Zone1 Religion is not needed if a "golden rule" is valued

Cognitive dissonance occurs when they are trying to maintain contradictory ideas in their head at the same time. For instance when they hear from some conman that Jesus claimed to be God, and then profess to believe, and then hear that someone was walking the earth who claimed to be God in the flesh they would never believe knowing that person is at best mentally ill if not evil.

Getting someone to accept absurd contradictory beliefs has predicable mind numbing effects....
Good point, LOL. And a good conversation with you today! Another purpose being served is that we've caused ding to go to ground!
Again I can only imagine that China's system will be the first to conquer the religion problem. It's destructive of progress.
Screw China, I mean the government, not the people.

The problem with religion will only be solved when someone finds a way to vindicate believers of every religion, skeptics, and unbelievers alike. I see every claim or story in the Bible that contradicts well known facts about reality is like a giant X on a treasure map marking the exact place where something of great value was buried and hidden through figurative language.

When all the above people agree on what that treasure is the problem of religion will be solved.

And then a new Holy book will be written with new fairy tales to teach the children of the future the hard learned lessons of their distant past, our present.
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Does anyone really need proof that someone who claims to be saved yet is doing what their own holy book clearly teaches is sinful and evil is a liar? Aren't their words and deeds proof enough?
Some of them truly believe and so they can escape the fact that it's all lies, in good conscience. But some of them are too intelligent to be able to escape the fact that they know they know they are living the lies. That's what makes our ding and our Meriweather so interesting.

Fwiw, I'm pretty sure that ding at least is following this conversation we've been having.
Screw China, I mean the government, not the people.

The problem with religion will only be solved when someone finds a way to vindicate believers of every religion, skeptics, and unbelievers alike. I see every claim or story in the Bible that contradicts well known facts about reality is like a giant X on a treasure map marking the exact place where something of great value was buried and hidden through figurative language.

When all the above people agree on what that treasure is the problem of religion will be solved.

And then a new Holy book will be written with new fairy tales to teach the children of the future the hard learned lessons of their distant past, our present.
China is another discussion we should have. Suffice to say for now, I believe that China may have invented a brand of capitalism that really works.
You might want to tell that you yourself. You're the one who posted this gem after all, remember?

"all you are really doing is showing me how intellectually inferior you are to me"

Now thats rich!
That was an objective statement. It's true.
There are ancient accounts that have nothing in common but 'dust' or dirt or earth. And then there's Darwin and evolution which we both accept. So you have to somehow make your dustman theory work with that.

This is where you need to depend on the church's free pass that allows you to not ask questions and not think. That's what Christians call 'faith'.
I wouldn't believe your Westboro interpretations of Genesis either. So it seems you are in agreement with me that these accounts were how ancient man passed down knowledge and information. But it seems we need to settle this in the bull ring.
It takes intellectual capacity to understand, or at least try to understand how these stories came about.

A movie I watched many years ago demonstrated one possibility. A small airplane flew over somewhere in Africa where an isolated tribe was located and one of the people in the plane threw out an empty Coke bottle. A tribesman below picked up the bottle, took it to his tribe and placed on an altar to worship as a gift from heaven/the sky.

In any case, all that aside, then we both have to come back to our belief in Darwinian evolution.

If I recall correctly the movie was Von Danikan's, "The Gods Must be Crazy"
And yet you keep acting like these accounts are coke bottles that were made into gods. That just isn't the case. So I think we should test your intellect in the bull ring.
bing, were the chinese jewish also and built a temple and the burning bush spoke to them and believe they were chosen as yourself - as special people ... and madeup phony 10 commandments claimed etched in the heavens.
The early dynasties shared a common heritage from that region BEFORE Abraham.
I wouldn't believe your Westboro interpretations of Genesis either.
I have no idea on what they believe.
So it seems you are in agreement with me that these accounts were how ancient man passed down knowledge and information.
As stated. All they needed to pass down was what the man was made of, and seeing nothing else around then why not dirt?
But it seems we need to settle this in the bull ring.
As you choose, but I will have to invite others who have an interest.
The early dynasties shared a common heritage from that region BEFORE Abraham.

- really and jesus the paradisian believed the liar moses or abraham than their own heritage and that's why they treated him so well, the jews.

jesus, who taught liberation theology, self determination for remission as was the heavenly message granted a&e for their journeys completion.
Bragging about communism? Really?
Their unequalled success with a new brand of capitalism affords them bragging rights.

Trump could easily adapt to China's way in that he wants success as his top priority, while fulfilling the needs of the people. It's just that he will compromise the people's needs first.
I have no idea on what they believe.

As stated. All they needed to pass down was what the man was made of, and seeing nothing else around then why not dirt?

As you choose, but I will have to invite others who have an interest.
You should. Take your interpretations and that's their interpretations. Don't be afraid of me. I don't bite.
- really and jesus the paradisian believed the liar moses or abraham than their own heritage and that's why they treated him so well, the jews.

jesus, who taught liberation theology, self determination for remission as was the heavenly message granted a&e for their journeys completion.
The accounts of Genesis predate Abraham.
Their unequalled success with a new brand of capitalism affords them bragging rights.

Trump could easily adapt to China's way in that he wants success as his top priority, while fulfilling the needs of the people. It's just that he will compromise the people's needs first.
That sounds like communist propaganda to me.
The accounts of Genesis predate Abraham.
- really and jesus the paradisian believed the liar moses or abraham than their own heritage and that's why they treated him so well, the jews.

who's account, yours as the liar moses's or the true accounts those in the 1st century gave their lives for ... were the chinese turned into jews.
No. It offends my scientific worldview and reinforces my belief that the universe popping into existence being hardwired to produce intelligence shatters yours.
You do NOT have a scientific view. You have a faith-based theistic worldview. Your beliefs about creation (hardwired? Huh??) have no scientific merit, or even philosophy-of-science merit.

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