Remember: There Was No ‘Insurrection’ on January 6, 2021

I wanted to have a civilized discussion about this, but I see that's impossible with a rabid lunatic like you.

You're a fucking moron. You're not capable of a lucid discussion. The fact that you think the Speaker of the House is in charge of the Capitol is just more evidence of that. You must think Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer now reports to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, since you believe Pelosi was in charge of the Capitol.

Well, as long as we are discussing J6, how 'bout that Bigo Barnett trial? You remember Bigo, the bloke with his foot up on Pelosi's desk.

Bigo took to the stand today to defend himself.
And he abundantly proved why defense attorneys hate it when their client agrees to testify on his own behalf.

Here's this reportage:

“You love the Constitution?” asked the prosecutor. "Love it!" Barnett said. "First Amendment?" the prosecutor said. "Yes," said Barnett. "Second Amendment?" the prosecutor said. "Yes," said Barnett. "Love the Third Amendment?" the prosecutor said. "Yes," said Barnett.

“What’s the Third Amendment?” the prosecutor then followed up.
Bigo paused and said, “I don’t know.”

The funniest part of that idiot was when he denied calling Nancy Pelosi a "bitch." And when his own hand written note showed he called her a "bitch," he denied that word was, "bitch."


... then this video surfaced ...

You're a fucking moron. You're not capable of a lucid discussion. The fact that you think the Speaker of the House is in charge of the Capitol is just more evidence of that. You must think Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer now reports to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, since you believe Pelosi was in charge of the Capitol.

The speaker of the House is third in line of succession, dumbass. There's nothing unreasonable about assuming she's the one in charge. However, I'm not going to argue about this triviality. Jumping all over such trivialities is your favorite hobby.
The speaker of the House is third in line of succession, dumbass. There's nothing unreasonable about assuming she's the one in charge. However, I'm not going to argue about this triviality. Jumping all over such trivialities is your favorite hobby.

Line of succession doesn't make the Speaker of the House in charge of the Capitol, you fucking moron.

The vice president is first in the line of succession and that doesn't make them in charge of the Capitol either.

And by the way, the Speaker of the House is second in the line of succession, not third. The line of succession doesn't begin with the President. The president doesn't succeed themselves. :eusa_doh:

Are you ever not a fucking moron?

Hey dumbshit.
A. There isn’t a billion people in country stupid.

I said international, dipstick.

Have you no reading comprehension?

Damn, I thank God every day I'm not a leftard.

B. Votes “change” all night long you dope.

They don't go DOWN, you idiot.

Goddammit, leftards are the biggest bunch of retarded asswipes on the planet.
I said international, dipstick.

Have you no reading comprehension?

Damn, I thank God every day I'm not a leftard.

They don't go DOWN, you idiot.

Goddammit, leftards are the biggest bunch of retarded asswipes on the planet.

Yet you have no video to prove that actually happened.
Recommended news to watch:
Follow that Biggo Barnett trial. If yesterday's questioning of Biggo is a precursor of what's to come, well, this is gonna be an entertaining goat-ropin'.

We've already discussed Biggo's love for the Bill of Rights....yet he embarrassingly showed he knows little about it other than he loves it. That was hoot.

But that wasn't the only exchange that must have had his defense attorneys looking down at their shoe tops or up at the ceiling, puffing out their cheeks and grimacing.

Biggo was asked a series of questions, starting out with....did he ever lie?
Of course not, he tries to be honest in all things.

Then, the prosecution did what we've all seen in most every fictional courtroom drama--they set and baited the trap.

They asked a series of yes or no questions about 'did he ever do this?" .... 'did he ever do that', and so on. And Biggo dutifully said 'No' he didn't. He's not that type of person, that's not who he is, yadda, yadda, yadda.

Then the prosecution (no surprise, we've seen this a gabillion times).....sprung the trap. They put up videos of Biggo doing exactly what he said he never did.


What's the 3rd Amendment about? "I don't know". Bazinga!!
And that did not happen


If I had a nickel for everyone of your retarded denials I'd be Elon Musk.

A => billion <= people saw it happen. All over the world. On live international television.

It was so fucking obvious you had math professors in EUROPE writing about it just three hours later.

You fucktards are so full of shit it isn't even funny. This last round we had SIXTY precincts with hardware problems that were ILLEGALLY introduced overnight.

=> SIXTY <=

And you rotten bastards lie your asses off to try to convince us it's normal.

Well it's not.

And you're a liar.

You're exactly like your idol Pedo Joe Biden. You just make stuff up. Whatever suits you at the moment. It happened, it didn't happen, it matters, it doesn't matter....

You're a habitual liar.

ALL progtards are liars. Every single fuckin one of them. Entirely untrustworthy. Completely unreliable.

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