Reagan Believed that the 2nd Amendment Did Not Apply to Machine Guns

thank god it no longer resembles the party of the mass murderer Reagan.,the man that got the ball rolling for the destruction of America that each president after him expanded on until Trump came along thank god.


There has never been a mass shooting in the U.S. with an automatic weapon. Assault weapons look scary, which is good enough, right?

The issue is this: Every time there is a mass shooting, people call their congressperson and ask them to DO SOMETHING. But everything that CAN be done, consistent with the Second Amendment and other civil rights, has been done.

So the congresspeople, wanting to DO SOMETHING propose stupid laws that won't accomplish a fucking thing. Like an "assault weapons" ban. Then they can tell their constituents that the DID SOMETHING, even if it was stupid.

There has never been a mass shooting in the U.S. with an automatic weapon. Assault weapons look scary, which is good enough, right?

The issue is this: Every time there is a mass shooting, people call their congressperson and ask them to DO SOMETHING. But everything that CAN be done, consistent with the Second Amendment and other civil rights, has been done.

So the congresspeople, wanting to DO SOMETHING propose stupid laws that won't accomplish a fucking thing. Like an "assault weapons" ban. Then they can tell their constituents that the DID SOMETHING, even if it was stupid.
St Valentines Day Massacre?
A pointless thread IMO, and in majority inaccurate or besides the point postings, if I may say so.

It isn't about the AR-15 "looking" like a military weapon or Assault Rifle - but that a semi-automatic weapon (that in it's standard version, is already able to produce a higher firing rate then e.g. a single bolt action rifle), is very easy to purchase - and can be turned into a fully automatic weapon, simply via a respective Bump Stock.

These bump stock devices are AFAIK 100% legal (a semi-automatic rifle equipped with one is still not classified as an automatic weapon), Combine e.g. a bump stock modified AR-15 with a 100-round magazine and essentially you have a full-fledged machine gun in your hands.

It's a technical legal loophole - that IMO needs to be handled accordingly and that in general, magazines - holding more then 10 rounds shouldn't be allowed outside of a shooting range. - just my 2 cents.
It was restricted under the Federal Assault Weapons Ban.
No it wasn’t. AK-47s were banned by the 1934 National Firearms Act firearms ban. They were clearly what Reagan was talking about.
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The AR15 is legal to own.... dummy... and it’s not a machine gun stupid....
Even the M-16 is legal to own if you can afford one and are willing to jump through the regulatory hoops to get a permit. Personally I wouldn’t want to own a full auto weapon, ammo is too expensive to burn through on “rock and roll”. I fired full auto weapons on active duty and it’s a lot of fun, but I’m too cheap to buy ammo. That’s why I don’t four wheel, it was fun when Uncle Sam payed for the repairs, but I can’t see bending up a forty or fifty grand off-roader.

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