Republican Congressman Introduces Legislation to Strip Convicted Rioters of Federal Welfare Benefits

This will last about 5 minutes in a Federal Court. Let me guess, it was co-sponsored by Larry, Mo and Curly.
you just named prune face pelosi--the hemorrhoid in her ass schumer and last but not least BEIJING joe...way to go---those names arent associated with anybody but the demoncrats

Are you saying you support the bill? Are you so eaten up with your head so far up Rumps Rectum that you can't see the long term pitfalls?
i can sense the worry in your comment---and also, telling by your comment, you must have your brain so far up prune face pelosis ass...that you cant think for yourself---just saying

I think in legal terms. A law has to be clear and concise and should not be susseptible to misinterpretation. No law should be passed that has to immediately ruled on by a court of law. This one doesn't meet that criteria. Your head is so far up Rumps Rectum that you believe anything that comes out of a Rumpsters Ass is correct. And it won't get past any committee if it even gets that far. Not every Rumpster in the House is dumb enough to vote Yay on this thing.
bain dead answer

This will last about 5 minutes in a Federal Court. Let me guess, it was co-sponsored by Larry, Mo and Curly.
you just named prune face pelosi--the hemorrhoid in her ass schumer and last but not least BEIJING joe...way to go---those names arent associated with anybody but the demoncrats

Are you saying you support the bill? Are you so eaten up with your head so far up Rumps Rectum that you can't see the long term pitfalls?
i can sense the worry in your comment---and also, telling by your comment, you must have your brain so far up prune face pelosis ass...that you cant think for yourself---just saying

I think in legal terms. A law has to be clear and concise and should not be susseptible to misinterpretation. No law should be passed that has to immediately ruled on by a court of law. This one doesn't meet that criteria. Your head is so far up Rumps Rectum that you believe anything that comes out of a Rumpsters Ass is correct. And it won't get past any committee if it even gets that far. Not every Rumpster in the House is dumb enough to vote Yay on this thing.
bain dead answer

Yah,, following the law doesn't apply to a Rumpster. And anyone that demands that you do is brain dead. Hey, I can live with that. Like millions, we will all remember that on November 3rd.

This will last about 5 minutes in a Federal Court. Let me guess, it was co-sponsored by Larry, Mo and Curly.
you just named prune face pelosi--the hemorrhoid in her ass schumer and last but not least BEIJING joe...way to go---those names arent associated with anybody but the demoncrats

Are you saying you support the bill? Are you so eaten up with your head so far up Rumps Rectum that you can't see the long term pitfalls?
i can sense the worry in your comment---and also, telling by your comment, you must have your brain so far up prune face pelosis ass...that you cant think for yourself---just saying

I think in legal terms. A law has to be clear and concise and should not be susseptible to misinterpretation. No law should be passed that has to immediately ruled on by a court of law. This one doesn't meet that criteria. Your head is so far up Rumps Rectum that you believe anything that comes out of a Rumpsters Ass is correct. And it won't get past any committee if it even gets that far. Not every Rumpster in the House is dumb enough to vote Yay on this thing.
bain dead answer

Yah,, following the law doesn't apply to a Rumpster. And anyone that demands that you do is brain dead. Hey, I can live with that. Like millions, we will all remember that on November 3rd.
and be disappointed on november 4th
If Sleepy Joe were elected, such a rule would never be enforced against Liberal Rioters, instead they would try to manipulate the law to make Pro Life marches officially designated as "riots"so they can silence the opposition.

The problem with the Congressman's legislation is that it requires discernment that we really can't guarantee that future executives will have.

One would think that before you allowed Rump to get so loose with the Constitution, you would have considered this point. We need checks and balances and I don't see any checks and balances in this proposal. Pretty much, all one has to do is call anyone a Looter, Rioter and, poof, they are cast out. Like I said, this piece of crap won't last 5 minutes in any Federal Court. Even if Rump were to heavily stack the court because the Courts have enough to do already without this crap.

It's funny how you lie about Trump violating the COTUS, but when your hero, the obummer, actually DID violate it, all we got from you was crickets.

Why is that, daryl?

This will last about 5 minutes in a Federal Court. Let me guess, it was co-sponsored by Larry, Mo and Curly.
you just named prune face pelosi--the hemorrhoid in her ass schumer and last but not least BEIJING joe...way to go---those names arent associated with anybody but the demoncrats

Are you saying you support the bill? Are you so eaten up with your head so far up Rumps Rectum that you can't see the long term pitfalls?
i can sense the worry in your comment---and also, telling by your comment, you must have your brain so far up prune face pelosis ass...that you cant think for yourself---just saying

I think in legal terms. A law has to be clear and concise and should not be susseptible to misinterpretation. No law should be passed that has to immediately ruled on by a court of law. This one doesn't meet that criteria. Your head is so far up Rumps Rectum that you believe anything that comes out of a Rumpsters Ass is correct. And it won't get past any committee if it even gets that far. Not every Rumpster in the House is dumb enough to vote Yay on this thing.
bain dead answer

Yah,, following the law doesn't apply to a Rumpster. And anyone that demands that you do is brain dead. Hey, I can live with that. Like millions, we will all remember that on November 3rd.
and be disappointed on november 4th

You being disappointed on November 4th isn't my problem. Maybe they will have a sauve or ointment at Walmart in the As Seen on TV section to help you.
If Sleepy Joe were elected, such a rule would never be enforced against Liberal Rioters, instead they would try to manipulate the law to make Pro Life marches officially designated as "riots"so they can silence the opposition.

The problem with the Congressman's legislation is that it requires discernment that we really can't guarantee that future executives will have.

One would think that before you allowed Rump to get so loose with the Constitution, you would have considered this point. We need checks and balances and I don't see any checks and balances in this proposal. Pretty much, all one has to do is call anyone a Looter, Rioter and, poof, they are cast out. Like I said, this piece of crap won't last 5 minutes in any Federal Court. Even if Rump were to heavily stack the court because the Courts have enough to do already without this crap.

It's funny how you lie about Trump violating the COTUS, but when your hero, the obummer, actually DID violate it, all we got from you was crickets.

Why is that, daryl?

The only proof you have is because Rump says it is so. Meanwhile, even during the RNC Convention, Rump couldn't follow the law and you gave him another free ride.

This will last about 5 minutes in a Federal Court. Let me guess, it was co-sponsored by Larry, Mo and Curly.
you just named prune face pelosi--the hemorrhoid in her ass schumer and last but not least BEIJING joe...way to go---those names arent associated with anybody but the demoncrats

Are you saying you support the bill? Are you so eaten up with your head so far up Rumps Rectum that you can't see the long term pitfalls?
i can sense the worry in your comment---and also, telling by your comment, you must have your brain so far up prune face pelosis ass...that you cant think for yourself---just saying

I think in legal terms. A law has to be clear and concise and should not be susseptible to misinterpretation. No law should be passed that has to immediately ruled on by a court of law. This one doesn't meet that criteria. Your head is so far up Rumps Rectum that you believe anything that comes out of a Rumpsters Ass is correct. And it won't get past any committee if it even gets that far. Not every Rumpster in the House is dumb enough to vote Yay on this thing.
bain dead answer

Yah,, following the law doesn't apply to a Rumpster. And anyone that demands that you do is brain dead. Hey, I can live with that. Like millions, we will all remember that on November 3rd.
and be disappointed on november 4th

You being disappointed on November 4th isn't my problem. Maybe they will have a sauve or ointment at Walmart in the As Seen on TV section to help you.
Yeah. Well, hang on to your pussyhat anyway.

This will last about 5 minutes in a Federal Court. Let me guess, it was co-sponsored by Larry, Mo and Curly.
you just named prune face pelosi--the hemorrhoid in her ass schumer and last but not least BEIJING joe...way to go---those names arent associated with anybody but the demoncrats

Are you saying you support the bill? Are you so eaten up with your head so far up Rumps Rectum that you can't see the long term pitfalls?
i can sense the worry in your comment---and also, telling by your comment, you must have your brain so far up prune face pelosis ass...that you cant think for yourself---just saying

I think in legal terms. A law has to be clear and concise and should not be susseptible to misinterpretation. No law should be passed that has to immediately ruled on by a court of law. This one doesn't meet that criteria. Your head is so far up Rumps Rectum that you believe anything that comes out of a Rumpsters Ass is correct. And it won't get past any committee if it even gets that far. Not every Rumpster in the House is dumb enough to vote Yay on this thing.
bain dead answer

Yah,, following the law doesn't apply to a Rumpster. And anyone that demands that you do is brain dead. Hey, I can live with that. Like millions, we will all remember that on November 3rd.

Poor moochers-------upset that you'all may not be getting that government check anymore.
If Sleepy Joe were elected, such a rule would never be enforced against Liberal Rioters, instead they would try to manipulate the law to make Pro Life marches officially designated as "riots"so they can silence the opposition.

The problem with the Congressman's legislation is that it requires discernment that we really can't guarantee that future executives will have.

One would think that before you allowed Rump to get so loose with the Constitution, you would have considered this point. We need checks and balances and I don't see any checks and balances in this proposal. Pretty much, all one has to do is call anyone a Looter, Rioter and, poof, they are cast out. Like I said, this piece of crap won't last 5 minutes in any Federal Court. Even if Rump were to heavily stack the court because the Courts have enough to do already without this crap.

It's funny how you lie about Trump violating the COTUS, but when your hero, the obummer, actually DID violate it, all we got from you was crickets.

Why is that, daryl?

The only proof you have is because Rump says it is so. Meanwhile, even during the RNC Convention, Rump couldn't follow the law and you gave him another free ride.

No, dumbass, DACA was a direct violation of the COTUS. Even obummer admitted that. But you stalinists don't care so long as you violate the COTUS to benefit YOU.

Scumbags, all of you.

This will last about 5 minutes in a Federal Court. Let me guess, it was co-sponsored by Larry, Mo and Curly.
you just named prune face pelosi--the hemorrhoid in her ass schumer and last but not least BEIJING joe...way to go---those names arent associated with anybody but the demoncrats

Are you saying you support the bill? Are you so eaten up with your head so far up Rumps Rectum that you can't see the long term pitfalls?
i can sense the worry in your comment---and also, telling by your comment, you must have your brain so far up prune face pelosis ass...that you cant think for yourself---just saying

I think in legal terms. A law has to be clear and concise and should not be susseptible to misinterpretation. No law should be passed that has to immediately ruled on by a court of law. This one doesn't meet that criteria. Your head is so far up Rumps Rectum that you believe anything that comes out of a Rumpsters Ass is correct. And it won't get past any committee if it even gets that far. Not every Rumpster in the House is dumb enough to vote Yay on this thing.
bain dead answer

Yah,, following the law doesn't apply to a Rumpster. And anyone that demands that you do is brain dead. Hey, I can live with that. Like millions, we will all remember that on November 3rd.
Progs can not survive without Non Progs. At some point they will destroy infrastructure. The infrastructure that leads to cities.

This will last about 5 minutes in a Federal Court. Let me guess, it was co-sponsored by Larry, Mo and Curly.
you just named prune face pelosi--the hemorrhoid in her ass schumer and last but not least BEIJING joe...way to go---those names arent associated with anybody but the demoncrats

Are you saying you support the bill? Are you so eaten up with your head so far up Rumps Rectum that you can't see the long term pitfalls?
i can sense the worry in your comment---and also, telling by your comment, you must have your brain so far up prune face pelosis ass...that you cant think for yourself---just saying

I think in legal terms. A law has to be clear and concise and should not be susseptible to misinterpretation. No law should be passed that has to immediately ruled on by a court of law. This one doesn't meet that criteria. Your head is so far up Rumps Rectum that you believe anything that comes out of a Rumpsters Ass is correct. And it won't get past any committee if it even gets that far. Not every Rumpster in the House is dumb enough to vote Yay on this thing.
bain dead answer

Yah,, following the law doesn't apply to a Rumpster. And anyone that demands that you do is brain dead. Hey, I can live with that. Like millions, we will all remember that on November 3rd.
and be disappointed on november 4th

You being disappointed on November 4th isn't my problem. Maybe they will have a sauve or ointment at Walmart in the As Seen on TV section to help you.
Yeah. Well, hang on to your pussyhat anyway.

One of my Hats is a Service cap from the United States Air Force and I am authorized to wear it on special occasions. Plus, instead of placing my hand over my heart when the Anthem is played, I have the option to salute. I took an oath 5 times (the same oath) and no one told me that I had to no longer believe in it. And that is the problem you have with me. And millions like me. You want to call yourself a Patriot but you haven't paid enough for the right. It's a right you have to earn. You haven't paid it. That's makes you a foul mouthed freeloader.

This will last about 5 minutes in a Federal Court. Let me guess, it was co-sponsored by Larry, Mo and Curly.
you just named prune face pelosi--the hemorrhoid in her ass schumer and last but not least BEIJING joe...way to go---those names arent associated with anybody but the demoncrats

Are you saying you support the bill? Are you so eaten up with your head so far up Rumps Rectum that you can't see the long term pitfalls?
i can sense the worry in your comment---and also, telling by your comment, you must have your brain so far up prune face pelosis ass...that you cant think for yourself---just saying

I think in legal terms. A law has to be clear and concise and should not be susseptible to misinterpretation. No law should be passed that has to immediately ruled on by a court of law. This one doesn't meet that criteria. Your head is so far up Rumps Rectum that you believe anything that comes out of a Rumpsters Ass is correct. And it won't get past any committee if it even gets that far. Not every Rumpster in the House is dumb enough to vote Yay on this thing.
bain dead answer

Yah,, following the law doesn't apply to a Rumpster. And anyone that demands that you do is brain dead. Hey, I can live with that. Like millions, we will all remember that on November 3rd.
Progs can not survive without Non Progs. At some point they will destroy infrastructure. The infrastructure that leads to cities.

And Conservatives can not survive without the Progs. Otherwise,, you will eat your own until nothing is left but one and that one will starve to death out of loneliness.

This will last about 5 minutes in a Federal Court. Let me guess, it was co-sponsored by Larry, Mo and Curly.
you just named prune face pelosi--the hemorrhoid in her ass schumer and last but not least BEIJING joe...way to go---those names arent associated with anybody but the demoncrats

Are you saying you support the bill? Are you so eaten up with your head so far up Rumps Rectum that you can't see the long term pitfalls?
i can sense the worry in your comment---and also, telling by your comment, you must have your brain so far up prune face pelosis ass...that you cant think for yourself---just saying

I think in legal terms. A law has to be clear and concise and should not be susseptible to misinterpretation. No law should be passed that has to immediately ruled on by a court of law. This one doesn't meet that criteria. Your head is so far up Rumps Rectum that you believe anything that comes out of a Rumpsters Ass is correct. And it won't get past any committee if it even gets that far. Not every Rumpster in the House is dumb enough to vote Yay on this thing.
bain dead answer

Yah,, following the law doesn't apply to a Rumpster. And anyone that demands that you do is brain dead. Hey, I can live with that. Like millions, we will all remember that on November 3rd.
and be disappointed on november 4th

You being disappointed on November 4th isn't my problem. Maybe they will have a sauve or ointment at Walmart in the As Seen on TV section to help you.
Yeah. Well, hang on to your pussyhat anyway.

One of my Hats is a Service cap from the United States Air Force and I am authorized to wear it on special occasions. Plus, instead of placing my hand over my heart when the Anthem is played, I have the option to salute. I took an oath 5 times (the same oath) and no one told me that I had to no longer believe in it. And that is the problem you have with me. And millions like me. You want to call yourself a Patriot but you haven't paid enough for the right. It's a right you have to earn. You haven't paid it. That's makes you a foul mouthed freeloader.
I was talking about your pussyhat. You're going to need it. I don't care about the others.

This will last about 5 minutes in a Federal Court. Let me guess, it was co-sponsored by Larry, Mo and Curly.
you just named prune face pelosi--the hemorrhoid in her ass schumer and last but not least BEIJING joe...way to go---those names arent associated with anybody but the demoncrats

Are you saying you support the bill? Are you so eaten up with your head so far up Rumps Rectum that you can't see the long term pitfalls?
i can sense the worry in your comment---and also, telling by your comment, you must have your brain so far up prune face pelosis ass...that you cant think for yourself---just saying

I think in legal terms. A law has to be clear and concise and should not be susseptible to misinterpretation. No law should be passed that has to immediately ruled on by a court of law. This one doesn't meet that criteria. Your head is so far up Rumps Rectum that you believe anything that comes out of a Rumpsters Ass is correct. And it won't get past any committee if it even gets that far. Not every Rumpster in the House is dumb enough to vote Yay on this thing.
bain dead answer

Yah,, following the law doesn't apply to a Rumpster. And anyone that demands that you do is brain dead. Hey, I can live with that. Like millions, we will all remember that on November 3rd.

Poor moochers-------upset that you'all may not be getting that government check anymore.

I get 3 of them and I earned all 3. Two of them requires you to keep working so I support you getting a better job so you can afford to give me a raise. Now buck up and get busy, you are failing the system.

This will last about 5 minutes in a Federal Court. Let me guess, it was co-sponsored by Larry, Mo and Curly.
you just named prune face pelosi--the hemorrhoid in her ass schumer and last but not least BEIJING joe...way to go---those names arent associated with anybody but the demoncrats

Are you saying you support the bill? Are you so eaten up with your head so far up Rumps Rectum that you can't see the long term pitfalls?
i can sense the worry in your comment---and also, telling by your comment, you must have your brain so far up prune face pelosis ass...that you cant think for yourself---just saying

I think in legal terms. A law has to be clear and concise and should not be susseptible to misinterpretation. No law should be passed that has to immediately ruled on by a court of law. This one doesn't meet that criteria. Your head is so far up Rumps Rectum that you believe anything that comes out of a Rumpsters Ass is correct. And it won't get past any committee if it even gets that far. Not every Rumpster in the House is dumb enough to vote Yay on this thing.
bain dead answer

Yah,, following the law doesn't apply to a Rumpster. And anyone that demands that you do is brain dead. Hey, I can live with that. Like millions, we will all remember that on November 3rd.
and be disappointed on november 4th

You being disappointed on November 4th isn't my problem. Maybe they will have a sauve or ointment at Walmart in the As Seen on TV section to help you.
Yeah. Well, hang on to your pussyhat anyway.

One of my Hats is a Service cap from the United States Air Force and I am authorized to wear it on special occasions. Plus, instead of placing my hand over my heart when the Anthem is played, I have the option to salute. I took an oath 5 times (the same oath) and no one told me that I had to no longer believe in it. And that is the problem you have with me. And millions like me. You want to call yourself a Patriot but you haven't paid enough for the right. It's a right you have to earn. You haven't paid it. That's makes you a foul mouthed freeloader.
I was talking about your pussyhat. You're going to need it. I don't care about the others.

Funny, you say things in here that you would never say in person. Guess it tells us all who the real pussy is. I don't say a damned thing in here I wouldn't say in person.

This will last about 5 minutes in a Federal Court. Let me guess, it was co-sponsored by Larry, Mo and Curly.
you just named prune face pelosi--the hemorrhoid in her ass schumer and last but not least BEIJING joe...way to go---those names arent associated with anybody but the demoncrats

Are you saying you support the bill? Are you so eaten up with your head so far up Rumps Rectum that you can't see the long term pitfalls?
i can sense the worry in your comment---and also, telling by your comment, you must have your brain so far up prune face pelosis ass...that you cant think for yourself---just saying

I think in legal terms. A law has to be clear and concise and should not be susseptible to misinterpretation. No law should be passed that has to immediately ruled on by a court of law. This one doesn't meet that criteria. Your head is so far up Rumps Rectum that you believe anything that comes out of a Rumpsters Ass is correct. And it won't get past any committee if it even gets that far. Not every Rumpster in the House is dumb enough to vote Yay on this thing.
bain dead answer

Yah,, following the law doesn't apply to a Rumpster. And anyone that demands that you do is brain dead. Hey, I can live with that. Like millions, we will all remember that on November 3rd.
and be disappointed on november 4th

You being disappointed on November 4th isn't my problem. Maybe they will have a sauve or ointment at Walmart in the As Seen on TV section to help you.
Yeah. Well, hang on to your pussyhat anyway.

One of my Hats is a Service cap from the United States Air Force and I am authorized to wear it on special occasions. Plus, instead of placing my hand over my heart when the Anthem is played, I have the option to salute. I took an oath 5 times (the same oath) and no one told me that I had to no longer believe in it. And that is the problem you have with me. And millions like me. You want to call yourself a Patriot but you haven't paid enough for the right. It's a right you have to earn. You haven't paid it. That's makes you a foul mouthed freeloader.
I was talking about your pussyhat. You're going to need it. I don't care about the others.

Funny, you say things in here that you would never say in person. Guess it tells us all who the real pussy is. I don't say a damned thing in here I wouldn't say in person.
Yes, I'm sure you're very manly, but hang on to that pussyhat anyway.
If Sleepy Joe were elected, such a rule would never be enforced against Liberal Rioters, instead they would try to manipulate the law to make Pro Life marches officially designated as "riots"so they can silence the opposition.

The problem with the Congressman's legislation is that it requires discernment that we really can't guarantee that future executives will have.

One would think that before you allowed Rump to get so loose with the Constitution, you would have considered this point. We need checks and balances and I don't see any checks and balances in this proposal. Pretty much, all one has to do is call anyone a Looter, Rioter and, poof, they are cast out. Like I said, this piece of crap won't last 5 minutes in any Federal Court. Even if Rump were to heavily stack the court because the Courts have enough to do already without this crap.

It's funny how you lie about Trump violating the COTUS, but when your hero, the obummer, actually DID violate it, all we got from you was crickets.

Why is that, daryl?

The only proof you have is because Rump says it is so. Meanwhile, even during the RNC Convention, Rump couldn't follow the law and you gave him another free ride.

No, dumbass, DACA was a direct violation of the COTUS. Even obummer admitted that. But you stalinists don't care so long as you violate the COTUS to benefit YOU.

Scumbags, all of you.

The reason that the SCOTUS upheld it was the fact that the do nothing Congress couldn't get along with each other long enough to do what is right. The Executive Order was a stopgap. It should have been immediately followed up with a Congressional Bill overriding the EO. But after a decade, it's still not done. You want the EO gone, get Congress off it's dead ass. And it's not just the Democrats fault. The House has presented a DACA bill to the Senate and it sits in the bottom left hand drawer in Moscow Mitch's desk and he refuses to even let it go to a committee so that an counter off can be offered. How many free rides are you willing to give the Party of the Rumpsters. When you put the Republican Party back together, we don't want you.

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