Remember How It Was All About Hunter Biden Just A Month Before The Election?


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Wha Happened to all those very important stories?


Here's what happened...

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Wow, Marc shows some low information folks really are in the crazy zone. Marc, instead of reading ridiculous Fake News sites, watch the Tucker interview in which the Biden business partner exposes the corruption and confirms Sleepy China Joe was getting a percentage of Hunter's cut, when Hunter was not smoking crack with Asian teenagers. Here is a question, ya know when Sleepy Joe said he and Obama would withhold aid to the Ukraine unless the prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden was fire on video, do you think the video was faked? Or do you think corruption by democrats is okay? Answer the questions!
OP fail

Lamestream media refused to report a story that is backed up with video and official documents.

Hunter is a misogynist wanna be playboy, fueled by cocaine and meth, who refuses to pay child support, who had an affair with his dead brother's wife, and is under investigation for tax evasion among other things.
Wow, Marc shows some low information folks really are in the crazy zone. Marc, instead of reading ridiculous Fake News sites, watch the Tucker interview in which the Biden business partner exposes the corruption and confirms Sleepy China Joe was getting a percentage of Hunter's cut, when Hunter was not smoking crack with Asian teenagers. Here is a question, ya know when Sleepy Joe said he and Obama would withhold aid to the Ukraine unless the prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden was fire on video, do you think the video was faked? Or do you think corruption by democrats is okay? Answer the questions!

Still waiting on proof of voter fraud or that the machines were hooked to the internet. The Hunter Biden story is more of the same. Trump lies.. That makes him a loser.
More conspiracy theories that Hunter Biden is innocent and Daddy's not being blackmailed by China ?

The real October surprise should have been Durham indictments but they paid him off obviously.
Can you people summarize the Hunter Biden story in a clear and concise manner?


'You people' is derogatory.

How about 'You people' do your own homework.

PS - I forgot a few things.
Hunter was kicked out of the military for drug abuse.
Hunter has never held a job - the dude is 50 something years old and NEVER held a job! wtf is that all about?
More conspiracy theories that Hunter Biden is innocent and Daddy's not being blackmailed by China ?

The real October surprise should have been Durham indictments but they paid him off obviously.

Compounding lie upon lie is classic Trump.. There's always a new conspiracy to spread around.
Can you people summarize the Hunter Biden story in a clear and concise manner?


'You people' is derogatory.

How about 'You people' do your own homework.

PS - I forgot a few things.
Hunter was kicked out of the military for drug abuse.
Hunter has never held a job - the dude is 50 something years old and NEVER held a job! wtf is that all about?

Hunter has had several jobs. Stop spreading lies. It just makes the whole Trump presidency look worse... and God knows its bad enough.

The real October surprise should have been Durham indictments but they paid him off obviously.

All these manufactured controversies never go anywhere
  • Hillary Emails
  • Benghazi
  • Obamagate
  • Nunes Report
  • Durham Report
  • Burisma
  • Hunters Laptop
These 'bombshells' ALWAYS fizzle like wet firecrackers...
Can you people summarize the Hunter Biden story in a clear and concise manner?


Sure: Hunter is a crook, his father is a crook, his uncle is probably a crook, and they are being paid off by the Chinese. In addition to being a crook, Hunter Biden is also a cokehead and probably a perv.

Direct quote from a (retired) Federal prosecutor: "I have gotten convictions on less than what was just on Hunter Biden's computer."
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