Zone1 Religion is not needed if a "golden rule" is valued

The so what is that you tried to claim you walked both paths but didn't.

If it were snake oil, why am I so damn happy, joyous, peaceful and prosperous?

I never said I walked any paths I said I was raised in a religious household.

and you didn't find any gods by yourself because religion was all around you your entire life and lo and behold you follow the the most popular one in this society.

If you were born and raised in Iran you would be a Muslim. If you were born and raised in India you would be a Hindu.

All you did was follow the crowd
I never said I walked any paths I said I was raised in a religious household.

and you didn't find any gods by yourself because religion was all around you your entire life and lo and behold you follow the the most popular one in this society.

If you were born and raised in Iran you would be a Muslim. If you were born and raised in India you would be a Hindu.

All you did was follow the crowd
Again... not in my case. Apparently that must drive you crazy.
Again... not in my case. Apparently that must drive you crazy.
Of course it is.

You are denying the power society has had over you literally from the day you were born.

It's that naivete that makes you easy prey for religions
Of course it is.

You are denying the power society has had over you literally from the day you were born.

It's that naivete that makes you easy prey for religions
That's how you need to see it to rationalize your choices but that's not reality.
My heart bursts at the seams with love for God. Can't get much happier than that.

Right. lol..."The heart" is the organ in which ancient people believed that consciousness was seated. Now it is well known that consciousness is seated in the organ of the brain, the mind.

I will tell you something. Try to hear.

In the very day that you first got down on your knees in the deranged adoration of the eucharist, a lifeless matzo, MADE BY HUMAN HANDS, that can neither see, hear, speak, or walk, has no spiritual life to give, is not the Body (teaching) of Christ, much less God, that you literally eat for "spiritual life", you died and descended into the realm of the dead, HELL, insanity, where you remain to this day tormented by reality which contradicts your delusional beliefs, day and night, like a consuming fire that will never go out. In fact every time that you go to mass, you die, never finding peace in death. Your "heart", your mind, "bursting at the seams" is the result of setting aside the law of God that forbids idolatry, a perfect description for the disintegration of your ability to be honest and rational, the very qualities that define what constitutes a "living being".

So I acknowledge that you are having a profound religious experience, just not a very good one.

I'm happy for you if life in hell makes you happy, even though your every post screams torment.
That is not intended to be a criticism. It is intended to be an illustration of just how difficult a task it is to discover the original meaning from ancient accounts from 6,000 years ago. YOU read these texts like they were written yesterday looking for ways to discredit them and make yourself feel superior rather than seeking the original meaning and wisdom.

Ahem. I am not discrediting the stories, I am revealing the hidden teaching intended to be understood by Hebrew children 3000 years ago which in actuality validates the stories in as much as the teaching still applies and is as relevant and essential to life as it was in at the dawn of creation when light was spoken into existence in the form of codified instruction, the Law.

But all you are really doing is showing me how intellectually inferior you are to me. So please stop wasting my time with your third grade arguments.

But thats the thing, ding. These stories were meant to be understood by children who lived 3000 years ago. Third grade arguments? Second grade arguments should be enough for anyone, rational. So I am very impressed by your "superior intelligence" that can't grasp what was intended to be understood by children, even after being schooled by intellectually inferior me.

I remain in awe by your inscrutable wisdom and "faith", I mean, faithless obstinate stupidity. :auiqs.jpg:
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Right. lol..."The heart" is the organ in which ancient people believed that consciousness was seated. Now it is well known that consciousness is seated in the organ of the brain, the mind.

I will tell you something. Try to hear.

In the very day that you first got down on your knees in the deranged adoration of the eucharist, a lifeless matzo, MADE BY HUMAN HANDS, that can neither see, hear, speak, or walk, has no spiritual life to give, is not the Body (teaching) of Christ, much less God, that you literally eat for "spiritual life", you died and descended into the realm of the dead, HELL, insanity, where you remain to this day tormented by reality which contradicts your delusional beliefs, day and night, like a consuming fire that will never go out. In fact every time that you go to mass, you die, never finding peace in death. Your "heart", your mind, "bursting at the seams" is the result of setting aside the law of God that forbids idolatry, a perfect description for the disintegration of your ability to be honest and rational, the very qualities that define what constitutes a "living being".

So I acknowledge that you are having a profound religious experience, just not a very good one.

I'm happy for you if life in hell makes you happy, even though your every post screams torment.
No amount of your fake theology can alter my reality. I love God and God loves me. This love has produced an incredible amount of joy, happiness, peace, successful relationships and material wealth. I have chosen the better portion and it will not be taken from me. Especially not by such a fake charlatan like you.
Ahem. I am not discrediting the stories, I am revealing the hidden teaching intended to be understood by Hebrew children 3000 years ago which in actuality validates the stories in as much as the teaching still applies and is as relevant and essential to life as it was in at the dawn of creation when light was spoken into existence in the form of codified instruction, the Law.

But thats the thing, ding. These stories were meant to be understood by children who lived 3000 years ago. Third grade arguments? Second grade arguments should be enough for anyone, rational. So I am very impressed by your "superior intelligence" that can't grasp what was intended to be understood by children, even after being schooled by intellectually inferior me.

I remain in awe by your inscrutable wisdom and "faith", I mean, faithless obstinate stupidity. :auiqs.jpg:
You're a fake. Your theology is fake. You're a subversive intent on subordinating Christianity. That's your reality. Nothing you write should be taken at face value.
You're a fake. Your theology is fake. You're a subversive intent on subordinating Christianity. That's your reality. Nothing you write should be taken at face value.
Alrighty then. If any of that is true why does it make you act like an ass? Some salvation you got

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