Remember When Australia Was Touted as the Shining Example of Covid Shutdowns?

If lockdowns worked, you wouldn't still be under one. You aussie faggot.
We're not under a lockdown, some restrictions have just been re-introduced.
20 -29 yr olds are the ones most catching Covid now.
It has been noted by 'old people'.
You must be proud to have to spend your lives in prison and live your life in a gulag.
The lockdown 'prison' in Sydney; :)

So much for lockdown: Crowds flock to Sydney beaches

Crowds packed into Bondi Beach on Saturday. NCA NewsWire / Flavio Brancaleone. Credit: News Corp Australia]

Police were out in force, ensuring that people were wearing masks, abiding by social distancing rules and the public health order.
According to lockdown restrictions, residents must stay within their local government area or within a 5km radius of their home.

“Fresh air we know is the safest place to be at the present time,” he said. “But we do state, maintain your social distance and be careful.

Local residents packed into Sydney’s eastern suburbs beaches including Clovelly, Bronte and Bondi.
We're not under a lockdown, some restrictions have just been re-introduced.
20 -29 yr olds are the ones most catching Covid now.
It has been noted by 'old people'.
If restrictions worked, they wouldn’t be reintroducing them. Sheesh, Aussies are a dumb lot.
If restrictions worked, they wouldn’t be reintroducing them. Sheesh, Aussies are a dumb lot.
Restrictions did they went mad and threw them all out the window, seemed to cave to the protesters.
Police kicking down doors for simply posting masks don’t work on social media, deported to concentration camps for fully vaccinated people who were simply around someone infected, etc etc.

Australia now averages more than 100,000 new Covid cases per day – equal to about 1.5 million in the United States. One fine day last week, it reported 175,000, the equivalent of about 2.5 million, maybe the highest per-capita total any country has ever reported.

Deaths are still relatively low by American standards (Omicron). But they have risen sixfold in the last two weeks and are now at their highest level ever, equal to almost 700 deaths in the United States a day.

Narrative Fail.

Surrendering your weapons so that only the "good guys" in government have the guns seems like a winning idea, no?
Surrendering your weapons so that only the "good guys" in government have the guns seems like a winning idea, no?
There are millions of guns in Australia, bolt action rural areas.
Fight the govt man and his army?
WACO comes to mind.
That worked out well for the civilian fighters...not.
Australia watches part of the Five Eyes intelligence alliance;
Australia needs to increase it mask mandates, not decrease them.
UK removes all make mandates?
Obviously they think it's a good idea...I don't.

UK Summary | Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the UK

Tested positive in the last 7 days; 641,687
Mask Box Warning.png
There are millions of guns in Australia, bolt action rural areas.
Fight the govt man and his army?
WACO comes to mind.
That worked out well for the civilian fighters...not.
Liar. There aren’t a million people total in rural areas.
In the end, they will be known as the country that did everything totally fucking wrong

Do they have to be masked to put Shrimp on the barbe?
In the end, they will be known as the country that did everything totally fucking wrong

Are you referring to the US?
Liar. There aren’t a million people total in rural areas.
Rural and remote health - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare

Around 7 million people—about 28% of the Australian population—live in rural and remote areas, which encompass many diverse locations and communities (ABS 2019d).


New gun ownership figures revealed 25 years on from Port Arthur

There has been a significant shift in the country’s gun culture
Australia's response to the Port Arthur massacre should be looked at by the United States as an example, Sydney experts say, while warning against complacency as new figures show people who own guns have bought more.

New University of Sydney figures on gun ownership in Australia:

  • Australian civilians now own more than 3.5 million registered firearms, an average of four for each licensed gun owner.
  • The proportion of Australians who hold a gun licence has fallen by 48 percent since 1997.
  • The proportion of Australian households with a firearm has fallen by 75 percent in recent decades.
  • Data indicates that people who already own guns have bought more rather than an increase in new gun owners.

1776 called, we're taking our country back
In 1901 we embraced Britain, federated Australia, created a Constitution, mixed in a Senate American style, made the British Monarch our Head of State...and lived happily ever after.
The Monarchy; ...politicians, military, police etc swear allegiance to the Monarch.
Our Constitutional Monarchy, a level of protection for the People above the politicians.
ScoMo couldn't order Army personnel onto the streets [no guns] to assist the police with pandemic rules enforcement, and to assist distributing food to people isolating at home and in buildings, etc...without the permission of the Queen's "Head of State" representative in Australia, the Governor-General.
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Why are we wearing masks?

What is the best face mask to wear to stop the spread of COVID-19?

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is reported to be considering updating its mask advice to recommend people wear N95 masks.


Many in bambuworld have been wearing N95/P2 masks from the beginning of 2021.
Best if everyone wears masks to stop the spread.
I'm 70 with a heart condition. I've had both the Alpha and Omicron variant a year apart. I don't mask and I am not getting the genetic therapy and I'm still here--so much for the scamdemic panic porn.

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