of your listed presidents dealt with a pandemic and global shutdown that involved printing trillions of dollars and watering down our currency. Thatā€™s why we have inflation now. The whole world does
Protests, meaning riots
No protests mean protests. They are constitutionally protected by the first amendment. She said protests. You lied and said she said riots. Riots are not protests, riots are riots and are illegal. You just show how dishonest you are.
No protests mean protests. They are constitutionally protected by the first amendment. She said protests. You lied and said she said riots. Riots are not protests, riots are riots and are illegal. You just show how dishonest you are.

12 thousand of them by your party, the Democrats, and it meant arson, assault, murder, domestic terrorism.

You know that, you lying scum.

Your sort told them to commit these acts, and then released them forthwith.

When, exactly, did you become a Nazi????

Was it the same time you learned to hate America????
No protests mean protests. They are constitutionally protected by the first amendment. She said protests. You lied and said she said riots. Riots are not protests, riots are riots and are illegal. You just show how dishonest you are.
Her specialties are intellectual dishonesty, name calling and personal insults.

You really have her triggered here.

No protests mean protests. They are constitutionally protected by the first amendment. She said protests. You lied and said she said riots. Riots are not protests, riots are riots and are illegal. You just show how dishonest you are.

Speaking of those who lie in the interests of the Democrts....did you write this?

" There arenā€™t so many racist hoaxes. There have been a few."

Here's 28 pages of them:
Her specialties are intellectual dishonesty, name calling and personal insults.

You really have her triggered here.


Another dunce checks in.

Remember when I proved you are a Nazi???
You want to punish thoughts??

You actually wrote this:
"Racism is not an act. It's a belief system.
That's the third time I've said that. What's wrong with you?
I wonder if you have any idea how dishonest you are."

Post #92
They've Always Been 'Racists'

As a ā€˜beliefā€™ is a thoughtā€¦.I proved it here:


beĀ·lief | \ bə-Ėˆlēf \

Definition of belief

a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or popular belief

2: something that is accepted, considered to be true, or held as an opinion : something believed an individual's religious or political beliefs

. Definition of BELIEF

....clearly you do subscribe to the idea of 'thought crimes,' as all you Nazis do.

And that is why you ran from this question:
Is a ā€˜beliefā€™ an action, or a thought?

Wrong. I was actually a Trump fan in his reality tv days. Seen every episode. I think he is a horrible politician and person but a great entertainer. I think Joe is fine as a public person. Never met him so I canā€™t speak about him personally. I donā€™t agree with a lot of his policy positionsā€¦ but he was the only one who could have gotten trump out and restored a feeling or boringness and stagnation to Washington which I thought was necessary. He has served his purpose and I donā€™t think he should run again
I wonder how you come into this universe, did you come with Venom or America Chavez?:D:D:D:D:D:D
Exclusive: limiting or limited to possession, control, or use by a single individual or group
The legislatue, no state court.
In our country, laws are enacted by the legislature, administered by the executive and interpreted by the judiciary. Can legislatures be expected to ratify statutes that address every minute detail of policy? The most probable answer is ā€œno.ā€ Therefore, it may be realistic to permit delegation of some legislative powers. Questions typically arise, however, over which powers can be delegated, to whom and to what extent.

If a State legislature says a certain school is to be used as a polling place but the school burns down the day before the election, does the voting still have to occur in the school remains if the legislature is not in session?

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